Local Government TV

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Congressman Charlie Dent Stands Up to W

Flip flopper. Spineless. These are just some of the nice words many local Dems use when they speak of Lehigh Valley Congressman Charlie Dent.

No more!
House Republican moderates, in a remarkably blunt White House meeting, warned President Bush this week that his pursuit of the war in Iraq is risking the future of the Republican Party and that he cannot count on GOP support for many more months...The meeting, organized by Rep. Charlie Dent (Pa.), one of the co-chairs of the moderate "Tuesday Group," included Reps. Thomas M. Davis III (Va.), Michael N. Castle (Del.), Todd R. Platts (Pa.), Jim Ramstad (Minn.) and Jo Ann Emerson (Mo.).


  1. Don't call him Charlie, call him "Flipper"

  2. his basis for this... my poll numbers are sagging. Not that the president is wrong or that we need a course correction. Bush is unpopular and Dent is smart enough to know that if the status quo is in place in Nov. 08, he's looking for a job in the private sector.

    "Even so, the Republicans who attended the White House session indicated that they would maintain solidarity with Mr. Bush for now by opposing the latest Democratic proposal for two-stage financing of war, which is scheduled for a vote on Thursday in the House."

    That's right... he's saying that I'll continue with the current course but unless the politics change, I'm changing. Pure politics. Let's see where he votes on the funding matter. If he demands accountability, then I'll pay attention. Until then, this is Charlie still not taking a stance.

  3. Anon 9:56,

    I've got to admit, that cracked me up. I started thinking of the song, "They call him Flipper, Flipper ..."

    I like what he did. So does LVDem. he just doesn't realize it yet. I'll brainwash him tonight in his sleep.

  4. Oh boo-freakin-hoo. If someone makes himself a public figure he should be prepared to deal with the consequences of his past. If he can't handle getting a little beat up in a primary election how could he ever handle a Northampton County Council meeting?

  5. I'm sorry that comment was meant for the Will Power blog, so I'll repost it there.

  6. BULLSHIT! This was nothing more than a PR job for the folks (and the sagging poll numbers) back home. Charlie, and the others, just want to keep their jobs.
    If he were serious, he would have voted FOR the latest House bill (yesterday), giving half the money requested now and the balance only after an update (positive) in July.
    Like the old tuna commercial said... "Sorry Charlie." I'm not buying it.


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