Local Government TV

Monday, November 20, 2006

NorCo's Thursday Night at the Fights: Dertinger and Angle

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"I won Northampton County, you know. I won Northampton County."

"Then why aren't you a Congressman?"

This is just a small part of the exchange between councilmen Charles Dertinger and Ron Angle following Thursday night's council meeting. They had sparred earlier over who gets credit for an ordinance adopted months ago. I thought their little tiff was over. I thought wrong.

At the end of Thursday's lengthy meeting, Express Times reporter extraordinare Sarah Cassi beelined right to Dertinger, and began asking questions. Unlike most public figures, Angle is drawn to the press like a moth to the flame. It was only a matter of moments before Angle and Dertinger were together.

Now I don't know exactly what Ron said or how he said it because I was in the peanut gallery, but Dertinger exploded. He launched an obscenity laced tirade as Angle tried to leave council chambers. He cornered the more diminutive Angle, pointing fingers in his face, getting closer, louder and redder. Deputy sheriffs were nowhere in sight. Council members were practically running out of the room, pretending not to notice what was going on. Lamont McClure gave me a little smile, and ran.

Thanks a lot! So much for his frickin' Code of Civility!

"I beat you Angle. And I can beat you again."

"Get out of my personal space. You're in my personal space."

I kept trying to put myself between the two, but only succeeded momentarily. It was a silly exchange, the kind of thing that might happen in grade school recess. I was beginning to think Dertinger would deck Angle when the lava flow suddenly stopped.

At this point, Angle turned to me and smiled, "Hey Bernie, I think I'll ask Charles to join us at Tic Toc Diner."

Now there is no doubt in my mind that Angle instigated whatever happened. And Dertinger is just coming off a congressional loss. But frankly, Dertinger demonstrated he is a not ready for prime time player. First, he lost control and let Angle get to him. Second, he acted like a schoolyard bully. Third, he was petty. This was no passionate argument over Iraq or our economy, but was instead over who is more wonderful. Did Angle behave badly? You bet, but he never claimed he belonged in congress. Last, Dertinger is wrong. He lost Northampton County, his home township, and even his own precinct.


  1. I would gladly call up Don King and ask him to promote this fight.
    i bet the McMahon family and the WWF would be interested in televising a smack down!
    What's really scary is the same people who think that Wrestlemania is real turn out in record numbers to vote!

  2. Addicted, We could have Pawlowski v. Herschman, followed by Dertinger v. Angle. Jolly Joe Timmer could be one of the color commentators. I think Dertinger coud take Angle in a fair fight, but it wouldn't be fair. They'd both have minions under the mat with those damn folding chairs. "Do you smell what the Ron is cooking?"

  3. Bernie O'Hare made an uncalled for derogatory remark toward Mr. Alan Jennings at this same meeting.

  4. Mr. Maniatty,

    Absolutely! I'm not running for anything and hold no public office. How about you, bippy? Why is an Allentown accountant watching a NC Council meeting? A big interest in the Meadows Bridge resolution? Deep concerns over a Palmer tax abatement ordinance?

    Jennings, our local prince of poverty, proclaimed that bond litigation was frivolous during courtesy of the floor. Those are fightin' words to me, especially since the first bond suit actually succeeded and council had to do it over. Jennings also told the press several years ago that those of us with concerns about a $37 million bond for open space were a group of "lying misfits." I didn't take kindly to that either. And in hindsight, we were correct. We were advocating a pay as you go plan, something Stoffa now embraces. Jennings also sponsored the ridiculous idea of buying cars for low income people, something designed to put high emission vehicles on a highway. He's not one of my favorite people, and I told him what I thought. If I had it to do over again, I would not do it. But I let an expletive fly very quietly, and immediately apologized to everyone who could hear me. That included you. That's something you neglect to mention. I wonder why.

    You also neglect to point out that Jennings made the same statement to me. And when he did, you made the point of standing up in the peanut gallery and insisted on shaking his hand. Of course, Jennings left soon after he made his own remarks. Although he wants everyone to know what he thinks, he's not particularly interested in listening to anyone else.

    Incidentally, I don't sit on Council and I'm not running for anything. But I think you might be. I never saw you at a NC Council meeting before last Thursday. I believe you are an Allentown resident. You're not from NC unless you have just moved here. Yet there you were, paying rapt attention to McClure's discussion about missing money in the criminal division. You're also a bean counter - an accountant. So my guess is you smell blood in the water too, and are considering a challenge to Schimmel if he runs for Controller again. And that is apparently why McClure is making such a fuss about his "investigation" of the missing money. So are you taking on Schimmel?

  5. Just linked to your blog from the MC website, nice stuff, inspired me to make my own.
    Dertinger should have showed some of that fire and anger during the campaign, he was way too nice to dent, but I am not surprised that Mr. Angle was the one to bring it out of him

  6. http://southsidescript.blogspot.com/

  7. I will check you out. Thanks for the link and your nice words!

  8. Mr. Jennings acted very civil compared to your uncivil behavior. Mr. Russ Shade was a witness to your uncivil behavior. Do not forget Mr. David McGuire also was at the meeting.

  9. Mr. Maniatty, As indicated, I apologized immediately to anyone who could hear me when I called Jennings a name. Interestingly, Jennings had no apology. Yet Jennings is civil and I am uncivil. Maguire did not hear me. Russ Shade did, and I apologized to him immediately, as well as to you.

    While we are on the subject of civility, it is considered very rude in every society to ignore a question. So how about an answer?

  10. LV Latino, Your perspective is terrific and I will post it today!

  11. If you had acted civil, no apology would have been required for your derogatory remark.

  12. Well I guess we all can't be like you.

  13. Okay, Bernie O V. Georgie M on the under, undercard!

  14. In the future, I'll be a good little boy and keep my mouth shut. I keep forgetting we second class citizens are there to be seen, not heard. And pardon me for insisting on an answer to my question.

  15. Only if I get to see George in tights.

  16. I've checked George Speros Maniatty, Jr and his previous postings to Morning Call's Cumminity Forum, a truly scary place. On November 1, he posted a commment making clear he was part of the Dertinger campaign. He askes readers to "give us a call at (610) 797-6014". So I did. That number has been changed. It now rings directly to the Dertinger residence.

    Now I understand why I'm so uncivil.

  17. Tights? I just had the thought of Ron Angle in Spandex and began to choke!

  18. Is Angle that fat bloated rich guy that shoplifts socks in NJ?

  19. George was a super volunteer for us at the Dertinger campaign Bernie and is still an Allentown resident. He just happens to care about good government in both counties and attends meetings for his own information. I wish more citizens did that, although I myself am not found at a ton of meetings.

    As for Charles battling Ron, that's nothing new, and Ron brings out the worst in everyone. One REPUBLICAN county councilman once told me he felt blessed to see them in the minority so that Ron would be Wayne's problem to control.

    With that man's history of ignorant remarks, Charles should have shown some fire and gotten in his face, as he did. It's that kind of unscripted response that shows people you care about more than your next run for office. So much for the "faithless politician" of the Morning Call?

  20. Rising Sun, thanks for your comments.

    George Speros Maniatty, Jr.

  21. Rising Sun,

    You're right. There's no doubt in my mind that Angle instigated the whole thing. But Dertinger's reaction was not a case of unscripted and in your face honesty. He simply lost control. And it wasn't over some important issue. It was over who gets credit for what. I couldn't see Dent or McHale acting that way. And Dertinger was physically menacing. He very nearly decked Angle.

    As far as George is concerned, I don't hold anything against anyone who takes an interest in government. But I think there's something else going on there.

  22. I will stand up to Bernie O'Hare and stop his bullying tactics.

  23. George,

    It's Rich, calm down, Bernie's not trying to bully you, I think you two have a misunderstanding. I had one of these a few days ago with someone far more senior than I, so I'd know.


    You saw the altercation, not me, so I defer to what you saw I guess. I can't say anything the different, nor have I talked to Charles to know what happened. Seems out of character for him.
    Dent and McHale probably would not get so heated, but as I think you imply, they were more seasoned when they made their runs. Could he use more seasoning too? Who couldn't?

  24. George,

    Don't hate me 'cause you can't be me.

    The only person I saw doing any bullying on Thursday was your candidate, Charles Dertinger. Maybe you missed that when you were shaking hands with Alan Jennings. He lost his cool, acted the fool, and you're his tool. Fortunately for Charles, the press did not pick up on it. If it had, he could kiss his congressional aspirations goodbye.

  25. I saw the altercation face to face with Ron Angle and Charles Dertinger.

  26. Rich Wilkins, Bernie is a bully.

    End of story.

  27. As my good Friend Ronald Wilson reagan would say, "There you go again!"

  28. Alright, I'm stepping out of this one.

  29. I will step into this.

    Bernie is a lot of things, but I haven't seen a bully. Bullies have an element of power over their victims. What power does Bernie have? Lawsuits? That's the last realm of opportunity to those who have lost all other power... political, social or otherwise. If holding people accountable is bullying, consider a lot of people bullies.

    Having interacted with Alan Jennings in the past, I'm not surprised at the behavior that Bernie described. Likewise, having seen bernie in action, I'm not surprised that he said a few things for which he apologized.

    But Bernie, I will hold you to something. You constantly defend Angle from the statements that I make about him. He is terrible for government for one significant reason: he is incapable of reasonable conversation. He seeks to push buttons just so that he can say he did something. Dertinger was not wise to fall into the trap, but I'd like for you to acknowledge for a moment that Angle specializes in one thing: pissing people off. I don't care if he talks about good government, sunshine and the like, the bottom line is that government is made of men and women and requires relationships and an element of trust. If an individual can't conduct himself in their company, then he doesn't belong in gov't. I'll say that about anybody who is incapable of building relationship and trust. Angle, in my mind, is the worst personality for gov't.

  30. Wahhh! Bernie yelled at Alan Jennings, Wahhhh!!! Bernie is picking a fight with Dertinger, Wahhhh! I need my diaper changed, Wahhh!

  31. I'm younger than 22! Don't you see the little in front of my name, I'm a little kid. My father, papa George, left his computer on, so here I am hacking away at that jerk, Bernie, he's the one that needs to get a life, I heard from my dad he barely knows how to wipe his own butt, Wahh!! I pick fights, Wahhhh!!!

  32. LVDem,

    First, Thanks for the nice words. Man, I'm going to have to be nice to you now for a few days.

    Second, George Maniatty thinks I'm a bully. That's fine with me. In fact that's a step up. Usually, I'm threatened with libel. Then my previous drinking history and law license suspensions are discussed. But seriously, when are people going to attack me for being a male pole dancer. Nobody wants to talk about that, for some reason.
    I'm appearing at Wilson's old Mirage on Thanksgiving Day if anyone is interested. I'll ask management to save a front row seat for George.

    Third, regarding Angle, you've asked me "to acknowledge for a moment that Angle specializes in one thing: pissing people off." I think you're right and freely acknowledge it. In fact, Angle would acknowledge it, too. Once he sees he is getting to someone, he pours it on. I've told him that many times. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it's not. He told me a few times that he thinks there should be an open season on bloggers. But I didn't let his joke get to me. At least I think he was joking.

    I'll go one step further. Ron is not the best person at working with other people. And even I know you have to try to do that if you expect to get anything done.

    And as I mentioned, there's no doubt in my mind that Ron instigated Dertinger's explosion. Dertinger's mistake was to let it get to him, make a scene, and nearly deck the guy. He got that way at the debate in Pen Argyl, too. He has a petty side. I think Angle has his number, and was pushing the button.

    I like Dertinger. He's always been gracious to me. I damn near voted for him. And I think he has potential. But the way he acted demonstrates he's just not ready. I think he could be ready someday. But now a proven winner is expressing interest, and Angle doesn't have her number.

    I disagree with pretty much everything else you say about Ron. I love the guy, and think we need him. But I'll save that argument for another day.

  33. Little George, I think LVDem just gave you a time out.

  34. My dad crunches numbers for a living, he's no farmer hick that just crawled out from under a corn stalk out here in eastern PA. He's an accountant, not just some hay seed lawyer. He doesn't believe in uncivil behavior! You can tell LVDem to piss off because I don't care, I am what I am, I am confused though... Dad! Why the F do I have a greek and an italian name? I don't even know my nationality, but my dad is right, Bernie O'Hare, you suck! And I challenge you to a duel, I am sick of your bullying tactics. And I want everyone to know that my father, Papa George Speros Maniatty, Jr. is not a bully, and will standup to O'Hare. F O'Hare, who does he think he is anyway, he lives in Nazareth, PA... ooooooh wow, all those cows scare me. Let me tell you something, I'm from Allentown, OK!!! We have murders and real socialogical problems here, I'm not some hick from Nazareth, PA eh hyuck hyuck... I will kick your ass OHare. I stand up for the little guys like alan jennings.

  35. OK, I spelled sociological wrong, but I'm a little kid, give me a break, JESUS!!

  36. this is just very odd... and I'm not drinking tonigh.

  37. LVDem, I'm going to go out now and smash my head again.

  38. Sounds like C&Y needs to yank Little Georgie out of his home & put him in foster care or protective custody. Given his age & his cyberbehavior, he's obviously in a nasty home situation there with mom & pop.


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