Local Government TV

Friday, February 21, 2025

NorCo Council Upgrades Chief Public Defender to Full-Time Position

Last night, Northampton County Council voted that the position of part-time Chief Public Defender be upgraded to make it a full-time position. This vote followed a meeting yesterday in which Chief Public Defender Nuria DiLuzio justified the upgrade. 

As a part-time Chief Public Defender, Di Luzio is paid an annual $78,188 salary. As a full-time employee, she will be paid $107,482 a year. 

The position is "exempt," meaning that she serves at the pleasure of the Executive and can be replaced as Executives change. 

The upgrade was adopted by a vote of 7-1. It was supported by Council members John Goffredo, Tom Giovanni, Jeff Warren, Jeff Corpora, Kelly Keegan, Ken Kraft (by phone) and Ron Heckman (by phone). It was opposed by Council member John Brown with no explanation. 

Council President Lori Vargo Heffner was absent from this part of the meeting but participated by phone later. 

John Goffredo, Council's VP, chaired his first meeting, and kept it down to 27 minutes. 


  1. God help us. NC Council are a bunch of idiots. They need to go with McClueless.

  2. If the executive approves this, the 'full time' position would stifle any future lawyer from pushing for that position. Diluzio or any incoming future chief would essentially be prohibited from private practice. The new position would be a 9-5 job for roughly $51.67/hr with pension and medical benefits compared to the present salary ($37.60/hr with pension). SMH.

    1. Good. Being responsible for all indigent defense in the county isn't a side hustle.

    2. what the hell are you talking about, we had the assistant DA doing his own practice for years... stop making shit up ok?

    3. If people want to talk about wasting money, I wonder when Bernie is going to report about the suspensions in the DAs office that occurred last Friday where it is alleged that some staff members have fraudulently claimed a bogus amount of overtime, costing the county lot$ of money.


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