Local Government TV

Friday, January 03, 2025

Ron Heckman Decides Against Seeking Third Term on NorCo Council

Northampton County Council is going to lose both an experienced and dedicated public servant in 2026. Ron Heckman, who has served two consecutive terms on NorCo's legislative body, has decided to call it quits. He has served for 16 years altogether as a member of the governing body. He also spent eight years as Director of Human Services under former Executive Glenn Reibman. He also presided over Council when the Forensic Center was built. 

A Democrat, Heckman was a strong advocate for Gracedale, the county-owned nursing home. He also authored the county's first farmland preservation resolution as well as a local labor ordinance requiring that local labor be used on county projects. He never voted for a tax hike. He has always been a voice for people on the edge, living one paycheck away from poverty. 

He believed that class wars matter a bit more than the culture wars embraced by some other members of Council. 

Heckman was plagued by numerous health issues in 2024, his annus horribilis. Though those are now behind him, he told me in a conversation last night that he'd like to spend for time with his wife of 50 years and do some traveling. "I think I could still continue, but it's time to step away," he told me. "The time has come."

Though he generally agreed with Executive Lamont McClure, he has been an independent voice and believes legislative bodies have generally abrogated their role as am check and balance on executive power, which is tending to become more authoritarian on a national, state and local level. 

He will be sorely missed. 

Northampton County Council will be reorganizing on Monday. He has no interest in serving as President.


  1. Will young progressives step up to serve the new generation?

    1. Hopefully not.

    2. Washington was sent a message, we’ll send you one.

  2. Bring back that other Ron, Ron Angle, and let's make Northampton County great again!!!

    1. Time has passed them by but a council of Ron Angle, Wayne Grube, Mike Dowd, Rich Grucela and Peg Ferraro with Gerry Seyfried as executive is what good government is about

  3. Ron has definitely been a reliable vote for the McClure Administration which is why it has been so successful.

    1. Yeah when the executive has been able to rescue him from Lori's elder abuse tendencies.

  4. Ron was a solid voice against McClure’s insane $29 million give away to the Dixie development. Let’s hope they kill that give away of our tax dollars long before Ron leaves.

    1. Amen to this comment! Let’s hope Ron stops the $29 m Dixie taxpayer robbery before he retires ! Once and for all!!!

  5. It’s about time..

  6. Ron might be a little windy on issues, however, he had a lot of common sense and voted correctly on 99.9 % of the issues. I hope he can put his health issues behind him and we should all join in wishing him a happy retirement.
    A taxpayer who sincerely appreciated his activism.

  7. His hair is LEGENDARY

  8. For BO's sake we need a maga cult person on council. BO will joyfully being posting away evert day.

    1. We already have Goffredo for that. Just look at the dude's Twitter or X or whatever they call it these days.

  9. I wish him well. But two terms should be the limit for these positions.

  10. Anon 7:08 , I read today on Lehigh valley live that Nat Hyman is redeveloping the old Crayola building that is on the other side of 22 from Dixie into 94 apartments. He is not taking one penny of our money and funding it all himself. If anything shows you Dixie is a scam that does it. Let’s hope Ron can get this theft defeated.

  11. Council will miss Ron’s experience and compromising demeanor. He has been an asset to county government, I wish him well and good health in his retirement. I hope future council persons emulate his governing style

  12. Heckman is a prime example of why there should be term limits. He rode on Vargos whims while patrinizing his own party…he was a Republican in Dem clothing.

  13. Looks like we officially have a judicial retirement in Norco as well:


  14. It's official. We have a winner for the most mentally retarded take of the day ....

    "..... he was a Republican in Dem clothing."

  15. Good man who put people before political party doctrine. Pay attention and you may get elected.

  16. Gotta love ‘ol Ron Heckman. He refused to vote for MAGAT J.P. Goffredo tonight for V.P. Way to go Ronnie ! You’re welcome at the Wanderers anytime !

  17. Now lets see if we can get the Northampton County Polish Prince "Zeke Zebrowski" to run for Council. C'mon Gregory. I will vote for you twice.


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