Local Government TV

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Wild Leaks Secret Derogatory Info About House Member After Swearing to Confidentiality

On Monday night, I received both an email and a text message about a Hill news story that LV Congress member Susan Wild (D-Pa.) leaked derogatory information about a House Ethics Committee investigation, where she is the Ranking into former Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.). She did so after President-elect Donald Trump named him as his choice for Attorney General. 

Members of the House Ethics Committee take an oath "that I will not disclose, to any person or entity outside the Committee on Ethics, any information received in the course of my service with the Committee, except as authorized by the Committee or in accordance with its rules.”

Wild has been identified as the source of leaks that occurred, even after Gaetz withdrew from consideration. According to unnamed sources, she's admitted she's the source of the leak. And rather than face unpleasant questions about violating her oath, she shipped last week's meeting of the House Ethics Committee.

This is the kind of dishonest behavior from a person who parks in a spot reserved for the handicapped and then blows off two requests for an explanation. 


  1. Who could have known that Wild was unethical?

    It wasn’t like she served as solicitor for a corrupt politician and then claimed she knew nothing about it when the FBI showed up.

    Oh, wait…

  2. We knew she was no good years ago -We told everybody not to vote for her-. just like Biden Most democrats lie we know this is a fact How anyone votes for a democrat after what they did to our country the last 4 years I will never understand..

  3. This is what we get from someone who was Fed Ed's solicitor.

  4. She is a far lefty elitist. She openly hates men in office and wants only women in office. She is a big no and a reason why dems lose elections.

  5. Too many creeps like this in our corrupt Congress. At least, this one’s been voted out already.

  6. Good riddance to that lying, waddling toad. Now, she can go back to private practice and minimize child sexual abuse on behalf of insurance companies. She should note Senator Elizabeth Lieawatha Warren's comments about insurance companies:
    “The visceral response from people across this country who feel cheated, ripped off, and threatened by the vile practices of their insurance companies should be a warning to everyone in the health care system. People can pushed only so far.”

  7. Thankfully, she lost. What a loser.

  8. Little Ryan McKenzie will be lost in Washington without his Mommy to take him to work like she did in Harrisburg.

    1. But little Ryan will be there and this corrupt, lying loser Wild will be gone. Just like Biden and Harris. Keep crying.

  9. Bernie, have you noticed Republicans shattering all norms and standards lately? We're looking at immigrants being arrested in churches, sent to deportation camps and a president planning to use federal resources to go after his critics. It seems weird that you're obsessed with someone parking in the wrong spot.

    1. 6;50, I have noticed but guess what? It is thanks to elitists like Wild that we have Trump. Democrats like Wild no longer represent the working class. They think they are above it. That is why they will make disparaging remarks about Carbon County or park in spots reserved for the handicapped. And I already considered Wild a liar. I did not for Mackenzie either.

    2. You mean like the Biden administration who weaponized the Justice system against Trump? And sent the IRS after all my conservative friends?

  10. She got canned and the voters are singing that great Country ballad "Thank GOD and Greyhound she's gone".

  11. Stop beating Sue up. She’s washed. She lost, and the idea of her running again will fade as it’s just an ego trip for now.

  12. Bernie, didn't she lose her position this past election? She has become one of pa,s disgruntled employee's and can go back to the local law firm were she worked.

  13. Is anyone surprised? Good riddance.

  14. She will be rewarded with a gig on CNN or MSNBC and be hailed as a hero to the left. Look a Claire McCaskill. She used a private jet for a bus tour. Andrew Mccabe leaked to the Wall street journal and lied about it. Heck Joy Reid wrote a homophobic blog and the left loves her. All now on Tv spewing nonsense. Receipts below.




    1. Not only did McCabe grossly violate the FBIs code of ethics for leaking classified info to the WSJ, he blamed FBI NY when confronted. If he ever showed his face in the NY field office he’d leave in an ambulance, they despise him. It’s all in IG Horowitz report. He also lost his pension, which he got back thanks to Joe Biden. Disgusting!

  15. Well at least she is not taking 16 and 17-year-olds and giving them drugs and trafficking them for sex. While Wild has questionable parking practices I think she did the right thing here as Trump was clearly trying make a pedophile the head of the DOJ.

    1. 9:19, She violated her oath and leaked disparaging information about someone who has not been charged with anything. In fact, prosecution was declined.

  16. Good bye Sue Wild- now just go away!

  17. She never had any integrity, since she learned from the master Ed!

  18. She's a disgrace, and she'll follow our other sell-out Representative Dent to MSDNC

  19. Ask John Morganelli how much integrity she has- she's a POS!

  20. Wild has been an embarrassment- now go away!

  21. If it meant that by breaking her oath she helped prevent Gaetz from becoming Attorney General she did the right thing and I am glad she did it and she did us all a favor.

    1. I am a democrat, and I voted for Susan Wild, but I cannot agree with the logic of 10:11's post, which is basically, "the house is on fire, the other side is unethical, and therefore anything our side does is justified even if it violates our own values". At some point, our nation's fascist fever is going to break, Mr. Trump is going to take his narrow victory as a mandate and over-reach, and the pendulum will swing back.

    2. give me a break you lunatic!

    3. Keep drinking that kool-Aid 🤣🤣

  22. Bernie: I respect your journalism because you often present an objective view even of candidates you don't like. But here you're admitting to relying on "unnamed sources" featured in the New York Post, in a column by Jonathan Turley -- neither source, in their own right, of estimable quality. In fact, if you had dug deeper, you'd see that Wild's team did respond and deny the reporting. Her Chief of Staff told the Hill that she was "frustrated by the manner in which the report was handled and didn't feel it was fruitful to participate in any further meetings." He went on to say that "characterizing her absence as anything more than that is inaccurate." You may wish more from her in terms of a denial, but by issuing a limited statement and nothing more, Wild is actually abiding by Ethics norms and principles to not say anything about the Committee's deliberations. This to me stinks of an upset Republican Chairman who Wild lambasted after HE broke the rules by revealing what happened during their recent meeting, and then "leaks" that Wild was the leaker, putting her between a rock and a hard place of not being able to deny it whilst still abiding by the rules. It's obvious to anyone paying attention what happened here.

    1. 10:37, I make no claim to objectivity and anyone who does is deluding himself. All I can say is that I tell the truth as I see it. I agree that neither Turley nor The Post are the most credible sources. but those "two unnamed sources" made their accusations to The Hill, which I do consider credible. As for the remarks by the COS, they do not deny the reporting. In fact, the COS claims she skipped out on the meeting bc she was "frustrated" by the reporting. I bet. She was caught.

    2. This is obviously someone from her office. Spin city.

    3. Hey lady! I don’t know what’s worse, parking in a handicap spot or the violation of a sacred congressional oath. You’re defending the indefensible. Stop!

    4. The statement says she "was frustrated by the manner in which the REPORT was handled." It says nothing about the reportING. It's obviously talking about the Gaetz Report...

    5. The Post got the Hunter Biden laptop story right that the MSM and democrats all lied that it wasn’t true.

    6. This is obviously Wild's office!

    7. Lets see, the NY Post got the Hunter laptop story right, the spying of the Trump campaign right, The Biden family syndicate right, Wuhan lab leak right, I can go on and on. You wonder why the legacy media is dead?

    8. The Post gets very little right and what it does report is often jaded. But yes, it was right about Hunter Biden's laptop. Most other big stories come from those news outlets you despise. The Hill broke the Wild story. NPR just did an amazing expose on a Con man (not Trump) who claims to be a Chinese dissident. The WSJ broke the Theranos con. Propublica is a great source for exposing corruption.

  23. The past 4 years with Democrats in control was a complete failure on all levels and issues. They are all frauds and anyone who votes for a democrat is a lunatic themselves.

    1. Lamont was vey supportive of Susan. It’s one of the reasons she won Northampton County this time.

    2. 8:37, She barely won by about 1,000 votes in NorCo. She won by about 5,000 in Lehigh. She was crushed by about 11,000 votes in Carbon.

  24. I'm sure Lamont could use some new help around the county. He loved getting his picture taken with her.

  25. Parking in a handicap spot tells me all I need to know about someone’s character. She’s a real asshole.

  26. I nearly vomited a few weeks ago when Nichola Gutgold dedicated a (MCall, Nov. 17) column to Wild, praising her and saying she drew inspiration from Wild. Of course, the column didn't mention any of Wild's accomplishments [sic] and equivocally compared Wild to women who made their way to be national figures. Wild's sole function was to grunt 'Yes' to the party line, nothing more. Her lack of ethics and values define her. That deserves no praise.

  27. Still have no idea how she completely avoided all involvement in the Pawlowski fiasco. How did the City's lawyer not know anything about the City contract process? Wiles went down with the ship and Wild went unscathed.

    1. The same way Biden, Clinton, Obama walked away unscathed!

    2. Good bye Susan Wild, please go away and never show your ugly face again!

    3. If we really think it through I bet we can probably figure it out

  28. I always believed she knew everything!

  29. Nothing surprised me anymore- just yesterday, FBI director Chris Wrey announced his resignation the day before the IG report comes out stating there were 26 FBI informants in J6 th riots- I can't wait for all the lies to be exposed- goodbye Wild & Company!

  30. You can thank the Obamas, Clintons, Biden, Cheneys and Bushes and their ilk for Trump, including Wild. The arrogance of these elites is sickening!

  31. In a few weeks, the greatest bait & switch President in U S. history will be gone, along with Susan Wild!

  32. Wild thing, I think I love you
    But I wanna know for sure
    Come on, hold me tight!
    I love you!

  33. Instead of focusing on the public interest of the information leaked, you're focusing on the vows of Susan Wild. You seem not be acquainted with the ambiguities present in life. It reminds me of Jaime Lannister's famous speech.

    “How can you still count yourself a knight, when you have forsaken every vow you ever swore?"

    Jaime reached for the flagon to refill his cup. "So many vows...they make you swear and swear. Defend the king. Obey the king. Keep his secrets. Do his bidding. Your life for his. But obey your father. Love your sister. Protect the innocent. Defend the weak. Respect the gods. Obey the laws. It's too much. No matter what you do, you're forsaking one vow or the other.”

    1. 8:50, Can't believe you would use Game of Thrones or one of its more despicable and immoral characters to justify Wild's dishonesty. Way to go.

    2. Instead of being purely dismissive, you'd be well served to look into this a little more. You may disagree with Wild's decision to leak (if she did) or dislike her generally, but neither of these opinions is best served by pretending we live in a black and white world. We don't, and exposing what Trump is doing also deserves consideration, regardless of which way you ultimately come down.

      The Game of Thrones books (unlike the TV show) is a serious work, which I guess I can forgive you for not knowing if you only go by the TV show.

    3. 9:59, I'd hardly call a fantasy series a "serious work," and would consider hours spent reading it a waste of the limited hours we all have on earth. I prefer reading more substantive work. I am occasionally sidetracked by fantasy or some other genre but would not classify it as more than entertainment. And even if you consider Martin a literary titan, it does not change the fact that Jamie Lassiter is morally bankrupt or at least what I'd call a "tweener." I certainly would not use his character to make any ethical point.

    4. You are entitled to your opinion, while somewhat out of your depth here calling George Martin a "waste". Jaime Lannister is a character with a redemption arc. And this short speech is the first moment it starts to bend. The overall point is that we don't judge morality by the keeping of an oath alone. I am still waiting for the beginning of the Matt Gaetz redemption arc.

  34. What exactly did she leak? See, this is why the whole thing sounds like a GOP hit job. The article claiming she leaked doesn’t even identify WHAT she leaked, and no outlet has published any substantive information about the Gaetz report. I actually find it remarkable that with all the frenzy around the report, nothing has come out. Seriously Bernie, can you tell us? They say she leaked — what of the report did she leak?

    1. "Various pieces of information about the years-long probe into Gaetz have leaked in recent months, including logistics about meetings, votes taken during those gatherings, and the panel’s plan to vote on releasing the report days after he announced his resignation." https://thehill.com/homenews/house/5031565-susan-wild-ethics-committee-gaetz/

      "An "unknown and unauthorized third party" has gained access to two dozen depositions of witnesses tied to the various investigations into former Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, CBS News has learned."

  35. Bernie, If you think you're better than "everyday joe" and park in a handicap spot, is there integrity about anything?

  36. Ask the voters of Carbon County how they feel about corrupt Susan Wild!

  37. Susan Wild is just another loser in the long line of feckless, selfish Reps. we've had in the Lehigh Valley.

    1. Its as predictable as the sun rising in the east. I almost feel like I'm in committed abusive relationship... in perpetuity.

  38. Wild and Casey losing made me much happier than Trump winning.

  39. Was Sue Wild right to lead the charge to push Biden out ?


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