Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Retail Theft Up 53% in Pa. Between 2021 and 2023

A news release from Pennsylvania courts indicates retail theft has risen 53% between 2021 and 2023. While this crime is usually associated with high school kids, the data show that 29% of all offenders are between 26 and 35 years old.  

Whether this is a national trend sparked by inflation is unknown. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, shoplifting has increased dramatically in New York City and Los Angeles but has actually declined over the past four years across 24 cities. 

Increases are highest in Allegheny (13%), Montgomery (9%) and Philadelphia (6%) counties.

How about here in the Lehigh Valley. Lehigh County has seen a 2.6% increase while NorCo is only half that at 1.34%. 

The data do not distinguish between organized retail theft and shoplifting of small items by individuals for personal gain. 

I personally know two people who have some sort of compulsion to steal small items of little value. One of them has been jailed numerous times. It hasn't helped. Nor have visits to a psychologist.  


  1. This is a result of Biden's Economy

    1. Go back and have another Kool Aid and kiss your Trump doll. If you care to look at all economic indicators you’ll find the economy save inflation caused by corporate greed post pandemic was fine under President Biden. Like all Trump acolytes you accept his lies.

    2. Foolish Cult member, idiot!

    3. 10:59 1 of the many reasons why after spending Billions of Dollars bashing Trump & Republicans you lost!

    4. 10:59 you're an economic illiterate and a loser like most Dems who blamed "transitory" inflation on greedy corporations. Didn't work for Casey and the rest of Dems, now just go away with your nonsense!

    5. Trudeau will be the next idiot to fall!

  2. Where have you been for the past 4 years??? Not sure this is a serious article.

  3. How about the general attitude that governments are no longer going to prosecute small thefts. If the statistic is up 52%, what is the real number when many are not prosecuted.
    We see cities in California that now have few retail stores as they cannot cope with the lawless thefts.
    I suspect the closing of many stores is going on in many large cities. It is a sad commentary on the state of this country.

    1. These are the actual prosecutions that are up 53%.

    2. San Francisco is a perfect example- stores closing due to lawlessness! Dems ruined the most beautiful state in the country!

  4. Anyone wanna guess the political status of the 24 citieses where this crime rate has "actually decreased"? Hint: Think in shades of red and white without the blues....

    1. Yeah right, red states take in more welfare dollars and other state/federal tax dollars than the blues. Start with the murder rates in your red states, poverty levels, education systems, all below the blues!

  5. Not surprising - look around you

  6. Crime is a real problem in Allentown, but Tuerk seems incapable of addressing it.

  7. What did you expect with all those Soros Democratic AD"s

  8. Let's put in more Soros AD's

  9. Alvin Bragg keep voting him in New Yorkers.

  10. In California if you steal under $950 dollars they don't charge you. Imaging what these numbers would be if these crimes were included. California run by democrats. Inflation which we were told was transitory is also a democrat problem. Remember Republicans are not the answer to all your problems but Democrats sure are the cause of all your problems.

    1. 8:01, This is false. I will assume that you just are too stupid to research and are not purposely lying. Under California law, stealing $950 is most certainly a crime. It the value is under $950 it is a misdemeanor. Do your research before you make false claims. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/09/13/post-falsely-claims-shoplifting-is-allowed-in-california-fact-check-theft-prop-47-950-stealing/70827188007/

    2. I just got back from LA. I went to a Wal Mart and they actually employ someone to walk around opening cases because everything is locked up. It’s bizarre. The original poster is wrong as you pointed out Bernie. What happened was LA County simple stopped prosecuting shoplifting. Everyone knows even if you get caught over and over again nothing will happen to you. It was so bad that voters overwhelmingly supported proposition 36 on Election Day. 36 will reclassify many of these offenses back to felonies. It must have been bad for liberal California to vote for this.

  11. And these are 'reported' thefts. Like most crimes, it represents a very small percentage of the actual number.

    1. Josh, They are more than reported thefts. They are the actual arrests. I'd agree that the actual number of retail theft is higher but doubt this is just a "small percentage." What I will note is that some retailers now invest heavily in theft prevention, so it must be a problem.

  12. Recalcitrance, irresponsibility, victimhood, petty thievery, deviance, and thuggery have been normalized and is encouraged by the current administration and many key Democrat leaders [sic]; most likely because they don't want to punish large swaths of their voting bloc.

  13. Given the support for the United Healthcare CEO assassin, I suspect a general, anti-corporate attitude exists. Locally, Dollar General has eliminated self-checkout at most stores, due to theft. If we cut off the hands of thieves, I bet the problem would lessen, immediately.

  14. Tuerk would actually have to be home to address crime. He’s usually jetting to an island on the taxpayers dime.

  15. More communities should consider designating large shopping centers as conditional uses in their zoning ordinances. This would allow municipalities to impose specific conditions relative to security that hold individual stores and shopping centers accountable for addressing retail theft. Too often, retail businesses treat theft as a "sunk cost" of doing business and pass the responsibility onto local police departments or the state police. This places an unfair burden on public resources while allowing businesses to avoid taking proactive steps to mitigate crime.

    Municipalities can require property owners and retailers to implement measures such as on-site security, better surveillance systems, and theft prevention strategies. Conditions could include hiring private security, improving lighting, or working with law enforcement to develop crime-reduction plans. These measures would shift more responsibility onto the businesses profiting from these spaces, rather than forcing taxpayers to shoulder the cost of policing retail theft.

    Businesses need to treat retail theft as a problem they must help solve, rather than offloading it onto the community.

    1. you could substitute the word pollution for theft in your comment and I'd agree with it completely

    2. 10:45: It is a problem they solve. They simply close up and leave town. It's the most cost-effective solution from a business standpoint. And when people blame the stores, like you are doing, then all that does it make the business' decision to get out of Dodge a lot easier. If the community isn't responsible, respectful, and behaved, then don't be surprised when the business leaves town. It's your fault, not the business. Yes, a few bad apples spoil it for everybody but maybe everybody outta do something about those bad apples in their community.

    3. What action can homeowners and retail stores do, are you encouraging shooting thieves, that would work, but they would end up in jail.

  16. First things first. The Brennan center for Justice's website when you go to it has a huge picture of Joe Biden on the front. So just like the Washington Post and New York Times I DON'T BELIVE ANYTHING IN THE REPORT. The two people that run it are Kimberley D. Harris & Christine A. Varney. Varney served as Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Cabinet in the Clinton Administration and was General Counsel to the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee. I smell fake news and I laugh you would use this as a source. Nice try and maybe next time use the National inquirer its more reputable


  17. Retail theft was higher in 2019 than in 2023. I suspect the pandemic had a large part in this. Unfortunately it seems things are going back to pre-pandemic levels retail theft wise. If you wish to blame retail theft on the ruling president or political party, it seems Trump takes the cake.

  18. Biden supporters are the most stupid people on earth Trump will show you assholes how to run a country

    1. Biden supporters are not stupid enough to write a post like 4:24 and are not stupid enough to be offended by it. One might say stupid is what stupid does.

  19. Let's talk about home robberies in our area. They're up too. Just had two by Weiss on route 512 area. Not even our homes are safe

    1. Retail theft and home robberies are different things. Also, you cite noting to substantiate that home robberies are up other than some anecdotal claim that you fail to substantiate.

  20. A crime occurs every 1 1/2 hours in Northampton county. I've lived here for over 30 years. Perhaps it's a perception. But close friends were robbed and now these new robberies. So no I don't have facts but I know it's effecting people I care about and I never heard of this in all my years here. Yes I know it's not retail theft but thought warrants dome investigation. And you are the key investigator in Northampton county. I've tried to find information but frankly not being successful finding the info. So despite you trying to negate my experience with increased knowledge of robberies it seemed worthwhile mentioning


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