Local Government TV

Monday, September 09, 2024

NorCo To Become Second County in State to Provide Free Menstrual Products in Restrooms

By a 5-4 vote, Northampton County Council voted on Thursday evening to make free menstrual pads and tampons available to people using its 35 female and 34 gender neutral restrooms. The express language of the adopted ordinance provides that the county "shall provide sanitation products at no cost to users of Northampton County restrooms." The Ordinance defines sanitation products to include "soap, toilet paper, menstrual pads, and tampons."

The Council members who supported this initiative were Kelly Keegan, Lori Vargo Heffner, Ron Heckman, Jeff Warren and Ken Kraft. Opposed were John Brown, John Goffredo, Tom Giovanni and Jeff Corpora. 

According to UNwomen.org, 1 of 4 teens and 1 of 3 adults struggle to afford menstrual products, especially among those of color or who are economically disadvantaged.  This has been called "period poverty" and was the subject of an op-ed by Council members Jeff Warren and Kelly Keegan in May. In adopting this ordinance, Northampton County is following the lead of Montgomery County, which adopted a similar measure a few weeks ago. 

Throughout the nation, 30 states have eliminated sales tax on menstrual products, and 28 states are committed to providing menstrual products at schools. These include Republican strongholds like Utah. 

At last week's meeting, Keegan made no mention of the simple fact that menstrual products are beyond the financial reach of some people. She instead argued that, like toilet paper, menstrual products should be available for anyone who menstruates as a "matter of dignity" because "menstruation is not a choice." Echoing Keegan, Jeff Warren asked, "Why shouldn't menstrual products be available to women if toilet paper is available to men?"

Administration officials told Council member Ron Heckman that it will cost the county $28,415. It is estimated that products would cost an additional $16,000 a year. He wondered whether there should be a small fee. $28,415. "Without a nominal charge, I'm concerned that someone could come in ... that someone could empty the machine." 

Council member John Goffredo suggested an amendment to clarify the ordinance to make clear that free menstrual products would be available only in women's and gender-neutral restrooms since that's how the ordinance is being interpreted by the administration. That amendment failed in a 5-4 vote, with  Kelly Keegan, Lori Vargo Heffner, Ron Heckman, Jeff Warren and Ken Kraft opposed.

John Brown then questioned why an ordinance, a county law, is necessary. He suggested a resolution would be preferable. But as Council President Lori Vargo Heffner observed, a resolution is not binding on the county or a subsequent Council. An ordinance must be followed by the Executive. Lamont McClure said he would abide by a resolution but is not bound to do so. 


  1. People be using tampons to wipe they asses then . . .

  2. Is Warren implying only men use toilet paper? Think boy, think!

  3. McClueless is giving away more taxpayer money. We already can't afford to live in NC. He needs to go. Let him pay for them out of his own pocket.

    1. I hope they report on the number of tampons stolen and replaced, stolen and replaced. Years ago tampons were made an available and then stopped because of vandalism. It will be just a matter of time. Nothing like real important county issues being dealt with. Guess Tampon Tim Walz sparked the move.

  4. Many thanks to Council for passing this. Menustration is not a choice, it is a biological fact of life. Just as soap and toilet paper are provided, tampons and pads should also be available without charge.

  5. The term Bleeding Heart Liberals comes to mind.

  6. Kelly Keegan is a dynamo. Fighting for our values and making law. WY to go Kelly !

    1. Yes; because menstruation is a new thing. How did women get by for the past 100,000 years without such an elected dynamo fighting for our values?

    2. Now that’s funny. Many issues face the county and she see tampons as the priority. Basically costing taxpayers more money as these will be stolen faster than they are installed. Bravo.

  7. Good grief! How about adding toothbrushes and toothpaste (tooth decay is not a choice), deodorant and cologne (body odor is not a choice), wet wipes and bidets (is toilet paper really enough?), shampoo, conditioner, and moisturizer (why not?!), and hairspray, combs and brushes (bed head is not a choice). Where does this stop?

    1. Tooth decay and body odor are choices. Brush your teeth and take a bath you dumbass.

    2. Some birth control therapies can slow and stop menstrual cycles. Menstrual suppression treatments. So it is a choice.

  8. Oh, I forgot about showers and bathtubs and towels while we’re at it. Ha!

  9. Anyone who doesn’t agree that there should be equality in the bathroom is a bias jackass. This is a perfect example of why women are going to vote misogyny right out of the White House. We are done with you window licker Neanderthals. I guarantee whoever disagrees with this is a Republican. Republicans are also trying to take women’s rights away. I hope you all find yourself somewhere in public without toilet paper after defecating so you can experience what most menstruators have endured. Maybe you would prefer we free bleed all over the place.
    Thank you Commissioners for your support and compassion regarding this issue.

  10. Women who find themselves in county facilities are usually not rich women. They are often there to try to get child support or financial assistance for child care, food, or medical help. They can not predict when their period might start..whether at home or standing in line at a county facility waiting for service, oounty should definitely have sanitary supplies on hand for the visitors and also supplies for those on financial assistance who find it hard to purchase them to take home . When a woman does not have these products when needed she cannot go to work or school.
    Cut the ladies a break.

  11. Victimhood is a new currency and Kelly and Jeff are LOADED with it.

  12. Instead of make-shifting tampons out of toilet paper, women should just bleed on the benches in court. Why should we get infections for not having what we need unexpectedly. Let’s see how you like that better.

  13. I’m old enough to remember when, if a man dared to say women weren’t tough enough for important jobs because menstruation made it too difficult for them to function, they would have ended up with as many testicles as the women they were commenting on.

    Now we’re being told that because of that “special time of the month”, women…er sorry…menstruating people need special benefits or they won't be able to cope.

    They sure don’t make feminists like they used to.

  14. Liberasls love to virtue signal with other people's money. Another welfare state give away by the extreme leftists at the county. It was obvious that if McClure had already figured out the cost, Keegan got his permission to put this out there. Not very independent women of her. She votes for everything he wants, and he gives her a present. Great government.

  15. Uh oh…what happens if a woman suffers from Toxic Shock Syndrome with tampons supplied by the county?

  16. I get all the hate aimed at women, liberals, etc. I support this, not as a matter of equity, but because there are a large number of women and teens unable to afford menstrual products.

    1. There are a larger number of men, not able to afford women.

  17. Will they provide the
    Solidarity Kotex
    For Republicans to stick on their ear to show support for Trump

  18. So what is the problem here for women? Is it they can't afford necessary supplies? Is it they forgot to keep a tampon/pad in purse just in case? If it is the former, how many should we supply? It has been years since I was a single parent working in a factory and somehow, I managed to have and budget for these products. But my phone was a simple landline, I did not pay for long distance, we seldom ate out and vacations were at local parks with a picnic basket. I had infrequent hair salon appts and usually did home perms and I never went to a salon for my nails. That is what you did when monies were limited. My kids all have masters degrees and they did it the old-fashioned way cobbling small scholarships with jobs and got master degree after they had a full time job. Years ago, mothers had lots of back up stuff in purses for individual needs and their kids. Lord help us if we have a major country wide disaster or war in our country. I know it might seem we are peopled by idiots like KK but I think there are still more of me than those who have no problems spending someone else's money. But then again, maybe if we let them focus on these minutia, they will stay away from making more expensive decisions for the taxpayers.

  19. I thought men weren't allowed to make decisions about women's bodies. Then men on council should have abstained.

  20. All Kelly Keegan does is win. Whipped Myers like 3 times. Almost everything she purposes passed. She sticks up for her values and takes on Goofredo when he bullies her.

    1. If she would have ran against Myers straight up she would have gotten her ass kicked plain and simple. But like Joe Biden, she got him removed from the ballot with a little inside help from her puppet master.

    2. Kerry is a loser’s loser. He finished last in his final school board race. Everybody knows him, and no one likes him.


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