Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Commonwealth Court PJ Recommends $1 Million in Sanctions Against LV Tea Party Chair Tom Carroll and Fulton County Commrs

Tom Carroll is a former Northampton County assistant DA who was forced to resign after he left a gorilla doll on the desk of a fellow assistant DA who happened to be black. He said it was a joke. After that, he's been an unsuccessful candidate for Bethlehem City Council and Northampton County DA. But he's been very successful as a behind-the-scenes political operative for the far right. He chairs the LV Tea Party, which currently controls the Northampton County GOP. He was a delegate at the recent GOP convention nominating former President Donald Trump. And he was behind numerous efforts to undermine public confidence in our election process, so much so that no less an entity than the Pa Supreme Court cited him for contempt and referred him to the state Disciplinary Board. The Court of Final Error also appointed Commonwealth Court President Judge Renee Cohn Jubilerer as a Special Master to assess damages. She's completed her work and is recommending that Carroll and Fulton County be assessed over $1 million in sanctions as result of vexatious conduct that in essence stem from an effort to overturn the 2020 election. 

It's unclear to me exactly where Carroll practices law. I'm unable to find an office location here in the Lehigh Valley. The Disciplinary Board lists an office in Chester County. But somehow, someway, he was one of the multitudes of Trump lawyers involved in efforts to undermine the way we elect people.  He, along with a Michigan lawyer who was denied permission to practice in Pennsylvania, represented Fulton County when two of its commissioners compromised the integrity of the Dominion voting machines in use in that county by having a third party "analyze" its data. After being ordered not to do it again, Fulton County did it again with yet another vendor. 

In the litigation that followed, Pennsylvania's Supreme Court determined that Carroll "both in tandem with and also independently of his clients, is guilty of relentlessly dilatory, obdurate, vexatious, and bad-faith conduct before this Court and the Special Master, especially, but not exclusively, during these sanction proceedings." 

Writing for the High Court, Justice David Wecht  observed that "the sanctions will underscore for the County, Attorney Carroll, and other observers that they trifle with judicial orders and time-honored rules and norms in litigation at their peril."

The Special Master's recommendation must be adopted by the Supreme Court before it takes effect. 


  1. The Supremes could have just said he was a Jackass. Lawyers.lol

  2. I always get this weirdo mixed up with the guy who rants and takes pictures of himself. Sad to see that Republicans have allowed their party to be hijacked by a bunch of nuts.

  3. This garbage is really dangerous. It’s why someone need to keep an eye on Norco GOPers like Scott Hough. Remember he’s the one who contrary to law failed to certify an Election.

  4. No wonder MAGAs like John Goffredo wanted to set up an Election Interference Committee on County Council. He wants a way to cry the Election was rigged !

  5. Ann Flood, Joe Emrick, Milou McKenzie. They all need to be asked what they think of this Carroll situation. They shouldn’t be allowed to hide on this topic. Tom maybe their most important public leader.

  6. What the hell is wrong with Dave McCormick, walking parades and associating with Tom Carroll? Does he really not know his history, and if not how is that possible? In April, 2023, the Supreme Court in a scathing opinion


    said that Carroll acted in bad faith and was "juggling chainsaws" in their court. The opinion was by both Democrat and Republican Justices. Geissinger has said that the Committee is so lucky to have Tom Carroll on the NCRC. On what planet would that be true?

    1. So now I understand why this came up now. A way to discredit McCormick. Politics are incredible

    2. He only vacations in Pennsylvania

  7. Next is Steve Lynch.

  8. The GOP in NORCO is the worst group ever assembled!!! This is why they can’t win a seat, or even get decent candidates to run. Send POS Delbacco, Snorer and lynch packing with Carroll.

  9. The Northampton County GOP is a MAGA mess and they need to be defeated up and down the polls.

    1. They have TDS (Trump DEVOTION Syndrome)

    2. Most maga people truly want to make America great and don't supports far right

  10. Lawyers have a bad reputation, but they do police their own...eventually.

  11. It's commonly referred to as Fuck Around And Find Out

    1. And as with most cases of FAFO, the dildo of consequence typically arrives unlubed.

  12. Jeff Ward is doing such a better job already with his blog. This one, Bernie, these days, just appears to attempt to provoke more division and unrest among the political parties. We can’t have anyone liking the Republicans, especially in a Presidential Election Year with Donald Trump as a candidate, right? God forbid Dave McCormick goes to the Pen Argyl parade with his awesome bus and possibly breathes the same air as the subject of your blog today.. Sheesh. What’s tomorrow? I already think I know. SMH

    1. 3:37, I am happy to read that you like Jeff Ward's blog. So do I, and I really appreciate his desire to continue doing what he did so well before he retired.

  13. Either this is the same disgruntled lib obsessively posting over and over like a psychopath, or all of you sound the exact same are equally as unwell.

    I hope you are doing ok.

  14. All this means nothing if Kamala wins.

    1. Kamala for the win!

    2. Kamala 2024: Sometimes You Have To Flush Twice!

  15. Folks, I am a registered Democrat who leans conservative. For the life of me, I can't understand how anyone is willing to support Trump, let alone his minions. Trump has never put the country first. He is the most self-centered snake-oil salesman I have ever seen. People who spaz about Biden's family turn a blind eye to how Trump moved his family into the White House as "advisors." Come on, folks, it is time to see Trump as the Svengali he is. Kamala Harris may be a dud, but I don't think she will do nearly as much damage as a man who has no respect for anyone, including himself.

    1. Are you better off now or four years ago? Millions and millions of illegal immigrants getting free housing, free healthcare, free education while AMERICANS suffer. Inflation high, mortgage rates high, gas prices high, credit card debit at record numbers.Ukraine’s war, Israel at war, Iran knocking for war, China will attack Taiwan if Harris is elected. Can Harris do worse? Hell yeah! Democrats controlling the media. Ask Zuckerberg. Get over the mean tweet. America was better off four years ago.

    2. Oh, she can do a heck of a lot of damage in the next four years, especially if she gets both houses of congress. Just one example will be turning our national sovereignty over to the globalists at the World Health Organization. Haven't you been listening to her babble on about all the socialist/communist stuff she wants to do? Wake up!!!

    3. Independent here, have routinely split tickets for most of my life, but until the GOP purges Trump and other MAGA trolls, and gets back to actually wanting to govern with sound, reasonable, non culture war policies, they aren't getting my vote.

    4. 9:11 - Only one word necessary- idiot.

  16. NorCo Republicans are really an oddball bunch. There are some solid people there (like Emrick, Flood) whom appear, at least to me, as more moderate and center of the road. But then you have stories like this and then they also deify people like Lynch who emanate nutjobness.

    1. Flood has not emanated nutjobness, but she is not a moderate. She voted to force women who have miscarriages to hold funerals for the fetuses. She voted against the recent funding for public education that would alleviate some of the school taxes for residents in her district. She voted against an extremely bipartisan bill for School solar that was extremely popular with both Republicans and Democrats because it will bring down the price of energy bills for schools and therefore save taxpayers money, and also help the environment.
      She is not Tom Caroll or Steve Lynch but she is also not moderate.

  17. If there's any hope for republicans rebirth the maga/tea party gotta lose and lose big. Any bets on the October surprise being Bush's Harris endorsement. Of course that's after Trumps debate disaster.

    1. LOL you live in a fantasy world B of false hope!

  18. Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex. Remember when Ds were the anti-war party? Where's Cindy Sheehan? Where are the marches on the White House. Where's LEPOCO? They all love war now. Bernie, we need another Ukraine war cheerleading piece from you about how awesome Zelensky is. What gives? You're mighty quiet. Lol.

    1. It’s an interesting post. Republicans now seem to be the choice of the working class. It’s like on some issues the parties have totally flipped. Trump drove me crazy, but bottom line is no wars, and certainly nothing like we got going on in the world right now. Maybe he was just lucky but it is what it is.

  19. Sounds mighty suspicious to me!!!

  20. Tom Carroll is NOT the Chairman of the LV Tea Party! He has not been since March of 2022. LVTP bylaws prevented him from running again.


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