Local Government TV

Thursday, September 12, 2024

A Message For the Trump Cult

There are three classes of Republicans. The first are those who may vote for him but are turned off by his narcissism.  The second are the MAGAs. They would like us to go back to the '50s or '60s, but they have an imperfect memory of what life was really like at that time.  The third category is the Trump cult. They subscribe to numerous conspiracy theories and have an irrational loyalty to an incessant liar and huckster whom they incorrectly perceive as a strong person. I get lots of comments from people who are members of Donald Trump's personality cult, most of which have no bearing on my posts for that day. They will not be published. But in stories about Trump or Harris, I welcome your comments. I do not view you as evil people, even though many of you now think of Democrats, and not just immigrants, as the OTHER. Your comments here tell me you are not completely gone, and I hope that you will eventually realize that most Democrats and Republicans have much more room for agreement than disagreement. It is my hope that you realize you're in a cult and wake up. 


  1. Bernie, this is not about politics anymore - It’s about white supremacy.

    I've long been worried about "bias contagion," where leaders openly express racist views, making it seem okay for others to spread hate and act on their biases. Trump encourages people to show their prejudices without fear of pushback.

    White supremacy may not be openly discussed anymore, but it could help explain Trump’s support in polls and elections. Some people might unconsciously feel that their way of life is under threat, and those beliefs are starting to resurface.

    1. 2:10, Trump is most certainly a racist,

    2. Bernie, do your homework on Joe Biden. Seriously, the biggest racist there is. It’s on video and print, so go do research before calling Trump a racist.

    3. I don’t think there’s anything unconscious about it.

  2. It's about war. I'm shocked that you have switched your position and fully back the war candidate after backing the previous war candidate. Indies and Indy-leaning Rs do not want more war. Cheney, Putin, and now, you. Bizzaro world. I hate Trump. But I hate war, more. He and Jimmy Carter were the no-wars candidates. I haven't changed. But you sure have.

    1. 6:03, I have not changed at all. I have always been fairly hawkish and feel strongly about our national security. Our assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan promotes our own national security. Gone are the days when we can rely on two oceans to insulate us.

      It's true I opposed our involvement in Iraq as a response to 9/11, although I supported the defense of Kuwait (Persian Gulf) and actually tried to get myself sent there. I opposed our involvement in Iraq bc I never thought there were weapons of mass destruction. But I also subscribe to Colin Powell's pottery barn rule. If we break something, we fix it. So I supported our continued presence there.

      Trump likes to portray himself as a strongman, but like you, he is a Neville Chamberlain, an appeaser.

    2. I wish more folks would highlight this. Appeasement didn’t prevent WWII and it won’t solve the Putin problem now. To stop war you have to remove the incentives. You can’t hand the aggressors territorial rewards. If you just roll over you will just have more war.

    3. Bernie is right. Putin is the aggressor in his war of choice against Ukraine. Putin's indiscriminate bombing has killed thousands of innocent Ukrainians. If we failed to help the Ukrainians defend themselves, Putin would then feel free to go after other Eastern European countries such as Poland and the Baltic nations.

      When asked in the debate whether he wanted the Ukraine to win, Trump refused to answer. Furthermore, when asked which European leader supports him, Trump could only name Orban of Hungary, who is an autocrat who supports Russia. It is clear that if Trump had the courage to give an honest answer, he would favor the Russians to be victorious.

      At best, Trump is an appeaser. At worst, he is Putin's "useful idiot".

  3. I'm in a 4th class. I won't vote for Trump but I won't vote for Harris either.

    1. 6:25, Fair enough. I would not have voted for Biden.

    2. After you voted for Biden lol. Loser

    3. Many of us voted for Biden, and then had "buyer's remorse" and/or acknowledged how much he aged in 4 years. Hence, we showed him the door. It's sad to me that the "3rd class" or R's (who swear allegiance to Trump) can't be honest with themselves, and admit that Trump is completely unfit and has the temperament of a child with a poopy diaper.

    4. In time Joe Biden will go down in history as one of the most successful Presidents. Presidential scholars will present an honest assessment. He inherited a mess from Trump’s mishandling the pandemic and the initial inflationary period caused by corporate greed to make up for pandemic losses. He put country ahead of self in not seeking a second term and above all is a good and decent man something Trump is not

    5. You're delusional! I Our economy was already starting to rebound from the pandemic Jan. '21; Biden's policies created the worst inflation since Jimmy Carter. His foreign policy has been a disaster; the Afghanistan withdrawal was an embarrassment; nobody respects him, hence Putin & Hamas made their moves, the houthis control the Red sea, and Iran is funding all the terrorism- the world is on fire. If he were so successful, why are his poll numbers so bad? He was forced out by Obama & Pelosi because he would've lost.

  4. I would offer a fourth class. Republicans who won't vote for him and still wish for the return of the "classic" Republican Party.

  5. Now BO sets himself up as some sort of superior being so he may judge the underlings. He, like tRUMP is letting his own BS go to his head.

  6. Bernie you are part of the real cult the democratic cult. God saved Trump from the evil assassin for a reason, to save America from you evil democrats who are destroying our country.

    1. God did not save Trump from the evil Republican woud be assassin. His poor marksmanship is what saved the most godless candidate for president this country has ever known.

    2. You’re pathetic and a worthless human. No one should wish death on anyone, but democrats do.

  7. It’s your Blog, do whatever you like with it. I’ll determine if this is a worthwhile place to read.

    As far as I’m concerned, the more varied viewpoints the better. I’m not afraid to hear any of it. I enjoy researching further into what other writers claim. If those writers lead me to a better understanding about what I once believed to be false, I appreciate it.

    If information is brought here by someone you believe to be mindless, and publishing it makes YOU uncomfortable, by all means hide it from consideration. Truth will eventually make its way out.

    1. 7:22, I will not publish what I know to be a lie and will not publish off topic rants. For example, in a post about the county, there's really no need for comments saying Democrats suck or that we all need to vote for Trump. It is off topic.

  8. The pot calls the kettle black.

  9. A Message For the Harris Cult
    There are three classes of Democrats. The first are those who may vote for her because they are unaware of her lack of intellect, her incompetence, and nasty management style, and care only that her personality seems delightful and is more tolerable than Trump’s. The second have Socialist inclinations believing that the government has unlimited resources to pay for free education, food, healthcare, childcare, unlimited immigrant dependency and retirement for all; the only limitation being the power and the will to steal from the rich. They would like us to become a Socialist country but they lack the capacity to understand that a Socialist economy will never generate enough money to pay for everything for everybody forever. The third category is the Far Left cult. They subscribe to numerous conspiracy theories about Russia, trashing the Constitution, overthrowing the U.S. government, eliminating the Republican party and have an irrational loyalty to an incessant liars and hucksters of Socialism and racism whom they incorrectly perceive as a strong leaders. I do not view Democrats as evil people, but too many are cultish in their blind obedience to the ideology, caring not at all that the country is headed for bankruptcy at a rapid rate. It is my hope that they realize they're in a cult and wake up. (from a long time registered independent who considers both Trump and Harris to lack the intellect and competence to be President)

    1. Democrats are NOT in a cult, we don’t worship our politicians as gods like the MAGAts do, and we often call out our own and hold them accountable when they misrepresent their constituents. MAGAts have blind faith in Trump and he can do no wrong in their eyes even when he hurts certain communities with his hate speech and rhetoric. Kamala or any other politician is not perfect, and we don’t want them to be because we need them to learn and understand the needs of their voters, and that’s changing every year. That’s the point of a democrat, they PROGRESS and represent a society that is changing.

      MAGAts are just white supremacist and if they can eradicate every single black or brown person in this country, they would. MAGAts want to take us back to the stone ages, and we won’t let that happen because too many sacrifices have been made to get us to this point. We didn’t choose to be born here, but we’ll be damned if we have to deal with racist white supremacist that want to hurt us.

    2. Democrats are not in a cult? Yes they are and its called the media

    3. The Obama worship was definitely a cult lol.

    4. @7:45

      I love how MAGAts hijack the “cult” phrase and attempt to call it their own but by definition, all extreme Trump supporters, like most of you actually, are the walking epitome of a cult member! You follow your orange god blindly and believe everything he says when he’s been fact-checked ad nauseum for being WRONG all the time.

    5. And democrats don’t lie. Okay, LoL Every story out of Biden’s mouth is a lie. Harris lies, just look at her platform from 2019 to now. It’s on tape so you can fact check it yourself. The media won’t and she won’t real time interviews. As for a cult, truly a democrat word they spread to their minions and media to get it out there, just like the word “weird”. Pathetic.

  10. I think you should make tommorrow's topic of how many classes of Democrats there are and there are some. Then we can compare and see just how different the classes are between the two.

  11. Posts such as this are indicative that the heat is on in the fantasy land of progressive, liberal Lehigh Valley Ramblings. "Orange Man on the March" is literally " Hitler". "Russia, Russia, Russia". "Democracy in Danger".
    "Facts don't care about your feelings" - Ben Shapiro, February 5, 2016 ....

  12. Both extremes are cults. In the middle are voters with a binary choice who are more concerned with out of control debt spending and our country's always at war posture (which causes more debt). Clinton reminded that's its the economy, stupid. War and debt spending are why we can't escape our doom spiral. Trump started zero wars. He couldn't control spending. Harris will control neither. One out of two is better than zero out of two. It's where we are, and it sucks. But Trump gets the nod. Do I sound radical? I don't feel radical.

    1. I’m pretty much with you. Trump drives me crazy. Harris is a complete empty pant suit who is a radical leftist like our own Taiba. It’s a close call but I’ll go with Trump.

  13. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, Bernie, or part of a Trump cult. My life was better under his Presidency and has been much worse under Bidenomics. Harris is part of that administration. I rest my case.

    1. My 401k is doing just fine under Biden. Obviously you don't have a real job.

    2. My job is more secure under Biden and my 401k is strong. I'd rather pay $4.89 for eggs and have a good paying job than have to worry about next weeks pay check. Plenty of well paying jobs for young people too.

    3. @8:18

      Blah, blah, blah. It’s so obvious that you MAGAts don’t have a clue what you’re talking about when it comes to just about everything, but specifically the economy when you say you’re not a “conspiracy theorist” but you buy into the biggest lie about how life was so much better under Trump. If you have ANY money in the stock market, either in a 401 or a pension, the Dow has literally doubled since Biden has taken over so how exactly was life better for you? Like seriously, you people are deranged.

    4. Yeah right 8:18 and I'm the tooth fairy.just remember your tax cuts will end and madam Pres will spend the windfall on the middle class. Just put your last remaining tooth under your pillow proud boy and I'll take care of you. DJT

  14. It's funny because Bernie just proved the saying correctly. Republicans think Democrats are people with bad ideas. Democrats think Republicans are bad people with ideas.

  15. Contrary to popular wisdom, the fundamental difference between Republicans and Democrats is not on the size of government but the purpose and goals of government. Both parties believe in taxing heavily and spending lavishly when it comes to national security that protects our nation from external attack. Both parties fervently embrace the Declaration of Independence’s insistence that among our “unalienable rights” are “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. But their conceptions of security and liberty differ radically.

    Here are some differences in the party platforms:


    Democrats: "We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion."

    Republicans: Abortion should be illegal in all cases and the Constitution should be amended to ban the procedure.

    Democrats: Applauded the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage.

    Republicans: Condemned the court decision


    Democrats: Called for fixing the "broken immigration system," including a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants.

    Republicans: Embraced Trump's call for a wall along the U.S-Mexican border though was silent on whether to back their nominee's demand to deport all 11 million.


    Democrats: Climate change poses a real and urgent threat to our economy, our national security, and our children's health and futures.

    Republicans: Cast doubts on whether the climate is changing, rejecting the findings of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as "a political mechanism, not an unbiased scientific institution" with "intolerance toward scientists and others who dissent from its orthodoxy."


    Democrats: Supports universal healthcare; Supports of government involvement in healthcare, including Medicare and Medicaid. Generally supports the Affordable Care Act.

    Republicans: Does not believe that healthcare is a fundamental right.

    6. TAXES

    Democrats: Supports raising the minimum wage and lowering the tax rate for the middle and lower classes. Higher Tax rates for Higher income brackets.

    Republicans: Republicans argue that taxes, especially those that tax the rich at higher rates than the poor, interfere with our liberty to pursue happiness by amassing unrestrained wealth. Republican actions haven't resulted less in tax reduction but rather has shifted taxes from income taxes to sales or property taxes that burden lower income households most heavily.


    Democrats: Widespread gun ownership significantly contributes to physical violence inside and outside the gun owner’s household; thus in this case unrestrained liberty must give way to regulation.

    Republicans: The ability to own unlimited numbers of guns and carry them whenever and wherever one wants with a minimum of government oversight, constitutes an essential part of freedom while allowing the owner to protect him/herself from physical harm.

    8. Money in Politics

    Democrats: Want to overturn the Citizens United decision, which eased restrictions on corporate and union campaign spending. Campaign donors should not be anonymous.

    Republicans: For Republicans it means the liberty of money, allowing individuals to spend unlimited amounts to elect candidates and lobby legislators while restricting the liberty of people to vote. The GOP's platform makes things easier for the rich and powerful. It would repeal or raise contribution limits and allow outside groups to spend millions on campaign contributions without naming the donors.

  16. You Bernie are the one who is in a cult. Your cult dethroned your duly elected leader and chose who you will be your new leader. Your cult has chosen to weaponize our governing departments and judiciary against its political opponents and your fellow Americans who you may disagree with. Your cult has chosen to overwhelm the societal systems with crime and unfettered immigration. Your cult has chosen to propagate unnatural acts and promote degenerative perversions as norm. Your cult continues to promote endless wars and its collateral misery throughout the world. Your cult is happy to see our nation in decline....

  17. Woman Kills Baby Live on Stage 78 years after its birth

    1. Bernie: See your 12 Sept. 10:17AM. Did you just publish something like Kathy Griffin’s stunt? I thought dead baby jokes were insensitive now, and geronticide was bad, except under the order of any blue governor who consigned COVID spreaders to nursing homes.

  18. Democrats do not want to overturn Citizens United. You barely hear a peep from them about it. That's because they've learned to use it to substantially out-raise Rs in campaign dough. The party that does it second usually does it better. Stop the anti-Citizens United crap. You are simply reciting talking points that are hilariously false. But Citizens United opposition is your biggest whopper.

    1. 9:53am- Funny, uneducated comment.

      In 2023, House Democrats introduced a Constitutional amendment to overturn a Supreme Court ruling that eliminated restrictions on corporate campaign spending.

      Also, you failed to criticize the first 7 points I posted, which I can fact-check, too.

  19. Bernie you so wrong and many people know it

  20. Keep Tom Carroll out of the Northampton

  21. I'm pretty sure that 50% of the pro Trump commentary here is just some Joe Six Pack from South Moscow putting in their time at their troll farm. The same banal talking points repeated over and over without any real connection to reality. Again - why does anyone in the LEHIGH VALLEY have illegal immigration at the top of their concern list?

    1. How small minded.

    2. Because the immigrants since 1900 the poles, Slovaks,Irish,Greeks,syrians, Hungarians have taken over the Lehigh valley from the the Pa dutch and look at the result. We're a mess and in decline

  22. A big part of the story that Trump tells his true believers is that Democrats are "destroying the country" with intentionally evil goals. That story sounds like a total fairytale to me, which is why I have trouble engaging with Trump's true believers -- as Bernie would call them, cultists.

    Biden's administration has invested in our military and defended our long-standing allies -- allies since WWII. Many people would say he's emphasizing our national security too much (not too little)! He pushed and passed the Inflation Reduction Act that's fixing up our highways and infrastructure and growing our energy sector for the post-fossil future. On his watch, we are producing the most oil and gas, not only in the nation's history, but... by any nation in the history of planet Earth. The CHIPS Act is helping to regrow our commercial infrastructure for the AI arms race. He wants to raise taxes on the wealthy so we have the means to do even more to level the playing field for the middle class. The Administration went to great lengths to lower prescription drug prices especially for seniors on fixed incomes. He walked a friggin' picket line -- first sitting POTUS to do so. Joe Manchin didn't let Biden pass the cost-lowering ("care economy") elements of Build Back Better, through which the Administration would have reduced costs for child care and elder care.

    Is this "destroying the country"? Is this evil? I don't get it. You can say it's too expensive, or you may disagree with how fast/slow it's being done, but to me, it's all good stuff that strengthens the country for the long-term.

  23. Bernie, I wrote a lengthy rebuttal to your assessment before realizing it probably wouldn’t survive your censorship.

    So I’ll give you the abbreviated version.

    You’re wrong.

    I’ve long held that if Democrats are accusing someone of being it, it is because they are it.

    If Democrats are accusing someone of doing it, it is because they are doing it.

    The basic definition of a bigot is someone who holds their opinion to be superior, and is unaccepting of opposing opinions.

    I think you and a large percentage of finger pointing liberals participate in this.

    Tell a woman you’re pro life…reap the bigotry.

    Tell a member of the queer community that you don’t believe in puberty blockers or taxpayer funded gender reassignment surgery….reap the bigotry.

    Tell a person of color that you don’t agree with quotas, DEI initiatives, BLM….reap the bigotry.

    You know these things. You’re willing to ignore it all so long as it perpetuates your philosophies.

    In short, you’re a hypocrite who at the very least, aligns with and supports liberal bigots.

    But, I’ll give you credit for being an elite athlete.

    1. is that the Buying Large Mansions BLM?




    2. 2:37- sign me up. You sound like a fun time.

  24. Bernie people hate democrats because of their policies Open border, taxes, liberal policies ,killing babies,sex change for teens, men in women sports , high inflation, freebees for illegals, foreign polocy is terrible and a lot more.

    1. Exactly. The problem is, for me anyway, Trump. I wish Rs would move on from him.

  25. You’re becoming unhinged and desperate, Bernie, because you know your candidate is terrible, so you have to stoop to spreading insults. A threat to democracy is saying the people who like the opposition are cult members. You’re just jealous you don’t have a candidate to be excited about. BTW, did Kamala ever answer if we’re better off than we were four years ago? I’ll give her credit for being smart enough to dodge that question at least. Why don’t you cover her epiphany on why Starbucks should change the color of their coffee cup lids? I mean, that’s groundbreaking stuff right there.

  26. The democrat part is now the party of the anti semites and socialists. Trump ruined the Republican Party so the Ds will win. Could you imagine if Nikki Haley was the nominee instead of Trump? Landslide. Kamala is an empty pant suit but Trump is just as bad.

    1. Yall don’t know what to say anymore and just talking horseshit. Just because some liberals are against the Palestinian genocide that’s being conducted by the Israeli government doesn’t mean we’re anti-Semite you smooth-brain troll. Even most Jewish people that LIVE in Israel want the bombing to end. And just because we’re fighting for a fair liveable wage doesn’t mean we want socialism. Like seriously, how do some of you even graduate middle school? Nikki is a corporate bootlicker like the rest of the Republican Party pandering to wealthy oligarchs, no thanks.

    2. Genocide? LOL! The holocaust was genocide. Hamas started a war. Hamas is responsible for what is happening in Palistine. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Taleib, Summer Lee ect are rabid anti semites. Period. They’re all democrats. So line Ilmar said show me the Benjamin’s there liberal. Also, why are you liberals so full of hate and anger. Lighten Francis it will be ok.

    3. Settle down Taiba. You’re going to stroke out! Take deep breaths in and out.

  27. Poor democrats we are too hard on them us poor Trump are crude and ignorant.

  28. Tulsi Gabbard announces she's supporting Trump, the next day she's put on the Terror Watch List. But Trump supporters are the problem?

  29. If Harris wins will she get rid of inflation,will she secure the border, will crime go down , will all war around the world stop, will energy prices go down, will men be in women sports,will military become strong,will illegas get all kind of free stuff,will she stop the housing crisis, will food prices drop, will wages go up.

    1. 7:14... Harris will continue on autopilot and accomplish nada, zilch, zero... as she has been. However, her mouth works (too) good!!! Situation normal, AFU!!!

  30. Cult is a matter of perspective. Jeepers and their rubber duckies, fans of the TV show "Friends", and people who magically switch to being a staunch Harris supporter after years of defending Biden, also exhibit pietism and they continually seek reaffirmation.

    Trump is not the danger. Any power he attempts to overstep will be reigned in; if nothing else, the press will actually do its job again. Harris, however, will run unchecked and unquestioned and an enactment of an Enabling Act is not out of the realm of possibility.

    1. Exactly. They make it sound like there’s no Congress.

  31. A good number of people in this country is not satisfied with low inflation, low energy prices, a secure border, no wars they want to continue with Harris and the democrats.

  32. Harris claimed she'd be the president for all yet she spent the debate basically attacking the policies that half the country believe in. Most Republicans wish we had a more likeable professional speaking candidate who could articulate all the good they did during their last presidency and all the good policies for the next four years. But we do have a candidate that does have policies that we like and we will vote for that person who is Trump. The fringe of each party is quite radical and most of Americans are not. That doesn't make us haters or racist it just makes us human with our beliefs. But to vote for Harris because she's a woman. Or she's black or she says she'll bring joy and represent us all is just not a reason to vote for her for president. She had three plus years and did nothing. Her views were radical until now and as Bernie Sanders said she wants to win and thus the change in her alleged positions. She did nothing to unite us during that debate. She said nothing to make a republican feel like she cared about or had any concern for our policy thoughts. So simply. It's not about the person it's about the policies you support...

  33. I have always voted for the person who I felt would do the best job for the country. It didn't matter what party. I will vote for Trump because Harris has no clue on running a country and the other countries will surely take advantage of her weakness. I'm not a big fan of Trump but he is the better choice and if your being honest with yourself you will too. You could hate him as a person but think about the future for your kids and grandchildren.

    1. He is divisive, dishonest, and incompetent. Don't kid yourself. And stop pretending that you are making a thoughtful choice. He is a felon and rapist. Remember when he suggested that people should take horse dewormer pills to stop COVID? Remember JAN6? Haha. Trump is human garbage. The worst of us.

    2. lol angry much. No wonder everyone trying to shoot the guy liberals are so full of hate and anger. Settle down bro it’s just politics.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.