Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

What Does Area Agency on Aging Do?

Lori Stanton Laney is Northampton County's Director of Area Agency on Aging, appeared before Northampton County Council's Human Services Commitee on August 1 to provide an overview of what exactly her office does for seniors. Unfortunately, much of what she said her office does is nowhere on the county's webpage. She said it is in the process of being updated, but that's no consolation to seniors exploring what options are available. 

"Some of them [services] are on there," said Laney. "We're working on getting all the information back up there again." 

Senior Centers. There are 11 in the county, open Monday thru Friday. They provide relief to those seeking respite from the heat. They also provide lunches in exchange for a donation. 

Farmer Market Voucher Program. These are $50 in vouchers for seniors age 60 or older for some limited participation in farmer markets. This is income-based, but there is on an honor system. This sounds good, but most seniors will tell you that very few vendors to honor these vouchers. This program runs from June 1 through November 30, and can be obtained at the Human Services Building at 2801 Emrick Blvd in Bethlehem Tp.

Options Program. This includes safety checks for someone worried about a neighbor. The goal is to keep seniors in their homes, living independently, as long as it is safe for them. This also includes in-home services, funding for adult aid services, in-home meals and personal care.

Caregiver support program. This will reimburse grandparents or older adults for seasonal clothing, baby food, formula and even camps. 

Protective services. Investigates abuse, neglect, exploitation and abandonment of older adults. Caseworkers respond to complaints within 72 hours unless there is need for an immediate intervention. 


  1. 72 hours? Sounds like another useless county program

  2. I requested assistance five months ago with a situation involving an abusive senior citizen housing (hint: connect the name to the 100 unit low-rise) manager. I was sent an envelope containing a list of senior housing friendly outfits and a booklet covering landlord-tenant rights and respomsibilities.
    Result? I am now living in a nursing facility at a cost to taxpayers over $11,000/month versus the $600/month senior subsidy that i previously received. I only needed a subsidized housing move, not an expensive life altering change and loss of independence.

  3. Yeah and if they are short people in that spot to protect the aging it is because the county has placed an order on the COs that they can not transfer anywhere else in the county. A few COs put in for that position. And other positions around the county and the fearless leader Lamont has told HR to not let any CO'S transfer to any other positions in the county. Not sure if this is legal. Or against the home rule charter. Wish someone would look into the jail. Almost lost my lunch when Ken Kraft flat out lied to council and the tax payers about how the jail is doing. It is in the worst shape it has ever been.

    1. I have a friend there over 20 yrs. It’s awful

  4. So did Laurie Greco leave it this way or did she leave because it is this way?

  5. Interesting. I worked for the Carbon County Area Agency on Aging for 5 years. They have a well-run organization.

  6. Know some caseworkers from years ago and they shudder when they hear how the services have degraded over the years. Much of this is that services were contracted out to other non-county entities. Lots of smoke and mirrors now. So sad for our vulnerable seniors. State is happy the computerized entry systems generate pretty records. Helps them crunch their numbers for records requested by the feds. How the government likes those pie charts.

  7. Hard page to navigate. Get rid of all the political pictures and plugs and make room for this vital message.


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