Local Government TV

Monday, August 05, 2024

RFK Jr Leaves Dead Bear in Central Park

Presidential candidate RFK, Jr, is certainly wooing the wingnut vote. His latest? He once left a dead bear cub in NYC's Central Park as a prank, ha ha. It's unclear whether he was under the influence of a worm that ate a part of his brain and died. 


  1. Wait, is this suppose to be a big deal? Our govt is responsible for bombing weddings and creating viruses that killed millions and you are concerned about a dead bear?

    Also, calling the guy with the highest IQ in the race a wingnut reveals more about you then him.

  2. Another absolutely bizarre story about RFK Jr. There is nothing funny about killing a bear cub and using its body as a prank.

    The sooner this guy gets out of politics the safer we'll all be.

    1. Read or watch the video. He didn’t kill the bear. Why this is even big news is the bigger joke. Market crashing, Iran ready to bomb Israel, illegal immigrants still coming into our country, credit card debt at all time high because people can’t afford groceries. The media will do anything to avoid the real issue, Biden-Harris administration is a disaster.

  3. harris blew up willie's bear

  4. Anon 6:15 am said:

    “Also, calling the guy with the highest IQ in the race a wingnut reveals more about you than him.”

    6:15 - RFK Jr. only spoke of the story in order to get out in front of an article that was coming out.

    It appears the democrats have decided that he is doing more harm to their candidate than he is to Trump, so Kennedy has to be brought down and (ideally) be forced out of the race.

    I suppose that if this story doesn’t get Kennedy to drop out, the democrats will just continue to try to have him removed from the November ballot, particularly in swing states.

    Once again the “party of democracy” is “protecting our democracy” by trying to limit our choices.

  5. Friends of mine one "relocated" a road kill deer. Good times. The pre "security cameras everywhere" era was a lot of fun.

  6. If Trump would left a dead bear cub in Central Park, MAGAts would have blamed the bear.

  7. Ok that's just weird. Who does that?

  8. We've so enjoyed your numerous humorous postings on the failures of Donald J. Trump (45th and soon to be 47th President of the Ubited States of America) and surely to be followed by attacks on RFK.
    However, you could expand your brilliant monologue by incorporating any number of equally truthful accounts of nalfeaseance by President Joseph Robinette Biden, or Vice President Kamala Devi Harris. For some reason, you decline to admit this narrative.

    Wierd, huh?

    1. This RFK thing is weird. What’s not is Bernie’s one sided reporting lol.

    2. What do you want
      The bears version

  9. He's certainly the campaign's most interesting candidate. I want to see his legendary black book where he painstakingly rates the breasts and vaginas of his zillions of conquests. He makes his dad and uncles look like cloistered monks.

  10. RFK is telling about this now only because it's coming out anyway.

  11. B, As someone who speaks openly about his own past challenges with alcohol, I am surprised at your lack of interpreting his illustration of reference; that of - worm in the brain.

  12. "calling the guy with the highest IQ in the race a wingnut reveals more about you then him."

    If that wingnut has a high IQ, I'm Albert Einstein.

    But by all means, vote for him. That's one less for Trump.

    1. I’m a registered democrat and Biden supporter. I’m pissed at having my primary vote stolen by the Leftists that now run the party, and Harris is one of them.

      RFK Jr will get my vote in the fall, even if I have to write him in.

  13. I'm rejecting comments that have nothing to do with the topic here, which is RFK Jr and his bizarre campaign.

  14. I'll take RFK over Harris any day of the week. Bear or no bear.

  15. "I’m a registered democrat and Biden supporter. I’m pissed at having my primary vote stolen by the Leftists that now run the party, and Harris is one of them."

    Sure you are. You Trump cultists are blatant liars ... and weird.

    1. Now, now. This article is about RFK. Please stay on topic.

  16. It's weird that whacky RFK doesn't trust vaccines
    But, find a roadkill bear on the side of the road, get a little Central Park marinade on it, and its what's for dinner.
    Weird af.

    1. Just what is wrong with a little Road Kill now and then? Donald Trump has had to eat his own words on more than one occasion and that is a helluva lot worse than Road Kill. He intended to eat that bear and should be congratulated for not letting it go to waste. Unfortunately the dip stick let the meat deteriorate beyond its usefulness as an edible delicacy.

  17. He's been wrong about several vaccines. He was dead-on, bullseye correct on the dangerous and deadly fake CoViD shots. The suffering of those harmed by that poison hasn't been explored and that's criminal. I'll vote for the first candidate who doesn't flack for Big Pharma, as this blog and its favored candidates have done. No candidate is perfect. But those shots were deadly and and are still causing harm. Why not investigate the same way we do to determine why lesbians are obese or why cows fart too much?

  18. How shocking. A Kennedy leaving a corpse behind. At least this time it wasn’t a human being. That’s a quantum leap for democrat royalty.

  19. It turns out there will be no charges filed since the bear has been voting democrat for the last 10 years.

  20. I saw the video of his explanation to Rosanne about the dead cub. Strange, but not that unreasonable of an explanation. Saw John Oliver's last show about RFK and vaccines. Now that's bizarre.


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