Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

PoliticsPa: Dems Have 356k Voter Registration Edge Over GOP in Pa

 According to PoliticsPa, Pennsylvania Democrats have 356k more registered voters than Republicans. "Democrats (3.9M) continue to hold a registration advantage over Republicans (3.55M) by approximately 356,000 voters. Those registered with no affiliation total just over one million (1.03M), while other party registrants are just under 345,000." But as I periodically note on this blog, they have been losing that edge for at least the past 10 years. "Democrats continue to see defections to Republicans, independents or other parties since the start of 2024, as 39,278 have signed on as members of the GOP, while 22,786 indicated another preference. For comparison, the GOP lost 14,652 to Democratic registration and an additional 21,991 to others."

Given this numerical advantage, it should come as no surprise that the latest Pa. polls show that Harris is now leading Trump in the Keystone State. 

This can be reversed if Trump is able to negatively define Harris in a way that resonates with voters. So far, his misogyny and racist dog whistles have failed.  




  2. I've always chosen kamal toe over all other options.

  3. The real important components these days is the number of people identifying themselves to be Independent, and the amount of ineligible votes making their way through the system. Our voting process that still remains somewhat insecure.

    1. What is your basis for the statement that the voting process is insecure? I mean, Mr. Trump and the R's filed 47 lawsuits after the last election, lost 46, and failed to prove any fraud, and Fox News famously paid $787m on account of their defamation. It may surprise you to know that Democrats also want a secure election system, and that the vote-by-mail law was passed by a wide majority of D's and R's.

    2. The situation is not exactly as you describe, 11:22AM. Almost none (I’m not aware of any) of those election challenges were ever sent all the way up the judicial chain to resolution by an independent jury trial with an evidentiary cross examination.

      By the way, I don’t watch Fox News or any other corporate legacy network. They all suck. Epoch Times, Conservative Treehouse, and independent journalists on the internet are all I need.

    3. What state recently found 500 non citizens on voter registration? Just in the news. Waltz state? Driver licenses they had?

    4. “…Mr. Trump and the R's filed 47 lawsuits after the last election, lost 46,…”

      CCV - Your statement is misleading, likely deliberately so. As you know (or at least should know), most of the lawsuits were dismissed on grounds of standing or other technicalities. Few cases were actually heard, or “lost”.

      To those who believe that our voting system was secure, you might want to check out yesterday’s article on MSN (hardly a right-wing source) about the group of hackers who found scores of vulnerabilities in our election system. But naturally there is no time to do anything to fix those problems.

      Also, if asked I would say that there are relatively few people in this country who would put their money in a bank with the same level of security that our voting machines/elections process currently has. That’s telling.

      Yet somehow come November half of the country will say that all is well with the results and how we vote. Newsflash, it isn’t. Until both sides are willing to look past the immediate results of an election and look at the process objectively, we will continue to be laughingstocks for the rest of the world.

    5. 5:00pm
      This is from right-leaning Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/12/08/trump-and-the-gop-have-now-lost-50-post-election-lawsuits/

      Rudy = disbarred in NYC
      John Eastman = soon to be disbarred in CA
      Sidney Powell = pleads guilty, disgraced

      Stop the Steal was the biggest lie of all the lies, and you still have the hook in your cheek.

  4. Are they still counting the democrats in cemetery' s Actually more young people are going republican

  5. Ds lead Rs because they are better at harvesting names off of graves

  6. Who you voting for, Bernie???

    1. I can't wait to cast my MIB for Kamala Harris.

    2. Bernie, what policy do you support? I went to her website and there are none. Just asking for money and introducing her and the VP nominee. So how can you vote for someone and not know what their policies are? You like her idea of no tax on tips?


    3. That’s easy. He has a bad case of TDS. It’s a mental illness. It’s so bad that ppl will vote for someone who is on record that open borders are ok, that defunding the police is ok, that burning down cities is ok, heck let’s support the ppl with bail money that burnt the cities down, it was a peaceful protest lol.

  7. You cannot assume that all 356K democrat registered voters will be as brain-dead as you and vote for a O'Hare-ass / Tampon Tim ticket....

  8. Besides hate, lies, conspiracy theories and even more lies, what exactly does Trump have to offer?

    1. Crushing the beltway beauracrats, ending wars, crushing DEI agendas, sending back illegal immigrants, closing the open boarder, ending the surveillance state. .should I keep going?

    2. World peace, lower taxes, lower inflation, energy independence, no tax on tips, no tax on social security, secure border, strong military, crush drug cartels, cut regulations. It's actually on his website if you stop watching MSNBC for 5 mins and take a look.

    3. Trump's plan to remove tax on social security would would benefit people with high income (because the people paying taxes on social security are the ones that also have income from other sources) and lead to social security becoming insolvent faster.
      He's not trying to help the middle class that needs it; he's trying to limit what the wealthy have to pay.

      The Democrats introduced a bill that would eliminate tax on social security and extend the life of it by increasing the maximum amount of income people pay social security on (so that the wealthy continue to pay into social security up to $250,000) but the Republicans will never let it pass.

      Trump does not care about you if you don't make hundreds of thousands of dollars, at a minimum.

    4. 10:16 Why do you say "world peace"? We had riots in our own country. Remember those?

  9. Haris reminds me of Christmas - Ho, Ho, Ho.

    1. 2:14 PM - before you use the term ‘income’ again, please learn the difference between ‘earned’ income and ‘other’ income.

  10. Walz - the cowardly lion

  11. Harris has done no interviews and hasn’t participated in a debate.

    Time will tell.

  12. A lot of stupid people in Penna if they vote for kamala and the fraud.

    1. “A lot of stupid people in Penna if they vote for the TWO Republican frauds”

      There I fixed it for you.

    2. There are. I'm just in shock that she might be our next president. I don't understand how people decide to vote. If based on the Democrats at all on this blog it's just mind blowing. Didn't they live the past three years paying attention to what's happening?

  13. I'm confused how any working person can vote for Trump. He commended Elon Musk for firing auto workers that were trying to unionize and then they would both hit with a federal lawsuit for intimidation. This is why people are not making enough money while corporations make record profits. The people that are for these corporations, no matter their other policies, won't help anyone recover from this stagnation. You need to FORCE corporations to pay their share. Every quarter it's about the numbers. Every quarter they need to make MORE or their stock goes down. Investors will be pissed. Corporations DON'T CARE. They can't care. They are only for the money. It will never trickle down to us.

    Also, I see so many people that love Trump and project 2025. Some are close to retirement and are talking about their social security numbers. Either you're for socialism or not. You cant vote for someone that will take action to make you work till you're dead.

    If you watch any of the trainwreck interviews he doesn't clearly articulate any policies. He just talks about how his crowd size, fake news and how he's being attacked.

    His Elon interview should have been a slam dunk. He even offered Elon a position in his administration. We should have all expected that. So, I go back to my first point of both of them wanting to screw the working class.

    Was he drunk? He mercilessly attacked Joe when he was sick at the debate. Trump was slurring his words pretty bad. He confused a drawing of Kamala with his wife.

    We have very low unemployment, record job growth and the economy is starting to stabilize. It takes a republican party to favor the corporations and a democratic party to stabilize the economy and working class. Fox news grits its teeth when it has to report the job growth numbers. It's comical to watch. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/foxs-maria-bartiromo-seems-really-203857952.html

    I think so many people are finally waking up and learning Trump only spits lies and division. The other day he was still talking which insult was more appropriate "Sleepy Joe or Crooked Joe." Why? Why was that important? The man dropped out. Get over it.

    Ive heard people say "At least trump has conviction." Yeah, 34 of them.

    1. I read your first sentence and figure you watch too much MSNBC and never look anything up so I will clear it up for you very simply with the website below. Dems want to let this expire and I have my favorite part below. Notice it says ALL INCOME LEVELS. Now to job growth numbers. May and April jobs report numbers were just revised lower by a combined 111,000 jobs. The May jobs report was revised from 272,000 to 218,000 while the April jobs report was revised from 165,000 to 108,000. This means that 10 out of the last 15 monthly jobs reports have been revised lower.

      The TCJA reduced average tax rates for taxpayers at all income levels because it lowered marginal tax rates,


    2. How? Because the last administration and country was better then the current and surely the future under Harris.

    3. Has the Democratic party stabilized anything the past three years? Your statements are misinformation too

  14. 9:38 you fixed nothing but you must be a real stupid dumb idiot.\You would along real good with the real frauds--No talk Harris and Lier Walz But they bring you joy and maybe a few more wars

    1. Grammar, punctuation, spelling and intellect are not your friends. But you do sound like one of the brighter students of the MAGA class.

  15. We working people lived in a safer country, safer world, and had more money in our pockets and greater economic prosperity under Trump.

    There. It’s been explained to you.

    1. I work, been doing fine the last 4 years.

  16. For the first time in my life, my family didn’t vacation last year due to economic constraint, and didn’t bother planning one this year.

    We rarely eat out and have greatly curtailed social and recreational activity.

    We are barely getting by.

    That’s my life under Biden/Harris.

    That wasn’t my life under Trump.

    And I don’t have a single “white collar” family member on my side or my wife’s.

    1. I don't understand 10:04 says things are great.

    2. Honest question - what exactly do you do for a living? Our lives under Trump and under Biden are delineated and influenced by a GLOBAL pandemic that impacted everyone and all lines of work and in many cases the changes seen since 2020 are now a permanent way of life now. Basing your political voting preference on your economic situation before and after COVID isn't going to change much moving forward.

    3. So your shortcomings are somebody else’s fault?
      Of course they are.

  17. New polling out today. Still within the margin of error, but...

    Kamala Harris has not taken overtaken Don-old Trump in Arizona, North Carolina And Georgia.

    Don-old is still beating Harris in Florida, but she has closed the margin by 3 points, whereas Trump was beating Biden by 9 points.

    God loves Democracy. God bless Harris/Walz.

    1. 11:05- I think you mean that Harris has overtaken Donald in Arizona, North Carolina and Georgia.

    2. 1:18- you are correct. Darn autocorrect. I meant to write, "Kamala Harris has overtaken Don-old Trump in Arizona, North Carolina and Georgia, too".

  18. Kamala is now faking headlines the media is so fake and people still believe the media

  19. The more you hear about Walz, The more a sane person realizes what a fraud and left-wing radial he is. Also how he lies about his time in the military. But then again he is a typical politician because they all lie ,lie and more lies.

  20. I believe liberal people cannot think clearly, they have something wrong with their brains,

    1. Thank you for the laugh! That's better than can someone explain to me the significance of the passage of time! That will seriously maybe keep me from having a heart attack reading all of this insanity! Keep it in perspective it's their brains!

  21. https://nypost.com/2024/08/13/us-news/harris-campaign-editing-news-headlines-in-her-favor-without-outlets-knowledge-report/

  22. Philadelphia:

    Democrats- 775,000 reg voters
    Republicans- 170,000 reg voters

    Biden beat Trump by 80,000 votes in Pa in the last election, despite having a 600,000 registered voter advantage and n Philly.

  23. What should be up is down and what should be down is up after 3 and 1/2 years of Biden/Harris. The Dems dropped him like that proverbial hot potato and eased her in with left wing Walz. No matter how bad things are, Bernie will vote for more of the same. Who will he blame then?

  24. i have been watching tv and the democrats do not know how bad the economy is, they sound so stupid they have no idea how people are struggling We need good sound republican economic policy or this economy may collapse under more democratic rule.

    1. Stock market records.
      Zero functional unemployment.
      Inflation of 2.9%.
      Interest rates will drop.
      Yeah the sky is falling.

    2. Sure people are struggling with the high cost of living cigarettes,soda,candy,gas for their nonessential 6mpg trucks, lottery tickets etc,etc with so much food insecurity no wonder the nation is fat and stupid

  25. Trump does not nave to define Harris, SHe has defined herself over the lasty 20 years and it is nit good I like the way to try to blame Trump. You sure are sick when it comes to President Trump.

  26. I never thought I would live to hear that the announcement that starts with "ladies and gentlemen" would be offensive. It's one of the reasons I left the Democrat party, garbage like this. Democrats have become the party of the perpetually offended. I just wish the R's would run someone other than Trump. He's going to lose again. Half the country will never vote for him.

    1. And half won't for Harris. A few decide just like four years ago.

  27. Did you hear the latest Bernie, Harris is running fake headlines that is a fact- you must be happy because you run a fake blog with a lot of democratic propaganda which are fake

  28. Another reason to open up the primaries to all voters. Independents comprise a huge electorate and are being denied their right to vote unless they declare a party. Thats bullshit.

  29. Depend on how much cheating the democrats get away with in November.

  30. Democrats are so stupid inflation came in only 2.95 for july so they tell us they beating inflation when it really up over 20% over the years and they are not bring that down. sure great economy all they do is gaslight people vote Trump

    1. It was actually 3.2 year over year. Well above the Feds goal of 2%.

  31. Harris told Jake Tapper that she wanted to eliminate private medical Insurance. At least she doesn’t lie like Obama, if you like your insurance you CAN’T KEEP IT.

  32. All I cane say is in July 2020 my group of old guys came to the conclusion that Biden would be a bad choice for the country and boy were we right. Now in 2024 the same group says that Kamala and the liberal Governor will be worse than Biden .

    1. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.

    2. And these are just the boomers.In 5 years they'll all be in gracedale and there kids will be all driving electric cars and watching you tube vids on their phones.Im sure they 'll be happy with the inheritence.

  33. By the way I am one of the old guys in9:49 We hope we are wrong for the sake of the young people

  34. The Harris economic plan, dubbed Kamunism, has even been panned by the Washington Post. Wow.


  35. That's inaccurate. The WaPa disagrees with her proposal to impose price controls at groceries but find much to like in her many economic proposals. Her approach to the economy is definitely overall a positive thing.


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