Local Government TV

Friday, August 02, 2024

Gracedale Nursing Home (and Daycare) Update

Gracedale Administrator Jennifer Stewart told Northampton County Council that the daycare center furnishings must be in place before the operator can seek licensing. She said they should arrive by October 8. 

Census is 443, with a goal of 450. The home is licensed for 688 beds. The nursing administration is now fully staffed, but she acknowledged the home still relies very heavily on agency nurses.

Finally, she indicated that the cafeteria now provides made-to-order meals, which have been a hit with staff. 


  1. Daycare - WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY!!!!!!! McClueless MUST GO!

  2. So Gracedale is licensed for 688 but the census goal is 450? Who is paying to license the remaining beds? Hmm. Little kids and the elderly. A bad combo infection wise. Yay - made to order meals. SMH. This is a win?

  3. A "hoe" was involved?? lol

    I couldn't resist.

    I never liked the daycare idea. Everyone will want one.

    66% capacity will never work. Not a great business plan unless the "company" is subsidized....... :o

    But we have customized meals..... yeesh

  4. "A "hoe" was involved?? lol"

    Sorry about that. Fixed.

  5. Now that is one place Kamala can run.

    1. If there is an “hoe”involved, you KNOW Trump will be right there; albeit w blue pills and a checkbook.

  6. Keep listening to the democrats see how ford did with their electric cars--this is a fact everything that democrats do is a failure - vote for Kamala could lead to world war 3

    1. Sure it will…and you should plug your chair back in…

  7. Please watch the meeting. Ron Heckman put on a master class on how to be a Councilman. He was thoughtful. He asked insightful questions, and while a staunch defender of Gracedale, he was not an apologist for the Administration. If this is the Ron we get for the remainder of his term, he will be known as a giant in County history !

  8. Anybody who would vote for Harris is an idiot who is suicidal--our country will not exist after 4 years of Biden and 4 years of Harris.

  9. Harris is afraid to face the American no press conferences no one and one with fox reporters--just like Biden she will hide, and the fake media will back her. Hopefully the american people will finally see how bad the democrats and Harris is.

  10. I think Lori’s power grab has hit a snag.

  11. The daycare was to be funded for 2 yrs. When does that 2 yrs begin? Is it funded with American Cares money? Is 2 yrs when Jennifer Stewart can retire?


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