Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Slate Belt Republicans Meeting Tonight

On Monday, I told you about the major divisions within Northampton County's GOP.  For that reason and others, a coalition of Slate Belt Republicans is meeting tonight at 7 pm at the Trolley Shops Restaurant (257 E Central Ave, Bangor). "Blessed are the peacemakers ... ."


  1. What? What’s the point of this post?

    1. It’s amazing how an organisation that has a great reputation like SBRA is getting bad publicity. It must mean we’re doing something right. Post what you want. Unlike NCRC sticks and stones won’t break our bones!

    2. It’s amazing that an organization that. Us doing so much good is under attack. We must be doing something right or there wouldn’t be all these negative comments. Remember not like NCRC, sticks and stones won’t break our bones and names will never hurt us.

  2. Replies
    1. Its really not. I don't think anyone understands what you are getting at

  3. The slate belt Republicans are anything but peace makers.

  4. Just Angle trying to pretend he’s relevant.

  5. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

  6. I believe it’s blessed are the cheesemakers. Obviously this shouldn’t be take literally because I think it applies to any manufacturer of dairy.

  7. Come out & pray for the persecuted Fab Four. Heard they compare themselves to jesus & trump in that sense.
    Poor victims of lawfare. See ya tonight.

  8. They should meet at the bottom of a quarry...pick one!

  9. Steve-o and the gang will mobilized for sure. Hopefully we will get a Live while he's driving over there, seatbelt pulled aside of course, don't want to look like a rule follower....

  10. Lynch, Morea, Biro, and Heilman often go to the Slatebelt Republican meetings, yet they’ve never gotten unruly. Geissinger doesn’t bother with said meetings. It’s almost like Geissinger is the problem.

  11. 8:40, From the way Ron explained it to me, the meeting is for all Republicans. It does not matter whether they are part of the Lynch mob or tea party. It does not matter whether they are committee members or exec committee members or Trumpers or neverTrumpers (if any are left). I said my post was self-explanatory, but it is an attempt to bring warring factions together.

    1. Bernie, you are misinformed. Slate belt leadership is at the forefront of this conflict.

  12. The slate belt Republicans are yet another group that Geisinger has set his sights on. He won't be happy until he is in control of everything. He even went so far as to prevent the county from giving the slate belt Republicans pole watcher certificates this past election. When are you guys going to get the picture? He doesn't care about candidates or elections he cares about titles, control, and his own personal grudges.

    1. Another lie. Geissinger could not have prevented this if he wanted to. The SB failed to take the necessary actions to get watcher certs and then blamed Glenn for their own lack of initiative.

    2. Pole watchers? Do they watch pole dancers?

    3. Well the NCRC has pornstars on the executive board so I guess that's a natural progression to pole dancing at the polls😂

  13. Greasy Glenn Gaslighter is the type of RINO vermin that needs to be purged from the party immediately, if this is delayed Sleepy Joe and his Soros funded Commie pals will have us eating bugs and biking to work while they eat foie gras on private Jets like Scarry John kerry

    1. That’s why I read this blog: for the intelligent, well thought-out comments by logical, thoughtful people.

    2. I believe the new bylaws allow Glenn to get rid of the Slate Belt Association. Ask Ethan.

    3. This is paranoid nonsense. The county GOP chair has no authority over another private organization.

  14. If Glenn agrees to repay the legal fees he's essentially stealing, it will go a long way. Do the right thing Glenn. It'll be the first time. But just do it. Pay the money back. Or keep quiet when somebody "steals" it back from you. Mmmmmkay? IYKYK.

    1. Even if Glenn wanted this, the board would not allow it. This was an overwhelming majority of leadership who wanted this. Like or not, the county gop is a representative democracy, and you seem to hold a decisively minority viewpoint.

    2. Maybe he should start a givesendgo to raise funds. Betcha he can raise more than $415. IYKYK haahaaahaaa

  15. "Bernie, you are misinformed. Slate belt leadership is at the forefront of this conflict."

    That's absurd. The people at the forefront are the ones in court, i.e. lYNCH MOB AND TEA PARTY.

    1. Shows what you know.

    2. The Lynch mob and the slate belt snoverite faction are one.

      Call around, and you will up your clarity on this issue.

  16. All of this petty bickering while our nation slips into soft Communism. Both major parties should get their acts together quickly even at these lower levels. Voters are already turned off by the people they see in office.

  17. The meeting was very peaceful from what we heard LOL - our church was outside eating ice cream at the first stop on our “summer ice cream tour” and no yelling was heard, no objects were thrown….


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