Local Government TV

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Dixie Developer Being Sued For $277k Environmental Cleanup Bill

I have previously been critical of Skyline Investment GroupSkyline Investment Group, a nonlocal developer using private equity money to purchase the Wilson Boro Dixie factory. There are more than a few red flags, which I've previously outlined here.  Skyline's website is pretty much an utter fabrication, from five locations and a project (the Louix) that simply do not exist. Principal Brian Bartee is a fast talker but has never developed a thing.  Yet we are on the cusp of giving a fairly substantial tax break, and over a 20-year period, for apartments that only double-platers from NY and NJ can afford. The county is being offered a $1 million bribe for affordable housing in exchange for its largesse, but the amount of tax revenue lost over that time will be at least $30 million or more. Moreover, this project is just going to exacerbate the affordable housing crisis. Now there's a new red flag.  Skyline is being sued for an unpaid $277,000 bill for environmental cleanup. (You can read the Complaint below, which asserts the work was "fully and completely" performed. 

A little less concerning, but still worth noting, is that Skyline has yet to complete its purchase, at least of record. Its representatives told the General Purpose Authority on May 7 that they were closing on this purchase within the two weeks, but there is no recorded deed at this point.

Yet for some reason that I'm unable to understand, Executive Lamont McClure has pulled out all the stops to push for a tax break, even to the point of using the County's "government organization" Facebook page. County of Northampton exists to provide information about what the county is doing or even to advocate issues endorsed by the county. It does not exist to endorse (or oppose) issues that are still being decided. Yet that's precisely what is happening. 

Since May 10, there have been 15 posts on the county's Facebook page supporting a tax handout to the private equity firm that wants to redevelop Wilson Boro's vacant Dixie plant. But what surprises me is that, while the Executive is certainly a cheerleader for handing out your money, County Council has yet to weigh in on this proposal. In fact, the ordinance for this tax break is just being introduced tonight. 

County administrators should not use an official government Facebook page to advocate for issues that are not yet county policy.  

Skyline Complaint by bernieohareiii on Scribd


  1. Mr. Bernie O'Hare, where have you been? The so-called Northampton County page is purely a political page for Lamont McClure and his administration. You will only see things on there that he allows. A council member told me, once they were turned down for a post and told the page belongs to the Administration. It is surprising that you are surprised by this use of a county resource. This administration is th most self-promoting in the county's history. Why do you think the county hired a former McKenzie aide to run all of their media to promote this administration?

    This plus all the posts on various Facebook pages promote whatever he wants and attacks all who disagree.

    I htink you are ht eonly one surprisee by htis.

    1. Abuse of power by McClure. A smug politician whose goal is higher office.

  2. I believe that using a county resource (and this includes the people who work for the county) to promote an agenda item before it is county policy is actually a misuse of county resources. She does a very good job. I have no problem with her or even with self-promotion, but a government Facebook page should only promote or oppose matters that the county as a whole supports or opposes.

    1. Bernie, this is hardly the first time though. McClure acts like a petty tyrant with certain departments and has regularly used the county social media for his own self promotion, rather than a more appropriate page. Including taking credit for the work of county employees and other partners.

      The more I've seen the more it disgusts amd demoralizes me. This Dixie push stinks to high heaven. I wish the Republicans could get someone competent to run against him, otherwise we're stuck with this for another two terms. It's only going to get worse it seems.

  3. You said Barron grew up and was better. He's still a dishonest POS using county resources this way. It reminds of when he was a notorious county time thief, running off to teach remedial basket weaving for unsuspecting dummies at NCC who had no idea what a moron he is. I predict he goes to jail before the end of his natural life. He's born and bred dishonest.

  4. Thank you for posting this, Bernie. Clearly this deal needs more scrutiny. I hope the public tunes in to tonight's Council meeting to hear the debate on whether this deal is a good thing for County taxpayers.

  5. This is the dumbest take in the history of dumb takes. The President, Governor and every other elected official in this Country uses their public platforms to advocate for laws and policies that may not yet be laws or policies - including their social media platforms.

  6. When your Representatives and Senators at State and Federal levels are as corrupt as we see now all across America, hiding things, twisting the law, blatant lies, and abuse of taxpayer dollars all become commonplace. Look to Washington, DC for proof.

    Why, oh why, do we vote to keep the same miscreants in office? Get ‘em outta there!

  7. And the County wants to give this jerk a tax break. What is happening at Northampton County!

  8. Follow the money

  9. The 1931 at Dixie is a 160 million dollar project that will create 200 good paying construction jobs. This is a great project. Wilson loves it !

  10. This project is going to generate $500,000.00 a year in additional tax revenue for Wilson Borough.

  11. You don't need a road map. McClure is on the take. He is getting a kick back here. There is no other explanation for his illogical support of this ridiculous developer. Move over FedEd, you're getting company in prison.

  12. The real villain in this whole mess is Joe Reibman. He never paid his taxes and let this building go to shit. Are you surprised he's not paying his bills?

  13. This project will be so good for Wilson Boro. Everybody’s property values are going to skyrocket when this blight is remediated.

  14. It makes sense now, the non developer went to tRump university.

  15. Something doesn't smell right with McClure wanting this so badly. He doesn't get involved in any other real estate development yet this one he is pushing really hard for a developer who has done nothing and is a proven liar ?

  16. "This is the dumbest take in the history of dumb takes. The President, Governor and every other elected official in this Country uses their public platforms to advocate for laws and policies that may not yet be laws or policies - including their social media platforms."

    And McClure can do that if he wants if he established an official County Exec Facebook page. What he is instead doing is using the county Facebook page to promote his, and not the county's agenda. That's improper.

  17. "You said Barron grew up and was better. He's still a dishonest POS using county resources this way."

    I believe this falls under the Exec's umbrella.

  18. "The real villain in this whole mess is Joe Reibman. He never paid his taxes and let this building go to shit. Are you surprised he's not paying his bills?"

    The contract is with Skyline, not Reibman. Skyline is the one accused of not paying its bills.

  19. BO: You called it...Skyline is a scam!

  20. "The 1931 at Dixie is a 160 million dollar project that will create 200 good paying construction jobs."

    And what happens when (and if) the project is completed? Those jobs will be gone. An Wilson Boro will be infected with the families of 406 double-platers as McClure aids the transition of the Lehigh Valley into a bedroom community for NYC.

  21. I decline to host some comments making allegations about a local developer that I know are false.

  22. Thank you for doing the math and showing your work. The math on these corporate welfare schemes NEVER works, as you've detailed. They are dressed as jobs programs that quickly go away and leave financial albatrosses to municipalities, long after the winning developer has cashed out and skipped off to his next mark. The county has lost a lot of financial acumen over the last couple of years. It shows when such costly and shortsighted mistakes like this are made despite all warnings.

  23. McCLURE IS THE ONLY ONE GETTING HIS POCKET FILLED. He does not care abouT Wilson or the School District

  24. "An Wilson Boro will be infected with the families of 406 double-platers as McClure aids the transition of the Lehigh Valley into a bedroom community for NYC."

    I think I remember you admonishing folks for implying the same thing with the rail line.

    "infected" pretty harsh. Don't be so quick to punish people who work hard and are successful. better in Wilson than out developing greenfields (farms) in western Lehigh or Upper Mt. Bethel!

  25. County Council needs to table This deal until they have chance to thoroughly review and investigate this project.

  26. I can’t remember what the arrangement with Wilson was, but moving and refurbishing that iconic, giant cup will probably run $300-500,000. Including a new plaza, lighting, railings, security measures. If nothing else, the cup will become an enticing graffiti target and site for litter.

  27. Vladimir Ill-itchJune 6, 2024 at 8:01 PM

    Anonymous 5:14 -

    No dice. Council is made of of stooges who fight over who likes to kiss McClure's ass more. Plus, when you have council representatives like Kelly Keegan, whose only opening of her orifice was to to talk about tampons, it's clear that council isn't going to vet anything important to the county.

  28. Lori Heffner and her boy band will make sure Lamont gets nothing done this year. Obstruction is their Jam.


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