Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

NorCo Council Commemorates LGBTQ+ Pride Month In 7-2 Vote

At their June 20 meeting, NorCo Council voted 7-2 to commemorate June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month. The resolution notes, in pertinent part, "We must commit to supporting and accepting LGBTQ+ individuals, in particular our youth, who compared to their peers are far more likely to experience violence and bullying at school, to suffer from depression, to struggle with substance use; and to have attempted suicide ... ."

Though it's toothless, I would support this resolution because many of the human services provided by the county involve children whose sexual orientation makes them easy prey for bullies, which leads to depression, substance abuse and suicide. It is directly related to county services. 

The resolution was introduced by Council member Kelly Keagan. 

Council member John Goffredo complained "we are sexualizing everything," although I don't quite see it that way. I believe it instead attempts to remove the stigma attached to people whose orientations make them different. He called the resolution divisive, though I believe the intent is to bring people together. 

In the end, the only dissenting votes came from Goffredo and Council member John Brown. 

Though Council member Tom Giovanni argued that the resolution is not county business, he would support it. 


  1. The channel 69 news reporter did a great job reporting that this was brought out after three quarters of the month it recognizes. Probably would vote for it but again, meaningless. Of course, for political election time it is a great virtue signal. I was told Warren was even festooned with his LGBTQ pins.

  2. Gosh, and I stupidly voted for her. Sigh. Elections have consequences. Never again no matter what she tries for next.

    1. You wouldn’t vote for her again because she introduced a LGBTQ resolution? Why? Because you don’t agree the LGBTQ community should feel safe and included?

    2. She is more concerned about nonsense like this than running the county. Gaza cease fire. Pride month. It’s all political posturing nothing more.

  3. Commissioner Keegan is a defender of the downtrodden. She has exposed John Goffredo as a bigot. Goffredo should resign.

    1. That’s what Keegan does, if you don’t vote with me then you’re a bigot. This has nothing to do with county. June is already Pride month. Why does the county have to have a resolution. Is Keegan going to have a resolution for the county to recognize July 4th as the signing of the Declaration of Independence? If not, she hates America.

  4. pride month is a big a joke as norco council

  5. Kelly Keegan is hardworking and fun. Lori Heffner is lazy and boring.

  6. "Because you don’t agree the LGBTQ community should feel safe and included?"

    I agree. I agree for protections of all mentally ill. Now what?

    1. Then email your elected officials and ask them to specifically do something that you have in mind. But do know that there are lots of programs and protections in place already.

  7. I didn’t understand the Goff references for being a bigot, but after looking at his posts on social media, holy cow! He references adults as children groomers and calls the pride flag a disgrace and Democrats Communists! Like dude, you’re an elected official. Be Best!

  8. I just wish Lori Heffner Vargo was a better Prez and we could actually get some real biz done.

  9. "I didn’t understand the Goff references for being a bigot, but after looking at his posts on social media, holy cow! He references adults as children groomers and calls the pride flag a disgrace and Democrats Communists! Like dude, you’re an elected official. Be Best!"

    I went thru Goffredo's F/B and saw no such posts. Can you tell me where they are?

  10. Never mind. They are mostly retweets from X.

  11. I would have handled it like Giovanni. Point out that it’s nothing more than political posturing, meaningless, and designed to get a rise out of the folks. Then vote for it and move on. The Congress does the same shit and to see it on a local level is disappointing. Just run the county and do your job!

  12. Everybody gets a month. Veterans get Memorial Day and Veterans Day. What a joke. November should be Veterans recognition month. Pride should be one day, June 28th, the anniversary of the Stonewall riots.


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