Local Government TV

Monday, June 10, 2024

Human Services Union Claims Loss of 188 Employees Since 2020

Kizzie Johnson, the shop steward for the SEIU union representing Northampton County's Human Services workers, addressed County Council at their June 6 meeting in front of an audience that included numerous SEIU workers in purple T-shirts. Some brought signs. She said her remarks were intended, not just for Council, but for county residents and taxpayers as well. "Despite what you're being told and the reports you're being given, we are not OK. For many years, members have tried to tell this county, and even this Council, about issues that are plaguing our workforce. ...Our voices have fallen on deaf ears."

She said the workforce crumbles more every year. "Since 2020, NorCo DHS has lost over 188 employees." This includes nearly 30 vacancies in Children, Youth and Families (CYF). "Some employees retired, some were terminated, but most have voluntarily resigned due to low wages and feeling undervalued." She argued the county is wasting money to hire and train new employees just to see them leave, which also causes a dip in morale. She added it creates more risk to the people they serve as well as to themselves. 

Johnson stated her union has been negotiating a new contract with the county for the past nine months without success. "I know what everybody is saying, if you don't like it, get another job. Well, let me say this. Who will ensure the safety of the babies born that are addicted? Who will intervene when a child reports abuse? Who is going to investigate the 9,000 reports that NorCo got last year, and who is going to investigate the 9,000 reports that we're probably going to get this year? Who is going to protect the aging individuals being abused by their caregivers or being preyed upon by opportunists? Who's going to bring them food, and who's going to make sure that they're cool during blistering summer heat? Who will ensure that our toddlers and infants get early intervention services so they can meet their childhood milestones? Who's going to provide guidance, treatment and referral support to individuals suffering with mental health disturbances or substance abuse? Who's going to be around to answer those 1 am phone calls from people who need help? ... Who's going to be there if we all leave?"

"We need a fair contract. We need livable wages. We should not have to beg."

The picture painted by Johnson is dark and grey, but Human Services union workers recently rejected a new three-year contract that addresses salary more aggressively than I've seen before. 

Year one is a 2.75% step increase plus cash equal to 4.5% rolled into the base. Year two is a repeat of year one. Year three is a 4% COLA.

Those already at the top of their pay scales would get $1,750 cash bonuses in years one and two, along with the 4% COLA in Year 3. 

Basically, the proposal amounts to a 13% payhike over three years. 

The county even sweetened this deal by offering a $500 retention cash bonus on July 1, 2024 and January 1, 2025. 

I'm even told that the county at one point offered a remote work pilot program for some caseworkers, but it was rejected out of hand by the union because it included supervision.

Johnson, who was in some respects quite eloquent, failed to explain why this generous offer is inadequate. She also failed to mention that a significant number of union members support this offer and have even suggested a lockout until union members come to their senses. This is something the county would never do, but it's surprising to me that some union members have themselves urged this action. 


  1. This is typical union tactics. Negotiating at public meetings.

    When they finally agree to the dollar amount they want, all the other “problems” they’re complaining about now will go away until they want another raise.

    1. Nobody is negotiating in public, it seems to me she’s simply stating the facts that nobody seems to know because the county is not forthcoming with a lot of the shady business that goes on

  2. You will always regurgitate the McClure/Barron fuzzy math. So, let's clear a few things up since you cannot be objective about these new age republicans posing as Democrats. This information was derived talking to a real finance guy familiar with these types of things.

    Year one is 2.75% raise, Year two is a 2.75 raise and year four is 4% raise. If you are at the top of your classification, you really get zippo.

    The onetime cash "bonus" is meaningless as a wage increase as it is not ongoing and is temporary money in hand. This contract is a little over 3% a year, period. Your wage is what you can count on year in and year out. Businesspeople and liars love onetime cash handouts as they are not recuring costs. Employees hate it as it is a temporary one-time handout that are not part of their ongoing wages. Dump the onetime cash and negotiate ongoing percentages. McClure/Barron are disingenuous, and you help spread the lie.

    So how about this, return to the honest step increase every year until you hit the top of your scale. Negotiate any COLAs with the union. That is a real wage and contract.

    McClure has millions to hand out to millionaire ballclubs and developers but plays these games with staff. Also, if a majority of members wanted this false contract, they could have it by a simple vote. The fact is your so-called source represents only Barron's opinion and a possible a McClure toady. Instead of an unneeded health center, staff would rather those millions go into their wages.

    One-time cash handouts are not raises and never were. Please strop spreading this disinformation.

    Thank you.

  3. That offer is the most any Administration has ever offered PSSU.

  4. I heard Ms. Johnson say that they hired 20 people and 20 left. The fact that people were hired proves money isn’t the issue. But, 20 leaving, is it possible it’s because those 20 new hires didn’t feel supported by Ms. Johnson and her colleagues ?

  5. There’s a reason Kezzy didn’t bring up numbers - it’s because the offer is 15% over 3 years. The people who pay the bills, the taxpayers aren’t getting 15% !

  6. If anyone is paying attention, Lehigh County Human Services isn't in much better shape. Children and Youth Services is very understaffed and in shambles.

  7. I worked for CYS in a different county for a couple of years in the late 90s. It’s was a problem then with kids taking the job right out of college, and then getting training and experience before moving on due to the low wages. I see much hasn’t changed since then. Experience matters. This is how you end up with dead kids due to abuse. Then they throw the overwhelmed caseworker under the bus, and the administrators skate.

  8. With the last contract, it adds up to 25%. It’s “more than fair.”

  9. PSSU loves The Partnership Health Center Ron.

  10. 4% was nice under Trump. Under Biden, 41% is nice.

  11. McClueless needs to go!

  12. The County is so annoyed by the grandstanding with respect to this “more than fair” offer that retroactivity has been taken off the table. That means they won’t get whatever portion of this years is devoured by their “negotiation” tactics.

  13. These workers voted/endorsed for the high inflation then complain they need a living wage. U.S. inflation rate for 2022 was 8.00% I am sorry but businesses are not giving yearly 9% increases. We keep printing money we don't have. Biden has had 3 years to fix inflation and has not done it. Only answer is he doesn't want to fix it. And Biden keeps saying inflation was 9% when he took over is false CNN fact check below.



  14. Despite there being one maybe two more negotiating sessions between the County and PSSU Ms. Johnson was telling folks they’ll be a strike called on June 21st. Ms. Johnson appeared in front of Council in Bad Faith.

  15. 2:23, I'm sorry but I reported the offer accurately while you misrepresented it. Year One is a step increase. That is only 2.75% under the way steps are set up for HS caseworkers. So, it is sweetened with cash making it a 4.5% increase, and that is rolled into the base. This means it is more than a one-time cash infusion. Year two is a repeat of step one. Year three has no step increase but does have a 4% cola. 4.5 plus 4.5 plus 4 = 13. You are getting 13% over three years. On top of that you are getting $1,000 in cash.

    I'd like to know who is on this union negotiation team. Are they people who are all already at the top of their scale and who are looking out selfishly for themselves instead of everyone in the union as someone would do if he was really "in solidarity"?

    Also, why would you reject the opportunity for remote work? Do you hate being supervised that much?

    The pay study done for the county indicates that the county is weak when it comes to step increases. This offers you step increases for two out of three years.

    What you argue is you want a step increase each year and that is what would be fair. Let's see. That's 2.75 + 2.75 + 2.75. You want 8.25% instead of the 13% offered. That's simply brilliant. I realize soft science majors are weak in math (and logic), but did not realize how weak until I read your comment.

    1. It’s amazing how you were in a room full of SEIU workers and you made zero effort to talk to any of them or to see if the lies your regurgitating are actually true. It’s All lies on rejecting remote work because of supervision, an intelligent person would know that no workers expects no supervision. It’s amazing how 188 workers, soon to be over 200 by the end of the summer, isn’t a red flag, a serious management issue, an actual threat to the safety of children and other people. All you’re focusing on is hating the workforce and reporting false information fed to you by the County, which makes you speak out both sides of your mouth. You’ll do investigative work on the Dixi Cup but make no effort to speak to people in your own back yard. Why even correct you?

  16. Canada Kezzy is like the Pied Piper of Hamlin. She’s leading her purple glad folks over the cliff. 25% over 6 years. It’s “more than fair.”

    1. Oh let’s let the racist and immigrant comments start. If you’re going to talk sh*it about the person stop hiding in the shadows and “man up”, get off anonymous, let her know who you are. Knew the this would happen on this blog eventually. Just hate and lies on a group of people you know nothing about.

  17. So, let me get this straight, people who claim to be living paycheck to paycheck, and who have received the largest offer in this history of the County, are going to miss paychecks ? For what, to get retro back ?

  18. Obviously Ms. Johnson’s National Origin is not relevant. However, what is relevant is that she stood there and claimed that they were “having to beg” to be paid, knowing full well an offer of 15% over 3 years was on the table - which coupled with the last contract would total 25%. If that’s begging, get me Oliver’s bowl. I want some too.

    1. When people are making $13 and $14 in positions that’s not a living wage, plain and simple, step increase or not, bonus or not!

    2. Hopefully in Oliver’s bowl there’s a calculator because you don’t know how to add it’s 13% in wage increase. Reading is so fundamental and this is why comprehension was so important in elementary school. Let’s try to get the facts straight.

  19. "Obviously Ms. Johnson’s National Origin is not relevant"


  20. When I worked in DHS, we got NO raise from 2012 to 2017, then in 2018 we got 2.25%. 2.25 and 1.75 for the next 3 years under this same union, which equaled 5.75% over EIGHT years! I think that contract SEIU refused was extremely generous!

  21. The Union... Maggots on the backs of taxpayers.....Get a REAL Job and work for your money

  22. "It’s amazing how you were in a room full of SEIU workers and you made zero effort to talk to any of them or to see if the lies your regurgitating are actually true. "

    I arrived just as the meeting was getting started, so I had no opportunity to speak with anyone. There was a break during this meeting, and at that time, I looked around to speak to any union members who had remained. None did. Also, I am certainly not a person "hating on the workforce." I have very often condemned the low wages paid to employees and have been fairly consistent in seeking higher wages, not just on this blog, but in personal conversations with members of the administration. The person who told me you rejected a remote work program bc you wanted it to be supervised has never lied to me. I am more than willing to hear your side of this controversy, but you have made no effort to reach out to me. My contact information is on this blog.

    I stand by what I wrote. You have been offered 13% over three years. That is the most generous contract offer I've yet to see from McClure. It is a very good start at getting you where you need to be.

    I'd also like to know how many union negotiators are already at the top of their payscale and whether that is why they find this offer so disagreeable.

    As for your 188 figure, it is part of my headline, in case you haven't noticed. But that is since 2020, when the pandemic hit. That's when the Great Resignation occurred. Many people left jobs in numerous fields. Teachers, nurses, cops, social workers, etc. Also, I know that CYF has always had a high burnout rate. I do not think these resignations, by themselves, mean very much.

    I agree $13 or $14 an hour is not a living wage. Please tell me whether these are caseworkers.

    1. All lies and you should get a better resource because you actually believe that individuals that are trusted to investigate the near death of children, 9000+ child abuse reports on children in YOUR County, people that are skilled in talking down people attempting suicide, people that assess &write 302’s for ppl in mental health crisis etc. You actually believe these people are such ingrates and backwards thinkers that they actually struck down remote work because they wanted no supervision, you believe this???Your trusted resource is feeding you bullsh*it, which you’re eating up with the big soup spoon they provide you. Instead of focusing on the scammers coming into this County building unaffordable housing for people who don’t live here, you rather beat down the local County workers, how noble. Here’s some real facts since your not looking for the answers yourself…2023 had the highest people that left the County (2yrs post COVID but hey let’s conveniently blame the employees not the County), by the end of this year the top of the scale employees(which is below 5) will mostly be gone, over 50% of the workforce is under 5yrs, 500 bonus was not going to probationary employees (they were gonna get screwed), health care increase were give to all employee so not even close to a 13% raise, 24hr Agency’s( CYF, Aging) now mandated, new employees go first( screwed again). Stop being a pawn and stop throwing hate at these people, you’ve done enough already. Especially when you’re only getting one lying side who has every reason to lie, to protect their image, and to enjoy the use your hating blog to tarnish the rep of decent people.

    2. Not one caseworker is near the top of the scale. I believe in DHS there is one person at the top of the scale.

      The remote work offer was made however with their provisions of it made it impossible for anyone to even utilize it so it wouldn’t matter if they had it, no one would meet the requirements it was not because of supervision being needed. your source is VERY off on their information about the contract. they may have never lied to you but their information from
      whoever is not accurate.

      it doesn’t matter how or who files reports every single one of them still has to be investigated regardless of their outcome it makes no difference how or why they are reported, there is still have a job to do.

      if you go back to 2020 you’ll remember DHS was allowed to work from home for a very short amount of time before being brought back to the office way before any other county employees due to the comment of the county that DHS didn’t work efficiently from home… odd.

      take it beyond the union have you looked at their supervisors or other non union positions they haven’t gotten raises either and are VERY underpaid. all of DHS is overlooked yet there isn’t anyone lining up to work the jobs…

  23. I told you to contact me. You choose instead to post anonymously. You and I both n=know very well that most of those 9,000 calls are unfounded and are filed by persons to cover their asses as mandated reporters, not bc they have validity. And yeah, I've been beating down pretty hard on people coming on here to build unaffordable housing. That's an issue you won't care about once you have your contract, while I will continue. As a side, my information comes from people who have NEVER lied to me. You can't even say who you are, let alone contact me. A $500 bonus should not go to someone who just started and is probationary. I have not tarnished your reputation. You do that on your own.

  24. I accidentally deleted a comment taking me to task for positing that probationary employees should not get the bonuses in the county's contract offer to SEIU. I believe such bonuses should be spent to retain people but should not be given as rewards to people who may never be hired.

    1. You’re a pawn and a coward, and you accidental deletion is all the proof need, if you can’t take the heat of the post and fire you create get out of the kitchen. Don’t want the readers to know you’re a fake blogger with absolutely zero education in real journalism. Glad you were able to read it though and this one, that brings all the pleasure needed. And by the way, you’re still talking out both sides of your mouth, no problems hiring right, it was only COVID, so why fear giving probationary people a bonus, they’ll stay right? You’re being lied to and you know but grooming can happen at any age. Wishing you a speedy recovery from your Stockholm Syndrome.

  25. I sometimes hit delete when I intend to publish, and when I do this, I follow up with a comment of my own indicating my mistake. Believe me, I can take all the heat you anonymously bring. I would never support giving a bonus to a probationary hire unless it were conditioned to go into effect after the person remains a year. Otherwise, a person could get hired, collect the bonus, then leave. What you propose is stupid.

  26. Looks like they’re going to strike. I’m sympathetic to their cause but I think this is a bad move.

  27. Canada Keezy has called a Strike all on her lonesome. She’s gone rogue. She’s now costing her colleagues money. The job action will not result in any more money for the members and there will be no retroactivity. Canada Keezy has cost her friends a half-a-years pay.

  28. Please refer to Ms. Johnson by her name and stop the personal disparagement or your comments will be deleted. She is a shop steward but holds no public office and sets no policy. I do not believe she has authority to call for a strike on her own but needs authorization.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.