Local Government TV

Friday, June 28, 2024

Get Ready For President Trump

 After last night's Presidential debate, my conclusion is that Donald Trump is going to be handily elected in November. Biden delivered perhaps the worst possible performance you could possibly see. He frankly looked like a walking corpse. He had bizarre meltdowns, including the claim that he "finally beat Medicare." He meandered and spent much of his time with his mouth agape and staring as though he failed to understand what was being said.  By contrast, Trump was assertive and was sure of himself, even though he played fast and loose with the facts. 

I'm currently recovering from a nasty bout of bronchitis, and my voice is still very weak. Biden sounded worse. 

If he was auditioning for a role as a zombie in some horror flick, Biden would easily get the part. But President? No way. 


  1. We are not voting for president, rather the vice president because either man’s VP will assume the presidency. Biden looked and sounded terrible and I am concerned about his faculties. Trump, on the other hand, scares the daylights out of me, especially since he’ll have nothing to lose.

    1. Aww...don't be scared. Let's look forward to making America great again! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  2. Biden will lose and kill the dem down ballot. Ryan Mackenzie must be happy with tonight’s performance. I suppose Susan Wild will now distance herself from Biden as many dems will start doing. Debate #2 will be interesting

    1. Funny because Jill Biden is coming to Allentown this week to campaign with Wild.

  3. It will be interesting to watch democrats try to change the subject over the coming months to gaslight us into thinking that we didn’t see what we all saw. That is if they don’t try to replace him before the election.

    It shouldn’t matter if he is replaced, since it’s democrat POLICIES that are killing this country, not just one democrat politician. And I can’t think of a single possible replacement candidate who hasn’t been in lockstep with those same disastrous policies.

    The reality is that Biden didn’t just become a “walking corpse” yesterday. In fact, he’s been that way for a very long time, and his condition has been covered up by the media and other democrat operatives.

    The far bigger issue is how on earth is Biden in any way capable of remaining President for the next seven months, much less run for another four years?

  4. Dems better come up with somebody else but quick. I actually think this would be a good chance to get our first female president (looking at you Gretchen Whitmer). Women are fired up about the abortion issue and other threats to their reproductive health. Do the right thing Joe and step down now. Everyone would like to move on. Dems will win if we get our candidate in place now. Trump's performance was not pottering, that's true. But the man lies like he breathes and it was shown in spades during the debate. Give people a real choice instead of Trump and they will take it.

  5. I didn’t know we had trillionaires. Or that we could talk to dead soldiers. Or woman were being raped by their sisters.

    Of course you mentioned the line of the night: oh you beat Medicare, you beat it to death.

    People got some explaining to do. I was so sick of hearing how great he was in meetings blah blah blah don’t believe your lying eyes. Jill Biden should be arrested for elder abuse.

  6. Please don't cry Bernie... Trump promises he won't touch you.

  7. "After last night's Presidential debate, my conclusion is that Donald Trump is going to be handily elected in November. He delivered..."
    Going back to grade school grammar, it would appear that "He delivered" refers back to Trump.

    Unfortunately, we all know you meant Biden!

  8. You finally coming around we have been telling this for years. Biden has destroyed our country hopefully Trump will turn it around. No more democrats in congress all they do is bad policy and will try to get trump on fake crimes.

  9. Unfortunate but true. No one is irreplaceable. All too often politicians think no one can take their place. Biden's ego is in the way of the Democrats. The claim was only Biden cold beat Trump. Now it appears Biden is the only democrat Trump can beat.

    All ego!

  10. Biden perfectly represents you and his party. Old, woke, warmonger losers. I thought he was going to be jacked on Ritalin and speed? I watched my grandparents like this. There's no fighting the death clock. I say he's still able to stand trial and Trump's DOJ should dog Biden until the day he finally heads off to his well-deserved hell. Prosecute every single one of his filthy dirty dishonorable criminal family. Payback is going to be awesome!!!! Never stop investigating and pursuing Biden.

  11. "I'm not going to cut Social Security. YOU are giving it away to millions of illegal aliens and stealing from our elderly."


  12. Biden an 8 handicap?
    Trump: "Not true. I've seen your swing."
    Bawhahahaha. Who's running things right now? It's clearly not Uncle Touchy.

    1. It’s pretty bad when Trump is the one that says hey let’s not act like children LOL!

  13. In a country run by crooks, I'm voting for the guy who was deemed competent to stand trial. The kindly old man with the failing memory is carrying the nuclear football while he shits his pants daily and stares vacantly at things that aren't there. Not even a close choice.

  14. Trump told one lie after another but was energetic in doing so. His crap about how good he’s been to vets was disgraceful. Biden’s remarks were factual but he was mumbling and stuttering. He looked very frail. Apparently he was fighting a cold. He should have said so.

    1. It wasn’t all lies though. He won on foreign policy, he won on immigration, he’s right about closing the economy and then opening back up and everyone goes back to the same job is a created job. Now, the environmental stuff lol he was really slinging BS there. Biden’s been lying for 50 years also, from Corn Pop to being first in his law school class. It was a sad night for America and Jill Biden should be arrested for allowing them to put him out there.

  15. So, you are willing to give in to a narcissistic, anti America, Putin loving, lying, felon, who deflected and refused to answer questions with facts, and refused to answer again if he would accept the results of voters in this election, over an experienced but frail statesman , who spent most of his admirable political life ensuring and
    respecting our way of life and Democracy as it has been for over 250 years? Sorry Bernie, I’ll still take Joe over this clown.

    1. Grab your blankie and a mug of hot chocolate. Go to your safe space and calm down, buttercup.

  16. Trump is going to be indicted for committing murder on CNN last night. Look up post-debate footage of Biden standing like a stroke patient on the empty stage until his wife slowly helped him down the steps he really struggled to descend. His party and their ideas are as old and feeble and pathetic as he is. And this is the guy leading us into WWIII.

  17. Anon 5:28 said: “His (Trump’s) crap about how good he’s been to vets was disgraceful.“

    I’m a veteran, and the other vets I talk to are overwhelmingly in favor of Trump.

    If you don’t believe me, why not ask the 13 veterans killed in Biden’s botched exit from Afghanistan? You remember them - they’re the ones Biden said didn’t die under his watch.

    But Trump’s the liar? Spare me.

    1. Trump presidency was chaotic, always firing someone. But Trump also made a fair point, Biden has not fired anyone over the debacles of Afghanistan, Hamas, inflation. Not one person.

  18. They were both terrible but Biden was the worse. Maybe we need to look at Kennedy next or include him in the next debate. Nahh No more debates since its not gonna change anyone's mind after last nights disaster.

  19. 6 days of prep with the greatest debate coaches in the world. All the rules were Biden’s rules. Biden chose the moderators. All of it resulted in the worst debate performance in American history. I think it’s clear that special prosecutor Ben Hur was being honest when he said he was a nice elderly gentleman who couldn’t remember basic facts. Sad.

  20. Since 2020, Republicans have said that Biden was mentally unfit to serve as president. That was mostly covered up by the White House and the heavily partisan democrat media, who were more than willing to follow the party line and attack anyone who wasn’t onboard with their narrative.

    Last night we all saw the truth, and it wasn’t pretty. Everyone should now know that a large portion of the media has been lying to them.

    Yet how many CNN and MSNBC viewers will have the slightest introspection and realize that they’ve also been lied to (and continue to be lied to) about so many other issues?

    While watching those networks last night, I heard the same tired lies about Charlottesville and other phony anti-Trump narratives. Such story lines have largely been debunked, without any acknowledgment or correction from those outlets who made a living off of spreading those lies.

    I think it’s time for many to understand that outlets like CNN and MSNBC are propagandists, not journalists.

  21. Wow….trumpy lied about one thing after another, he refused to say he would accept voter decisions as he did before and never answered the questions posed by Bash and Tapper . The moderators NEVER stopped Trumpy from deflecting not answering questions to criticism of Biden, why not? The moderators NEVER interrupted when Trump lied, why not?Trump is a felon, he was the fire point for Jan.6th insurrectionists , and he certainly loves dictators, like Putin….if you dress up a killer and he/she looks great, but will destroy your life for their own gain , are you naive enough to allow it?

    1. Democrats haven’t accepted a Republican win since George W. Stacy Abram’s still hasn’t conceded. Hillary said Trump was an illegitimate president. Trump said if the election is free and fair he’ll accept it.

    2. Biden told some whoppers too. No American soldiers have died under his watch? How bout the 13 we lost in his debacle in Afghanistan. Unemployment was 15% when he took office? It was 6.4% and declining. The border patrol endorsed him? lol they tweeted that the would NEVER endorse Joe Biden. Just a few off the top of my head. Trump is a liar but so is Biden. All of a sudden he’s some truth teller? He’s been lying for 50 years probably still believes that he graduated top of his law school class.

  22. It was not a debate. It was nothing but a pissing contest between two old fools. It was an embarrassing show that I am sure that other nations, especially our enemies, got a great laugh out of. It is sad that these two are the best we can do. We all lost.

  23. Don't worry Democrats you still have your ace in your pocket and will pull it out. Trump to prison!!!!! Stick him behind bars.... You think January 6 was big. Stick him in prison. See what happens. This country will be in a civil war.

  24. I will be voting on policy and cabinet. Trumps foreign, national security, environmental, and middle class policies are a disaster. His current influencers are indeed a threat to democracy. I do agree....we are voting for VP. Albeit Whitmer, Jeffries, Newsome, or Shapiro would be ideal alternatives.

    RBG stayed too long despite her health warnings. That decision had long term consequences.

    1. Trump beat Biden with a blunt instrument on foreign policy. Obama/Biden lost Crimea. Now Biden going to lose all of Ukraine. Afghanistan pullout was a complete debacle. Whether you like Trump or not facts are facts, he left Joe with no wars now the world is on fire. Trump beat Biden on immigration and foreign policy. The rest of it is open for debate, but Biden looked like a corpse you can’t get around that.

  25. As a voter who disliked both candidates going in, I like them even less today. Biden simply is too old and feeble to be the President of the United States. I thought Trump blew a golden opportunity to act presidential, appeal to undecided voters and Democrats who may be worried about Biden's physical/mental state. In fact, Trump could have scored some points with me by being polite and respectful towards Biden. Trump's demeanor is so offensive and never gave serious answers to any of the policy questions. I'm a Democrat who is likely to vote for neither of these candidates and I'm very disappointed our party couldn't come up with a younger/healthier candidate.

  26. "Apparently he was fighting a cold."

    Isn't that what they used to say about the old Soviet relics?

  27. If the stock market goes down today, it will be because of concerns over a trump presidency. It has been growing for the last 2 years under Biden.

    1. Really wow it’s 345 and market is down .02 percent very worrisome sell Mortimer Sell … Get real people

  28. “Fast and loose with the facts? He outright lied over and over and spewed his usual hate filled smarm. He is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

  29. Biden’s performance last night didn’t surprise anyone who’s been paying attention for the last 3.5 years.

    He was very simply the bumbling, stumbling, mentally compromised man he’s always been.

    What last night did was expose the American media for the compromised and corrupt entity that it is, via their dishonest coverage of his presidency.

  30. MSNBC in full blown panic and meltdown this morning.

    Blaming the fact that Biden was positioned on left side of the stage as the problem.

  31. That was not a debate, it was an embarrassing joke. We all lose with these two as our choices.

  32. The Democrat party is throwing Biden under the bus now because they realize that they can no longer cover up his physical and mental deficits. The American people have been lied to since 2020 and many bought it. Jill should be jailed for her disgraceful abuse of her elderly spouse. Everyone who recently told you the recent “videos” are fake of him wandering, freezing are continuing to lie to you. Wake up, people.

  33. Orange Man Bad. Confused man much worse.

    The goal of all of the various "charges" against the Orange Pimp was to make Orange Man look bad. No one like Orange Man. No one vote for Orange Man. Instead, people came out of the woodwork to support Orange Man because the lawfare was being waged against Orange Man.

    And now Orange Man has trillions, I mean billions, I mean millions to spend on aldfkadfha;dfalkjdf;laksdfhas.

    1. Don’t worry Biden is going after the trillionaires lol.

  34. For those who claim Trump lied (not just exaggerated) please state SPECIFICALLY one or two of his lies and cite the source of your knowledge. So we can all research further using a few additional sources, of course. You see how stupid, given today’s media, this kind of discussion is? Even our government fudges on the economic numbers then goes back later to revise. Happens all the time.

    1. 9:20am- here you go ...from the Associated Press. A list of the lies during the debate.


  35. "You finally coming around we have been telling this for years."

    Let's get this straight. I will never under any circumstances vote for Trump. I just won't be voting for either.

    1. Your prerogative. Waste of a vote though

    2. How sad, Bernie. πŸ˜₯

  36. Manchin and Klobuchar. They’re Dems, problem solved. Two moderates who appeal to Democrats and Republicans.

    1. Manchin is ok, Klobuchar no way.

  37. I would vote for a head in a jar before voting for a lying dictator wanabe whose only goal is to enrich himself thru scamming and falsehoods. A vote for tRump is a vote for the Anti-Truth. People have wrote that its not the person, its the policies. Guess which one you should vote for if you support a dictatorship?

    1. You need to go back to bed and pull the blankets over your head. 🀣

  38. If the Democrats are not careful they are going to kill the rest of their races. They need to figure this out fast if they want to win.

  39. Mrs Biden ought a be locked away. How she can allow her husband to stand there like that is sad. I am in no way a fan of Joe Biden but it sure looked like he was about to checkout at times. The amount of stress they are throwing at him is insane.

  40. Ahh yes, AP "Fact checks.

    I only had to read this far: "Biden, who tends to lean more on exaggerations and embellishments rather than outright lies..."

    Only a little bit pregnant...

  41. Trump won the last election the democrats cheat like all hell. Be careful they will do anything to win. Remember the border is closed according to the democrats.

  42. Bernie, I do agree with you on not voting for Biden anyone who does is mentally ill.

  43. You democrats under no circumstances will Biden make 4 more years hello president Harris.

  44. JoePa must go. Bye bye. Sad.

  45. Agree, 12:28. I’m 9:20. Had already read that latest AP article as found in this morning’s failing Morning Call. For those who haven’t read it, the article only reinforces this reality. BOTH Trump and Biden use exaggeration to puff their message, and BOTH make statements that are partly, if not mostly true. Amazingly, in this same article, the AP claims something to be a lie without ITSELF using actual evidence in proof!

    Unfortunately, with the Morning Call we get AP garbage every day. But, the paper really has no choice. I do get that. We should, at least, wait for the dynamic Bill White to bring this all together for us. (Sarc)

  46. The one man vindicated in all of this is special prosecutor Ben Hur. He told the truth and reported what he saw. Period.

  47. Biden's NC rally today was night and day compared to last night. His game was on. What did he eat or drink?

    1. Nobody said he couldn’t read!!! The answer is a teleprompter

  48. Everyone can just relax. Joe Biden will not be the Democrat nominee.

    Based upon the way the Biden family operates, Jill Biden will negotiate her monetary buyout number, most likely an 8 figure sum, and she will be the one to end his candidacy.

    She won’t tell him. She’ll just explain to him in December that he lost.

    Kamala Harris will likely negotiate a buyout high enough to settle her bar tabs for life.

  49. I'm a Republican. Didn't vote for Biden. But last night broke my heart. I believe Biden is sharp but obviously has speech issues that are harder to deal with and compensate for in these situations. He has back issues that affect his gait these are the realities of getting older. Americans forget we too if we are lucky will grow old one day and have issues. It does not mean our brains don't still work. No matter what you think of him he worked his whole life for our country and he deserves your respect. How sad and how quickly everyone now wants him out. No allegiance. No compassion. I first blamed his wife but brit hume said It's who he is. He never gives up. That's admirable.

    1. 'Worked his whole life for our country' You clearly have no idea how politicians 'work'

    2. In his heart he believes he did. I don't but he does

  50. I’m voting for Trump so that we can experience a depression like we haven’t seen in decades.
    Enjoy watching America go down the toilet.
    You win.
    America loses.
    And the working class loses.

  51. What debate?
    If a question is asked, and is not answered, and allowed to be turned into ranting lies about the opponent, then shame on the moderators for not stepping in , and it’s not a debate.
    If questions continually go unanswered and turned into false narratives directed toward opponent, without intervention by moderators to focus on answering, then shame on the moderators for its no longer debate.
    If Rules of answering question continually are ignored by an opponent, you must hold the moderators accountable for their lack of responsible enforcement . The opponent has hijacked the process for his own gain,
    it’s not a debate.
    The rules and questions, were ignored and unanswered …exactly like how the rule of law and subpoenas were treated…with disrespect .again…not debatable

    1. He followed the rules that Biden dictated. They pointed out that he didn’t answer question. Biden chose the format, the moderators, and who knows probably had the questions also. He still couldn’t perform on a most basic level.

  52. "Let's get this straight. I will never under any circumstances vote for Trump. I just won't be voting for either."

    Pretty silly, Bernie. Vote purely on party platform. Throwing away your vote is in essence a vote for Trump.

  53. "I’m voting for Trump so that we can experience a depression like we haven’t seen in decades.
    Enjoy watching America go down the toilet."

    You been grocery shopping lately, chief? Cry harder. It's music to many of our ears. I hope when Trump is re-elected, he hunts you down and locks you up in solitary confinement on illegal parading charges. I want you arrested immediately. You require punishment in order to straighten out your screwy brain and those of your offspring you've likely infected. It's the only way to knock some sense into you. You're going to LOVE our new country. Get ready and stay loose.

  54. Trump and his MAGATs typically use the Gish Gallop technique which is impossible to deal with during a timed debate. It’s equivalent to monkeys throwing shit against the wall and now you have to clean it. Biden answered questions and talked about policy. Trump lied and attacked without answering one question.

    1. Dude Biden would freeze up. “You still have 49 seconds left” he clearly has issues. I’m not a Trump guy just being honest. There is no way that man should be carrying the nuclear football.

  55. "Unfortunate but true. No one is irreplaceable. All too often politicians think no one can take their place. Biden's ego is in the way of the Democrats. The claim was only Biden cold beat Trump. Now it appears Biden is the only democrat Trump can beat."

    The fact that Trump littered the debate stage with lies is no excuse for Biden's bad performance. I agree that keeping him is all about ego. The reality is that Trump will win in a landslide unless Biden is replaced. For the good of the country, he needs to step aside. As James Carville observed, "That which can't continue, won't." His continued candidacy is a joke.

    1. It’s also sad. I’m a republican but I always kind of liked goofy Joe. He’s really decompensated over the last two years. I have a close relative with dementia, it really accelerated and unfortunately she’s suffering now. He should be no where near the Oval Office. I think his wife has some explaining to do. She told us Joe can stand on one leg doing trigonometry, shit he can barely talk.

    2. So you ignore four plus years of statesmanship with respect to this country and allies, you ignore Biden’s historical record of doing the right things for Ukraine and NATO, because of one bad debate? You are willing to cast your vote with a dictator loving, narcissistic, lying, golf cheating, divisive, minimal IQ,
      Orangutan over a trusting, aging, kind soul.? Pathetic.

    3. Doing the right things for Ukraine? Under Obama/Biden the lost Crimea. Under Biden the rest of the Ukraine was invaded. Biden has done a lot for Ukraine, mostly getting it invaded lol.

  56. 1) J6 committe members shall be prosecuted and housed in cells that held J6 political prisoners.
    2) Biden should be pursued and prosecuted until the end of his natural life, as punishment for the harm and deaths he caused.
    3) Bloggers and journalists who hid information and spread disinformation re: CoViD shall be taken offline/off air/demonetized, and fined for their wrongdoing. Prison time for many. That's you, Bernie. You spread dangerous information that may have cost lives. You should pay for your wrongdoing in hopes it teaches you a lesson, albeit very late in life. Never too old to learn.

    It's time to fix what was destroyed. And payback is an essential element. Be fair. But be VERY angry.

    1. All this threatening talk is utter unAmerican trash. Whoever is posting this garbage is a sad sad soul trying to sound tough, even while being very fearful and afraid. Fearful of immigrants. Fearful of gay folks. Fearful of "the swamp", whatever that is. Fearful of the established science behind vaccines. All concocted fears to sow distrust between Americans. Who wants that the most? Ah, yes, Mr. Putin. He loves it when idiots absorb his troll army's disinformation and go online to threaten their own countrymen for no reason.

    2. 1:04 yeesh! More than 1.1 million Americans died of COVID. That's the facts.

  57. “His continued candidacy is a joke.”

    His entire Presidency has been a joke. he is a joke. His political appointments have been a joke. His foreign and domestic policies have been a joke.

    Using the word “joke” now, is a joke.

    That it took this debate for Democrats to see the “joke”, is a joke.

    And to make matters worse, your second on deck, Kamala Harris, is the biggest joke.

    Your Vice President has been involved with zero discussions for replacement.

  58. I still don’t see what Trump lied about during the debate. Guess my definition of what to lie means is far different than the definition used by Democrats.

  59. This party shit is just bullshit, why can't we just get back to being a nation of humans just wanting to be FREE! Not being a number on a statistical calculator that is causing more harm than good against the very people they claim to represent!

  60. 8:54, a nation’s people are free when their government doesn’t interfere in their daily life decisions. When their government doesn’t waste the tax dollars citizens send them causing an increasing need for more taxation and fees. When their government doesn’t try to restrict their free speech. When their government doesn’t keep them in fear of armed conflict that can kill and injure our children. When their government doesn’t dictate what kind of car they can drive, what kind of food they must eat.

    1. "a nation’s people are free when their government doesn’t interfere in their daily life decisions"
      Have you looked at the Republican party lately? You are clearly a heterosexual male.
      If Donald Trump wins this election women will never be able to make their own healthcare decisions again.
      It's not freedom if only white Christian men get to decide what people are allowed to do in their private lives.

  61. All of this pales compared to the Chevron decision. It marked the death of the liberal administrative state. A major blow for freedom from an entrenched swamp has been landed. Government bureaucrats just had their balls cut off.

  62. Nothing after the debate changed the fact that Trump is still a fraud, a felon, a liar, a sexual abuser, and a criminal …….none of the above apply to President Biden

    1. You must be high on something!πŸ€ͺ

  63. Let's get this straight. I will never under any circumstances vote for Trump. I just won't be voting for either.

    Bernie, what BS. A lawyer who can’t decide what is right for democracy. What crap! You have two choices the con man who know nothing about government and will sell this country to the rich or the democrats. By you choosing either shows what kind of spineless bastard you really are.

  64. I don’t want to chance the next 6 months with Joe Biden at the controls of our nuclear codes. These are volatile times in the world.
    Now that Ukraine is using American supplied missiles to attack into Russia, all with our highly sophisticated radar and guidance systems operated by OUR military advisors, that whole thing can quickly get out of hand. Russia has already stated they consider this kind of development an American act of war against them.

    1. If you think sleepy Joe cares about or even knows about our nuclear codes then you are just as delusional as his administration and his followers!!!

  65. "All of this pales compared to the Chevron decision. It marked the death of the liberal administrative state. A major blow for freedom from an entrenched swamp has been landed. Government bureaucrats just had their balls cut off."

    Celebrating the end of Chevron is pretty strange, unless you are rich. The ruling handed more power to corporations and the rich (just like Citizens United), so they can operate with less oversight and accountability. You'll get lower prices on your gasoline (yay!), but also forever chemicals in your family's drinking water and cancer in your gut. :(

    The rich, who are spitting lies in your ears through your TV, want you to hate the "administrative state" (i.e. your government), because it's main job is to serve as a bulwark against them running roughshod over The People.

  66. 10:18 pm 6/29/2024
    Freedom in America has just become an illusion that the paid propogandizers paid for with tax dollars spew the lies they are paid to spin. One example that today's parties are spinning is that trump is a felon in reality the appeals process is in its infancy just like many babyish winners on this blog spew there shit thinking if they spew it enough it will stick.
    Speaking of stick, Biden is a circus carnival sideshow stick and has been his entire political life just like many other polititionease!

  67. "Celebrating the end of Chevron is pretty strange, unless you are rich."

    Wrong. Cope more and harder. But make sure we get to watch. The party of the unltra rich is Democrats. Pay attention and send $10 to George Soros and the other party Jew haters. Go ahead. Send it.

    1. Uh... are you arguing that the Democrats wanted the Chevron precedent dismantled, so that the federal government is LESS able to regulate corporations and the wealthy? That's pretty funny. The GOP's good buddy Koch was behind the challenge to Chevron. Not a secret. Not a conspiracy. All in the open. He wants his businesses to be able to pollute our land, air and water without federal oversight. Very simple.

  68. 12:34- abortions are still legal in America! It’s just that the Supreme Court decided it is up to each STATE to determine the best way to manage this. At worst, someone wanting an abortion MIGHT have to make a weekend trip across state lines to get one.

    Oh, by the way, give up all the racist bull crap. It’s no longer effective and makes you look ignorant. You must be a person of color. Geez, aren’t we ALL? My color is white.

  69. @ 8:15, you are absolutely correct. For as much as I am against illegal immigration, I have more respect for a woman who is willing to walk a thousand miles carrying her child than an American woman who has to drive a hundred to abort her own and then complains about it.


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