Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Trump's TIME Magazine Interview

Donald Trump recently sat down for an interview with TIME Magazine, a mainstream new publication. It goes well beyond his illegal suggestion of using the military to remove illegal (undocumented) immigrants. It also shows a petty little man who has learned nothing from the attempted coup at a joint session of Congress on January. He actually hinted at violence unless he is elected in November, And, of course, he'll consider a pardon for those who smeared shit on the capitol walls. 

As Biden [I mistakenly typed Buden in original post] said of himself over the weekend, he's grown man running against a six-year-old child. 


  1. If it's truly not legal to use the military to remove illegal immigrants, it sure as hell ought to be. We're being invaded by foreign devils. This country is going down the shutter fast!

    1. Trump’s influence with his GOP acolytes is the main reason the border remains a serious problem.

    2. Please explain what you are talking about

  2. We need this man more than ever; He is the only person who can settle this country down. You left wing idiots have ruined this country there is no law and order. You people have ruined our judicial system -- look at the college campuses they are out of control. We need Trump now and he must clean house Big time in this country.

  3. Bernie you still listen to Biden Boy you are a FOOL.

  4. You quote Biden--Time to retire Bernie. I guess an old fool like you will never learn.

  5. Trump is an ass. He acts like a clown, behaves like a child and sounds dumb.
    Yet half the voters prefer him to Biden. That says as much about Biden as it does Trump.

    The extreme partisanship in the country harkens back to an earlier post about voter apathy. Many people feel the political parties are more into rigid ideology rather than common sense solutions to issues. Anyone in either party that strays from the Leader or the extreme ideology of the Party is branded disloyal. Sadly, it stars at the local level and extends right up to ethe feds.
    How many politicians in either party try to truly work across the aisle and buck partisan tropes for a middle ground policy?

  6. Buden shit his pants. His butts been wiped.
    148 times WH had to put out a transcript of Buden's screw ups.
    Yeah. Trump is calling for violence.

  7. Didn't "Buden" shower with a six year old? His daughter? Your Trump obsession is stunning. Get a girlfriend and stop masturbating. No wonder your eyesight is kaput.

  8. Trump can’t stay awake at his trial in a room who chronically complains is “too cold”. What gives ?

  9. You're a clown, Bernie. Can't even spell Biden's name right.

  10. These replies should make for entertaining reading! But, for those who prefer their knowledge to be gained first hand, you can find the full, unedited transcript of this Trump interview online. Word for word and not second hand.

  11. Mainstream? Maybe 30 years ago.

  12. Buden or Brandon ?.

  13. This from a little man who cannot spell the current president's name. Too funny.

  14. Campuses are aflame across this country. Leftist students supported by Marxist agitators and funded by communist financiers are wrecking havoc at colleges all over the place.

    Anti semitism is on blatant display. Cops are being assaulted. Property damage happening everywhere.

    Biden silent. FBI and DOJ absent. All events obviously coordinated and funded.

    Democrats complicit. It’s their mob, and proudly so.

    And Bernie……chooses to cover a Trump interview rather than riots occurring 75 minutes away.

    January 6th. January 6th. January 6th.

    January 6th ad nauseam for years and years.

    Coordinated Marxist revolution overtaking private and public institutions….crickets.

    Silence. Nothing.

    Ignore your lying eyes.


  15. Wasting your time here writing this blog. Youshould be working at the Atlantic, or the Huffington Post, or the leader pf the pack; MSNBC. Your post matches all the standrds of these fine institutions. You know, like the fine people hoax, the drink bleach hoax, or the laptop hoax.

  16. The J 6 Patriots were mistreated terribly by a weaponized justice system, freedom isn't free and those who breeched the line to take back the people's house and attempt to stop the steal should be honored not mocked and reviled like the Shanan, Uhuru!

  17. Just like Biden you can't get anything right. You spelled Biden wrong. Your TDS is so bad you can't even spell. Heck Biden can't even spell the word eight correctly. Proof below

    As Buden said of himself over the weekend, he's grown man running against a six-year-old child.


  18. Hey MAGAs, I'm a little more concerned about a vindictive and petty old man in office than an obvious typo of the Biden name.

  19. Wow, Bernie. You brought out the crazed MAGAs who can’t sleep. Trump is a crazy man who has had 4 years to become more bitter, more self centered, more mean-spirited, and so much more out of touch in his castle at Mara Lago. And yet, people still give him money and the Republican Party can’t produce leadership strong enough to get beyond him.
    Women will decide the next election. Women must vote. I hope Kennedy has an awakening and steps aside. I wonder if Trump has figured out that if he gets immunity from the Supreme Court then he can’t charge Biden as he says he will. Trump is a thug. That’s why we’re cheering a porn-star who stood up to him, when his own party won’t stand up to him and move him aside. The Time interview is a scary look into the dark caverns in Trump’s twisted mind. Biden is running for president. Trump is running for king.

  20. If Trump is elected, and I agree it’s a possibility, I believe there will be mass deportations. It won’t immediately affect me or members of my family.


    When the farm laborers, restaurant dishwashers, mushroom pickers, car wash attendants, day laborers, etc., start disappearing, I doubt we’ll be seeing a lot of Southern Lehigh, Catasauqua, Saucon Valley, or Wilson HS students rushing in to earn minimum wage. The economy is going to take a huge dump, affecting the markets and turning everybody’s remaining savings upside down. Inflation (caused by jacking up wages to get people to labor, wash, pick, etc.) will hit everybody regardless of skin color or national origin. It will not be good for this country.

    I normally sign my posts. This is going up anonymously.

    1. 9:02am- Yet, Trump will still keep his undocumented immigrants to keep Mar-a-Lago up and running.

      Trump only knows how to spew all the made up talking points from every right wing media outlets...it's not just Fox News anymore. My MAGA friends don't even watch Fox News anymore. They say it's too liberal. They seek and find even more far right media outlets. It's scary some of the things they are saying.

  21. #DJT is according to Stormy Daniels hung like a can of coca cola ( 16 oz) and has the stamina of a mandingo warrior. Brandon on the other hand can't hardly get on and off Marine 1 without a cadre of handlers to assist his frail arse up the gangway, do you think hes able to service Jill?

  22. And here.s the stable genius from last night. From a rare moment when he was awake..............“You go back 10 years, I mean Israel was protected by Congress,” he continued. “And now, Congress is just doing numbers that are unbelievable with I think a very, very small group of people within Congress and it’s gotta stop. But we have to go back to the roots. We have to protect, we have to stop the antisemitism that’s just pervading our country right now and Biden has to do something.” ....ok

  23. "...concerned about a vindictive and petty old man in office..."

    So is everybody else.

  24. Trump is right on, deport, deport, deport, amnesty for political prisoners, again go for it,.
    Justice for all the FBI,CIA and state department crowd who really attempted to overthrows an american president, right again.

    Criminal prosecutions of all those who engaged in politically motivated prosecutions, it is needed if we are to survive as a country.

    Yes, lets let Trump have another chance, he certainly can not be as bad as this bunch of amateurs.

    You have made Trumps case very well, Maybe he will thank you, if you come out to the next rally.

  25. Don't forget Trump also calls for surveillance of pregnant women to prevent abortion. And says people like dictatorship.

    1. Dear heavens. The lengths you will all go to

  26. Oh goodness. It’s appears you have trigger the “well armed militia” and the temporarily inconvenienced billionaires, Mr. O’Hare.

  27. I love all the Trump acolytes who think that Trump is going to save the country and spare them his wrath. Trump doesn't care about you, me, the January 6th rioters, his own family, ANYONE. If you think he's going to help you, you're sadly mistaken. Trump didn't appear out of nowhere in 2015, he's not the second coming of a story book character, he's not saving babies or taking down made up cabals; everyting about his wretched past is out there for you to find out. All you people who tell the rest of us to "do your research" might want to do some of your own. This will be Trump's last hurrah as he knows he's circling the drain. He's going to take as much and as many people down with him as he can. Trump does not love this country. Trump loves himself, and he'd hug any flag of any nation that he happened to reside in, and if you can't see that, then you're the one who may want to consider waking up.

  28. Trump must clean house-All Democrats must be put out of power positions in our government. All democrats do is lie, lie and more lies. Every decision they make is horrible for the people of America. Keeping the democrats in power for 4 more years will destroy what is left after Biden's disaster.

    1. Please move to Florida or Arizona…you can join your like thinking asshole MAGAS

  29. I'm no MAGA person, BUT these are facts: during Trump's 4 years, the economy was humming, we had record low inflation, and we got into no wars- in fact, Iran was behaving and peace was breaking out in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords. Nobody respects us now, and just say "don't" isn't working.

  30. 1:39 AM - If you read the actual full transcript you will find Trump explaining why he believes the military CAN be used in this situation. Trump said words to the effect “ . . . . These are not civilians, they are invaders . . .” I believe he is correct on this. Unfortunately, the weaponized, two-tier judicial system we currently have in place would no doubt rule otherwise.

    Folks, one major party is attempting to jail the other major party’s candidate and keep him out of the election. Now, how’s that for protecting the right of citizens to determine who represents them by voting?

  31. I wasn’t sure who I was voting for prior to these campus riots.

    I was looking at Kennedy.

    But I’m sure now.

    1. That's a wasted vote. So you aren't held responsible

  32. 7:47 wins the day. Don't leave out the suckers and losers hoax which 25 witnesses said it never happened. But Biden did call our military "Stupid Bastards" Proof below and wonder why no media asks him about this?

    Wasting your time here writing this blog. Youshould be working at the Atlantic, or the Huffington Post, or the leader pf the pack; MSNBC. Your post matches all the standrds of these fine institutions. You know, like the fine people hoax, the drink bleach hoax, or the laptop hoax.


  33. It doesn't matter because Trump will lose Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The current polls do not factor in the massive Democrat GOTV advantage and mail-in-ballot dominance in those states. Look at recent election results in swing states over the last 4 years. Not to mention that 158K Republicans in PA voted for Haley last week. As much as the media wants to make a race of it for clicks and ratings, Trump is headed for defeat.

  34. As if the Biden regime is not enticing violence?

  35. 1-6 will become a national holiday when #DJT is reinstated, Ashlii Babbitt's family will have accountability for her murder there's no statute of limitations there. pardons all around, Pence will be brought to justice and Rudy G will be freed from the shackles of his outrageous judgements, uhuru!

    1. 1120 celebrating Jan 6 cop beatings? No thanks.

  36. I can't stand Trump. I can't stand most things anymore. But I can't stand using questionable legal tactics to deny voters one of the two clearly preferred options. This goes far beyond allowing wide discretion in accepting cured ballots, in order to guarantee voters their franchise, which you've rightly defended here. Democracy dies when we slip into these Third World tactics of denying the first or second most preferred option. The First Amendment is about all speech, especially the most offensive. Our elections should be about all candidates, especially the most offensive.

  37. #MaryTrump2024!

  38. Interesting that only women have the nerve to go after Trump, the bully. Jean Carroll, Karen McDougal, Stormy Daniels, Liz Cheney, Meghan McCain, are brave enough to publicly stand up to him, but not his own party leadership. Why are the Republican men so afraid of him? His hate for immigrants is so hypocritical considering who is making the beds, vacuuming the hallways, scrubbing the bathrooms, cutting the grass, serving the food, and washing the dishes at his resorts.

    1. Adam Kinzinger is a patriot and is male

  39. Bernie didn't participate in the various media hoaxes. He did actively participate in the big pharma not-a-vaccine conspiracy that took in a spectrum of idiots from Trump to Rachel Levine to Bernie. Please wear your mask in the car while driving to your 150th booster. Because science.

  40. If Trump loses the country will collapse under Biden and the Democrats.

  41. I'll take the 6 year old in this case. This country can't take another 4 years of the geriatric in charge. My pocket can't take it either. Our social welfare systems are stretched to the limit with the arrival of all the illigals already here. Please give me the 6 year old!

  42. Once Trump gets in, he has a hell of lot to do. Biben and his left-wing idiots has done so much damage. But Trump will do it because he will have the majority of people behind him. The people have seen enough, and most will get behind him to save this country.AQ few idiot like people on the view, and the squad and of Couse Bernie will oppose him.

  43. Trump appeals to the lowest common denominator of uneducated, worthless, gullible tools

  44. Bernie Where is Biden on the Riots at the colleges why is he hiding.?

  45. I would imagine most readers of this blog will choose to vote again for Joe Biden. What I never seem to read here, though, are reasoned opinions explaining why they will vote this way. You know, like a listing of his team’s accomplishments, and how their family’s futures have been made more secure.

    We read so much about how awful a return of Trump will be. How Trump will be the end of democracy and freedom, etc. I know many don’t care for Trump’s personality and can easily call him down despite never actually meeting the man, but geez, that’s an easy out. At least, promote YOUR guy on his merits for comparison.

  46. Americans are ready to bring back Trump they had enough of Biden.

  47. Biden is going to drop Trump tax bill that is great news for the middle class.

  48. Biden is going to bring in Palestinians we need more immigrant to give all kind of stuff.

  49. Biden is going to make Hollywood movie to get his campaign going, HE has no successes this should be a great film.

  50. Middle clas get ready to pay for ivy league student loans-Biden need their vote.

    1. You clearly didn't even make it through middle school.

  51. Columbia is a private college with 36000 student and 16000 are from foreign countries.And on top of this they get tax money from our government.

  52. So I started to write a piece and then remembered where I was posting and realized it would be a waste of my time. Good luck, Bernie.

  53. Trump is supposedly farting constantly in court. I wonder how many MAGA idiots will pay big money to own that court chair after the trial ends..

  54. Trump has his lawyers in front of the Supreme Court arguing that an American president should be immune from ANY legal penalties yet at the same time Trump is calling for Biden to be arrested. Explain this to me.

  55. @9:43 am
    Folks, one major party is attempting to jail the other major party’s candidate and keep him out of the election. Now, how’s that for protecting the right of citizens to determine who represents them by voting?

    Because Trump is a crook and if any other citizen of this country tried to pull the shit he has gotten away with they simply wouldn’t.
    Even you would be going to jail, just try to do any of the stunts he has done over the past 7 years, and you would be sitting in jail. Do you have the Supreme Court backing you? WTFUYM!

  56. 6:50 - I assume you are talking about Trump’s supposed mishandling of classified documents. First of all, the Biden Administration wants you to believe he did something wrong. He didn’t. He was President at the time of the so-accused mishandling. A United States President (any one of them) holds plenary power to classify/declassify any and all documents simply at his choosing.

    Joe Biden mishandled classified documents, too. The difference here being, Joe’s violations were done while Joe was VICE President! Biden had no such authority to do so.

  57. 6:52 - What criminal statutes was Donald Trump ever convicted of? I’m not aware of any. Please cite the case(s) you are referring to. Thanks.

  58. Both candidates suck. It’s as simple as that. I’m hoping Trump loses but Rs get the senate. Harris will finish Biden’s second term and get smoked in 2028.

  59. Feeling sad for the brainwashed MAGA folk in this thread. It seems like there are only two or three posting multiple times, trying to sound tough but coming off very insecure with their ad hominem attacks.

    Looking forward to November, when we will finally be done with Trump and his worn out tough guy shtick.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.