Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

NorCo Civil Division to Accept Electronic Filing

At the May 16 meeting of Northampton County Council, Executive Lamont McClure announced that the county's civil division is accepting e-filings for most matters.  "Change comes slowly to Northampton County, and we are dragging it into the 21st century," said McClure. This system is available 24/7, but matters will be processed during regular business hours. Northampton County's Recorder of Deeds has already been accepting electronic recording for several years. 

McClure stated one of his goals is to go paperless by 2025. 

In addition to efiling, the county's Emergency Management has joined the Next Gen 911 network. All communications from and to the county's 911 will also appear in real time with Pennsylvania Emergency Management. A secure fiber network replaces state infrastructure from the '70s.


  1. It’s 2024 and we’re still not paperless, why ?

  2. Philly has been doing electronic filing for 20 years.

  3. Lehigh Co. has had efiling for years. What took so long in Norco ?

  4. 6:44 - look in the mirror, you will see the root of the problem. Try actually thinking before you vote

  5. The McClure Administration is moving swiftly to modernize the County government just in time for John Brown’s attempted return.

  6. McClure will have enough trouble moving his and Barron's fat asses into the 21st century without worrying about the rest of us. His vision of a New Jersy bedroom community of unaffordable housing, higher costs and insufficient infrastructure is his vision and not the good people who have made Northampton great before he decided to screw it up.


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