Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Guilty Verdict in Trump Case Means Nothing, But Acquittal All But Guarantees His Re-Election

Although former President Donald Trump is currently facing federal and state charges in four different jurisdictions, only the Manhattan case will be concluded before the election. No matter what the outcome might be, I doubt a guilty verdict will change many minds. He will continue to portray himself as the victim of a political prosecution being heard by a Democratic jury and a trial judge out to get him. But if he is acquitted, or even if there is a hung jury, he will certainly claim vindication. Moreover, a "not guilty" verdict will almost certainly win him the Presidential election. 

The Manhattan case, the weakest prosecution against Trump, is like a precarious house of cards. You pull just one card out, and the case comes crashing down. The prosecution must prove that Trump, not his accountant, falsified business records in payments to his lawyer, Michael Cohen, a convicted liar and thief. The government must prove that checks to Cohen for legal services were actually a series of payments reimbursing Cohen for buying off a stripper who allegedly had sex with Trump. What's more, there has to be proof beyond a reasonable doubt that these payments were made for the purpose of influencing an election.   

Lawyers often settle disputed on behalf of their clients with monetary payments. That's how most civil cases work, although the lawyer usually pays with is client's money instead of his own. These are legal services. So what is false about noting the reimbursements to Cohen as such? 

Assuming that these really are falsified records, there is scant evidence that directly ties Trump himself to the falsification. I'm unaware of any evidence from sources outside of an unbelievable liar and thief that directly ties Trump to this notation on the checks paying Cohen.  

Finally, there was evidence from the prosecution that Trump tried very hard to keep this story away from his wife, even to the point of hiding newspapers she might read. 

Though I detest Trump and believe he is a threat to our democratic form of government, I have grave doubts about the merits of the case against him in Manhattan. My opinion might be different if I sat through the trial. But based on what limited information I have, I myself have a reasonable doubt about his guilt. 

The strongest case against Trump is the one premised on his obstruction of federal attempts to retrieve classified documents. But that is years away, if ever. 

Whatever the verdict might be in Manhattan, I see no downside for Trump. If he loses, he can claim he was set up. If he wins, he will be the next President. 

That is why this case should never have been brought. 


  1. Several legal experts and political observers have expressed opinions in the media. Their belief is, the radical Democrats behind this are not expecting any guilty verdict to survive an Appeal. However, their primary goal is have Trump simply found guilty so that between now and the election they can label Trump as a Convicted Felon. Slamming Trump as a Convicted Felon, even for just a few months is the real ‘prize’ they are after. They also know, a winning Appeal by Trump can be delayed until after the election.

    There is no doubt, national news media and various celebrity losers will run wild with calling Trump a Convicted Felon even on such flimsy basis. They further believe many political actors will use this label as reason to distance themself from Trump for a supposedly legitimate reason. Others even believe Biden will use this as a reason not to face Trump in a debate.

    I expect Trump WILL be found Guilty. Damaging Trump and possibly keeping Trump out of the election is the ONLY way, I believe, Biden or another Democrat can win in November. Election cheating might also work.

    The Biden team has already stated Biden will make a public address immediately following the verdict. In my opinion, this entire effort represents a sick low point in our history and damages the once good reputation of our American judicial system.

    Most of your readers will be pleased, I’m sure. Enjoy!

  2. I'd say that many of my readers are fairly right wing. Let me be clear here. I think he's guilty. If I was on the jury and listening to the evidence, I'd know much more than what we've learned from news sources that are clearly biased for or against Trump. But based on what I do know, I would have a reasonable doubt.

    Like I said, a guilty verdict will not hurt Trump and may actually help him as he continues to play victim. But a not guilty verdict will pretty much enable him to say that the jury saw through the witch hunt and will definitely help him.

    As for Biden, I would never agree to appear on the same stage with Trump. He diminishes the office and everyone around him. It was a mistake to agree to debate that petty man.

    1. Hey Bernie, listen to the best legal mind in this country Alan Dershowitz podcast and get a lesson in law!

  3. No matters what the results are this will be overturned. This kangaroo case is a bif fraud just like everything these left-wing Marxist radical idiots bring against Trump loses. You people are complete idiots and clowns. You Democrats are the real threat to our country look what you did to it. You all must be put out of power if we are to survive.

  4. As a normal person, who hates political bombardings of campaigns begging for dollars and sniping, I want this media monopoly of our news time to cease. I am sick of the negativity and voices blaring every day, on every news show. I have tried not to watch, because it is no longer news. Fact is, no matter what outcome, in our news or in this court case, our world of laws will never be the same again, molested daily by the media, negatively affected and under siege by varying definitions offered up by legal experts of the “new “right or wrong. It used to be simple: ignoring a subpoena goes to jail …but today: wealthy get to ignore subpoenas…go on vacation .
    By the end of this week, we all will get a sense of where we will go as a United States, or
    a darker, angrier, and lawless place which we slowly have morphed into.

  5. He's not guilty and I wouldn't vote for him had the government not persecuted him like a third world country would. Can't wait to teach your side a lesson. Again, can't stand Trump. Just need to teach Democrats how to not be a banana republic. Democrats finally made me support the big orange asshole. But I do, now.

    1. He did all this to himself…..

  6. My greatest wish is to see Trump die in prison.

  7. Finding the excuse for Biden not to debate. You're a clown Bernie. Getting worse every blog.
    Be a man already.

  8. You're right - this case should have never been brought forward. But you and your dems are hellbent on doing whatever is necessary to remove Trump.

  9. Of course he’ll be found guilty. It’s NY lol.

    1. Newsflash: The crimes were committed in NY. So, yes... he gets tried in NY.

  10. I appreciate you writing to explain this confusing case. I don't understand how it is determined when a sum of money passes to someone often from a politician or famous person is illegal. What are those special monies some states have to give money to someone after alleged sexual or inappropriate behavior towards staff member? And this is kept quiet. Or when someone gives a mistress money to go away when publicity might hurt career or marriage? Are you expected to label these monies as "money to keep my ex-mistress from going public?" Or money I paid to a 'whore or a pick-up from Tinder app?" Let all these braying celebrities and politicians cast the first stone. There is much about Trump that might be deemed detestable, but this is utter nonsense.

  11. Why no mention of what Michael Cohen's lawyer said and testified about under oath? Why no mention of how Cohen committed larceny by stealing money from the Trump organization? Why didn't Alvin Bragg charge Cohen for stealing the money? He admitted it under oath and Bragg knew it long ago. I am still waiting to hear what law Trump broke but Cohen committed larceny. Keeping newspapers from your wife is not a crime last time I checked. Lastly will there be a posting on how this judge donated to the Biden campaign and his daughter is raising money off this trial? Or how the #3 at the DOJ (Matthew Colangelo) left to be part of this case?

    1. 8:34- I'm not justifying Cohen's embezzlement, but do you even know what it was about? Michael Cohen wrote about it in his book. It was no secret. It stemmed from when Trump hired a computer whiz from Evangelical Christian school Liberty University to hack into CNBC's online poll to manipulate the outcome of the top 100 American Business Leaders. Trump wasn't even in the top 100, but the hacker got Trump at number 5. Initially, Trump was presented with an award, but then CNBC found out about the hack and rescinded the award. Trump refused to return it, refused to pay the hacker and keeps the award prominently displayed in his office. The hacker was John Gauger, Chief information Officer at Liberty University. Michael Cohen was introduced to him by then Liberty University President, Jerry Fartwell, Jr, who resigned in 2020 amid a sex scandal with a teenage pool boy. Ah, gotta love the Evangelical Christians and their sense of decency and morality.

    2. Oh and I'd believe what Cohen wrote in his book. Lol

  12. Bernie you are a sick person.

  13. A mixed bag from you today on this, Bernie. The smart lawyer that you are knows this entire case has been a sham since the beginning but the still determined Democrat to "get Trump" because he is a "threat to Democracy" overshadows the first piece. You will have no recognizable United States and your freedom of speech, including this blog, will exist no longer if Biden (or whoever is running this country) continues in power. By the way, De Niro made a fool of himself and the party yesterday in New York City. His ego apparently is bruised easier than Joe Biden's these days.

    1. The only way democracy loses is if Trump wins.

    2. Two words, “Wake up”.

  14. Your approach is entirely political. The case was properly brought because he appears to be guilty.

  15. One of the biggest problems I see over this sorry abuse of our justice system is that way too many Americans appear to have no knowledge of why this kind of election interference is harmful to democracy and should not be tolerated. This is stuff we used to see just in places like Venezuela, North Korea, etc. Another problem, certainly, is that millions more Americans KNOW this is dangerous behavior but find keeping quiet acceptable because it might help “their guy.”

  16. If want to honestly know what this election is about listen to Kem Burns’ commencement address at Brandis

  17. Trump was a disgraceful footnote until the ridiculous political prosecutions started. Now, he's going to cruise to re-election. The ability of both teams to overplay their hands is remarkable. Trump is front page every day. And once again, despite his lies about self-funding his campaign, he's once again getting a stunning amount of free publicity that seems to be helping him.

  18. 10:09, I believe this is a weak case. Prosecutors do not usually charge someone with a felony unless they have him six ways to Sunday. I can see the argument being made that this particular case is, in fact, politically motivated or "election interference." But as I have said, the federal charges related to Trump's obstruction of the quest for confidential records are far different. There they do have him six ways to Sunday. That is not politically motivated bc the feds made every effort to avoid involving the DOJ, which itself bent over backwards to avoid bringing charges.

  19. I'm curious to those who say that this case should have never been brought? Trump's Justice Department brought this case against Michael Cohen and he went to jail for it. Trump's Justice department couldn't bring charges against Trump because there's some insane memorandum (not a law) about not indicating a sitting President.

    Merrick Garland could have indicted Trump on these charges, but didn't. Yet, so many of you are spewing your venom at Democrats, calling us all sorts of disparaging names.

    1. You are correct…Garland was a coward then, and still is!

  20. "I'm curious to those who say that this case should have never been brought? Trump's Justice Department brought this case against Michael Cohen and he went to jail for it. Trump's Justice department couldn't bring charges against Trump because there's some insane memorandum (not a law) about not indicating a sitting President."

    I believe the DOJ declined to prosecute bc of the difficulties in establishing that he personally disguised reimbursements to Cohen.

  21. I still remember "conservative" right-wingers getting all hot and bothered when Michelle Obama wore a sleeveless dress. It was like nobody ever saw black shoulders before. Fast forward to today. The MAGA base completely ignores facts:
    -Melania is the only 1st lady to have bared it all in past photo shoots
    -Trump was caught on camera boasting about "grabbing women"
    -Trump is on camera imitating a physically disabled news reporter
    -He is incapable of apologies
    ...not to mention he can't even hold a Bible the proper way for a photo shoot. If Obama had posed with an upside down Bible for a photo, heads would have exploded.

    These character flaws should be a deal breaker.

    We're doomed. The "conservatives" have joined a cult.

    1. And JFK slept with Marilyn. And Clinton had sex in oval office. And ....who cares

    2. And Clinton was impeached for it.

  22. 12:10, I'll agree that Trump is a despicable person. He does not belong in any elected office, to say nothing of the presidency. I have no intention of voting for him. My point here is that this weak criminal case, regardless of its outcome, is only going to help him and embolden his cult.

  23. How can somebody as smart as you detest Trump and believe he is a threat to our democratic form of government?

    1. Your first admission that Bernie is smart is why he knows the danger Trump presents if re-elected. My hope and prayer is that intelligent Republicans save this country

    2. "Intelligent Republicans". You are funny.

  24. I hope he survives. He was getting peace agreements signed and not starting and/or funding both sides of new conflicts for military donors. I miss the peace we had after so many years of Bush and Obama bombing everything in sight.

    1. You are insane

    2. He is not a threat, he is the most dangerous threat our Democracy has in last 250 years! He wants to join forces with dictators like Putin, anarchists, fascists, and become the king of the U.S.
      oh yes….he is a severe threat!

  25. 12:10- "Trump is incapable of apologies". Trump actually issued one (and only one apology) and that was for the Access Hollywood tape. Right after the tape was released, the RNC was going to remove his name from the ballot. In order to stave off this consequence, he issues this apology on October 10th, 2016, "This was locker room talk. I am not proud of it. I apologize to my family, I apologize to the American people.".

    Then a week later, the Stormy Daniels scandal was making waves. Trump thought that if this story came to light right have the AH tape, he would certainly be dumped by the RNC and he would not appear on the ballot, so Trump had Michael Cohen pay off Stormy Daniels to deny that she had an affair with him. It was at this point, the crime of election interference occurred and what Trump is currently on trial for (well actually 'falsifying business records') and is what Michael Cohen was convicted of and sent to prison for...by Trump's DOJ.

    But, you are absolutely right, 12:10: "These character flaws should be a deal breaker.

    We're doomed. The "conservatives" have joined a cult." My female conservative female best friend said after the AH tape, "Trump is a PIG!!!". What this same person said last week about the AH tape, "It was only talk. Biden has done much worse".

    Congratulations Fox News...You won!

  26. My law and order friends seem to forget that applies to all.

  27. "How can somebody as smart as you detest Trump and believe he is a threat to our democratic form of government?"

    Those who know me know how stupid I am, lol. But I can ask the same question of my friends (yes, I have friends) who actually are smart. I can ask that question of my brother, who is both smarter and a much better person than I. How can people as smart as them support Trump and fail to realize how dangerous he is?

  28. 11:17. You lost me at Michael Cohen wrote about it in his book. He is a proven liar and not sure why if in a book you believe it. Hey I hear Trump colluded w/the Russians and there is a pee pee tape. I bet you fell for that one also

  29. "How can people as smart as them support Trump and fail to realize how dangerous he is?"

    Simple - because the Democrats are just as dangerous.

    The most abhorrent person in this debate is the one who blindly follows their party. Both parties are corrupt. Both are dangerous. Both are a threat to Democracy.

    If this pisses you off, you are the problem. Not the other guy.

  30. 12:10 Biden inappropriately showered with his daughter and she wrote about it in her diary. Snopes fact check below. This a deal breaker for you?


    1. 2:12- I just read the link you posted as well as other articles relating to this conspiracy. There is no evidence that President Biden was sexually inappropriate with his daughter.

      I can, however, list all the sexually inappropriate behavior if President Trump, but none of them will be a deal breaker for you.

    2. What is wrong with you!

  31. In the jury instructions, Judge Merchan said that there is no need to unanimously agree on what occurred. They can disagree on what the crime was among the three choices. Thus, this means that they could split 4-4-4, and he will still treat them as unanimous.

    Bernie with crap like this, you wonder why people think it's rigged????

    What the hell....

  32. Elections are no fun. If I could just "find" 11,780 votes in Georgia we would have won! So sad. It makes my bone spurs hurt. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN! I need you to ignore the fact that I paid that horse-faced pole dancer to be quiet! We just met for covfefe. Nothing to see here! Vote TRUMP/GIULIANI 2024.

    1. Can a you think Monica and the now infamous cigar surprise sideways circus carnival in the oral office of the Whitehouse?

  33. Bernie why can't you see what is before your eyes? This oversize means my you need a new cadirac surgen to operate on both left and right eyes to straighten things out for you. Along with your many other ailments blindness creeps in from eating too much shit food.

  34. "...and fail to realize how dangerous he is..."

    Right, with 95% of the media reporting (including “public broadcasting”) against him and powerful DAs in some of the country’s largest cities bringing charges in front of judges who political support and actually donate to his opponent and whose family members work for his political opponents, HE’S what you’re afraid of?

    Cue the whiny responses… “but what about Fox Ne-u-ews! Fox Ne-u-ews, (sob, sob, stomp, stomp).”

  35. From Common Cause:
    "It’s clear the money was paid because the Trump team feared that the emergence of her story just before the 2016 election would torpedo Trump’s chance of becoming president. That makes the payment a campaign contribution – and the Trump campaign’s failure to disclose it to the Federal Election Commission illegal.

    And if the money came from Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, as Cohen claims, it exceeded the legal limit for campaign gifts by more than $127,000."

    Sounds pretty straight forward to me.

    I find it impossible to believe a cheap F like tRump, the guy who had his son take away the discount at his golf club for a charity, the guy who screwed countless workers by non-payment for services, the guy who hired illegals at his club to save a buck, would not know where this money was going if it was not going in his account.
    Lock him up!

  36. Many of us just reflected on Memorial Day and those who gave all including POWs and MIAs. Remember, it was Trump who said they were suckers. He likes people that are not captured. Let that sink the F in. He blamed the Niger ambush on rogue troops. Our troops were abandoned and he ignored that incident for days and then blamed the troops. Oh yeah, let's not forget Trump negotiated the released 5,000 Taliban and drew our troops down to less than 1,500, undermining troop safety. I believe Trump when he said Biden had no choice but to withdraw. Trump left our women and men in harms way.

  37. Trump likes Quarter Pounders but if he goes to prison he will be getting the Whopper!

  38. Because many of you dislike the man does not mean he is guilty. What you should all be concerned about is that this can happen to anyone...yes even you....and that is the key point ...our legal system has become political and effects all our rights. Sadly you won't ever see this over your hatred. Bernie sees it

  39. Many of the best legal scholars in America still can’t identify an actual criminal act Trump has committed here. To make matters worse, the judge assigned to this case is making-up rules as he goes along and acts more like a Prosecutor. He has denied critical rights that are required by law to Defendants. This is the type of abuse we see in authoritarian police states in other parts of the world.

    1. Some of the best presidential scholars have warned about the threat to democracy should Trump win

    2. Explain then why democracy survived during the trump years please?

    3. Oh pray tell, 5:11, name one (1) critical right was Trump denied?

  40. This trial show cases how democrats think--How anyone can vote for a democrat is unbelievable. No wonder the country under democrats is in this bad shape also look at the cities run by democrats one word Wow. The schools in this country is run by mostly democrats they are another goof example of democratic rule.

    1. 6:23- Trump committed crimes, he's being prosecuted for said crimes. Michael Cohen went to jail for these crimes as did Allen Weiselberg. And, Allen Weiselberg went to prison again for perjury during this trial. Thank GOD that the Democrats are the party of Law and Order. The Republicans certainly aren't. That party is a joke.

  41. Trump is a pathological liar. Of course he slept with Stormy while Melania was pregnant. Of course he schemed with Pecker (haha) to cover it up. It's not complicated. It's not persecution. Trump is human garbage, and the law is catching up to him.

  42. Paying hush money is NOT a crime. Happens all the time. There is also a problem here for the prosecution. It has been pointed out the alleged payments were not done for political advantage. They were made after Trump was already elected and in office.

    None of this really matters, though. My expectation is Trump will be found guilty regardless. You know, the end justifies the means to modern day Democrats.

  43. "Cohen made a $130,000 alleged "hush money" payment to adult film star Stephanie Clifford, known as Stormy Daniels, days before the 2016 election, in exchange for her silence about an alleged affair with Trump. Trump denies the allegations and says there was no affair." per NBC.

    For those who are saying that the payments were made after the election (or for tRump supporters in general): When there is no reality, anything is possible.

  44. 10:34- You're a liar and a dope. Everything that you posted is untrue. Here is the timeline of events. Trump had the money wired to Stormy Daniels attorney on October 27, 2016. The election was in November. The only reason Trump did this is because this story was bubbling right after the Access Hollywood tape scandal and the RNC was threatening to remove Trump from the ballot. Trump usually doesn't pay to keep stories secret, but he did this time to avoid the RNC from removing his name from the ballot.


    1. CBS news says it so it must be true!!!!

  45. 11:58, as a mature, well adjusted and educated commenter, please clarify. Are you claiming paying hush money IS a crime? Are you claiming NO observers stated these payments were not made until after the election? While we’re at it, do you consider Mr. Cohen a reliably truthful witness?

    1. Guilty x 34!
      Rs need to learn the facts. Stay away from the pure nonsense, disinformation, misinformation, lies, and propaganda spewed by Fox, Bannon, and the red hat cult. They reside in an alternate universe void of fact. No one is above the law.

  46. 1:12 - the greatest threat to democracy is to continue what’s going on under the
    Democrats right now! You know it, we all know it. This nation is being destroyed in order to be built back in some different form in line with a vision that has no need for individual nation states. America is not the only nation being affected.

    Elect more Democrats if you must. Just not THESE Democrats!

  47. 1:01:

    Question #1 as a mature, well adjusted and educated commenter, please clarify. Are you claiming paying hush money IS a crime?

    No, I am not claiming that paying hush money is a crime, I'm claiming that election interference is a crime and falsifying New York business records with the intent to commit or conceal crimes connected to his 2016 campaign, are criminal offenses.

    P.S. You don't strike me as mature, well-adjusted or an educated commentor. Simply, the run-of-the-mill die hard MAGA defender.

    Question #2: Are you claiming NO observers stated these payments were not made until after the election? No, several witnesses testified that Trump paid Michael Cohen reimbursement 'after' the election, but the monies paid to Stormy Daniles and Karen McDougal were made prior to the election.

    Question #3: While we’re at it, do you consider Mr. Cohen a reliably truthful witness?

    Michael Cohen definitely has his flaws and has an axe to grind. He spent years of committing illegal behavior at the request of, behest for and benefit of Donald J. Trump. He even went to prison for the same crimes in which Trump is currently on trial. That being said, here is some more testimony...

    Stormy Daniels testified that she received $130,000 about a week before the election to keep deny the allegations.

    David Pecker, National Enquirer and Friend of Trump, testified that in September 2016, Trump discussed a $150,000 hush money payment understood to be for former Playboy model Karen McDougal with Michael Cohen, who secretly records the conversation. Should he have recorded it? No, but audio evidence doesn't lie.

    Hope Hicks, Trump's campaign manager and later Communications Director, testified said Trump told her that Michael Cohen had paid off Stormy Daniels. This was before the election and right after the Access Hollywood tape. She actually cried on the stand as she has fond memories of working at the White House. According to Hicks, Trump “wanted to know how the Stormy Daniles scandal playing”, which broke two years after Trump was elected. Specifically, Hicks said, Trump wanted to know “my thoughts, opinion about this story vs. having a story—a different kind of story—before the campaign had he not paid the hush money.” She continued: “I think Mr. Trump’s opinion was that it was better to be dealing with it now [in 2018], and it would have been bad to have that story coming out before the election.”

    Jeffrey McConney, a former Trump Organization controller, testified about how Cohen's payments were illegally listed in Trump's financial documents.

    Madeleine Westerhout, former assistant to DJT and another weeper on the stand testified that checks were delivered to the White House on May 9 by Trump Organization employees to be signed by Trump as reimbursement for the hush monies paid prior to the election. In her weeping tesitmony, she said that she thought trump was "amazing" and "I thought it was really important to share with the American people the man I got to know," she said through blubbering tears. "I don't think he's treated fairly." Fair or not, Trump committed crimes.

    Prosecutors called 20 witnesses over 19 days in court, totaling over 50 hours of testimony.

    Defense attorneys called two witnesses over two days, with around two hours of testimony.

    Strangely, well perhaps not, do you know who didn't testify? Donald Trump. Trump had repeatedly said (hundreds of times) that he would be willing to testify in his own defense, that he had "nothing to hide", but he didn't testify in this trial nor did testify in his New York civil fraud trial last year, which he said (again) that he would.

  48. 11:58- I forgot to add that it was the weepy Madeleine Westerhout who testified that the RNC was discussing who to replace Trump with on the presidential ballot after the Access Hollywood tape. Trump thought that they may follow through when the Stormy Daniels case was percolating. Hence, Trump decided to pay off Daniels and therefore committed election interference.

    That being said, it is currently 5:00pm sharp Eastern Standard Time and the news is reporting that a unanimous verdict has been reached. I'm predicting Not Guilty.

    We'll see. Either way, Trump is a Criminal Sociopath.

    1. My bad. For clarification: The comment above was directed to poster 1:01, as an addendum to my comment at 4:42pm. It was not directed to the post @ 11:58.

      Finally, guilty or not, Trump remains a Megalomaniac Narcissist and Sociopath.

  49. Trump found guilty on all counts. Buckle up, America!

  50. I love watching FOX fake new media crying the blues.
    All those people on FOX news need to be remembered for the fraud they spawn.
    Name one way Trump helped the low middle class Americans which comprise 90% on Bernie’s blog. Just one?

  51. "Because many of you dislike the man does not mean he is guilty. "

    True, what matters is the unanimous verdict of 12 jurors who announced "Guilty" 34 times.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.