Local Government TV

Monday, May 06, 2024

Gracedale Shooting For 450 Census By End of May

Gracedale Administrator Jennifer Stewart-King, who was a bit breathless. updated NorCo Council about the county-owned nursing home on May 2.  She was a bit frazzled because the state Department of Health decided to conduct its annual inspection two weeks early and were at the facility for two days. Stewart-King was happy to report that only two minor deficiencies were found, compared to a state average of 9.3 and a national average of 9.4.

Stewart-King noted that admissions are up. The current census is 434, with 42 new admissions in April. Her goal is to reach 450, which she expects to do this month.  This includes a short-term rehab unit, which currently houses 17 residents with room for 31. 

The home still relies heavily on outside agency nurses, who are usually paid double what is paid to an actual employee. Stewart-King denied that agency nurses are paid $250 an hour. "No, that is not what we pay." She joked if that were so, "I'm joining an agency." She acknowledged, however that agency RNs in the Pittsburgh area were getting $500 an hour during COVID. 

Stewart-King added that outside agency nurses make up about 35% of Gracedale's nursing corps.  


  1. Do you think Jen Stewart is doing an excellent job leading the home ?

  2. Should have dumped the white elephant years ago

    1. Don’t you get tired of posting that every time Gracedale is mentioned? ?

  3. "Stewart-King denied that agency nurses are paid $250 an hour. "No, that is not what we pay." "

    OK. What DO you pay them? You know exactly what the number is. Please share it with county taxpayers.

  4. 6:49. She did. She said they are paid double what the nursing empolyees are paid.

  5. "Do you think Jen Stewart is doing an excellent job leading the home ?"

    I was really unsure for several years but think she really cares about the residents. She is a very rare person that way. I believe she does a very good job.

  6. So how can you fill the beds if you don’t have staff? Oh - hire more agency and pay them double? Makes no sense financially, Bernie.

  7. Gracedale’s PPD is 3.8. They don’t need anymore staff to get to 250.

    1. She’s aiming for 450, not 250 and they are 1 star for staffing

    2. 3.8 could not be one star unless the wrong ratio of rn staff

  8. Gracedale is being incrementally privatized out of necessity. Unlike Stoffa, McClure didn't have to sell it to get it done. He's letting time and economics do the job. It's painfully expensive, and politically smart. Stoffa and Angle had it right all along. But their bedside manners and political savvy were poor.

  9. How can you keep getting more residents when you don't have the staff ? Why would you do this ? It doesn't make any sense , but when you consider kitchen laundry and housekeeping as staff that covers your butts when the state comes in .That is how all these nursing homes are . It's not fair to the cans rns and LPNs that have been busting their butts for years with crappy pay.

    1. The more residents the more reimbursement!

  10. It is one star bc of errors when data was sent, and now the ratings are frozen.

    1. That was the excuse last time. Lol.

    2. Gracedale is not functioning well under current management, As trending begins to eliminate county control on nursing homes, Gracedale will need a new plan for its future fiscal needs for building and
      Maintenance along with improving staff committment.

  11. Maybe Norco employee salaries need to be addressed instead of outsourcing for double.


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