Local Government TV

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Bethlehem Police Officers "Very Angry" About Loss of Trust

The arrest of a former Bethlehem police officer for sexually assaulting a 14v year-old student was addressed at Tuesday night's City Council meeting by Mayor Willie Reynolds, Police Chief Michell Kott and Council members. "Any behavior that undermines public trust or violates the law will be swiftly and decisively addressed," said Chief Kott in brief remarks. She added that the actions of one individual "do not reflect the values or the professionalism of our department."

Mayor Willie Reynolds told City Council that he has visited the police department during roll calls and has spoken to several officers. "As you can imagine, there is a very, very, very, very high degree of anger within our police department." He noted that Bethlehem officers pride themselves on a positive relationship with the community, which has obviously been damaged.  He said he would be reviewing internal procedures for improvements and thanked DA Steve Baratta for his assistance, vowing to work with him on any changes that need to be made.  

Council member Colleen Laird asked whether a replacement school resource officer has been selected. Chief Kott said someone will be trained over the summer. She also asked whether support has been offered to the school community. Chief Kott said the school district is offering every and any support it can. Mayor Reynolds added that counselors are available. 


  1. Bernie, the volatility of a middle school is different than high school . The threat levels are different. Why do they need to have a committed “resource officer “ in middle schools rather than approximate or close by and public ? Why is he there to start with.?

  2. It all comes from the top. When any form of sexual deviancy is fostered and participated in by leadership, the lower ranks follow the same route. It's human nature, sadly.

  3. 8:37, I find your anonymous accusation to be itself more than a bit over the top. Your implication is offensive, especially when you don't back it up with facts.

    1. Agreed. One sour grape does not ruin the whole bunch.

  4. peter @ 4:39, I'm no expert, but I think the argument can be made that middle schools are actually worse. The children there are just turning into adolescents, They are just learning who they are. Some of them use poor judgment. Plus all schools are at risk for threats from the outside.

  5. Bernie, I do consider myself somewhat a Middle School expert in this area. Having taught in a large urban school district (Allentown)for more than 30 years. There numerous daily conflicts that involve violence. Kids that age can be downright vicious with one another. Lots of bullying, mugging, theft, daily fights, and the list goes on. This is nothing new and has now spread into suburban school districts, too. Many in the public have no idea what goes on.

  6. 9:21, You definitely are an expert and I appreciate your insight.

  7. Facts are that the chief is a DEI hire. Look into it yourself. What kind of lifestyle does she lead? Is it biblical? Or is her lifestyle and her example that she sets offensive to Bible believers?

  8. "Facts are that the chief is a DEI hire. Look into it yourself. What kind of lifestyle does she lead? Is it biblical? Or is her lifestyle and her example that she sets offensive to Bible believers?"

    It's quite a leap in logic to conclude, as you do, that a DEI hire (if that is even true) is a pedophile. That's completely absurd. It is yet another leap in logic to conclude that someone who is married with two children of her own is necessarily a pedophile. It is actually an outrage to those who prefer the company of their own sex. The notion that homosexuality and pedophilia go hand in hand is a myth and completely unsubstantiated by facts. You are letting your homophobia get the best of you.

    What the Bible teaches me is that we are to love everyone as we love ourselves. You ought to read it now and then.

    Chief Kott grew up in McAdoo, is a graduate of Marian Catholic High School and DeSales U. She has a Master's and doctorate degree in criminal justice. She was unanimously confirmed by City Council and has maintained that position after Willie was elected.

    I do not know her personally, but she strikes me as a role model for others to emulate. You strike me as a cranky homophobe who knows nothing about facts or the bible you are thumping. Hope it's a Trump bible.


    When she graduated from Desales, she had numerous job offers, including the Secret Service. She opted for a position close to home.

  9. Did someone on here state homosexuals are pedophiles, because I didn't see that? I also wonder if registered Democrats are not permitted to believe in the God of the Bible, his Word in the Old Testament and the teachings of St. Paul in the New Testament? For thousands of years mankind believed in sexual morality until Reagan appointee Anthony Kennedy changed the age-old definition of marriage. No one is forced to believe God's Word, but if you live in America, you most certainly are forced to accept marriage equality and however else marriage may now be defined. All that being said, character, integrity, setting a good example, are all good leadership qualities. A good leader sets a good example by encouraging or inspiring people by his/her behavior to conduct themselves or act in a similar way. In the past leaders with integrity and credibility were honored and were able to advance by good behavior, but now in our world, we see celebrations when leaders do not follow those basic rules, whether it be corruption, sloth, or any other type of immorality. What I learned from growing up in a Christian family and from Bible study, is that King David's sins had a devastating effect on those around him, hence, robust and effective moral leadership is vital. We are all sinners and our sin does affect others. I also learned at a young age that we are to love the sinner but hate their sins and ours, too. When immorality is practiced at the top of any organization or authoritative structure, chaos is sure to follow. Shall we say, "it is what it is," and that morality is absolute. People are entitled to believe and practice whatever they want and pass that on to the next generation.

    1. Chief Knott is a great leader, her sexually is none of our business. I take from your ignorant comments that you feel this horrible situation would not of happened if someone other the chief Knott was the chief.. I respect your opinion but it’s a very ignorant statement

  10. 11:49, You definitely implied that homosexuality is pedophilia and you are clearly a homophobe who cloaks himself in some passages while ignoring the entirety. People like you set bad examples, not Chief Kott

  11. The school district is also rightfully sharing this blame. The communication was terrible in how this was handled. This was a member of the school and a coach of young girls and they could have notified the public prior to this hitting the news. The kids are not allowed to talk about this with their peers or they have the risk of suspension. This has a feeling of how the Catholic church was trying to downplay and cover up their issues. There is also another teacher that stands accused of something similar that has been on admin leave for over 3 weeks with a long term sub in place. It seems that they are waiting until the summer to make this announcement as well further bringing into question of the integrity of BASD.

  12. More teachers in this country sexually abusing juveniles than cops.

    They should all do life in prison.

  13. This story is very sad. We should not make it worse by assuming all kinds of wrong things about others who are part of the school system nor the police department, both of which are overwhelmingly made up of fine, decent professionals. Both the officer involved, and students involved chose to participate. When I was 14, I certainly knew better. OTOH, the society has changed in awful ways since I was 14 in 1958. Let us work together to overcome the awful forces at work to undermine goodness and decency

  14. Bernie you failed to mention Councilman Callahan's comments about the best resource officer he's ever worked with in all of his years as a school teacher.

  15. It’s excruciating reading these comments as if anyone here knows what they are talking about when it comes to law enforcement, education, or politicians. None of you know anything about these careers but certainly think you do. Opinions certainly are like a-holes as the saying goes.

    1. I totally agree with your comment the only difference is even a a-hole has a purpose


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