Local Government TV

Friday, April 19, 2024

Sultana's 19 YO Daughter Charged With Corrupting Morals of Minors

Yesterday, I told you that Pennsylvania State Police caught two of Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana's minor children in the act of vandalizing a campaign sign at a busy intersection that opposes her bid for the state house. As I noted at the time, there was a third person waiting for these children in a nearby car but was unsure whether she was an adult. It turns out that she is yet another of Sultana's children and is 19 years old. According to a news release from District Attorney Steve Baratta, she's been charged with corrupting the morals of minors. Her name is Imman Malik.

Sultana told The Morning Call that her children were in their way home from school when they saw the signs. Deeply upset, they vandalized them. I suppose a spontaneous reaction like that from children is understandable. But as several of my readers noted, who the hell carries black spray paint in their school back packs? This was obviously planned. 

We have yet to hear whether any action will be taken in response to a complaint from Easton resident Frank Graziano. He spotted Sultana's adult son at the 25th Street and Freemansburg Avenue intersection at 4:30 pm on the very same day as this adult child removed anti-Sultana signs and threw them in the back of his Honda Civic. That actually occurred in Wilson Borough so another shoe may be dropping soon.  

The signs stolen and vandalized were purchased by PaCitizensPAC, an independent committee formed by immigration attorney Ray Lahoud. His signs began disappearing or were spray-painted within hours after they were planted. 

In the meantime, Sultana is continuing a divisive campaign and is doing her best to incite the worst in all of us. A black voter showed me this text from Sultana: "Hey. I need your vote. ... We have to win against the old white network."


  1. She is crazy and needs to resign…… NOW.

  2. Who the hell is that guy she got to do the video commercial for her that pops up on Facebook. Is he really from Easton? What a joke! 🤣

  3. I anticipated this when her children lodged a complaint against the city. Panto and his allies are working tirelessly to ensure the family's downfall. This is the only way these individuals can cling to power. It's a mystery to many how Panto, Freeman, and Boscola have managed to hold office for 90,000 years. Now it's clear. Who would willingly involve themselves in this chaotic situation? Powerful interest groups collaborate to maintain their hold on power.

    Freeman, who is supposed to be a decent person, has failed to condemn the actions of the PAC and Lahoud. It's evident that Freeman is complicit in their actions, with the PAC likely created with his endorsement. That's unacceptable.

    Freeman is a DINO (Democrat in Name Only) driven by a thirst for power and will go to any lengths to retain it.

    It's no secret how law enforcement mistreats people of color. It all began with the arrest of Lance Wheeler, a black man, who was despised by individuals like you, Bernie, Pintabone, and Panto.

    Taiba showed immense strength as they couldn't intimidate her, leading them to target her children in a cowardly attempt to harm her.

    Furthermore, isn't it true that DA Barratt made a deal with Lahoud a year ago? Lahoud was a significant contributor to Barratta's campaign, and now it seems Barratt is obligated to repay the favor.
    Easton, being a small nationalist city, is witnessing the unjust actions of white nationalists who are attacking Taiba's family. At 56 years old, I now comprehend why my mother always emphasized the importance of representation.

    1. Yea yea. Get the hell out of the Lehigh Valley. Taiba’s victim claims are baseless. She postponed accepting the ARD from Houck cause she wanted Baratta. Now Baratta is in on it too gtfoh. She’s pure scum bag. That won’t win anywhere. People that once supported her have left her. She is nuts

    2. You’re a Moran, Taiba stop writing this crap!!!! Your children did the vandalism Freeman nor Panto nor the Easton police put the spray paint in there hands…. I’m your kids only did this out of fear of you.. not being traumatized by seeing these signs…. Resign now and stop your election, you willl be trounced by Freeman

    3. This is clearly a false flag to smear a good woman.

    4. @10:29 Didn't Baratta just charge the Sultana's daughter for corruption of minors? Why don't you do your research. Houck sat on her application and declined to send it to probation for four months in order for Baratta to have to deal with the political fallout. Smart play by Hauck.

    5. @the 136 if you think she is good woman you need as much help as she does

    6. Can’t figure out if this is Nadeem at Taiba, either way… ya’ll got to stop. Easton is a nationalist city? Get the hell out of here…. No, literally go away.

      Children and Youth need to step in and get these kids some help. It’s a sad state of affairs, and as tough as I’m sure it has been to watch their mom’s very public spiral in oblivion, they’re truly the ones suffering.

  4. Just further proof that she is a racist. I’m glad that her friend sent you the text. Everyone that supported her is turning their backs on her.

  5. People should have reservations about voting for a candidate who did not teach her children to respect free elections and allow them to vandalize her opponent's campaign materials.
    Those are pretty despicable acts.

  6. Leave it to this culturally flawed ingrate and her disgusting brood to make Bob Freeman, the worst example of a salary grabbing career politician ward of the state, look sympathetic. Freeman just sits there, does absolutely nothing but rubber stamp the smarter guys' bills. He's an anti-Israel, self-hating Jew, abortion radical who has never been able to find honest employment in the real world. He supports abortion because it targets blacks and we know how Bob and friends feel about them. Sultana is so repulsive, she makes a demonic lifetime leech look good. This is where we are.

    1. More lies from the scumbags. Look at Freemans voting history. Always pro choice 38 yrs. Tell Taiba to move, her welfare will transfer

  7. This thing has no shame whatsoever. The stench from her gets worse each day. Wake up voters.

  8. My sympathies for this woman's six children. Their mother is clearly unhinged. Growing up in that household must be very stressful

  9. This is the saddest thing I’ve seen in a long time. To try and divide a community then use your children to assist you and lie about it and claim that they are now victims. When will she realize this is deeper than an election?! What is going to happen AFTER April 23rd?! To go to this levels of madness and include your own children and think the community will support you because you are claiming the are bothered by the people not wanting to support you? What will THEY be facing next? Just a very sad sad situation! This woman truly needs help!

  10. Dude…she’s a reverse racist. Can they impeach her? She is sick. And she keeps blaming the police for everything.

  11. "Sultana continues with a decisive campaign"
    Sultana continues with her responsive campaign. Every post on her page serves as a reply to prejudice and hostility. Kudos to her and her family. Just envision the impact of their actions towards her, and consider what they may have subjected the marginalized community to – those who are silenced and fearful of voicing the truth.
    I stand with her. Her presence is crucial now more than ever.

    1. She brings on the prejudice and hostility with everything she spews. She is disgrace as an elected official

  12. Take a close look at her apricot-background signs. Yes, it hurts me, too, but look hard and harder again and then get really close and check for who paid for those signs in the tiny print. I’m waiting.

  13. Taiba, Queen you got this! These signs were an abomination and Lahoud is guilty of harrasment, littering and possibly election interference.

    There are moral crimes and the removal/alteration of these weapons of words certainly qualifies, Bernie has long sought to tear down empowered BIPOC women it is a game to him pay no heed and continue to slay girlfriend!

  14. FreeMeal is an empty suit and back bencher despite being in Congress for decades,there are many attorneys willing to represent the daughter pro bono just out of spite towards the meddler Lahoud. The signs were evil provocations unworthy of public spaces time for the progressive left in our region to rise up and rally behind the rising star Taiba Sultana who has the potential to be even bigger than AOC or Rashida Talib it would bring great pride to the district for her to be on MSNBC blasting the patriarchy into smithereins with a sassy Paki accent.

    1. She's not a good candidate. Supporting her at all costs is a good way to torpedo the progressive movement. She is very much like Donald Trump in that she can't admit she's wrong, everything is political stunt, and anytime you hear her accuse someone of something you can be sure she's doing it herself.

    2. Sultana is far more MAGA than Democratic progressive. She’s done nothing but give erroneous impressions about what a progressive wants. What America doesn’t want is another crime family making its way up the political ladder. We don’t need another non-stop liar and we sure as f don’t need another victim! And how is it much different when Hamas hides under the Gaza Strip children and Sultana hides under hers at a City Council meeting? Shame on the Democrats for not vetting their candidates better.

    3. Bob Freeman is a PA State Representative not a congressman and a good one. You obviously don’t know government.

    4. Do you grow to shit you smoke

  15. Woman is bat shit crazy and racist. Maybe some jail time when they transfer her to Monroe County Prison will do her some good?

  16. So I need a scorecard to keep up here. Taiba SULTANA was previously Taiba FARHAT and is married to (Muhammad) Nadeem QAYYUM. She has a kid (married maybe?) with the last name of MALIK. Can someone connect the dots for me?

    1. Taiba is NOT married. Another Sultana Mafia Lie.

    2. Interesting. I have seen many articles dating back to her failed restaurant days referring to Qayyum as her “husband”. I guess she just kept having kids over the years to increase the government handouts.

  17. Taiba's tigers are just getting started,this is now asymmetrical warfare

  18. "rising star Taiba Sultana"

    You can't label yourself a "rising star" Taiba. That's reserved for successful people, and typically bestowed by a third party

  19. Anonymous 8:56:

    Your comedy routine needs some work but don't give up. As the late Casey Kasem always said, "keep reaching for the stars."

  20. "You’re a Moran (sic) ..."


  21. Anon 8:56AM: First of all, dumbass, Bob Freeman is not in Congress. He is a member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Susan Wild is our representative in Congress. Shows how much you know, meaning you are either Taiba or her husband or whatever that moron is. And, "out of spite to Lahoud" you will get a lawyer to represent your daughter "pro bono." Initially, f*cktard, let's see what lawyer will represent her "pro bono." You are the anti-Christ of the Lehigh Valley, Taiba. Also, moron, the public defender represents poor, obnoxious people like yourself and your whacked-out children.

    One more thing, Taiba, what did Lahoud do here? Your kids broke the law and were caught red-handed by the State Police. You are a fool. You are disgusting. You will rot in hell with the members of Hamas that you support. So go f*ck yourself.

    1. This Islamophobia screed is disgraceful shame on you, Allahu Akbar!

  22. Taiba and her supporters are no better than any of the MAGA idiots that live in the Lehigh Valley. Using terms like DINO and RINO shows everyone exactly the type of dimwit you are. While I don't know Freeman, who might be a bit long in the tooth as a career politician, he's been able to make his career by keeping close to the middle of the road on most issues.

    The Lehigh Valley is MODERATE whether that suits your own personal politics or not. We have an equal mix of rural, urban and suburban and like it or not, we ALL need to live together in this area. Cramming your extreme personal values down someone elses throat is a sure fire way to lose elections (see Lynch).

    Everyone needs a big steaming cup of STFU, stay out of politics and mind their own business these days.

    1. Keep Brother Steve's name out ya mouth he would turn you into a Eunuch in the squared circle punk

  23. This is sad. This woman needs help, she is obviously not right in the head. I feel bad for her kids because she is teaching them to hate.

  24. Taiba has serious progressive cred locally she's been on the scene for a while and isn't some Johnny come lately or flash in the pan. If the detractors can set aside their unconscious racist bias long indoctrinated posy 9/11 against. A strong Muslim immigrants you will see why she has become a legend in social justice work here locally.


    1. Sultana for the loony bin

    2. As a Muslim, I am embarrassed by her.

  25. Taiba shall move to NYC and become a member along AOC and her squad

  26. Shawn @1:44AM: You made the following comment: "Furthermore, isn't it true that DA Barratt made a deal with Lahoud a year ago? Lahoud was a significant contributor to Barratta's [sic] campaign, and now it seems Barratt is obligated to repay the favor."

    What "deal" are you referring to? None because you are a liar. You must be Taiba...

    And, is it your position that if someone donates to a campaign, if the donor is a victim of a crime, the criminal should not be charged? Well, that's a pretty stupid contention. Is it your position that any person who donates to a campaign must have their First Amendment rights taken away? Well, that's also a stupid contention.

    You talk about democracy, but you don't want to practice it. You are definitely Taiba posting about herself again.

  27. Taiba is a terrorist supporter of Hamas.

  28. 1:44

    wacko, wacko - either ts or a delusion puppet

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. Comments with huge gaps will be deleted. Please resubmit without the gaps.

  32. "Sultana is far more MAGA than Democratic progressive."

    Oh stop. She's AOC without the big teeth. She's Rashida Talib without the big glasses. She's Ilhan Omar without the big brother husband. She's Bob Freeman if he had a pulse. She perfectly represents Democrat progressives. Own your garbage.

    1. She doesn’t know she’s already lost…

    2. LOL, MADE MY DAY.

  33. She should run for afscme president 1265

  34. Lahoud is sexy. I’d love to spend a night with him… and have all kinds of nasty fun. I hear he can last for hours…Mmmm hmmmm…

  35. So, Taiba was arrested for disciplining her children, and now the children are being charged for not being disciplined? What the heck! You can't play both sides. This is all political. Moreover, this sign is undoubtedly hate speech and propaganda. Taiba is not a criminal; she was arrested but not charged. She filed a not-guilty plea and her case is on its way to expungement. It's ridiculous that people are sharing misinformation and running a smear campaign against her.
    She was given a 30-day ARD, to pay the court fees in that period. It's fucking over.

    1. Taiba and her Tigers are never over! Roar, Sultana, Roar! LOL!

    2. Get over it. You are done roaring , now you can figure out where to move

  36. I can’t wait for the truth about this woman to come out !!!

    1. The truth already is out Taiba, and your campaign and acts of disrespect are fucking over!

  37. "Lahoud is sexy. I’d love to spend a night with him"


  38. Taiba, I know you are reading. Those mailers that you were yeling about getting leaked are trash. You have No clue. Taiba Farhat, we are on to you. Can’t spell Fraud without Taiba Farhat.

    1. "Why are you still using her ex-husband's name? This is a reflection of the issues in our society and highlights the need for women's representation. Why is it necessary to continue referring to her by her previous marital status when she has moved on to a new life with her current husband and their children?"

    2. You see why! Stay tuned!!!

    3. I wouldn’t want to be called Farhat either with the amount of BS she built with that name. I guess she thought changing her last name would erase all the scams she pulled. Stay tuned. It will all come out soon. And every organization that endorsed her will be investigated for promoting a con artist ! And just when she thinks we are done with her, the State of NJ will take over.

    4. Lol. Freeman and his minions are so desperate and hungry for the power. Kudos to Taiba for exposing them.

  39. FACT: Sultana lied to immigration to become a citizen of the US through fake marriages, fake names...

    1. Does the immigration officer tell you that he was being lied to 25 years ago? Or Freeman’s supporters are spreading another fake story.

  40. Taiba became a US Citizen illegally by lying to US immigration officials, sources close to a prior husband have reported.

    1. Lol. Any other story? Bruh, you have got only two days left until the election to make as much shit up as you can. Tell your boss, Freeman, he better be fast.

    2. Please give further details about any illegalities involved in her path to US citizenship.

    3. Yeah bruh lol.

  41. Bernie, I loathe when you call Tiaba “divisive” because it screams of ignorance. Taking a stance against an issue that hurts black and brown people that a white person can’t solve because somehow yall convinced yourself you have to center yourselves in that conversation and we must appeal to your fragility, is NOT divisive, it’s literally removing the source that STARTED the problem in the first place.

    I ask you this, who was the first to be divisive in this country? White people were. And for generations they segregated and killed civilians hundreds of thousands of civilians who didn’t look like them, and you think yall deserve a seat in the table?

    Yall done enough damage, we will take fighting for what’s right from here.

    1. Wow that’s some crazy shit right there! Y’all.

    2. Yeah, too bad it’s all TRUE.

  42. Taiba will be in federal prison within the next 3 months. Guaranteed.

  43. We are all Americans. The color of our skin doesn't matter. In every day life most people don't see color they just see people. Stop dividing our country by color. We are one nation under God. Start acting that way.

  44. Taiba. Whenever you run for anything in the Lehigh valley, the residents, the Pa Citizens PAC and everyone else will Be be all Over you!!!!! You are a Racist a liar a horrible person and a terrible mother. Not to forget Chaotic! Crazy! Criminal!

    Everyone with a yard sign SAVE IT. incase she runs for anything again.

  45. Sounds like Taiba's Tigers are going to get schooled by that Freemeal fella.

    1. Taibas tigers have a new directive, Freemeal is finito

  46. You spelled it moran tht's wrong. The correct spelling is maroon

  47. Sad part is, her kids are going to bear the brunt of all this. They defaced signs that were owned by Lahoud and everyone knows that he financed Barratta's campaign against Houck last year so he will do exactly as Lahoud tells him to do. Looks like her kids wont be getting the Lance Wheeler treatment and having their cases go away

  48. Freemeal is whiter than sour cream, we need a strong POC preferences towards female who is going to Harrisburg as a warrior for the down trodden not some leach like Bobby

    1. I love this tongue in cheek poster lol. People are actually falling for your amusing sarcasm.

    2. Hahaha looks like “Bobby” is going to Harrisburg not your Warrior 😂


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