Local Government TV

Thursday, April 25, 2024

NorCo Human Services Employees Seek Better Union Contract

At the April 18 NorCo Council meeting, SEIU Business Agent for addressed County Council on behalf of  Human Services employees in Children and Youth, Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol and other human services provided by the county. They are in the process of negotiating a new contract with the county and are unhappy with a "best and final offer" that includes a "twoload pay increase" [I do not know what this means] as well as an increase in the employee contribution to health care. Negotiations continued yesterday. 

Ellis presented a petition signed by over 100 human services employees that states the following:

"We are deeply committed to bettering the lives of our residents and building a strong community. The NorCo Department of Human Services members take their commitment to serving the community very seriously. However, we are deeply concerned about the disparity between our wages and the rising cost of living. County Executive Lamont McClure acknowledged in the March 2024 edition of the NorCo newsletter that stagnant wages are making it increasingly difficult for middle to lower income workers to afford housing in our region. This issue affects our current workforce and our department's ability to retain qualified staff and fill double digit vacancies, exacerbating caseloads and workload issues. Staff turnover has become a consistent problem across multiple county agencies. For residents of NorCo, this could result in difficulty accessing services, inadequate outreach, inadequate protection of our most vulnerable populations and overwhelmed caseworkers."


  1. McLiar doesn’t care about the employees. It’s a struggle to pay our bills and the new healthcare costs.

  2. Instead of wasting over sixty-five million dollars on redundant health care from a politician's company, why not pay employees. McClure is creating his legacy on the backs of employees. He and the so-called union leaders have abandoned the county employees.

  3. I’m told they were offered 2 Steps and a 4% C.O.L.A. Steps are 4.5% each. 13.5% raise over 3 years.

  4. The negotiations are being mediated by the State. Everything is going very well. Some language issues to work out, but the economics are all but agreed to.

  5. Trump supporter: “GiT ‘noTHa jAwb DeN…”

  6. The vast majority of County employees including the folks at DHS support the Employee Health office.

    1. So me that somewhere. And go to that survey they sent out. That maybe 20 % of county employees replied to. Oh yeah Mr.Kraft who was shooting his mouth off about the jail employees wanting it never talk to anyone about anything. When he was there, which was very little. He never went past gate 4. Remember you couldn't call his office. Had to email him with any issues or questions. Because he was never there. Probably out working on get his quarry for a dollar from his buddy Lamont.

  7. Honestly I'm sort of tired of hearing this story. No one's salary is keeping up with inflation. All the people who pay taxes to cover their pay are not keeping up with inflation so why should we all pay even more so they get huge raises. A cost of living wage increase today is the best you find anywhere and it's usually 2-3 percent max. And healthcare costs everyone more! There are plenty of jobs out there for the taking if staff feel they deserve more. Don't get me wrong I appreciate what they all do as I've done it but people need to realize we can't all foot the bill so it's easier on them. Vote differently if you don't like how the country is going realize we all have to work hard to make ends meet and be grateful for what we all have

  8. Yeah, about those wage increases to keep up with our serious American inflation. Real inflation is NOT what our government tells us, by the way. It solves very little. Why not just give all of us $100/hour? Our problem solved! But, then . . . the price of your morning Starbucks fix goes to $15 a cup.

  9. Yeah, about those wage increases to keep up with our serious American inflation. Real inflation is NOT what our government tells us, by the way. It solves very little. Why not just give all of us $100/hour? Our problem solved! But, then . . . the price of your morning Starbucks fix goes to $15 a cup.

  10. I was employed by Northampton County 35 years ago and left after seeking better job opportunities. I knew when I took the job there, it would be a short stay for me.

    In today’s thriving economy, higher wage and benefit jobs are abundant.


  11. Anonymous @ 9:18AM - Honestly I'm sort of tired of hearing your story. What do you do for a living? I'll follow you around and constantly say "if you don't like it, find another job" while you complain about your private sector job. I think people confuse these employees with politicians in D.C. Unlike those fat cat politicos, these workers actually serve a vital service to our community. I'm tired of people resorting to the whole "find a better job" argument whenever someone attempts to improve working conditions or get higher wages. It is such a simple / narrow sighted view of how things work. Walk a mile in someone's shoes........

    1. I've been a registered nurse for more years than you can imagine. I never complain. I'm blessed to be well and have had the honor to serve for my entire career. Mostly when nurses were paid very low wages. Ice appreciated working hard and taking care of people. I chose an industry at the time with low pay. I could have done anything. Do no sir I did not ever complain

  12. Why is a union rep addressing Council at the same time they’re negotiating a contract? If this is their idea of representing their members, the members are being ripped off!

    Also, I find it laughable that union members are complaining about their wages not keeping up with inflation. Their dues are funding the democrat politicians that are causing the inflation.

    1. And the unions get rich for doing nothing


  13. I’m told they were offered 2 Steps and a 4% C.O.L.A. Steps are 4.5% each. 13.5% raise over 3 years.

    Yes and instead of taking it, Like they should have, they decided to go to county council, who has zero authority to negotiate the contract, and sell their people out, again... Might be time to leave the union an keep your dues money in your pocket

  14. I find this statement hillarious coming from a guy that voted for it and will do it again. If you get 4 more yrs of Biden housing costs will be even worse. Biden wants the Trump tax cuts to expire, raise corporate taxes, and get rid of more energy. Inflation will go higher. And for liberals that watch CNN and don't know anything I posted an article explaining the tax cuts were not for the rich. Beat you to your talking point.

    County Executive Lamont McClure acknowledged in the March 2024 edition of the NorCo newsletter that stagnant wages are making it increasingly difficult for middle to lower income workers to afford housing in our region.


  15. 3:23 - Thank you for bringing the Trump Tax Cut matter up. I’ve been amazed reading here some posters believe the Trump Tax Cuts only benefitted the wealthy. Such nonsense! Every one of us, no matter what tax bracket you are in received a significant cut in the Federal Tax amount they paid over the past 8 years. ALL of us!

    Should Biden manage to stop the Trump Tax Plan, we ALL will lose money. Take note Social Security recipients and anyone else receiving some kind of private pension plan, this includes YOU, too!

    As initially presented, the recently announced Biden tax program would represent the biggest increase in taxes in nearly 100 years! But, go ahead, keep voting against mean tweets.

  16. McClure is no different than every other County Executive. He is screwing the employees because that is where the highest costs are in running the County Government. Wages and medical benefits have a heavy impact on the County Budget. McClure is sticking it to the employees and the proof is in the pudding. The nation had an 8% Cola from Social security and Mr. Generosity gave the employees 3%. In one year we fell behind 5 percent in real wages. Do a legitimate pay study and you will find out just how bad it is here in Northampton County. I will never vote for McClure again.

  17. At 11:33 p.m., it’s not likely you ever voted for McClure, but let’s say you did, and you actually are a County employee. Have you ever considered leaving the County in pursuit of better pay and benefits ? If not, why not ?

  18. Just another reason to approve the healthcare center for the county employees.


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