Local Government TV

Monday, April 08, 2024

NorCo Council, Seeking New Clerk

At the conclusion of NorCo County Council's Aoril 4 meeting, Lori Vargo Heffner announced that County Council is seeking a new Clerk to replace Linda Zembo, who is retiring. The salary is ridiculously high, $$107,482.00 Annually. If you want this exempt position, which seves at the pleasure of County Council, your application must be in by Aproil 10 at 5 pm.


  1. Bernie, why don't you put in for it? You may not be as good looking as Flissar but you have a legal background and you know more about County Government than most.

  2. Politicians on all levels give away tax money like it is going out style.

  3. For a council clerk? That's outrageous! Shouldn't be more than half of that! Who's looking out for taxpayer? 💲💲💲

  4. I believe that is almost twice as the Bethlehem clerk makes. Ridiculous.

  5. You should apply if you can pass the background check !

  6. I couldn't pass a background check for one thing, ans would never work for an organization that would be stupid enough to hire me.

  7. ALL of Council should be voted out! This is a TOTAL waste of taxpayers money. NOW is the time to set the CORRECT pay!!!!

  8. The Republicans lead by Lori Vargo-Heffner have already decided that the Eileen woman and their other staff person will be promoted. Process is a sham.

  9. This is like when Dick Cheney went looking in the mirror for a W VP and found himself.

  10. If that Council Clerk does his/her job, that position is not overpaid. Council is the Lead in the CHECK AND BALANCE process for the County and the taxpayer. Unfortunately the person there now is an embarrassment to the position. The real embarrassment is the Council's Solicitor.

  11. The whole thing is a farce. They’re going to overpay that strange woman.

  12. Instead of the current clerk getting paid to sleep under her afghan all day, she’ll now be getting a retirement check to do it.

  13. What a great job and salary!

  14. John Brown has given LVH her marching orders. That woman who falls asleep at meetings is your new overpaid Clerk.

  15. The “committee” is a joke. ALL Council members should get ALL of the resumes !

  16. This Council wastes money time and time again. It’s almost like Lori is bad at handling money.

    1. It’s almost like you know her!

  17. If they're dumb enough to hire me, I'm in there like swimwear. I'm applying. Also, I just started identifying as a non-binary, non-citizen POC with a speech impediment, special needs that could fill a book, and limited wrist movement from too much .... repetitive stress. I'm also left handed and lactose intolerant. I'm fluently semi-lingual. I have all the right credentials.

  18. Will Linda's replacement be as useless as Vargo Heffner?
    Will the Democrats vote to replace LVH as their primary for council?
    Will the talents of the junior members of council go unnoticed?

    Rhetorical questions, all... but there's an underlying thread of truth.
    It's time to send some folks out to pasture.

  19. Some blogs would allow posts that differ from the owners own opinion, but this blog just allows Hefner and Zembo attacks. McClure is proud of this blog.

  20. The longevity increases result in such a high salary. Frankly I support employees but that salary for a non skilled post is rather insane

  21. Why didn't anyone complain about the salary when Flisser was in that position? That's when the big increase started. And he did nothing. The office secretary did his job for him while he did puzzles at his desk.

  22. That’s triple what regular clerks make!

  23. NOW is the time to bring the RIDICULOUS salary into the RIGHT number COUNCIL!!!!!!


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