Local Government TV

Monday, April 22, 2024

Lori Vargo Heffner, Who Are You Calling Monkeys?

Northampton County Council has four new members, so Executive Lamont McClure is once again advocated the voluntary employee health center he promoted last year. Last year, this initiative failed in a narrow 5-4 vote. Three of the new Council members - Ken Kraft, Jeff Warren and Kelly Keegan - all supported the health care center when they ran for office. The fourth, Jeff Corpora, was appointed by President Judge Craig Dally precisely because the controversial health center made it impossible for Council to agree on an appointment. He is a tabula rosa, and it makes sense that the county administration would want to provide him with as much information as possible, including the arguments against it made by Council President Lori Vargo Heffner. That way he can make an informed decision.  That's what happened at Council's April 17 Personnel and Finance Committee, although it appear that some effort was made to prevent it. 

Council member Tom Giovanni, who chairs the Personnel Committee, said he had no idea the employee health center would be a topic until the day prior to the meeting. Fiscal Affairs Director told Giovanni that he did ask the Council Clerk to list the matter on April 8.

Hmmm. Who would tell the Council Clerk to slow walk the health center? Perhaps the same person that the Council Clerk speaks to when she needs to leave early or wants a vacation day. That would be Council President Lori Vartgo Heffner, who opposes the health center. 

Barron explained that the county has been attempting to cut health care costs since Exec Lamont McClure tool office in 2018, Through the use of Teledoc, Health Savings Accounts and a reduction in pharmacy costs negotiated with Blue Cross, the county has saved about $6.5 million in healthcare costs. But it's not enough. They are still rising. In the first quarter of 2023, for example, healthcare costs were up 29.1%. This matters a lot to a county that is self-insured, 

Barron was followed by HR Director Mary Lou Kaboly and Human Services Director Sue Wandalowski, both of whom explained the details of a voluntary and exclusive employee health center. Batting clean-up was Doug Forrester, chairman of Integrity Health, 

Corpora asked Forrester to explain the benchmarks that would determine cost savings. Forrester explained using the health care center for what otherwise would be a costly emergency room visit would save the county and employee money, and this would be replicated with other services like routine lab tests, physical therapy and X-rays. The return on investment is realized through lower claims costs that would otherwise be charged. In addition, the health center would act as an advocate for an employee if there are disputes about the plan and what it covers. He also noted that public sector employees tend to stay, and this gives a health center more of an opportunity to identify cases in which early intervention can be far more helpful. 

Vargo-Heffner suggested that Integrity is the sole provider of health care in Lycoming County, even functioning as a Blue Cross. Forrester told her that is inaccurate and identified the network as Aetna and the claim processor is Luminaire. 

Council member Ron Heckman, who voted for the health center last year, had questions. But he said he's wait until Forrester played a four-minute video presentation. "I've been at this circus before, so I think it's mainly the new people ..." he said

"The same monkeys," stage whispered Vargo-Heffner. 

There are four new Council members, none of whom have heard a presentation. Vargo-Heffner's remark was hopefully not meant for them. More likely, it was meant for the count administration and Integrity Health. '

It is one thing to be oppose this initiative. Reasonable people of good will can have different opinions. It's why we have two parties and should probably have more. It is quite another to try to prevent incoming Council members from hearing the details of this proposal or to make snide remarks about those presenting it. I have asked Vargo-Heffner to explain what she meant, but she has failed to respond. This tells me all I need to know.

It was a disservice to the new Council members, to the administration, to Integrity and a violation of the Civility Code that she seemingly wants to weaponize. 

Tomorrow, I'll be telling you about the county's plans for the parking deck and a new building on its Easton campus. 


  1. Here we frickin go again with this “voluntary employee center” that McClure thinks is going to fool employees as a viable option but his real plans is to deeply cut our healthcare. We see what you’re trying to do.

    I don’t know who’s worst, Trump or McClure.

    I’ll say this again McClure, I don’t care that you have to charge five bucks to every household in Northampton county, employees DESERVE comprehensive healthcare. Especially when the pay here is hardly enough to keep up with inflation.

    1. Go find another job.

    2. I see the bootlicker position is filled, have any other leads?…

  2. What do the employee's want? Does the majority of the employee's want the health facility? Will they use it; and if they don't, what will happen to the facility?

  3. The current dysfunction is due to a complete mistrust of McClure; especially by his own party. It's no more complicated than that.

  4. Is Ron Heckman starting to act like Ron Angle badgering and belittling everyone who comes before Council ?

    1. If only we could have Ron Angle back, ferociously watching over our precious tax dollars.

  5. Doesn’t Lori VH work at St. Luke’s ? Doesn’t this create a conflict for Lori ?

  6. Employees need this. She only cares about herself. She needs to go.

  7. Meanwhile just up Route 33, Monroe County announced they will be selling their county nursing home. That will leave just 11 PA counties in the business. Maybe that issue needs to be revisited as well.

  8. LVH - taking a page from the trump playbook. When at a loss to say anything intelligent, just call people names.

  9. Why is St. Luke’s ok with Vargo-Heffner being seen as killing the Employee Health Center for them ?

  10. Why are we talking about Lori Vargo Heffner ? She’s political toast.

  11. Let the employees pay a share of the costs like everyone does. Everyone feels the high hit on health care. If they done like what's offered by the employer LEAVE. Your not glued to the county money out.

    1. ALL employees of the count contribute a percentage of their pays to healthcare. Educated yourself you “concerned” tax paying citizen. lol many employees pay taxes back to the county also. I suggest a tax increase!

  12. "What do the employee's want? Does the majority of the employee's want the health facility? Will they use it; and if they don't, what will happen to the facility?"

    This has been asked and answered several times. Employees want it.

  13. LVH and her Republican counterparts don't care about the taxpayers OR the county employees. They would rather increase taxes than provide a health care center that will cut costs AND provide better health care and service. It's truly shameful that they would rather hurt everyone than change their minds about this issue just to be obstinate.

  14. "Doesn’t Lori VH work at St. Luke’s ? Doesn’t this create a conflict for Lori ?" - St Luke's never submitted a response to the RFP for this project. Moreover, she sought and obtained a ruling from the Ethics Comm'n that she has no conflict.

  15. I can’t imagine St. Luke’s wants to be seen as blocking thousands of county employees, their families and retirees the possibility of this heath center, do they ?

  16. Lori and Ron have been the loudest members talking about the Code of Civility and the only members to have likely violated it this year.

  17. Where is this ruling that the Ethics Committee said she has no conflict???? No one has ever seen it.

  18. The County tax payers don't want the health center. The employees already have a Cadillac of benefits, ex: defined pension plan benefit. The employees don't want the health center, give us better pay. Show us the money 💰.

    1. Another uneducated “tax paying resident! Let me explain how this works… The employees pay a percentage of their wages into the pension fund anywhere from 5-15% of their already low income into the fund.. and a health center would save money.. do you understand the cost difference between an emergency room and this facility?

    2. It was polled to see how many wanted the center….majority agreed it was needed. No problem there, but Heffner may create an issue being employed by St.Lukes.

  19. "LVH - taking a page from the trump playbook ..."

    "LVH and her Republican counterparts ..."

    The lack of critical thinking and kneejerk TDS exhibited by these grunts is hilarious. Democrats' worst slur is to call one of their own (nominated by her party, elected, re-elected, made president .....) Trump-like or Republican. That's the mid-intellect food fight that ensues with one party rule. It's Republicans fault that a Democrat won't stay on the reservation. Got it. Pathetic whining losers. Sultana has more intelligence and grace. And she's a proud Democrat!

  20. Wrong ! It’s the Republican job to thwart McClure where they disagree with him. It’s perfectly natural. What is not perfectly natural is for Lori, who preens around the Commonwealth as Mrs. Democrat, to work so steadfastly to obstruct the Executive.

  21. Has Lori helped Local 19 locate their gavel yet ?

  22. “Nice Guy” Tom Giovanni tried to prevent the new members, including Mr. Corpora, from learning about the Partnershp Health Center. No doubt at the urging of Vargo Heffner.

  23. It's a shame you have let your blog become an extension of the McClure political action attack machine. His people actively attack, demean and assault any who disagree with him. You not only allow it you encourage it. Very sad when political discourse is controlled by authoritarian methods.

  24. Please name the person(s) who issued the clearance for LVH to not have to recuse herself because of her affiliation directly with St. Luke’s
    I believe she said she had an opinion from the Ethics committee.

  25. "This has been asked and answered several times. Employees want it"

    Employees asked if they would like free healthcare with no co-pays. Of that generous question, less than a quarter of employees said yes to the idea of free healthcare. Why not ask if the employees want a more fair and equitable pay scale and see the results. That question is not allowed to be asked.
    Stop pimping for this administration and Barrons fudged up numbers.

  26. How many employees said they wanted this?

  27. Hate to see this in politics. It’s ok to have different views. Act professional and leave the name calling to us posters here on Bernie’s blog.

  28. annon 6:53, was that comment aimed at Ken Kraft. It should be!

  29. IMO Lori is what Trump, who’s the King of the Swamp, would call a Swamp Creature. Like Trump no rules, mores or laws apply to Lori. She’s a walking conflict of interest with her hand out for a freebie.

  30. Ron Heckman has sold his soul to Lori Vargo Heffner. He has no Integrity.

  31. Heckman working with Vargohefner, Goefredo, Brown , no big deal, they will be Republicans soon enough.


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