Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

NorCo Party Chairs Criticize Local Elections, Seek Changes in Election Code

Matt Munsey and Glenn Geissinger, Chair of NorCo's Democratic and Republican Committees, have written to the State Senate Government Committee to raise "recent concerns" that appear to be aimed at the Express Vote XL machine used at the polls. The letter claims that the "device has caused errors in two elections in the last four years," although the errors in question were very, very human. 

The joint letter makes three requests. 

First, it asks for a clarification in the Election Code to establish clearly what is actually the vote of record. I'm unable to speak generally but know that the state certification of the Express Vote XL quite clearly provides that the voter verifiable ballot (the one the voter can read before casting the ballot) ist the "official vote of record." In the 2023 election, the human readable text on the vote summary card failed to reflect voter wishes in retention races. Under these circumstances, the ballot should have been spoiled and the voter should have been provided with an emergency or even provisional ballot. That's what initially took place, but when the county quickly ran out of ballots, it received authorization to instruct voters to rely on the machine. This was a mistake and contrary to the state's own certification. 

Second, it recommends that voters who wish to vote by paper ballot should have that option, regardless whether a machine is in use. It is my understanding and was my practice as a JOE to allow voters to vote by provisional ballot if they distrusted the machine. In fact, federal law already mandates that anyone who wishes to vote by provisional ballot should have that option. 

Third, it suggests the need for a "robust chain of custody" without specifying where it needs to be strengthened. My impression is that the chain of custody is already pretty much ironclad. If there are improvements that can be made, they should be identified. 

Although the letter is framed to improve the electoral process and erase "mistrust of election workers," I think it just undermines public confidence in what is overall an excellent system. I found the gratuitous shot at election workers offensive.

I don't know whether Geissinger was authorized by his committee to sign that letter. I do know that Matt Munsey acted on his own and without authorization. 

Executive Lamont McClure blasted the Dem chair. "Munsey aligning himself with election deniers and apologists for the insurrection is deplorable. At this moment, his partner in this endeavor Mr. Geissinger and the Republicans in the State Senate are attempting to outlaw drop boxes and amend Act 77 in a way that would virtually destroy mail-in balloting. These are the people Munsey has decided to make common cause with today."

Democratic and GOP Boss Raise Concerns With NorCo Voting Machine Technology by BernieOHare on Scribd


  1. The democrats deserve every bit of this. Munsey has been a disgrace from the beginning, but they allow him to continue. He is hated by the party’s top Dems. McClure, Panto, Boscola, Wild. And Freeman. He needs to go

  2. This Primary, I will proudly vote by absentee ballot. My vote matters. What is good for Florida voters is good for PA.

  3. "Executive Lamont McClure blasted the Dem chair."

    You complain about "gratuitous" shots at people, that is what McClures stock in trade is all
    about. He lacks the demeaner of a real leader and is more of a bully and thug. If someone does or says something he disagrees with he can only attack. His choice of words is also the same, always inflammatory and defamatory. He drops explosively charged words that have hidden meaning. He is your boy, and you love Lord Lamont, but the guy has no class. No wonder the election Commission complains they are a powerless group and would like to hire their own attorney and not one hired by McClure to say what he wants them to say.

  4. Chairman Munsey needs to write and sign a letter to himself about ways he could improve because our party is screaming for a proper leader here.

  5. You're an important voice for the system. But all your pointing fingers at those who undermine elections seems like a poor attempt at gaslighting, given NorCo's horrific performance in the last election. Lamont McClure and his administration did more to harm election integrity than the last 20 idiots who messed up before him. That's a fact. He's the guy you endorsed twice for executive. He took the best-in-state elections and made them the single worst. That is fact. But it's Rs fault? Such a bad lawyer. Good laugh though. Lol, seriously.

  6. Matthew Munsey should resign immediately as he acted in the name of the Party without authorization and in collusion with MAGA.

  7. Ah, leave Matt Munsey alone. He lines the inside of his helicopter beanie with tinfoil so his vote can’t be changed.

  8. Those who study the election process as it has happened across the country, not just in Northampton County, are more than justified in their fears about election integrity. This new age of “convenience first voting” has ushered in a wide variety of new security challenges. This is a big country and the same process and parts we use here are also used all around the nation. Flaws in the chain of custody are REAL. Some big enough to change final results.

    By now, we all should know deception and lying by people and agencies in America is too common, and growing. The matter of election integrity is far from settled.

  9. McClure isn’t the only D elected official who is tired of Munsey. Other than Taiba and a few weirdos he has no support.

  10. Isn’t Muncey the dope who still walks around with an N95 on ?

  11. I wonder if Matt’s mask is lined with tinfoil too ?

  12. Glenn Geissinger is an interesting Republican Chairmen. He is in court persecuting Lynch, and he’s holding hands with a mask wearing DSA freak.

    1. GOP GG is the ringmaster of the circus!!

  13. Bernie O’Hare said: “Although the letter is framed to improve the electoral process and erase "mistrust of election workers," I think it just undermines public confidence…”

    You know what undermines public confidence? Two blown elections in four years and a county executive who doesn’t take the issue seriously.

    Maybe McClure should worry more about solving the problems instead of taking cheap partisan shots.

  14. Once again, Mr Munsey has proven that he cannot be trusted to do what is right for the Democratic Committee that he chairs.

    His tenure as chair of the county committee has been fractious at best, and has been marked by key supporters leaving in search of groups where their talents are valued. To call this an “erosion” of democratic talent in one of the key counties in the Commonwealth would be akin to calling water wet, or grass green.

    Mr. Munsey seems to pride himself on sowing discontent and pitting his membership against each other. He has openly worked to support Republican candidates, and is suspected of providing their campaigns with confidential information and data about democratic candidates. Obviously this runs counter to his committee’s bylaws, and highlights someone who’s moral compass should be questioned.

    It is time for serious Democrats to send Munsey into retirement, and put an end to his dysfunctional term as chairman.

  15. Don’t pick on Glenn. He’s not MAGA. As a matter of fact, he is a Liberal. So Liberal in fact that he proposed and passed a tax increase when he was on County Council.

    1. He also allows democrats into committee. GG and his sweaty lawyer defended 🍍🦄.....pathetic.

  16. Glen Goosinger is the genius behind the Kerry Myers switcheroo. How’d that work out ?

  17. Glenn Grossinger is going to lose in court to Brother Steve, and he’s then going to deliver his biggest assist to the Democrats yet.

  18. Lee Snover better take the Republican Party back from Greasinger before they start losing everything. Oh, wait, never mind.

  19. A discussion of this topic without all the juvenile name calling might become educational. That is, for those willing to be enlightened. Our election system needs better accountability in terms of making voter rolls accurate. We really do have hundreds of thousands of votes counted that were made in the name of people who do not exist, or are not eligible to vote. We can start there.

  20. 10:07, I agree the name-calling is juvenile and unproductive. As for the voter rolls in Pa., they are systematically purged. Below is an article explaining the process. I find complaints about the process as intended to make it more difficult to vote. https://www.spotlightpa.org/news/2022/06/pennsylvania-doug-mastriano-voter-roll-clean/

  21. Hey look! Geissenger is pretending to give a shit about elections!

  22. Munsey looks like a homeless person on his way to The Price Is Right. This letter makes perfect sense.

  23. Glenn Greasesinger is using Munsey. Glenn is slippery smart. Matt is slippery stupid.

  24. The ERIC system of voter roll integrity used in Pennsylvania is being dropped by several other States who seem to think the ERIC system is not adequately managed. Whatever system they are replacing it with, of course, could be determined to also be inadequate. We now have less than half of all states using ERIC. I have learned the ERIC system has not sufficiently dealt with the matter of votes being cast in the name of persons who are, in fact, deceased. I believe there is more work to be done here.

  25. Listen, anyone who really knows Geissinger, knows that he did not put the work (or the intelligence) into that letter. That was all Munsey. Why do you think Munsey is listed first? Its not because it was Glenn's idea because he would have taken the credit by insisting to be first. Glenn is fundamentally lazy which why he lost the congressional primary that he was in by a 2-1 margin to a race car driver, and is presumably why even Steve Lynch fired his ass as his marketing agent. Geissinger is all into titles and being seen as important, and a flat out narcissist, and not into any cause but his own.

    1. Come on now, do you really think Geissinger would have time to draft anything up at all? He's been too focused on getting these people removed from the state party! There's no time for anything actually productive.

  26. The Democrats win locally in spite of Muncy not because of him. All the statewide candidates who come to town either avoid him or work around him.

  27. Muncy’s once might local structure coming off his OFA days has been dismantled. He’s now down to paling around with MAGA types yelling into the wind.

  28. Drop boxes should be outlawed; even Governor Wolf admitted to violating state election law. If the former governor. who has a PhD, doesn't understand the election laws, then it's likely a majority cannot either. Mail-in ballots should be limited to: the infirmed, college students studying away from home, military, people who travel for work (or even a planned vacation), or people with undue hardship. That's it. Problem solved.

    1. So many accusations of fraud yet so little factual evidence! Get over it! I as a health early 40’s, fit man will continue to walk the short distance and drop my ballot into those secure boxes. Why? Because of red hat wearing, MAGA reps such as yourself. I can’t not stomach standing in line listening to your cohorts whine and complain how each R loss was fraud - sorry will be fraud if they lose. If you mail your ballot I’ll return to the polls! Cry cry cry

    2. My husband is a die hard conservative, red hat wearing Trump supporter and he has done a mail in the past two years. We are in our late 30's and he does the walk to the box too. Are you going to return to the polls now? Or are you going to cry cry cry?

  29. While Lamont’s statement is harsh, I notice he did not call on him to resign. Hmmm.

  30. Matt Munsey tried to screw over Susan Wild and Bob Freeman this Primary season by platforming their opponents. I suspect that will not be forgotten.

  31. I’d say Matt was an ineffective chair, but that wouldn’t be fair to chairs.

  32. As ridiculous as this sounds, we are nearing a place where the message is “Everyone can just submit a ballot with their vote and we’ll worry about it later.”

  33. So Northampton County Dems have a masked rogue chair leader who hides in the shadows at forums , speaks out in safe places like zoom meetings/op eds , when he feels the need for attention or to look like he’s doing something. Dem leaders had better do something quick, they are out of touch with and misguided by chaos rather than bylaws, dropping members and causing their own extinction, almost as bad as their county Republican counterparts.

  34. Seems to me like this place needs a third party?

  35. Glenn has joined forces with the perennial losers of past NCRC Chairman Robert Kerr and his band of inept self promoters Andrew Azan, Supreme Court disciplinary board attorney Tom Carrol and others that have no other way to fulfill their narcissistic mental health needs. Glenn lists the same donations at every event to promote his failing events. He claims he has more money than any other Chair, probably because he doesn't spend any money on the candidate. No signs in Northampton County for the judges last cycle, no events to promote candidates, members of the committee running campaigns against a sitting Republican Judge with no response (MR. & Mrs. Porn Star), backing candidate against the State Committee endorsed candidate. Now he wants to audit the last 7 years of reports claiming Snover mishandled money (another lawsuit to be added I'm sure) and lastly, the State GOP coming in and monitoring the committee's actions. I don't know about Muncy but Norco better find another Chair and purge themselves from the caustic crew running things now.

  36. There is no issues with our voting system and it should be easier for everyone to vote. Everyone! Let’s make it a holiday open throughout the weekend and no special Identification needed other than an address.

  37. I find it laughable that many Democrats are now mocking their local chairman for wearing a mask.

    Now you know what 90% of you idiots looked a few years ago when the science made it clear that the masks were ineffective.

    Of course back then you same people vilified anyone who dared to NOT wear the mask, as well as those who advocated for an end to the lockdowns and for our kids to get back into school.

    My how enlightened you’ve all become.

    1. Fox News is not science. Trump is not science. Your mask was way too tight for too long.

    2. Pretty big assumption that it's the Dems on here criticizing his mask. There are, in fact, Republicans that read and comment on this blog.

    3. Munsey is and has been a train wreck, with or without mask, Munsey and his small band of controllers are now creating divide and rule ego in their ranks while attempting to unilaterally set rules without regard to established guidelines and creating dangerous liabilities The local Dems are getting fed up with their lackluster performing chair and his lemmings, and his/her unilateral decisions to speak out without considering representative consensus. It’s time for change before total loss of respect for local Dems occurs , as has already happened with the MAGA Republican takeover in their ranks.

  38. Hi team, will you please send some money to help Trump out with his legal bond? We need to help out our lord and savior. Please send your hard earned donations to https://secure.winred.com/save-america-joint-fundraising-committee

    1. Sure …..be glad to help …which prison would you it sent to?

  39. Hi 7:03 pm! My name is Mari and I don’t really drink, let alone get drunk. Bless your heart, my dear, because you will have to try harder to be clever. This attempt was a fail.

  40. The only "gaslighting" going on here is by McCLuless. His staff and brainless followers are on here constantly attacking any who disagree with him. It is what McCluless does himself. When his bought hatchet man Kraft didn't become his handpicked president of Council, he attacked Hefner over working with MAGAs. Now he accuses Munsey of working with MAGA's. It's been one of his pet phrases. If he doesn't get what he wants, he screams MAGA and like a dog whistle his followers do his thing.

    They don't even realize they are more like MAGA followers than real MAGA's. McCluless is the king of gaslighting phrases and accusing anyone who opposes what he says, democrat or republican, as an evil MAGA. Too bad most democrats are too dense to realize that.

    People have the right to question anything government does. Human error in elections is still an error so stop the holier than thought messaging and do your job. McCLuless may control you Bernie, but he doesn't control the entire county government, yet.

    1. News flash: Munsey IS working with Republican MAGA chair, not accused of..
      Read the letter, the lame brain made his own decision to cut into his own county and city teams , obviously without conferring with them at all about his intended action. That’s not gaslighting, that’s just stupidity.

  41. Muncy has now chosen suicide by the company he keeps. The county D party does not have the guts to fire him so this is his escape hatch out of LV politics. Good riddance and farewell Matt. Burned every bridge he could and then some.


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