Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

NorCo Has Received 21,963 Mail-In Ballots

At last week's meeting of Northampton County Council, Executive Lamont McClure reported that 21,963 applications for mail-in ballots have been received. Democrats account for 16,821 and Republicans for 5,142. 

Expect this number to grow. The deadline for a mail-in or absentee ballot is April 16, 5 pm. (The application must be received by that date and time. The deadline for returning a completed ballot is primary election day, April 23, 8 pm. (The completed ballot must be returned by that date and time). 

You can apply for an absentee or mail-in ballot online


  1. Bernie, about 8,600 people die a day in this country. What concern's me partly is the number of days they can mail in and add the math around the Country for the General Election . and will the votes still count on dead persons mail in?

    1. If you vote at 7 AM on election day and die on your way to work at 8 AM should your vote not count? The mail in ballot period is a brief and pre-determined length of time. If a registered eligible voter is alive during that short window, they should be allowed to vote.

  2. The maggot cult puppet's little heads are popping off nationwide over mail in ballots. It is really fun to watch.

  3. Yea, from 11,913 actual voters.

  4. Complete fraud--Trump was right as usual-the voting process in this country is third world status. Just like our cities and our politics, If you people want to destroy what left after Biden's first term vote him in for 4 more.

  5. Fraud? Probably, as dump boxes are not at all secure. Mom died in 2018 and continues to vote. Dad got a bonus vote in for a year after he passed. Am I breaking the law? Ask Hunter and James Biden if I care. Whose fault are insecure dump boxes? Republicans agreed to them, and they've been upheld by a Trump appointee at the appellate level. Our elections are more fraudulent than ever. But Republicans are just as responsible for making them that way, as the Democrats who hornswoggled them into going along. If you're not cheating, you're not really trying. Democrats are much better cheaters. Republicans aren't more honest. They're just dumb.

  6. FAR too many ways to manipulate vote totals with the kind of widespread mail balloting we have now. Some states are less prepared to deal with it all than other states might be. From out-of-date voter roll books, internet meddling, human handling errors, machine malfunctions, and general misbehavior in tabulating, we’re just not ‘there’ yet.

    1. Your accusation of mail-in ballot manipulations is pure nonsense. I have worked in the Northampton County Elections office for 3 years canvassing and processing mail-in ballots. I can assure every Northampton County mail-in voter that we have a high-integrity office that pays great attention to detail. With this being a Primary Election, Republican and Democratic ballots are clearly identified. The Democratic voters always do a conscientious job with their ballots. Republicans, on the other hand, will write-in candidates like Elmer Fudd or Mickey Mouse. The difference in the level of respect for the voting process is way too apparent. Republicans have no legitimate complaint here.

  7. As long as republicans are manipulated by Trump speak, they will lose more elections. Mailin ballots are here to stay. If republicans refuse to utilize them, they already lost many races at their local and state level, not just nationally.

  8. No one is against having a mail-in ballot process. But, millions are against government maintaining any such critical system with serious flaws and is being exploited to create false products.

  9. I've seen and read enough. Biden will easily beat Trump in November giving us 4 more years of Democratic control. We're going to lose the House again as well I'm afraid. I am starting plans to move to Russia later this month and encourage all of my MAGA brothers and sisters to join me in creating a robust ex-pat community over there where we don't have to worry about illegal immigrants crossing our borders and where a strong leader is in charge! Who's with me?!?!?

  10. @1:44 - please explain to us how and where vote totals can be manipulated to the point of swinging an election. This "manipulation" needs to withstand various testing protocols and public scrutiny in order to be pulled off so be sure to use your thinking cap. You just can't claim that its a conspiracy of 100's of poll workers and county employees changing vote totals.

  11. 10:08, the information you request is readily available. You just need to do your own research. I won’t spend the time gathering it for you as nothing I could cite would convince you. Remember, though, every state handles this process differently, so get cracking!

  12. Hey, Dave. I’ll take your word Northampton County is perfect with regard to mail-in ballot fraud. Now, about those other 3300 counties in America . . . any direct knowledge there?

    1. I'll let you know in about 100 years after I finish visiting all of them. 10-4?

  13. 11:06 What is the rejection rate of the ballots in Northampton county?

  14. @10:49 - "Doing your own research" is the root cause of 90% of the stupid conspiracy theories out there.

    You are the one blathering about vote total manipulations and attempting to plant seeds of doubt in what are actual reality based results. You disagree with the results of the voting and can't fathom that your political beliefs are in the minority at this time. Instead of accepting reality, you need to play make believe and claim others cheat and steal without any proof.

  15. I would further ask how many individuals are involved there handling, cross referencing, and recording those ballots? And, too, how can 11:06 be personally aware of every move those co-workers make? I couldn’t do if.

  16. @1:10 PM - Who are you and more importantly, why would you challenge the integrity of these election workers? Why do you assume they aren't just doing their jobs and making sure controls are in place and counts are correct? The simple fact is that someone CAN NOT change numbers on ballot counts for one party or another without it being VERY obvious and easily traceable.

    That you ask these questions and make these assumptions clearly shows that you know absolutely nothing about the process and have done zero credible research into the actual mechanics of the operations involved with running an election.

  17. Oh, geez! A Dave C identified himself as having personal and official knowledge of the actual mail-in ballot chain of custody. Dave C was asked several specific questions. So far, no answers provided. Maybe Dave C will be back soon.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.