Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

NorCo Dem Committee Votes It Has No Confidence in Party Chair Matt Munsey

Last night, the Executive Committee of Northampton County's Democratic Committee voted it had no confidence in party chair Matt Munsey. This vote, in which I'm told 24 people participated, comes in the wake of a joint letter that he and his Republican counterpart sent to the senate state government committee. He did so without authorization from anyone in the Committee. 

This vote has no legal significance. It does reflect, however that the party faithful has been increasingly upset by Munsey. The committee has no treasurer, and Munsey failed to notify candidates of an endorsement meeting hosted by the Lehigh Valley Labor Council. 


  1. Did your informant Barron, tell you about McClure's pick to run the local party for him?

  2. Sounds alot like gop gg

  3. Did Matthew Munsey file false campaign finance reports by claiming the Party had a Treasurer when it in fact did not ?

  4. A majority of The Executive Board has rejected the leadership of Munsey. He should resign immediately.

    1. The bylaws require 75% to kick him out.
      Not even 75% of the executive committee was willing to vote against him.
      It's not going to happen and we will have two more years of the same old same old.

    2. The State Dems have a say in what will happen, and they have the letter and facts

    3. Matt is the best person for the job at the moment, let’s get behind him, help him get the job done. We have an important election coming up. Enough of the drama already!

  5. Matt Munsey has been expertly manipulated by Glenn Greasesinger the NCRC Chairman. Munsey should not be punished for being hopelessly naive.

    1. There’s nothing at all naive about Matt. In fact, he sits on the state party executive board. If he’s claiming he didn’t know right and wrong, then all the more reason for him to be removed.

  6. Munsey has betrayed the Democratic Party by working with MAGA to attack our Elections. He must resign now !

  7. MAGA Matt must Go !

  8. If Munsey did file false campaign finance reports, has anyone ever reported it to the District Attorney ?

  9. I found it refreshing to see a bipartisan effort to improve the election process.

    Well done Matt Munsey and Glenn Geissinger. Not every issue has to be a fight to the death, and intelligent people should be working together on points of agreement, even they have opposing party affiliations.

    1. Amen! Time to start working together for our country and the people!!

    2. It’s time to take the fight directly to the Republicans, not join them! This isn’t a game, this is our Democracy and way of life at stake. The Magas have no regard for ethics, morals, honor as they follow a madman over a cliff. Wake up!

  10. It’s time for him to step down. The party needs new leadership someone in the make up of Gerry Seyfried who like Gerry can understand the complexity of the party’s city and rural demographics. Not sure who that person is but like Gerry must be a moderate but one who makes room for the liberals.

  11. As a former committee member, I can say this has been a long time coming, well beyond these latest issues with Geissinger and the Union. As you mentioned there is no Treasurer, this has been the case for over five years now. The executive committee should demand an independent audit. Munsey is also extremely toxic and manipulative. He plays people and groups against each other to cover up his own incompetence. He should resign.

    1. A treasurer was appointed and approved last night.

    2. Munsey was to have chosen a treasurer two years ago, when there was a vacancy, instead he decided to handle the funds himself, not following his own bylaws.

  12. Hmmm...Looks like Democrats aren't into bipartisanship.

    1. Yeah, just look at the nut case crybabies at NBC who couldn't stand to have a Republican point of view at their network.

    2. Those nut crybabies know the difference between fact and bullshit conspiracy theories. That’s why they were hired and heard and the Trump mouthpiece was unloaded.

  13. Refreshing? A unilateral decision by a non transparent chair who refuses to share information and works with only selective people in his flock to push his ideas? Don’t think so!

  14. The issue you hear is that the Democrat Party Chair and the Republican Party Chair co-authored a letter. Maybe they had the support of their relative Committees before doing so ?

    1. Wrong, Munsey took it upon himself to co-sign and/or author a letter that was not reviewed or discussed by anyone of any county committee except himself and the Republican chair.

  15. Get Munsey some tinfoil for that dirty N95 he’s always rocking.

  16. Look lay off Matt. Glenn took advantage of Matt’s fear of barcodes. Matt will not go into a grocery store because he can’t trust the scanners. It’s a real phobia and Glenn has played it like a virtuoso.

  17. What’s this about false campaign reports ?

  18. As a former candidate for office in Northampton County, I can tell you this guy is as useful as tits on a bull. He should have resigned in 2016 when Trump won the county. It was a failure of leadership on a county level that contributed to that loss.

  19. "10:14 AM Anonymous Anonymous said... The bylaws require 75% to kick him out / It's not going to happen and we will have two more years of the same old same old."

    "In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing" - Theodore Roosevelt

    While removing Munsey in the short term might prove difficult, something had to be done, and I applaud the bravery of those who came forward to meet this bully head on. He's damaged goods, and at worst, is now on notice.

    The right thing to do would be for Munsey to voluntarily resign, however, we know his ego would not let that happen.

    I heard that in Munsey's flimsy defense of what he chose to push back on, he said something to the effect of "I can't wait to hear about this tomorrow on he Bernie blog, that's how this party seems to handle our issues."

    1. Well, apparently he was correct.

  20. "The issue you hear is that the Democrat Party Chair and the Republican Party Chair co-authored a letter. Maybe they had the support of their relative Committees before doing so ?"

    I cannot say whether Geissinger had support from his committee, but Munsey did not. The question is not whether a bipartisan approach is good. I support that. The question is whether we want a Dem chair subscribing to discredited theories about ballot marking devices or lending his support to a GOP effort to suppress turnout by limiting MIBs and drop boxes. He should have consulted his committee before doing that and really needs to read Judge Diamond's opinion in the Stein case.

    1. Oh , stop it wih your vote suppression. We simply want to have only legal votes, not the cheating that is likely with MIB and drop boxes. Remember, election cheating is in Democrats ' blood - part of their political DNA.

    2. In case you haven’t kept up, and it’s obvious you haven’t, the Democrats proved there was no fraud, and the other tribe lives and breath on fraud, cheating, and lies. Make better choices next time.

  21. What about falsifying treasurer reports?

  22. Munsey’s failed leadership of the Northampton County Democratic Party has been so serious and so persistent that several groups have had to splinter off and fill in the enormous gaps.

    1. He's had a lot of issues for sure. And as many of you have pointed out, he had them before his latest election. I'm just incredibly confused that you all couldn't find someone to run against him. Or run against him yourself. AND you did nothing until the Primary is almost upon us ONLY after he sent a letter you didnt like. Matt may be a failure at Chair, but it seems like you ALL failed, not just him. And I certainly hope you all pull your act together. We have the most important election of our lives coming up.

    2. He was approached many times and questioned about what could be done to help the situation, but he fails to respond or just goes on with a small group to do what he thinks will work. This is not about the strength among the Democratic groups and committees, this is a question of failure of a Dem chair to lead and move forward, plain and simple.There are strong Dem leaders ready to step up who what needs to be done.

    3. One person’s decision does not make the entire group or committee toxic, UNLESS that decision was not discussed or agreed upon by those in the groups or committees. An ongoing lack of trust has festered and the no confidence vote was a signal that was prepared following the protocol of the bylaws.Agree that there never is a good time for this type of action, especially during an election, but He is the one who precipitated the mistake and created the urgency to act. He cannot hide behind the excuse that it was bad timing or intentional when he was the individual who acted , without consensual representation, close to an election event.

  23. The following organizations were formed, at least in part, due to Matthew Munsey’s failed leadership: Lehigh Valley 4 All, NorcoFact, ROAR and FEIRCE.

  24. One thing is now abundantly clear. While still Chair, Matt does not speak for the Democratic Party in Northampton County.

  25. Aligning with a Republican, at this point in time, to show some sort of bipartisanship with Democrats is a joke.
    Republicans want nothing more than obstruction , stopping mail in voting, creating chaos in local government. Sorry Muncy, bad timing or insincere effort.

  26. He was put on notice. Whether he is removed or not in the next few months will not have any effect on the performance of the rest of the party. We are survivors and we know how to get the vote out without him. The bottom line is that Matt Munsey will definitely NOT be reelected. We are united in many ways on many issues - that being just one of them.

  27. Who is this major goofball that took the treasurer title last night?? Is he one that voted against the no confidence??!!!?

  28. Who would want the chairman position with either tribe of insufferable whiners? Thankless job.

  29. Keep up the good work, Munsey! If the NorCo Democrats don't like you, you're doing the right things. Top notch, top notch!

  30. To 11:12 AM – Munsey never approached or consulted the Dem Ctte or its Exec Bd about co-authoring the letter with Mr. Geissinger. As is so often the case, he went solo.
    Second, there are many issues beyond the writing of that letter that were considered in seeking a vote of no confidence but some of the most glaring were in finances. For most of his tenure, the committee was treasurer-less, despite an offer from a very qualified candidate that Munsey ignored and a few months of service here and there by two competent women who didn’t stay.
    Required annual budgets and committee approval for large expenditures were generally ignored while Munsey seemingly made those decisions by himself.
    Tragically, the county lost many candidates, volunteers, and contributors who said no simply because Matt Munsey is chair.
    These are just a few salient points. Mr. Munsey is a complex person, and, like most of us here on earth, has good and bad characteristics. He’s helped many, and he’s hurt perhaps just as many. This writer would like to believe that last night’s vote was a wake-up call and that Mr. Munsey will engage soon in some manner of self-improvement and healing.

  31. Please leave the little weirdo alone.

  32. Lehigh Valley 4 All was definitely formed because it was clear Munsey was incapable of properly supporting Hillary. And, in fact Trump won Norco that year. Munsey’s greatest failure.

  33. Hey Ho, MAGA Matt must Go ‘

  34. Went back and read that jointly signed letter. I see nothing wrong about those statements. The letter expresses existing confusion about our election process and asks for clarification. It claims public perception of our election should be better. There is nothing wrong with continuous examination and review of the process.

    Some posters here seem to think Mr. Munsey should not have participated in this bi-partisan outreach. Stop and think for a moment. The group he represents would then look like it’s trying to hide something. No?

    1. The letter is not what is in dispute, it is his circumvention and his unilateral decision to move on that which NO ONE from his Executive committees were informed of…except one person, who attempted to also have it endorsed at an EADC meeting which she was called out and questioned on. Transparency is discussing and informing all of any action taken by representative leadership.

  35. 9:56 AM We had someone lined up and ready to run against Matt at the last re-org mtg. Unfortunately, Matt scheduled the meeting on a date that his competition could not possibly make. If you don't understand how devious and clever Matt is at keeping his position, you've failed Politics 101. Should we continue with how he stacks the committee with sycophants before re-org who will vote for him, and how he's been known to tell them to vote for him and not worry about coming back for another meeting? That's how you get hollowed out committees. Matt was reelected because he stacked the deck against the possibility of losing his coveted position. All Northampton County Democrats deserve to know how this failure of leadership came about through Munsey's manipulation to keep his position.

    1. Glenn Geissinger is playing the same games at the NCRC. Look into how he and his sycophants are using the Republican committee given the decision they pushed through last night on paying Glenn's legal bills. The NCRC has been co-opted by the LV TEA PARTY! Oy vey! Corruption everywhere.

  36. For a long time now, Munsey has proven over and over again that he is more about his own ego than about providing any kind of leadership or any care about what happens to the county, region or country. He may not be a Republican plant, but he surely gives a good impression of one — in that his incompetence is so mind boggling that it seems deliberate, probably because everything is done as a kind of power play. He never keeps his word. He promises things that never happen. He is devious. As one other commentator mentioned, at the last annual meeting for elections, he called a meeting on a night he knew his opponent could not make it. You are fortunate if there is notification of a meeting outside of 24 hours. Mostly you have to stop everything to attend. I suspect he likes it that way so there are fewer people to challenge him. There is no advance notification most of the time. The meetings themselves: For a long time there simply weren’t any. He is consistently late. He can’t handle the technology and makes everyone wait for such long intervals at each speaker or motion — while he fiddles with the technology rather than let someone else do it — that people leave in droves because it takes that long. Does not know how to run a meeting. People speak too long. Meetings run for hours. Nothing gets done. People give up on going. We have not had a treasurer for years and to say there were real questions about that is to say nothing. A few dedicated volunteers tried to get it together with little assistance from him because minimal ( and I am being kind here) records were kept. They pretty much had to resort to a kind of forensic accounting, meaning they had to search for any kind of records going back for years. He makes it hard for committees to exist because not only does he give them NO support or direction, he consistently throws wrenches into what they try to do. He consistently acted unilaterally on committee actions without involving any county PCPs or executive members of the committee. This latest example was nothing really unusual. I could go on and on. He talks a good game so people who are unfamiliar with the situation don’t realize how bad he is until it is too late. Volunteers are turned away again and again, either by a lack of follow through or an outright cold shoulder. There is minimal updating of information online. Matt Munsey is a disgrace and a joke and needs to step down or be taken down in time for us to be free of his outrageous hindrance in time for the upcoming election.


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