Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

My Eyesight Is Slowing Me Down

I usually spend a minimum of two hour outdoors daily. The first thing I do when I wake up is do a slow jog for about five minutes. This Winter, I've been able to ride outdoors from time to time, and I walk and run with a seeing-eye dog pretty much every day. It's good for both of us. But over the past few weeks, my left eye has been irritating me and I find it necessary to place a finger over it if I want to see clearly. It has reached the point where it interferes with both reading and writing. 

I'll be seeing an eye doctor today to find out what's going on. I believe the raw weather over the Winter probably got to me. Over the past several days, I've purposely cut back a little on writing. I expect to be fully operational very soon. After all, I only need one eye. 

Updated 11:30 am: It turns out I have cataracts in both eyes. My left eye is completely shot, but my right eye is apparently pretty good. It was 20-25 even with cataracts. This has nothing to do with walking in high wind and everything to do with getting older. I've been referred to someone who will take care of it and will try to get a head transplant while I'm at it. 


  1. Replies
    1. Stay out of the Mens Bathouse

  2. Serious note. Good luck with your Eyesite.

    Blog note, its impeding you from seeing what the hell biden is doing to the country.

  3. Hope all goes well. We need people like you to keep us informed. The local press is a shell of itself and doesn't cover local news like they used to.

  4. Could be a torn retina (a step before detachment). That's serious business.
    But it's easily and successfully addressed. Good luck and good health.

  5. Prayers coming your way

  6. “But over the past few weeks, my left eye has been irritating me and I find it necessary to place a finger over it if I want to see clearly.”

    Good luck today, but if this has been going on for a few weeks, you shouldn’t have waited.

  7. It could be glaucoma and a simple surgery could help you. Get well soon.

    In a side note, my eyes have been hurting as well, reading the comments on your blog that are promoting re-electing a narcissistic sociopath that may very well serve to end democracy as we know it.

    The future through these lens, seem bleak at best.

  8. Take care of you BO. All the best!!!!!

  9. Hoping for a good prognosis so you can stay active outside, not to mention the writing here.

  10. Hopefully a simple procedure to correct. Getting old is a bitch!

  11. Best wishes, Bernie! My dad had something similar, but eye shots and eye vitamins/drops really helped him. He continued to read and write until the end of his long and honorable life.

  12. Cataracts very common at your age Bernie. Get it taken care so you can keep us up to date on all the county dirt nobody covers.

  13. Hope you recover quickly Bernie, look forward to seeing you on the trail.

    The Banker

  14. I had my cataracts fixed and it changed my life.....I can drive at night again!

  15. Bernie, I had both eyes done. the actual surgery only takes about 15 minutes for each eye, but the pre surgery prep takes about an hour until the pupils become dilated enough. It is painless pre, during and post. After about two hours after the surgery, your eye sight will change dramatically for the better. With both of mine it seemed like when the movie "The wizard of Oz" picture changes from from black and white to color. It was amazing how much better you'll see. You'll probably be told not to bend over for a few days and maybe not ride your bike temporarily.

  16. Don't skrimp on the new brain.

  17. 6:56 and 8:04 seem to be internet eye doctors. Good thing you went to a real one!

  18. Hope you go blind

  19. I am sending well wishes for your eyesight. As a user of an actual seeing-eye dog, I understand the fear you are experiencing. Choose the best ophthalmologist that you can possibly get and do what they say. Being blind is no joke. Luckily, I can read this… Listen to this… Blog because of technology. Keep up the good work and keep reporting local news. Thanks. Also, this platform makes it difficult to post, because I have to see pictures to prove I’m not a robot. There must be a better way.

  20. Thanks for the comment. I went into my settings and disabled captcha for now. If I get hit with a ton of bot comments, I'll have to enable it. Hopefully, comments will be easier for you.

    The dog I walk is a real seeing eye dog who went thru 18 months pf training. He is incredible. I walk him for the owner, which is good for the dog and for me.

    I am meeting an ophthalmologist in early May who I believe will be able to remove the cataracts, which will hopefully restore my vision. Tight now, I can still see pretty well out of my right eye. I am pretty much blind in my left eye. I have noticed I need to be careful when walking, cycling and driving.


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