Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Bow Your Head

After several years of going through NorCo Council meetings without being stricken by boils, locusts or thunderstorms of hail and fire, the pre-meeting prayer (or moment of silence) has once again begun to rear its ugly head. Now look, I have no problem with bringing in a preacher from any of the counties numerous houses of worship to say a word or two, but County Council is too lazy to reach out Instead, it anoints one of its own to pretend he is a cleric. Up until now, it's just been a moment of silence. I'd actually prefer several hours of that, so that's been no trouble for me. But last week was John Brown's turn. 

"Bow your heads!" he instructed everyone. Amazingly, all but Lamont McClure's three rubber stamps did so. Lori Vargo Heffner even gave an "Amen!"

Yeah, the Supreme Court says its ok for elected officials who take an oath to uphold a secular constitution to open a meeting with prayer. But this same august body is also now interfering with a woman's right to choose. If County Council members want to pray on their own time, have at it. But doing it on the taxpayer dime is inevitably going to lead to preference of one religion over others. 

So far as I can tell, there are no Jews, Muslims, Sikhs or Buddhists on Council. They are all plain vanilla Christians, and one of them is eventually going to start showing preference for his or her religion. 

Better not to start.



  1. Slow news day? Bethlehem wants to stifle public comment, pay study compromised and this is your big story? Really?

  2. “ Plain vanilla Christian’s “ are in for it . Isis -K , if they can sneak into the Russian capital and Iranian capital they can ride the train into our capital ez. Pray with your heads down vanilla Christian's. I hope I’m wrong.

  3. I can't abide anabaptists.

    And peanut butter cake.

  4. Politicians are evil by nature. Them pretending to pray is an affront to decent people in decent pursuits. It's farce and mockery and should stop. I used to see pro-abortion Jack Panella praying at St. Jane's where they petition God to change the hearts of death cult politicians to protect human life from conception to natural death. I'd watch him mouth "Lord, hear our prayer," before taking communion, shaking hands with that award-winning smile, and going out to support death-cult, radical abortion rats, like himself. Same with Biden.
    Politicians should stay out of houses of worship and they shouldn't pretend to pray at public meetings, either. Brownie and Rs support the death penalty. Is that what Jesus would do? I don't think so. Is it any wonder why politicians enjoy about 20% approval? Most of us find them reprehensible and disgusting.

  5. Just another example of invalid practices that are in place to make the outcomes legitimate. What bullshit!
    It’s like my Republican Party stating that we will say prayers for those unfortunate people who are dead in a mass killing and they don’t pass laws to circumvent the problem.

  6. I prayed for Norco council. The big guy got back to me immediately and told me to quit wasting my time. He said they and the exec are beyond any hope or redemption.

  7. Why is Lori Vargo Heffner placating the White Christian Nationalists ?

  8. I agree B.O., if you’re going to pray, pray.

  9. What’s a matter with Heckman ? He knows better than to truck in this foolishness.

  10. Please stop attacking Lori Vargo. She is now a devout Evangelical Christian.

  11. Lori has to do whatever Brown says. It’s part of the deal they have for Brown to make Lori a Boss in the next Republican Administration.

  12. Bernie I agree there’s nothing wrong with having a little prayer to open a meeting.

  13. You have to admire the political skills of Lori Vargo Heffner. On the one hand she runs around PA pretending to be Mrs. Democrat, then when she’s at Council she is placating Christian National Leaguers.

  14. Stop smearing Lori Heffner with accusations that she’s in cahoots with John Brown. There’s nothing wrong with working across the aisle with Brown when you agree with him.

  15. As the great Dave Chappelle said "Ya'll niggas need Jesus".

    In an attempting to achieve inclusivity, we have seemingly became so afraid to exclude ANYONE that bowing our heads in prayer, saying Merry Christmas or God Bless you have become Micro Aggression's among the most fragile of us. For Christ's sake, we have Clubs paying homage to Satan but God Forbid we bow our heads and say "Amen".

    Now, our society is so devoid of religion that we began worshiping false idols: money, sex, power, fame....fixating on ourselves with our own narcissism (please see the queer/trans movement, identity politics in general). This is a common trait among declining empires and is no different for the American Empire. A story as old as time, the Tower of Babel,Egypt, Greece, Rome, when we stop remembering our past we are bound to repeat it. We lost sight of what made this country special. The idea that we are all welcome here if you work hard, contribute to a greater society, pay your taxes, and mind your f****** business.

    Instead, we feel we have to apologize for building one of the most impressive societies the world has ever seen. We have to be SORRY that we have converted nearly all of civilization to free market democracies and for our penance we allowed the most unstable of us to steer this ship because its "equitable".

    It's a recipe for disaster and I dont think we have much longer before its FUBAR.

    My suggestion? Remember that our founding fathers, although understood the importance of the separation between Church and State never intended for America to be a Godless society. They knew our Constituition was predicated on the understanding of a higher authority. Hence the concept that "hat all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

    Get over it Bernie, more recognition that there is a God (i dont care which one) is a good thing, not a bad thing.

  16. It is absolutely ridiculous to have any religious prayer before a meeting. Don't waste my time! And as for a moment of silence? For what? A moment of silence is for tragedies. John Brown, John Goofredo, Tom Giovanni, Lori Vargo-Heffner, and Ron Heckman can all hold hands at church together. The rubber stamps at least have common sense! Good for them.

  17. Isn’t Lori praying that nobody finds out about the gavel ?

  18. Lori does not have a pact with John Brown, John Goffredo or any other Republican. I have it on good authority that Lori cannot stand John Brown. Enough already !

    1. Lori hates Brown?? lol. She hangs out with him all the time. Even at the Rosetta Fire Dinner while she is gazing lovingly into his eyes. Here is the link: https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/roseto-lent-italian-slate-dinner--20240322.html

  19. John G, I won't tolerate being told to bow my head by some member of a county council. It makes it appear as though he speaks for God and he does not. I am completely opposed to premeeting prayers.


  20. Jesus Said, “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.” (Matthew 6:5-8)

  21. First, it was "take an experimental shot or you're fired." Now, we're told by them to bow. Next is scraping and flagellation. We get it. You're in charge of us.

  22. The greatest myth of all time.

  23. Maybe the troika of rubber stamps can form their own Satan Club like that one at Saucon Valley and invoke their own prayers. The first one can begin, "Let us bow and pucker up to prepare to kiss Lamont's butt.."

  24. Page 2 of today’s Morning Call begs to differ.

  25. @4:06AM: Bethlehem is not “stifling” the public; they are proposing to regulate the “time, place, and manner” of the council’s public comment period. That is a standard, broadly adopted procedure utilized by many such organizations.

  26. Then don't bow your head. No penalty...just a lot of crying while you do it.

  27. In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti…

  28. "Then don't bow your head. No penalty...just a lot of crying while you do it."

    Oh, but there is a penalty. Those who refuse to join in these hypocritical exercises of pretend reverence are looked on with disdain and are demeaned. I know this bc I refused to participate in council member-led public prayers at council meetings for a few years and caught all kinds of grief for it. Not that I give a shit, but most do. That is why they join in these demonstrations of false reverence.

    And I can assure you that any elected official who thinks he can tell me to bow my head should be getting the finger instead.

  29. Those who don't bow should lose their jobs. See what it's like to be treated the way you treated people during CoViD? If you question bowing, you should be identified and may be stifled for spreading dangerous, non-bowing misinformation. How's that?

    Here's a better idea. Come in. Sit down. And get to work doing your jobs.

  30. Good for you for not being shamed into something you didn't believe in. Shame on you for being one of the people shaming Americans for not wanting to wear a mask and go along with the covid theater. Live and let live is a 2 way street.

    God Bless you Bernie!

  31. Brother Steve would be the perfect cleric for said meetings... think we need a "live" about this ASAP. Ring one up Steve-O!

  32. "In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti"

    בשם האב, הבן ורוח הקודש

  33. Nowe adays everyone is a victim of something. You receive disdain for much more than a bow. Also, I would rather have elected officials who sincerely bow their heads if they so desire to a mythical god than those who bow their heads to their leader, like the three rubber stamps do for their boss McClure.

  34. I really dislike the smug “holier than thou” comments regarding religion being a myth, a farce, whatever. I am a practicing Catholic who feels that the farther away people move from religion, the less charitable to others they become. Believing in a higher power helps to guide my thoughts and actions. Am I perfect? Far from it, but I try to do better each day. With that said, I don’t wear my religion on my sleeve or preach to others. I certainly try not to demean those who choose not to believe in God, though many are quick to offer their criticism of my beliefs.

  35. I have not disparaged religion as a myth and admire most truly religious people. Having a faith is wonderful, but I don't like it shoved down my throat by some phony who is not even a cleric.


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