Local Government TV

Monday, February 19, 2024

Wild Supports Bill To Continue Internet Access to Low-Income Residents

Pennsylvania Congress member Susan Wild represents the Lehigh Valley in Congress. Her district includes low income communities like Allentown, Southside Bethlehem and Bangor Borough. She supports an extension of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), which provides a $30 per month discount on internet access for those of receiving social security, SNAP, Medicaid or any household that is under 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. The FCC has begun the process of winding it down unless it is extended by April. A bipartisan extension act in both Houses of Congress puts the cost of continuing to provide internet access at $7 billion. GOP House leadership has thus far refused to bring the matter up for a vote, as they've done with other spending measures. The Republican reputation as the Party of No is well-earned.

President Joe Biden has called on Congress to extend ACP, which currently benefits 23 million households, including 40,823 (14%) in Wild's district. In the Nazareth zip code, 495 households are enrolled. In the Easton zip code, it's 3,076 residences. 

According to the White House, "[A]ffordable, reliable high-speed internet is critical in order to access education, healthcare, and work, engage in precision agriculture, and keep in touch with loved ones. Still, too many are left without high-speed internet because they lack the infrastructure or are inhibited by high costs. In particular, these inequities impact underserved communities, rural communities, veterans, and older Americans where the lack of affordable, reliable high-speed internet contributes to significant economic, health and other disparities."

Northampton and Lehigh Counties have both spent (and without controversy) millions in American Rescue Plan Act funds to expand broadband access. This work will have been in vain unless those least able to pay are given a hand up. Sure, you can regulate what is charged, but that wioll just deter investment and innovation. You could shoot for municipal broadband, but that would discourage competition and would be far more wasteful. ACP is a no-brainer. 


  1. “ACP is a no-brainer”

    Yes, by all means Congress needs to renew this $7 Billion subsidy to big internet using money that our kids and grandkids will collectively struggle to afford the just the interest payments on.

    One day, the youth of this country will wake up and realize that they’re the ones who are expected to pay for the lavish spending that aging democrat politicians are using today to buy votes.

    It won’t be pretty when that happens, but I expect that those responsible will then get what they truly deserve.

  2. Ah yes, good American politics, who will sell their vote for more free benefits, paid for with borrowed money.

  3. Mike Johnson should be charged with legislative malpractice. Elected officials are put into office to solve problems and address the needs of the American people. Not to just go on FOX News and brag about the crazy, offensive thing they just did.

    Voters need to make better choices at the ballot box. Vote for the candidates like Susan Wild who want to get things done.

    1. You're a regular riot. 😆

  4. Suzy (D-CA) is correct. We can provide free Internet AND fight the three wars (and counting) she supports. She perfectly represents the fusion of traditionally fiscally irresponsible Democrats with their new, never-met-a-war-they-didn't-like approach to fixing the economy they destroyed. But you snipe at Republicans who want to get you and the government you support off of the heroin of debt spending. You are an addict and should know better. But you must figure that you'll just leave the bill for the grandkids. It's mean and nasty. But you've often admitted to being mean and nasty. It's a shame our veterans can't eat Internet access and pension payments to Ukraine. They'd all be obese - like Sue. I'm guessing a BMI of 27-30 for she who tells us what medicine to get. Jesus the hypocrisy.

    1. Upset about your grand kids getting charged for the benefits you're using now? Stop asking for tax cuts

    2. Yeah, hate to break it to you but revenues were actually up under the Trump tax cuts.

      It seems that people are more productive and willing to work more when the government isn’t stealing the bulk of their paychecks.

  5. Bernie, I read this post and want to make sure this is the same Susan Wild that has disparaged the people of Carbon county not once but twice. Not sure if there is another Susan Wild that has done this so I want to make sure. thanks for the assistance



    1. It doesn’t matter. McKenzie and Delicker are Wacked and can’t beat her and Montero can’t raise the money. It will be Susan for the win

  6. Just another vote grabbing handout to those who would rather live off other people.
    rather than work. They need the internet so they can trade their food stamps for drugs and sneakers while they play games on their 70-inch TVs. REAL American belief in hard work, not handouts.

    1. Their 399 dollar trump sneakers
      You should look up who takes the most welfare in this country and the states they live in

  7. "Yes, by all means Congress needs to renew this $7 Billion subsidy to big internet using money that our kids and grandkids will collectively struggle to afford the just the interest payments on."

    The demographic benefitting most from ACP are households between 25-50 years. Actually, this is for our kids and grandchildren. .

  8. America’s Middle Class is being destroyed in favor of our political elite who depends upon votes from a growing government dependent class. Susan Wild has done nothing to help control our nation’s decline. Has she ever not voted in lockstep with whatever the administration wants to do?

  9. Of course this is good for those who are truly struggling, but there is so much abuse and system-working. Gone are the days when the majority prioritized needs over wants. What would be better would be looking at the cost of cable/Internet for the average family. I have two cable boxes, cable (no premium services), and Internet through Service Electric and pay close to $250 a month. That is ridiculous, but I can’t get the amount lowered no matter how often I call. What do senior citizens pay? How can they afford this?

  10. All of these creative giveaways (of money we don’t have) is effective in attracting new voters. Also guarantees a wider audience for government propaganda. Someone needs to start saying NO. Our Members in Congress are not, unfortunately. They all need to go, including Susan Wild.

  11. Hey where’s my free shit damn it.

  12. Susan Wild is a joke and not good for the people here back at home!

  13. "I have two cable boxes, cable (no premium services), and Internet through Service Electric and pay close to $250 a month. That is ridiculous, but I can’t get the amount lowered no matter how often I call. What do senior citizens pay? How can they afford this?"

    They cannot unless they have generous pensions. Most of the seniors I know have basic internet if they have anything, and that is very expensive. Incidentally, most of these in the "dependent" class consider themselves conservatives and voted for Trump if they were registered, although most are not registered.

  14. The “not registered” voted for Biden. Sorry, Bernie. Just couldn’t resist.

  15. "Upset about your grand kids getting charged for the benefits you're using now? Stop asking for tax cuts>"

    As I've mentioned, it is mostly our kids and grandkids who benefit from ACP. Of the total 22 million subscribers, 10.9 million are in the 25-49 category, and 1.3 million are in the 18-24.


  16. "Bernie, I read this post and want to make sure this is the same Susan Wild that has disparaged the people of Carbon county not once but twice. Not sure if there is another Susan Wild that has done this so I want to make sure. thanks for the assistance"

    Yes, that is a terrible and possibly fatal error. She comes off as an elitist. But her support for ACP is more in line with a Congress member who wants to help people.

  17. Our largest budget item has traditionally been defense. That item is about to be surpassed by our debt service payment. The answer? Just keep spending and spending. Something tells me people can get to the Internet just fine, thanks. This is likely the money wasting scheme by Bernie and Wild and the same racist Democrats who think black citizens are too lazy or stupid to obtain ID. They obtain ID without any problems, despite the horribly racist urban myth Bernie and Wild and others peddled for so long. I hope you all pass naturally. But the sooner old racists like you guys are worm food, the better our world will be.

  18. Bernie O’Hare said: “As I've mentioned, it is mostly our kids and grandkids who benefit from ACP. Of the total 22 million subscribers, 10.9 million are in the 25-49 category, and 1.3 million are in the 18-24” and “…her support for ACP is more in line with a Congress member who wants to help people.”

    I realize that simple math is not a democrat strong point, so let me explain it a little more simply for you.

    We are currently $34 TRILLION in debt. We don’t have the money to pay for the ACP, and the burden of paying that cost (along with the rest of the $34 TRILLION) will fall on our children and grandchildren.

    To boil it down, someone will eventually be left holding the bag and that will be our kids and grandkids. Not only will they be paying for their own internet in the future, but also the cost of what we’re heaping on them now. It’s far more sinister than any payday loan or excessive interest rates, which democrat politicians occasionally rail against in the name of “helping the people.”

    It’s far from helping them. In reality we’re enslaving them to a lifetime of paying for our excesses and robbing them of their futures.

    Meanwhile, the REAL beneficiaries of the program are the wealthy internet providers, who get to continue to gouge us all and make their billions, including this $7 billion government subsidy.

  19. This has nothing to do with race or voter ID or wishing that old people would die already. You must be a very unhappy person.

    I'm not suggesting we keep spending and spending. I am suggesting that a subsidy for internet is a worthwhile investment and enables people of all ages and races to be more product5ive members of society, unlike you. It is superior to price regulation. I'd agree with Republicans that this would just discourage investment in internet companies. It is superior to municipal broadband, which would be inefficient, wasteful and incapable of reaching rural communities.

    1. This may sound horrible but most people who claim to have no money carry around 1000$ cell phones and already have internet. I'd rather this help those who truly have no access in rural places as it was first discussed. Some areas also have no competition for Internet services so they are stuck with no option and a high cost . If this money is going to be distributed it should go to people who really need it. If you can afford weekly salon visits for fake nails one shouldn't get a discount on internet give it to those who really need it or provide some incentives for more companies in areas so there is more competitive pricing

  20. @ 8:28 AM - Did you say "Sneakers"? Did you pre-order your $399.00 pair yet? Fool!

  21. Astound internet high speed only item we get costs 124.53. That's insane.

  22. But we can afford billions to foreign countries. Which According to the politicians is a must.

  23. Obama phones redux. Why? Our poor are fat with iphones. Establish a hotspot and stop leeching.

  24. My only comment about this additional increase of 7 Billion is where or what other program will she be taking it from. If its new money than since the original investment wasn't that good, don't spend more good money after bad. spend the 7 Billion on reducing the debt.

  25. It’s time that everyone pays their fair share of taxes and then we wouldn’t have to worry about the currently $34 TRILLION in debt, that was caused mostly by your lord and savior trump. Remember the rich payed over 70% in taxes in the 1970’s and they need to do the American people right, by pulling their weight and pay for the benefits this country allowed them in order to make the monies they hoarded.

  26. 8:39:

    I hate to break it to you but revenues were actually up under the Trump tax cuts.

    It seems that people are more productive and willing to work more when the government isn’t stealing the bulk of their paychecks.

  27. FYI 1:46
    Biden clearly beats Trump based on wages and salaries per working American and all income per person, including transfer payments, capital gains, and other financial gains. One reason for this boon is that millions more people are employed under Biden: An annual average of 151.7 million Americans held jobs from 2021 to 2023, versus 147.1 million under Trump from 2017 to 2019.

    The other reason is the higher wages and salaries under Biden. If we take wage-and-salary income per year from 2021 to 2023, divided by the average number of people working each year, the result in 2023 dollars is an average annual wage-and-salary income of $76,142 per working person. That’s $3,250 more than the average of $72,892 under Trump from 2017 to 2019—again, after inflation.


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