Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Who Is Jeff Corpora?

"You can't go wrong with a Corpora!" That's what a friend told me late yesterday after hearing that President Judge Craig Dally had appointed him to the vacancy on Northampton County Council. There are about 30,000 Corporas in Northampton County, so he should be easily elected should he choose to run. Below is his resume.


Corpora Resume by BernieOHare on Scribd


  1. Did the Judge explain how he came to his decision as it relates to Corpora? That would be nice to know, since Corpora apparently wasn’t one of the original applicants.

    Are the judge and Corpora drinking buddies at the country club? Did McClure or one of the other Council members give the judge Corpora’s name? Did the someone back a truckload of money up to the court’s door? Did the judge just pick Corpora’s name out of a phone book? If Corpora was truly “surprised” by the judge’s selection, how did the judge know Corpora would accept (or even had any interest)? Did Corpora apply directly to the court? Did Corpora make any promises to the judiciary in exchange for his appointment? Etc. Etc. Etc.

    From what I read in the previous post, the judge’s “reasons” were merely a recitation of the law that allows the court to make the appointment and a transcript of what happened in the courtroom.

    While not a legal requirement, I think the judge should have enough common sense to realize that some level of transparency is warranted when making an appointment to a political body.

    1. Buddy, get a hobby. What difference does it make why he chose Corpora? Clearly the other 25 people were no good, so counsel asked the Court to pick someone. So the Court did. Seems pretty straightforward pal

    2. Agree. Jeff Corpora is an excellent choice and Judge Dally should be commended. I know Jeff well and he is a reasonable sensible individual who will be respected by his colleagues.

  2. I agree with 4:05 pm. I have no problem with Jeff as a person and he will more than likely fulfill his role with integrity (something I hope rubs off on others), but his “surprise” (his word, not mine) selections begs an explanation. Did Judge Dally just put the names of all NC citizens in a hat and Jeff’s was the one chosen? Did Jeff invite Dally to speak to his government classes? Are the two friends, like Morgie and Stevie? All Dally had to say was that I am appointing Jeff, a man who didn’t apply for the Council vacancy, because I have seen his work in the classroom and with civic organizations and feel his leadership will be valuable to the county. There, Craig, easy to do and would answer a lot of questions.

  3. The court owes no explanation for who it picks or why. County Council had 30 days to make its selection, abdicated its respons0ibility and deferred to the courts. The courts have 15 days to pick someone who is a US citizen who resided in the county for a year prior to the commencement of the term. How the courts arrive at that determination is their business.

    My guess is that the court ruled out those who applied bc none of them could get five votes from council.

  4. Bernie O’Hare 8:23 am said: “The court owes no explanation for who it picks or why.”

    Legally, no. Morally, yes.

    Like County Council, judges are elected officials who supposedly serve the people.

    The people deserve an answer as to how Corpora was chosen. 99% of the people in the county probably couldn’t name a county judge, much less be given a “surprise” appointment by one of them.

    Not letting the people know is a disservice to the people and undermines Corpora. Was he placed there to do the Judiciary’s bidding on council? Is he their rubber stamp?

    If the judge doesn’t have the decency to reveal his relationship with Corpora and the details of why he was appointed him, perhaps Corpora should be a little more forthcoming in his description of events.

    1. It’s humorous reading this comment. What is it to you? You act like the Supreme Court just appointed the next president. It’s a freaking counsel position that, as you say, 99% of Northampton County residents could care leas about, let alone name them.

      I assume you are some retired hag who just needs to bitch about something

    2. Bernie should have been appointed !

  5. Because most people like this appointment, there is little grumbling. As I previously wrote, I have no problem with the person, but rather the process. Dally took a few days to come to his decision and the benefactor himself proclaimed Dally’s call a “surprise.” I’d like to know what made Corpora attractive to Dally. Perhaps the infallible man in black need not explain himself to the unwashed, but this is yet another example of a lack of transparency on the county level.

  6. The judge could issue the reasoning for Copora, but at his discretion. We may never get a legit story behind this, but it is what it is now.
    Copora will show his side soon. He’s a Dem from a big D family, and he has been given the “ no need to question him” free card from the judge.

  7. Perhaps the council, who gave up their right to vote on this , can ask Copora how exactly this all came about? Including why none of the 20 some candidates who interviewed and filled out forms, were dispensed of rather quickly by the judge?…seems a bit mysterious.

  8. I am confused at your confusion. 25 people put their hat in the ring. None of the were apparently good enough so counsel threw their hands up and asked the court to pick someone. The court did.

    What is the confusion here?

    1. ….well..15 plus interested applicants applied. Copora not listed.Copora randomly chosen out of nowhere …Copora surprised…Copora resigns other duty to avoid conflict same day as chosen…Copora surprised ..we must honor the judge choice, but not question the reasoning because council people refused to to their job…Copora placed on council with little to no county interest prior to surprise court appointment. As a public figure holding a public office, as his own family knows, it’s not about the judge’s decision, it should be an open discussion on who and how he intends to govern..not confusion, just intention.

    2. Why don’t you run for office. See how many votes you get.

  9. Jeff Corpora will not be a rubber stamp for the obstructionists or for Lamont, so I say he is a good pick!

  10. This was an honorable appointment by an honorable judge. Jeff Corpora is a union Democrat who won’t be beholding to or a rubber stamp for the executive. Satisfies both sides. Perfect .

    1. No confusion, just curious explanation how his surprisename came out of nowhere when there were 20 other legitimate candidates? Plucked randomly from the sky? I think not.

  11. Obviously there's no obligation for the judge to say why he picked who he picked, but I also totally understand why people would be curious why this particular guy who didn't apply for the job, rather than any other resident of the county, got a phone call asking if he was interested. It seems a little silly to not acknowledge that it's normal to wonder about the discussions behind the scenes, even if there was nothing untoward about the process.

  12. Anonymous 7:48: "Union Democrat" has McClure rubber stamp written all over it. We may never know what kind of backroom deal transpired here but it's certainly shady.

  13. I don't think any explanation is really needed by the court, the pick makes sense to me. Follow the logic... There was a field of applicants that County Council **could** have chosen from - they couldn't (or wouldn't) agree to select one of those applicants so the Court figured Council didn't like the current pool of contenders and simply looked elsewhere for a qualified individual.

    Seems like they found a guy who has experience and knows something about how local government is supposed to work and has lived and worked in the county for decades. Add the fact that he neither ran for the office, nor was among the initial batch of volunteers for the position and I think the court selected an individual perfect for the job/role.

  14. You are correct. There isn’t. It is what it is now.

  15. Jeff Corpora is n excellent choice, He is fair and open minded. I have known him since I had him as a students and then as a well-respected teacher and coach in Easton. He is a man of high integrity and will bring a good approach in his new role. I wish him best wishes for success.

    Sal Panto, Jr.

  16. Apparently Mr Corpora doesn’t have to, appointed to his last 2 positions.

  17. Bernie Ohare: the rubber stamps are quietly trying to undermine Corpora before Council even meets as the comnent above reveals. I’ve refused a few others I decline to publish bc they are unsubstantiated. It’s sad to see this from people who blatantly misrepresented what happened at a county council meeting to the president judge and got caught. They have seriously damaged their own credibility and reputation and should be a bit more concerned about themselves.


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