Local Government TV

Monday, February 26, 2024

Pa.State House 136 Race: Incumbent Bob Freeman to Debate Challenger Taiba Sultana

Incumbent State Rep. Bob Freeman will square off against Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana in the race for Pa. legislative district 136. They will debate on March 5, 6 pm, at the Shiloh Chapel in Easton. (201 Brother Thomas Bright Ave.) Both are Democrats, so this race could be over in the primary election. No Republican has filed a nomination petition. 

Freeman's district includes Easton, West Easton, Glendon, Freemansburg, Hellertown, Wilson Borough, Williams Tp and parts of Palmer and Lower Saucon Tps. 

Sultana currently faces assault charges over a domestic incident with her adult son over the summer. Her criminal case is currently scheduled for April 29, although Attorney Ettore "Ed" Angelo said at her preliminary hearing that he was applying for a special program for first offenders called ARD. A conference has been scheduled before President Judge Craig Dally on March 6, the day after her debate. 

In her time on Council, she has sparred with Council members Israel's invasion of Gaza, and has asserted several times that she is a victim of their racism and sexism.   

Most recently, she submitted a nomination petition circulated by her husband that forged the signature of State Senator Lisa Boscola. When Boscola and Freeman took offense, she called them members of the gerontocracy, a slur at older people. Whether this is a smart tactic in a race and district dominated by more mature voters remains to be seen. 

On her Facebook page, She gas slammed Freeman and Boscoloa over their refusal to pass "the botan [sic] to the younger generation, they are afraid of loosing [sic] the power.

Incidentally, she's no spring chicken herself. According to her criminal docket, she is 41 years old. 


  1. This is not a debate. South Side Civic Association host candidates night every year.

  2. Separation of church and state? The current trendy Jew hatred would go off the charts if this was held at a synagogue. Right?

  3. The fact that Taiba's grown son still resides with her and is actively supporting her campaign raises doubts about the authenticity of the incident and suggests that her arrest may have been politically motivated.

    This situation prompts me to consider the potential abuse of power by corrupt officials. If they are capable of targeting Taiba in this manner, one can only imagine the injustices they may be inflicting on those who are unable to speak out.
    The Easton police department has a troubling history of racism and police brutality.

    An African American police officer filed a lawsuit against his own department citing discrimination and racism within the force.

    In another incident, a black man's home was raided following a Facebook video he shared after receiving a traffic ticket. He was violently assaulted in front of his children and unjustly imprisoned, leading him to sue the city.

    Similarly, a woman of color was recently arrested while attending a backyard party and also took legal action against the Easton police department.

    These cases are not obscure; a simple Google search will reveal their existence.

    Accusations against Taiba for forging signatures should not automatically deem her guilty. Such allegations often stem from political maneuvers, as seen in the case of Mark Pinsley, a candidate for Pennsylvania Auditor General facing similar accusations.

    It appears to be a tactic employed by those in power to remove their challenger from the ballot.

    1. Taiba please stop posting this irrelevant nonsense. It’s always someone else’s fault, or pure racism. Please go find a real job a stop sucking off the general public. Go away

    2. Domestic violence is a serious issue. Lots of victims don't come forward to report their abuse because they're afraid they won't be believed. I think your comment is gross and very damaging to victims of domestic violence.

    3. Taiba
      Allow the police to release body cam footage to the press. That will help your case that you are targeted.

    4. I actually agree. This is all the Easton PD and the Former DA. Taiba don’t let them get away with it. Release the bodycam footage to the public/press. And since this is a bs. I’m sure she won’t have to take ARD. Since are is a punishment for guilt. I’m sure Baratta throws this out since it’s a bs charge.

    5. Taiba please stop. You’re digging the hole deeper and deeper.

  4. Forty-one is young! However, her problem is that instead of acting like a 41 year-old elected official, she seems to act more like a 14 year-old bratty teen.

  5. Freeman and Boscola have been in Harrisburg far too long, but what has Sultana done at the local level to advocate for term limits? How about offering a city charter amendment for a 2-term limit on the mayor?

  6. Freeman is a dinosaur but this is not gonna get him unseated as the D incumbent in a primary contest. She is a disaster along with the wicked witch of West Easton. No contest here..keep moving.

  7. Couldn’t agree with you more… all political offices should have term limits. But she is not the answer

  8. She looks horrible for 41. And has done nothing on council.

  9. 41 is relatively young compared to 70. If Freeman has children, they are at a younger age in Taiba. I will vote anyone over a white old man. We have seen a disaster in Washington.

  10. " I will vote anyone over a white old man"

    And there you have it. A person who complains about racism, xenophobia and sexism is basing her campaign on a hatred of people who are white, older and male. Pretty ironic, n'est pas?

    1. Easton needs to wake up. Taiba is a RACIST and an Agest She needs to move far away.

  11. "The fact that Taiba's grown son still resides with her and is actively supporting her campaign raises doubts about the authenticity of the incident and suggests that her arrest may have been politically motivated."

    I'm always impressed by Taiba's ability to write in the third person, without breaking character

  12. Anonymous 11:44:

    In 2020, there was a woman of Asian descent on the ballot for US president.

    In 2022, there was a Turkish-American on the ballot for PA Senate.

    Did you not vote for either candidate? My guess is no. My guess is that you also just learned there was a woman running for US president in 2020.

  13. In 2024, there is a woman of Asian descent running for President.


  14. This debate will give Taiba the momentum to oust Bobby F. Minds will be changed and hearts will be warmed. She feels the pulse of the people!

    1. She’s DOA or should I say Your DOA lol

    2. Lolol she is a racist nut job People already know

  15. Her group won’t be the only group watching and responding….

  16. The Easton PD should be investigated but Backstabbing Baratta is being held at gunpoint by Freeman and his mob of limousine liberals who use the progressive label to get into office and then shit on every good thing the people want them to do so they can steal union money and kick all the black people out of their communities to make space for wealthy Manhattan elites. Freeman will pay for his worthlessness and Taiba is the one to make him pay.

    1. You totally unhinged

    2. Agree totally unhinged , and out of touch with our community, our government, our state…….she/they blindly offer rage and ugliness based on no facts, no history ,
      No respect at all for those she would potentially work with…she is finished.

  17. This is not a debate. It’s a candidate forum and there better be a good moderator and guidelines set out to ensure it stays civil and does not turn into a circus act.

  18. Sultana and her family should get the counseling they desperately need and stop airing their dysfunction in public.

  19. She's Mezzacrazy with lower hygiene standards. Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. She's the reason Freeman will have to be pried from that seat. He knows the next generation of Ds is certifiably batshit crazy.

  20. She's like a bad rash, that keeps coming back.

  21. I only vote for heterosexual males (any race or creed). They're the most targeted group in American life, and they are still perceived as the great Satan. That's impressive. You have to appreciate that swagger and staying power. The patriarchy works. You know it does and you can't say it out loud or share your best memes, which is sad.

  22. Tainba, it is time to be honest with yourself. I believe it is you that is racist and ageist. Every time you get caught in a tight spot, you accuse your opponent of being racist. We’ve heard it all before. Your opponent Mr. Freeman is an honorable man. He never skipped out on his rent and he never trust someone else’s property. I hope that you don’t use your campaign funds to pay the judgment filed against you. I would suppose if your campaign funds are audited that the auditors will also be racist, because that’s how you roll. I would like to hear from you about everything you have done on city Council. Are you attending meetings? Are you doing anything to help the residence of the city? What makes anyone think that you would work hard in Harrisburg if you don’t even work hard in city government.

  23. Bet that Taiba will be late and have a multitude of excuses why…….

  24. Is there a link to watch this debate? I was unable to attend but would like to see what happened and judge for myself.


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