Local Government TV

Thursday, February 08, 2024

NorCo's New Website: What I Like and Dislike

Northampton County's new website (norcopa.gov) has been operational since mid January. Unfortunately for Fiscal Affairs Director Steve Barron, there was a County Council meeting the day after it went live. He and Executive Lamont McClure received complaints about its aesthetic appearance and more importantly numerous broken links. Now that it's been operational for a few weeks and we've all had a chance to get used to it, I thought I'd share what I like and dislike, and I'd appreciate your feedback as well. 

What I like:

1) On the old webpage, you had to  click on "Administration" to find the elections office. On the new page, a link to the elections office is at the top of the webpage. 

2) The popular tasks feature (located on the left sidebar) provides immediate access to frequently accessed information. I was unaware that the county actually had a link to requests for bids on county projects or that it is possible to bid on county surplus property. It also includes job postings. 

3) Under Events (also located on the left sidebar), you can see what meetings are scheduled. For example, the Elections Commission intends to meet on March 5. People interested in the integrity of our elections process should be there.  

4) A link to crisis resources is at the top of the page for people who need help concerning child abuse, elder abuse, suicide prevention, homelessness assistance, help with utility bills, addiction and mental health. A person in crisis should be able to access this help right away. 

5) The webpage includes contact features so you can message anyone, from DA Steve Baratta to NorCo Council member Tom Giovanni. 

What I dislike:  

1) Though there is a "Pay my Bill" tab at the top of the webpage, it is still impossible to do so online. That should be made available as soon as possible.

2) A link for Right to Know requests should be in the main page. 

3) There is too much fluff on the main page. "Northampton County By the Numbers" is more propaganda than informative. 

4)  The top of the main page "Northampton County is About ..." is too large. You have to scroll halfway down to get into the meat. 

5) The main page contains two pics of the county executive. This is supposed to be an information source, not a campaign page.  They should be removed. 


  1. Don't forget where whomever made it has it listed...Court of Common Please. Lol

  2. It kind of like the Northampton county facebook that posts only what Lamont did. They never have what is going on in other offices or what other employees do on the Facebook page. Pure campaign tools for the executive.

  3. Fair. Should they remain, the pages that show the executive's campaign photos should be prefaced with a click-to-continue warning for disturbing content. He looks like Rachel Levine in a suit.

  4. Those are no pictures of the County Executive. Those are pictures of Lou Costello and Oliver Hardy.

  5. Website is great ! The brainchild of that Swiss Army knife of a man Stevie Barron !

  6. First thing see is that the site is "Not Secure"?

  7. Did Lori Vargo Heffner (R) Saucon Valley order you to write this post ?

  8. Jesse James Creative did a wonderful job, and Mr. Barron hit it out of the park on this one.

  9. To look at Steve wouldn’t think of him as a creative techie kind of guy.

  10. I'd prefer a convenient link under "Popular Tasks" for parcel searches, which is very common reason for accessing the county website. I too could do without the oversized photo of the blooming cherry tree.

  11. You’re right there goes McClure again bragging about tax and budgeting cutting.

  12. I dislike that supporting materials are no longer posted with council agendas.

  13. "Did Lori Vargo Heffner (R) Saucon Valley order you to write this post ?"

    Actually, Lamont McClure solicited feedback at the council meeting two weeks ago. Also, Steve Barron has asked me about it numerous times. He wants to deliver a responsive product and yes, he is pretty good when it comes to the IT. I have seen that over the years. He has actually created several himself.

  14. "I dislike that supporting materials are no longer posted with council agendas."

    There was a problem with that before the meeting in January. Hopefully, that is no longer an issue.

    "I'd prefer a convenient link under "Popular Tasks" for parcel searches,"

    I agree. Good point. But I am a title searcher, lol.

  15. "You’re right there goes McClure again bragging about tax and budgeting cutting."

    Someone submitted a comment noting that the main page of LC's website contains Phil Armstrong's mugshot. It does, and that is a link to his periodic discussions of different aspects of what his county is doing. He often has guests. I am sorry that I accidentally deleted the comment instead of posting it.

    In the NorCo main page, unlike Lehigh, there were two photos of and a quote from McClure. One is his budget address, which is old news by now. I notice that, in the hours since this post published, one of the pictures of Lamont has been removed and replaced with one of Ron Heckman, lol.

    An even better idea might be to have an "employee of the month" pic with a brief description of what that person does.

  16. Ron Heckman is an extraordinarily handsome man. His visage will drive site traffic through the roof. Let's address the central issue before us: will a Ron Heckman swimsuit calendar be forthcoming? Proceeds could benefit a hairdresser apprentice program. Let's get this done.

  17. Off topic here but, whomever coined the term, “McClueless” as a nickname for McClure, I’d like to reassign the nickname to “DA” Baratta. As it would fit him PERFECTLY! It is astounding how clueless he is in that office. With his level of experience within the Judiciary, it is confounding. He is bent on modeling everything after Lehigh County, because he is at a loss for direction. That’s all you hear him talk about is Lehigh County’s model for almost everything, it is troubling and rather cringey. BE A LEADER! THINK FOR YOURSELF! This is not a one size fits all office, for God sake. MANY people in Lehigh are even discussing this, it is embarrassing. I believe this comes from not wanting nor willing to dig in, commit to the HARD work it takes to come to know the little staff that is left, build a rapport, develop a concrete plan to move forward, not blame everything on the prior DA. Amazing Attorneys have left shortly after he came in to the office because it was abundantly clear there is no reasonable way to work with him. LEHIGH COUNTY…..LEHIGH COUNTY. That’s what his plan is for OUR Office of the District Attorney. I work in Lehigh County, live in Northampton County, so I am hearing from both as to the farce of an office that is only the beginning of the next four grueling years. Northampton County is the laughing stock of MANY. Trust me on that.
    DA McClueless….please be a leader, not a follower!!!! M

    1. I’m sure his new DA from Lehigh County, who has the personality of a can of paint, has some input to this.

    2. Did you see Barrattas quote about retail theft in the interview he did with Lehigh valley news? He said who cares if you get a retail theft conviction! Doesn’t he see what’s going on around the country with the theft rings. What an idiot!

    3. That is another tangible example of his reckless mindset. What is going on in that office is not good whatsoever.

    4. He has made it clear which crimes and which victims he cares about. He has a few professional prosecutors left, but he doesn’t value them more than means to an end. His ego. If he reads the oath, I’m not sure how he can continue in good faith.

    5. I could not agree more!

  18. Government cannot do anything right.

  19. 12:35, Your comment is unhelpful. The whole point of constructive criticism is to point out what is right and what is wrong. Making absolute statements like you just did is nothing more than complete negativity and unhelpful. I'm sure there are many things government does right for you and that you take advantage of everything you can.

  20. Nobody want to see pictures of Lamont show pics of the Maine Memorial. Stuff like that.

  21. I think Lori and John Brown should meet behind a closed door as they do before every meeting, and develop a new website.

  22. Change is never easy, but this website is highly functional and pleasing to the eye.

  23. You’re so right. The timing of the rollout was a classic Barron Blunder.

  24. The new website is mostly fine. I suggest adding sponsorships and interactive features. For example: meeting agendas can be sponsored by Draft Kings, and bets could be placed on the outcome of votes, etc. Imagine the revenue that Dally's appointment decision could have generated. I also think it's time for Ron Heckman to ask Taylor Swift for a date. If she can do half as much for NorCo council as she has done for the NFL, it would be a stunning achievement. While I've read she doesn't dates men with better hair after the John Mayer and John-John Kennedy missteps, I still think Ron Heckman has a shot. Travis Kelsey will need hair plugs in two years.

  25. Speaking of the website. I don’t see where Council has any functioning committees or committee chairs. What gives ?

  26. The site is great. Just another McClure win !

  27. It’s good to have a highly competent Jack of All Trades like Steve Barron also be the Master of a website.

  28. "Speaking of the website. I don’t see where Council has any functioning committees or committee chairs. What gives ?"

    To Kraft-Keegan Warren rubber stamps: Your comment has nothing to do with the topic, and you know that the Council Prez was waiting for a full Council before making assignments bc she expressly told you. You are still trying to be divisive at a time when you really should be laying low. I am sure that Judge Dally is a bit miffed with you right now.

  29. The comments about Steve Baratta are also off topic. He has been in office a little over a month. I did not support his candidacy but he should be given a chance.


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