Local Government TV

Monday, February 05, 2024

Kraft, Keegan and Warren Prove They Are Rubber Stamps

When I left you last week, I told you that Northampton County Council was deadlocked in appointing someone to fill the County Council vacancy created by the January 2 resignation of Tara Zrinski. After two failed ballots, they voted to send the matter to the courts. County Council Solicitor Chris Spadoni advised Council that he'd be in motions court on Friday to petition the court to appoint a qualified candidate within 15 days, as required under the Home Rule Charter. Spadoni was there as he said he would be, but so were Council members Ken Kraft, Kelly Keegan and Jeff Warren. They were joined by County Solicitor Missy Rudas, who introduced this troika and presented motions court with a dueling petition seeking the appointment of union business agent Paul Anthony.  They used the County's own lawyer, who serves at the pleasure of the Executive, to file a motion filling the open Council slot with the person Executive Lamont McClure wants installed. Despite their constant denials that they are rubber stamps for the Executive, their actions on Friday prove that is precisely what they are. 

I'll be reading the petitions today, but can tell you I'm more than a bit confused about why the County Solicitor was there. She is supposed to represent the County's interest, not those of a faction seeking to consolidate more power in the hands of the Executive.   

What bothers me even more is that facts were misrepresented. According to Lehigh Valley News, both Rudas and Kraft argued that, while County Council voted the previous evening to declare an impasse, they never voted to send the matter to the courts. 

This is incorrect.

After two failed ballots, this is the motion as stated by Council President Lori Vargo-Heffner. "At this time, I'd like to make a motion to send this to the courts since we're going to have an impasse ... ." 

Kraft actually seconded this motion, the one he now denies was ever made. 

In addition to proving once and for all that the Kraft-Keegan-Warren triumvirate are rubber stamps, they also displayed the behavior of petulant schoolchildren unhappy they did not get their way. 


  1. They are unbelievable in their arrogance. They have set the stage for a very contentious few years for Council. They have lost before they've even begun.

  2. Ken Kraft is running their clown show and the other 2 blindly follow. Also, how can they use a County solicitor to go against their own solicitor. This reeks of dirty and possibly illegal tactics.

  3. Why is a taxpayer paid county solicitor doing this work if the council has their own? Who is this Anthony and why all the problems with him. If he is controversial, he should withdraw his name. This is very suspicious. Sounds like three council members have gone rogue.

  4. Hasn’t Rudas created a Conflict of Interest by her actions? Isn’t what Kraft,Keegan, and Warren, are proposing a type of circumvention of an agreed upon vote ?
    The 3 amigos voting /agreeing to let the courts decide, then challenging their own council decision, weakens
    Weakens and dilutes council and individual integrity and effectiveness. There are articles/guidelines under the PA Constitution and HRC which govern and hold elected officials accountable for inappropriate behavior ,as is happening, including removal from office and disqualification from holding any office of trust in our commonwealth. It’s time to stop the sophomoric nonsense and demonstrate leadership by law for this county.

  5. "Kraft actually seconded this motion, the one he now denies was ever made."

    Hey Ken, video is a thing and it proves you are lying. In your faux tough guy days, what did you consider more spineless: rubber stamps or liars? Asking for everyone who is honest, with an actual working spine.

  6. How did Missy rudas send a certificate of service? To all residents in Northampton county?

  7. We just need to follow Ron Heckman’s wise counsel here. He voted for Paul Anthony, therefore, it must be Paul Anthony.

  8. Paul Anthony is an intelligent well-informed gentleman who serves Northampton County in many capacities. I think the Court would do well to pick him.

    1. Yes, Kelly we know you and Jeff and Ken support him. Here's the thing, you still don't understand the importance of putting someone on the Council who will vote against the executive if they think he is wrong. You can't imagine why that would even happen. You said so yourself which shows that you are indeed a "rubber stamp".

  9. I think Lori Vargo-Heffner is correct. We must do everything we can to stop McClure from instituting an employee health center.

  10. I guess Missy doesn't care about ethics or her law license

  11. If Northampton County Court is the sewer Lisa Tresslar says it is, watch Kerry Myers crawl out of it.

  12. Cusick is the most experienced and the Judge should contact him to see if he would consider the job before considering anyone else.

  13. Speaking of the Court, if Germaine Green did the things Lisa T. says he did, why does he still have a job ?

  14. It doesn’t matter what happens to this appointment. Lamont will work hard to make sure the contestants on their way to the Gong Show don’t screw everything up.

  15. Unbelievable! Ken Kraft is the problem here. Kelly Keegan looks like a fool. Judge Dally will do what’s right and fair. The solution is to appoint someone both sides don’t like, an independent and a free thinker.

  16. It is just another corrupt thing that is going to be handled in some backroom deal like all the other sh-t is handled in Northampton County. Probably the most corrupt County in the state and that is saying something with philly and Pittsburgh in this state.

  17. What is positively astonishing to me as that four of the current commissioners actually voted for Kerry Myers. He broke the law, nobody wanted him on the county council again, and that’s why they didn’t support him, I don’t see how any judge would appoint him after he falsified his petition. The current commissioners who are voting for him are their own rubber stamps.

  18. We are blessed to have Lamont as our County Executive. After Lori gets done destroying the Home Rule Charter he’ll probably end up being on the Board of Commissioners forming the majority with Tara.

  19. Again your report is wrong.

    a vote to send it to the courts means that council voted to let the court decide who would be appointed. We did not vote to have Spadoni appear for council, nor as council members did we see the petition that was filed or presented to the courts by Spadoni on councils behalf. Did you see anyone circulate a petition for our approval at the county council meeting or hear a vote to send that petition to the courts?

    It seems that LVH had this in mind from the beginning, she had the petition prepared by Spadoni without other council members knowledge and without a vote before the council meeting even began. She herself decided the appointment would be sent to the courts. That is why she was so quick to shut down the vote.

    We did not go to the courts with Melissa and she did not represent us in court. She was there to object to Spadoni filing Lori's petition in court. We were called up by the judge to attest to the fact that we never voted to have Spadoni appear in court for council and we objected to the filling.

    We were in court, pro se, to file our own petition as per the home rule charter, It is our right to recommend to the court as a county council member a name to be considered.

  20. "I guess Missy doesn't care about ethics or her law license"

    I have known Missy a long time, and she is both an excellent lawyer and an excellent person. My conclusion is that, in her view, she can take the action she did based on the belief she is defending the Home Rule Charter. I will know more when I read the petition she filed later today. From what I do know from the news account, she clearly misunderstood that the motion was to send the matter to the courts, not just declare an impasse. Ken Kraft clearly did understand this. Not only did he second LVH's motion, but he requested LVH to call the question and then received a detailed explanation from Spadoni on the actions that would be taken.

    From what I know now, I believe her actions were a mistake. She represents the interests of the county. In the case of quarrels with another branch of government, she represents the county executive. She does not represent county council and it would be improper for her to represent three members of county council in their internecine warfare with five other members. So the only way she could get involved like this is at the direction of the Exec, which shows that he is very much behind the push for Anthony and that he wants to add to his collection of rubber stamps. It is an obvious, ham-handed power play that will serve only to make him and his troika look pretty bad in the eyes of the court and the public.

  21. "Speaking of the Court, if Germaine Green did the things Lisa T. says he did, why does he still have a job ?"

    Because he was doing what the court told him to do.

  22. Like sand through an hour glass so are the days of our lives in Northampton County. Just waiting for Victor Newman to come out of the courthouse one of these days.

  23. I got to hand to Spadoni. He’s not bright, but he’s not bright either.

  24. December 7, 1941, September 11, 2001, January 6, 2021, and now February 2, 2024. There has never been a bigger threat to democracy here in Northampton County than what happened on February 2, 2024. This was a direct and vile assault on the democratic process of the Northampton County Council by McClure, Kraft, Keegan and the other guy in order to circumvent the duly elected voters of this great County. This was an attempt to install McClure as dictator for life! I think I can speak on behalf of all Northampton County residents when I demand insurrection charges be filed immediately with a trial before the Hon. Robert A. Hawke within a week. We cannot waste any time. This has been the greatest threat to our democracy since 1/6 and then before that 9/11. We must stand up against tyranny!

  25. "The 3 amigos voting /agreeing to let the courts decide, then challenging their own council decision, weakens
    Weakens and dilutes council and individual integrity and effectiveness."

    The vote was 5-3 to send this to the courts. Keegan and Warren voted against sending it to the courts, but Kraft actually both seconded the motion and voted Yes.

    Their actions on Friday threaten majority rule and seek to interject a tyranny of the minority (or rubber stamps) into county government.

  26. Anyone can submit a petition for the appointment, including the council commissioners, so what exactly is the problem you have or anyone else? For all you know there are 10 other petitions that have been filed with 10 new names.

  27. After watching the video, it is very clear that the vote was to send the appointment to the courts on behalf of Council. Kraft is not smart enough to figure out how he could challenge it so this is likely Morganelli trying to outlawyer Spadoni. It should fail miserably and just piss off the President Judge.

  28. People need to give Lori more credit for being a master politician. Her alliance with John Brown, specifically designed to propel Brown back into the Executive Suite is working perfectly.

  29. Where is the story about four council members trying to put on a known liar? Another four votes for Meyers but not a story to be seen. You’re a great reporter Bernie

  30. Ken, My report is 100% accurate and you are 100% full of shit. I quoted verbatim the motion that you seconded. When you voted to send this matter to the courts, that necessarily means that your county council solicitor would do so. If there was any doubt in your mind, that was dispelled when Spadoni very clearly explained to you that he had prepared a petition to present and explained to you what was in it in some detail. You raised no objections although you object to everything else. It was very clear that your troika of rubber stamps were not going to budge from consistently voting for the same person, so of course he had the petition ready for what we all knew was going to happen. What you did was contrary to your own vote as well as the rule of a majority of five Council members. You may have filed your petition pro se, but the county solicitor was there to advance your interests. This is nothing short of a ham-handed power play in which three members of Council plus the Executive are subverted the will of a majority of Council members.

    You're a very good water boy for the administration who wants to turn County Council into a third wheel on the bicycle of county government.

  31. Exactly Bernie @10:16 am. Kraft is often full of shit, but he's McClure's pile of it. The video doesn't lie, but Kraft can say no such thing about himself.

  32. I watched the meeting and after reading Krafts response on this blog, I watched the vote again. Kraft is right. There was a motion made to let the courts decide and Kraft seconded the motion. After the vote Spadoni said he had a prepared petition to present to the court but it was never voted on or given to members. Kraft asked what was on the petition so apparently it was not seen by members. They didn’t vote on the petition or sending Spadoni, only to let the courts decide. I’m not an expert on council rules but it seems to me they would have to vote on that as a body. Does one person on council get to make decisions like that? Doesn’t seem right to me.

    1. They do not need to approve what goes to the judge! They approved going to the judge for a decision, that’s it they’re done.

  33. "Where is the story about four council members trying to put on a known liar? Another four votes for Meyers but not a story to be seen. You’re a great reporter Bernie"

    I noted the votes for Myers in multiple rounds in my account if the first meeting and actually labelled those votes as votes for obstruction. In my account of the second meeting, I noted the two rounds of voting in the comments, but not the actual story. Perhaps I should have done so. In the comments, I also noted that, in a second round, the same four council members who voted for Myers switched their votes and went with Peter Melan. So they were willing to change, but the rubber stamps refused to deviate from the Executive's fourth rubber stamp.

    1. If their stated goal is to obstruct the county executive, which was clearly made at the two meetings, why should the newly elected commissioners compromise their principles so the obstructionists can achieve their goals?

  34. Kraft asked Spadoni to clarify what he was sending to the courts on the video. Spadoni did that and Kraft had no objection. Again, Kraft is not smart enough to do this on his own, Morganelli is trying to go toe to toe with Spadoni on this one. Morganelli and Kraft should lose if Council is to salvage any credibility for the future.

  35. "Anyone can submit a petition for the appointment, including the council commissioners, so what exactly is the problem you have or anyone else? For all you know there are 10 other petitions that have been filed with 10 new names."

    Any member of Council or any group of five registered voters can file a petition. I know from the docket sheets that the only two petitions filed come from the 5-3 motion of Council as well as the motion from the rubber stamps. They have the right to file a motion, but it is redundant bc a majority of Council already decided to do so. They filed a motion seeking the appointment of a specific individual. This is not permitted under the Home Rule Charter. They can ask the court to make an appointment, but not to appoint a specific person.

  36. Bernie what exactly does the home rule charter say about about this? Would you mind quoting it? I’ve never read it and admittedly don’t really want to, lol! But I do really want to know.

  37. Hmmm, are procedures voted on by the council or by the president? Once they voted to let the courts decide, do they have a procedure on how council proceeds to petition the courts? If not shouldn’t that be voted on?

  38. the Court, upon the petition of any member of the County Council or
    any five (5) registered voters of the County, shall appoint an
    individual to fill the vacancy within fifteen (15) days after the
    filing of the petition. The individual appointed to fill the
    vacancy shall take office immediately upon appointment and shall
    serve the unexpired term of office of the elected official.

    yes we petitioned the court to have it filled with Paul Anthony. we voted 4 to 4 for Paul

  39. So .... Ken lied. Receipts always make worms squirm. Go ahead and squirm, Ken. There are receipts and you're lying.

    Now, hop on Lamont's lap where you belong. Who's a good boy? Ken's a good boy!! Arf arf.

  40. "Bernie what exactly does the home rule charter say about about this? Would you mind quoting it? I’ve never read it and admittedly don’t really want to, lol! But I do really want to know."

    Here is the exact language from the HRC: "If the County Council fails to appoint an individual to fill the vacancy within thirty (30) days after the occurrence of the vacancy, the Court, upon the petition of any member of the County Council or any five (5) registered voters of the County, shall appoint an individual to fill the vacancy within fifteen (15) days after the filing of the petition. The individual appointed to fill the vacancy shall take office immediately upon appointment and shall serve the unexpired term of office of the elected official."

    At their meeting on Thursday night, County Council voted 5-3 to send the appointment to the courts. That necessarily means their lawyer would have to file a petition, something that was made clear to them and to which no one had any objection. Under the HRC, it is true that any single member of Council can file a petition, but it would be a redundant exercise since Council already voted as a body to ask the courts to "fill the vacancy." Nothing in the HRC gives any Council member or person the right to seek the appointment of a specific person. They only have the right to ask the court to "fill the vacancy." The actions by Kraft, Keegan and Warren, with the assistance of the county solicitor, were an obvious attempt to supplant the expressed wishes of Council and have someone appointed that lacks the support of a majority.

  41. "Once they voted to let the courts decide, do they have a procedure on how council proceeds to petition the courts? If not shouldn’t that be voted on?"

    No. That would be absurd. Council has never voted as a body to approve the specific language of a lawsuit or the various pleadings that go back and forth in the course of matters filed in court. That is why they have a lawyer. Kraft is not a lawyer, which is pretty obvious.

    1. I’m not asking about the petition itself or its language. I’m asking if they have a procedure on the next step once the vote is taken to let the courts decide? Seems to me this has never happened before so they should vote on a procedure. Seems like someone got ahead of themselves and just decided on a procedure and maybe council members really didn’t have a say.

  42. "I’m not asking about the petition itself or its language. I’m asking if they have a procedure on the next step once the vote is taken to let the courts decide? Seems to me this has never happened before so they should vote on a procedure. Seems like someone got ahead of themselves and just decided on a procedure and maybe council members really didn’t have a say."

    That is obviously horseshit, Ken. County Council has been involved in numerous lawsuits and court matters over the years, and has NEVER voted on specific pleadings to be filed or motions and the responses to those motions. Nor should they. What you suggest is absurd. The simple reality is that you dishonestly represented what happened at the Council meeting and now are attempting to squirm out of your shady behavior in court and with the media.

    1. That isn’t me Bernie

    2. I’m not Ken. I’m actually a she who prefers to keep my identity private and you still don’t get my question

    3. I personally know people from council on both sides of this. They have different opinions. There’s no communication between the sides.

    4. He answered the question. It wasn’t the answer you were looking for. This stunt was bottom feeding politics at its best. No surprise that two union hacks are behind it.

  43. Again, I hope the President Judge is taking the false statements by the group of 3 petitioners into consideration and shuts down any request from them. He could begin the process of restoring Council's integrity by picking someone other than the 3 amigos request.

  44. What is the county solicitor’s authority to present a petition if she does not represent council and can’t represent only 5 citizens as the county’s lawyer? Is there other authority in the HRC or statutes?

  45. "I’m not Ken. I’m actually a she who prefers to keep my identity private and you still don’t get my question"

    Actually, I answered your question. You just pretend not to understand it.

  46. "What is the county solicitor’s authority to present a petition if she does not represent council and can’t represent only 5 citizens as the county’s lawyer? Is there other authority in the HRC or statutes?"

    She arguably has no standing, something I'm told Judge Dally suggested to her. I believe she can assert that she was there to defend the HRC, but she was actually advancing the interests of the three rubber stamps at the same time.

  47. " Kraft is not smart enough to figure out how he could challenge it so this is likely Morganelli trying to outlawyer Spadoni. It should fail miserably and just piss off the President Judge."

    Actually, I think John himself would laugh at such a kooky argument.

  48. Mr. Kraft is that why you, Keegan, Warren, McClure and Rudas met in her office right after the county council meeti8ng? This was a planned insurrection on your part whiteout the consent of county council. You should resign.

    1. If this is true then neither Warren nor Keegan can be that naive. That means they have no credibility when they deny being rubber stamps for McClure. Everyone knows who Kraft owes, so him being part of this is just another day.

  49. Frankly, in reviewing the HRC Sections, many of these members have knowingly and willfully violated numerous provisions and should be subject to dismissal.
    Section 812..violation , Section 811..Conflicts of Interest, Section 809..Political/Union Activity/favors, Section 107..Forfeiture of office ..knowingly/ Willfully violates any provision …not to mention lying,
    Circumventing a council decision, obstruction of vote, and failure to perform their jobs as elected officials. They already have lost their dignity and worth in the eyes of the electorate.

  50. The obstructionists are just mad because they want their own rubber stamp.
    Boo hoo, we want someone who will vote with us Wahhh! I feel like I’m in middle school again. It’s funny how Bernie vilifies the rubber stamps and throws love at the obstructionists. It’s like the Jets and the Sharks!

  51. "Frankly, in reviewing the HRC Sections, many of these members have knowingly and willfully violated numerous provisions and should be subject to dismissal.
    Section 812..violation , Section 811..Conflicts of Interest, Section 809..Political/Union Activity/favors, Section 107..Forfeiture of office ..knowingly/ Willfully violates any provision …not to mention lying,
    Circumventing a council decision, obstruction of vote, and failure to perform their jobs as elected officials. They already have lost their dignity and worth in the eyes of the electorate."

    Council members may not be removed by their own or by referendum, notwithstanding provisions in the HRC. Those provisions vio0olate the Pa. Constitution.

    The only way an elected official can be removed in Pa is by (1) impeachment and conviction, followed by Governor removal; or (2) conviction of an infamous crime, followed by court removal.

    I doubt the antics we've seen rise to grounds for impeachment.

    1. Fair enough, but their bias and undermining antics are on display and are far from how a functioning council should perform.
      Don’t see this ending well for them or the county.

  52. Ultimately the voters are responsible for this circus. These three and Zrinski were funded and supported by the County Executive. I'm shocked, shocked they would be rubber stamps for the administration! If the people wanted checks and balances in Northampton County government they would have voted differently. Elections have consequences. Kraft and company are just doing what we voted for them to do.

  53. The reason McClure wants Anthony is that Anthony will not represent the county or its residents, he will represent the unions. McClure at some point will run for higher office, and he’ll need the unions to finance him.

    Gotta love politics.

  54. This Blog is so hilarious in its self-seriousness. It matters not what is printed here.

    1. Maybe 2:28, but it’s taken seriously enough that council members feel the need to respond and post here. Bernie drives me nuts sometimes but I think he does a pretty good job with the blog.

    2. and not just Council members...Barron too don't forget!

    3. The County Council members read this for a laugh like the newspaper comics. The only person who takes it seriously is Heckman.

  55. Ken Kraft should be President. It’s February. We aren’t going to have a functioning County Council until at least March.

    1. hah, aha, aha...oh that's a good one!

  56. The home rule charter says any member (meaning singular)council member or five registers voters may petition the court to appoint an individual. No where does it say that council as a body should petition the court to choose from 20 candidates. Read it for yourself:

    If the County Council fails to appoint an individual to fill the vacancy within thirty (30) days after the occurrence of the vacancy, the Court, upon the petition of any member of the County Council or any five (5) registered voters of the County, shall appoint an individual to fill the vacancy within fifteen (15) days after the filing of the petition. The individual appointed to fill the vacancy shall take office immediately upon appointment and shall serve the unexpired term of office of the elected official.

    1. Wow, looks like the 3 newbies are the only ones following the HRC.

    2. Ha, the 2 Dem newbies and 1 Dem paid for henchman are just now using Cliff Notes to understand the HRC.

  57. I watch Jeff Warren speak. He makes a lot of sense. Smart. Earnest. He’s done good work everywhere he’s been. People should pay attention to Jeff.

  58. !Heckman voted Paul Anthony. He’s Dean of the Commissioners of the County Council. End of the story. It must be Anthony.?

  59. Ron Heckman wants Paul Anthony that’s good enough for me.

  60. Jeff Warren is a disappointment. Was hoping for more from him in terms of rounding out the egos and adding independent thought.

  61. The real atrocity and true story here are the four obstructionists voting to appoint a person who broke the law by falsifying his petitions because Democrats wouldn’t support him and help him get signatures. Then he is an opportunist and changes parties and STILL doesn’t get any support. No one wants him yet he is so arrogant he will try anything to get back on the Council. Brown, Goofredo, Giovanni, and Heffner are the real story here. Shameful!

  62. Heckman is a Republican in old goat clothing!

  63. Isn't Warren a twice caught drunk driver? Not very smart. Not very safe.

  64. @2:54 AKA Jeff Warren, no need to post on this blog. We all know how great you are. Look at you with followers all the way from Boscolas office, Easton, Hanover and now County! By the way, I don't think much of you.

  65. Get used to the rubber stamps from KWK Gang. Kraft, Warren, & Keegan, will always put party first. That makes for great fodder here but, does it make anything better? Doubt it.

    I wonder if Keegan is still violating EASD policies by working on county business during school hours when she should be tending to her duties as a school nurse?

  66. The county council has displayed its helplessness and lawlessness in allowing the exec and gang of 8 to steer and control the council to a standstill.. They successfully paralyzed the HRC rules and preyed upon each other without legal accountability before allowing the courts to offer a decision which they had agreed upon.
    Sounds like we need a reset on all these people.

  67. "Isn't Warren a twice caught drunk driver? Not very smart. Not very safe."

    My comment policy does permit anonymous personal attacks against elected officials, but this one is not exactly relevant to the topic at hand. Let me add that the only real difference between Warren and most of us is that he got caught. I am an alkie who lost my license to practice law, so I won't throw stones at Warren over his booze history. ... I'll throw stones over what he's doing now, lol.

    1. Not cool at all. This blog is a rag and is for drama queens.

    2. If true, 2 DUIs convictions is a direct indicator of poor judgment and an attitude that one does not care about laws or the safety of others. I don’t think anyone is or should be joking about addiction. It’s his decision to get behind the wheel drunk is what really concerns me, especially after his 1st conviction that is concerning. His actions here defy legal authority as well. When does defying legal authority become a pattern? I realize it’s different, but you have been airing out Sultana’s family issues on this blog pretty regularly.

  68. Now we get to see what these Judges are made of. Ten will get you twenty they won't pass the smell test. Rumors are already coming out of the Courthouse that the fix is in for one of the Judge's friends to get the appointment. Let's see what the PJ does and the ruling that comes down.

  69. You've abdicated your responsibility by refusing to compromise and insisting on one person. So don't blame the courts because the fault ultimately lies with Council.

  70. Uh-oh, looks like my comment about them being typical Democrat rubber stamps was a little too close to the bull's eye. 😆

  71. So yes, this council group has abdicated their responsibility to the courts..but why is there no
    Retribution or punishment to elected paid officials who blatantly and openly refuse to perform the very duties they were elected for?
    The courts will decide and this group will continue to be at each others throats, attempting to block and undermine each others agendas.
    So, no reprimands, no hand slaps, and no accountability to do their job…except don’t vote for them again.

  72. " It’s his decision to get behind the wheel drunk is what really concerns me, especially after his 1st conviction that is concerning. ... I realize it’s different, but you have been airing out Sultana’s family issues on this blog pretty regularly."

    As I recall, Warren was never convicted of anything. He was placed on ARD both times because they were more than 10 years apart. Moreover, these incidents occurred a very long tome ago, when Warren was young and still immature. I allowed your comment but it's really not relevant. As for Taiba Sultana, her arrest is quite recent and is part of a pattern of things like code violations for garbage around her home, a booted car and her incessant attacks on Easton City Council members that show she appears to be somewhat unbalanceed.

  73. and yet she continues to show up at events for photo ops and any exposure she can get……we are heading down the wrong road with this


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