Local Government TV

Friday, February 02, 2024

Courts Will Have To Appoint Someone to Zrinski Vacancy on NorCo Council

NorCo Council tried and failed for a second time last night to appoint someone to the County Council vacancy created when Tara Zrinski resigned on January 2 to become County Controller. After two failed rounds of voting, County Council voted to send it to the courts. 

The vote was 5-3 to ask the courts to make the appointment. It was supported by Council members Lori Vargo-Heffner, Ron Heckman, Ken Kraft, Tom Giovanni and John Brown. It was opposed by Council members Jeff Warren, Kelly Keegan and John Goffredo. 

Council Solicitor Chris Spadoni advised Council that he would present a petition to the court this morning, asking the judges to make the appointment. Once that is filed, an appointment must be made within 15 days. Spadoni indicated his petition would note that there were 20 applications, but that the courts can appoint anyone who meets the relatively low eligibility requirements. 

Some have speculated that President Judge Craig Dally would pick whomever Judge John Morganelli wants installed because Morganelli helped Dally become President Judge. My own view is that the courts will punt and send this to an out-of-county judge precisely to avoid any political recriminations. Besides, they're pretty busy arranging funerals.

This failure by Council reveals that, whatever it is, it is not a governing body. 


  1. The embarrassment isn't that Northampton County Council can't govern, but the Courts would consider going to an outside source because they would play politics. What the hell is going on in this County?
    I can name you three really good individuals that would be great candidates and they aren't on the list. What a disgrace.

  2. I'm disappointed they didn't even try to nominate anyone. What was even the point of delaying it to February 1st if no one was going to try? I was looking forward to watching Ron wax poetic in 20 minute intervals while Ken visibly seethes in the corner again.

  3. Well these folks can let the courts know of their interest by contacting court admin, but I suggest they do so right away..

    I don't see how the court can make an appointment because they have so many matters that come before Council and the Exec. But that's me.

  4. And there it is, the first official predictable act of the new faux commissioners and council is that they cannot play well together for the good of this county.
    Gonna be an interesting run with the gang of 8.

  5. The courts should not be appointing anyone. Political.

  6. This is an abject failure on the part of Laurie Vargi Heffner.

  7. Ron Heckman was weak and pathetic last night. He’s enabling John Brown to Ron County Council. Heckman should quit. Let the court replace him too.

  8. Isn’t this really Lori’s mess ? She’s a terrible leader. Her failure to find common ground proves she should not be Prez.

  9. Thank God Lamont is County Executive. While County Council plays at being Commissioners the work will still get done.

  10. Wow ! Lori emerges from the back room meeting with John Brown. 2 staged votes and let’s go to Court. This is the Apple Dumpling Gang !

  11. More like the Keystone Cops. The rest of the year will be mired in petty squabbling while nothing gets done. Go work Ron. You should retire.

  12. And, you thought the last Council was the dumbest. This one just said hold my beer.

  13. Heckman was bemoaning Council’s failure to appoint. It was his fault. His giving cover to Lori’s pact with J.B. is the cause of this dysfunction.

  14. This is basically the political infection that has paralyzed Washington and Harrisburg, now sinking even deeper. Pure partisan theatrical warfare where the #1 goal isnt to get things done, just make your opponent(s) look bad.

    Everyone complains about government, everyone complains about politicians, yet we send the same idiots who do the same thing over and over and over.

    Half of every comment on this blog somehow involves "the border crisis" yet it now appears that Republicans are intentionally foot dragging actual legislative attempts cobbled together by a mix of moderates from both sides of the aisle. Would this legislation solve the problem entirely? Probably not, but at least it would be a step in the right direction. So why won't it get passed?

  15. McClure is probably laughing at these fools. Tax breaks for Pektor. Can’t pick a replacement for Zarina. He’s looks good in comparison.

  16. Why is Lori Vargo Heffner so bad at her job ?

  17. BO, one question. How do you make it thru these meetings without a barf bag?

  18. I hope they appoint someone with some critical thinking skills. We don’t need another partisan hack, and definitely NO MCLURE RUBBER STAMP like the three already there.

  19. "I'm disappointed they didn't even try to nominate anyone. What was even the point of delaying it to February 1st if no one was going to try? "

    Well said. The LVH obstructionist block first voted for Kerry Myers, the worst of the qualified candidates. The Kraft rubber stamps attracted Ron Heckman and voted for Anthony. 4-4.

    When that failed, the obstructionists went with Peter Melan while the rubber stamps continued with Anthony. 4-4.

    There was no desire to try to resolve the impasse. Everyone seems dug in.

    (Haytko is not qualified as per the HRC bc he fails to meet the residency requirement. Council should have ruled him out.)

  20. "Why is Lori Vargo Heffner so bad at her job ?"

    I'd argue they are all at fault here. I believe she should have conducted more discussion and more rounds of voting last night instead of abdicating her responsibility. To my knowledge, this is the first time Council has ever been able to appoint someone to a vacancy. I also think she is at fault when she tried to prevent McClure from passing out a handout during his report to Council. That was petty.

  21. Serious question Isn’t LVH being anti-union bad for her politically ?

    1. Yes, it is bad politically for her. We , the union workers are watching the way she is voting , and we will not forget !

  22. Q. Who designed a system that would send this kind of decision to county court?

    A. Someone(s) with foresight who thought it might be necessary.

    The system works. I don't want council getting along. I want discussion and debate and disagreement. Even gridlock has a legislative purpose. Those who didn't get their particular way are notorious for yelling, "dysfunction!" It's not dysfunctional. It's functioning precisely as drawn up. Hats off to the stubborn. Hats off to those who crafted this process. Hats off to a working system, which is rarely pretty, but beautifully imperfect.

    1. Sounds like you’re just bored. Get a hobby.

  23. John Brown is playing Lori Vargo Heffner masterfully. Brown doesn’t even open his mouth in public and he is clearly in charge of County Council.

  24. We really do have to heap scorn on Ron Heckman here. He’s crying about Council not doing its job, while John Brown is outmaneuvering him at every turn. Hang it up Heckman.

  25. John Brown is clearly the winner here tonight, but if Cusick comes back he may have outsmarted himself.

  26. Judges routinely pick replacements for vacancies in the 3 Commissioner form of government throughout the Commonwealth PA, so there's no need for recusal.

    Ultimately the fault lies at the feet of the voters who are turning Northampton County into a Lamont McClure Dem political patronage machine. As the Republican Party spirals into irrelevancy, we are one election away from becoming a one man, one party "urban growth regime" in Northampton County.

  27. Cusick and Brownstone are the leading Republican candidates for County boss. Brownstone won’t want Cueball back on the Commission.

  28. Put Myers back on. Every circus needs a clown.

  29. Lori’s and her Advisers Plan is not backfiring magnificently. Nice work Ladies.

  30. Vargo Heffner has now definitely shown she is unfit for Leadership. Good thing John Browntown is the real Commish.

  31. Ron. Is. Really. Slowing. Down.

  32. Under the PA Constitution. article 6. ..civil officers shall be liable to impeachment for any misbehavior in office, but judgement shall not extend further than removal from office and disqualification to hold any office of trust under this commonwealth…
    Seems that these “civil officers” are not behaving well as representatives under the HRC and PA Constitution……suggest “removal” and disqualification….by the book ..replace them.

  33. The civil officers raised, objected, voted - as is their job. But let's throw them out of office fewer than 90 days after a general election. Good grief.

  34. Did you see this????? https://www.lehighvalleynews.com/northampton-county/northampton-county-commissioners-their-solicitor-file-opposing-county-court-requests-to-fill-board-seat?utm_source=piano&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-news-nl&pnespid=vLxuUStZP6wF2Oadvm_5A4DRpwq8U8BpJOezyuB1twdmabVVvRHU20PTxnPbN0HpQ49ByAP1IQ

  35. LVH still hasn’t appointed committees to anyone. She has single handedly stopped the county’s business.

  36. Apparently the rubber stamp three, as I like to refer to them, showed up in court with a different solicitor. They asked Judge Dally to appoint Paul Anthony. They are alleging Vargo messed up. The circus continues.

  37. Somone on council made an astute observation some time ago. Theys said that council as a whole worked well together accept the vote was often 7-2 with Lott and Zirinski going with whatever McClure wanted. So fast forward to now. You have five members who appear to be able to work together and three new members who will only vote the way they are e instructed by McClure. That would be obvious to anyone. If you want further proof look to filling the vacancy, they never wandered from McClure pick of the big union money man. Even Keegan in her own goofy way said no one is even close to him in ability, she is even less smart than Zirisnmki.

    If you want more proof, The council solicitor petitioned the court on behalf of county council to fill the vacancy. Not to be undone, McClure had Kraft, Keegan and Warren petition the court separately to fill the vacancy and sent Anthony's resume to the court. If that is not three people who are under the complete control of the county executive what is. We will now see if the court is under McClure's controls. Trump lite is a disgrace to Northampton County. Time to go back to commissioner government and not one-man rule.

    1. Why do you keep sayin McClure’s hand picked? You believe that McClure has the ability to hand pick council members? You need to stop commenting on things you have zero ideas about

    2. And you need to get a clue. Of course they're handpicked. McClure put Kraft in a county job and as soon as Kraft was vested for a pension....he's back to do his quid pro quo. Keegan is an easy pawn as she knows nothing about County government or the political power playing. Disappointed with Warren though. He should know better. He got his lesson when he dared oppose Panto...smack no more city council for you!

    3. Kraft has been Mcclures man does whatever he needs to no matter the position to do what McClure wants. That is a fact

    4. Look at campaign finance reports.

    5. Some of these comments look like their from Lori herself. A few individuals who are extremely pissed off. In my experience your not doing a good job if your making everyone happy.

  38. Please do not attack Lori Vargo Haffner in these comments. She’ll have the pink haired lady who passes out at Council meetings writing pithy comments here.

  39. Listen we need Kerry Myers to get off Twitter, and bring the heat to the Commission !

  40. Should be a person of the same political party as the seat vacated. A judge should not change the political makeup of a board and over rule voter intent. That goes both ways. Seems there are plenty of qualified people.

  41. Mr. Anthony should have withdrawn his name. With all the money given to some democrats by his union, he should never have submitted his name. Also, the way McClure and his rubber stamps are pushing him has to make one very suspicious of all involved. The new people do not seem to smart. What is going on?

  42. This council has already lost any semblance of credibility. The gang of 8 successfully torpedoed the trust and ethics code, if one even existed, before they performed one act of good governance. The ninth wheel of this careening train will not make it better, no matter how he/she is selected or performs…..this group of 9
    Has failed leadership 101 already.

  43. The failure to replace Zarinski is all Lori Vargo Heffner’s fault. She chose to ignore texts, phone calls and emails from Kelly, Ken and Jeff. She chose to reorganize with John Brown and the Republicans. She then chose to try and fill the vacancy the same way. It blew up in her face. She’s bad at this, but it’s exactly what the Rs want.

  44. Talk around town is the Dems are getting 5 new candidates together to unseat the current At Large commissioners. They say Lori needs to be replaced. We will always accept her as a Republican though. She can switch like Myers did.

  45. By creating a pact with Goffredo, “I talk to Lori more than anyone on this Council”, Lori Vargo Heffner has chosen the path of not just obstruction, but of the outright negation of the 2021 and 2023 Election cycles. Both cycles won by Democrats, and on the themes that Jeff Warren campaigned on, which happened to be the same themes Lamont campaigned on in ‘21. Lori Vargo Heffner is anti-Democratic and anti-democratic.

  46. 9:25, I thought the supposed pact was with Brown. Get your conspiracy theory straight. LVH is far from anti-Dem or anti-dem. That is absurd. She opposes some of McClure's policies, and in some cases, Lamont's policies are anti-Democratic. Lamont refuses to pay higher wages to county workers. This is contrary to the Democratic party. LVH supports higher wages. This is consistent with the Democratic party. Lamont supported a responsible contractor ordinance. So does LVH, even though a similarly worded ordinance failed in the Democratic bastion of Bethlehem. This is consistent with the Dem party. LVH supported the air monitors. This is consistent with Democratic party ideals. She even supported the nonbinding ban on plastic straws. Lamont opposes the incentivization of warehouses with tax breaks. But he supports tax breaks for manufacturing, even if it means the destruction of green fields. This is inconsistent with his otherwise noble support of open space. LVH supported it in UMBT but opposed it in Wilson Borough for the Dixie Cup proposed warehouse. Unfortunately, both parties tend to support tax incentives that create uneven playing fields and ravage our greenfields. LVH can argue her support for the tax break in UMBT creates jobs, which is consistent with the Dem party. McClure can argue he is protecting the environment in UMBT, which is inconsistent with his support of tax breaks for manufacturing. McClure support a health center for county employees while LVH is opposed, not to the concept, but to the bidder. This opposition cannot be framed as anti-Democratic. In sort, LVH opposes some of McClure's agenda. She believes that Council exists to provide oversight, while McClure wants a Council of rubber stamps. This happens with executives and county councils and has nothing to do with party politics.

    1. Bernie O’Hare! I’ve never seen you defend someone so vigorously! It’s almost Valentine’s Day and I suspect congratulations are in order!

    2. Be careful Bernie, you know Dist. Attorney Fani Willis wishes she was.

  47. Bernie you’re dead on about this. Lori is much more a big D Dem than McClure. McClure is always running around talking about tax cuts and budget cuts. Traditional Republican themes.

  48. "Talk around town is the Dems are getting 5 new candidates together to unseat the current At Large commissioners."

    You mean Five McClure rubber stamp democrats. The county Dems are just fine. It is you mini MAGA's that have a problem. McClure has you eating out of his hand as he destroys the local democrat party for his own ego. Someone needs to Teach these people a civics class, so they learn about government.

  49. As long as the court selects someone who is an intergalactic ambidextrous vegan LGBTQIA+++OU812AFLCIO Democrat. I want all boxes checked. Please and thank you!

  50. John Morganelli seems to be running the county. He encouraged Baratta to run against Houck, who Morganelli proclaimed was his friend. Now Dally owes him because he is the president judge? (And why would anyone want the hassle of being PJ?) When does Northampton County’s master manipulator turn 75?

  51. How long before a decision is made by the judge(s)? Will this be dragged out because of politics again?

  52. The decision must be made by Feb 19.

  53. Wow….so once the decision is made, the 8 members have no recourse or say do to their giving up their authority . The 9th member,
    whoever she/he is , will be in a rather unique position of power or pressure. Popcorn time.

  54. Well, if the person picked is one of McClure's choices, we will know that JM influenced the decision.

  55. Compañero Terra's moccasins cannot be filled, however the E.L.F and D.G.R are in talks to find an acceptable appointee stay tuned.


  56. This just proves NORCO Counsil can't agree on matters.

    Counsil can't pick someone out of a list of qualified people COME ON.
    After 2 Rounds of Voting SAD ...

    It's a SHAME that a Court Judge has to step in to choose now.

    1. Steve Lynch for county council!!!

  57. Sam Elias would be a perfect selection for County Council


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