Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Sultana To Seek State House Seat

Two weeks ago, I told you that Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana was looking for a political consultant to help her take on popular incumbent Bob Freeman, a State Representative for  the 136th state house district. Freeman has already announced plans to seek a 20th term

In my view, 20 terms as a State Rep is about 15 terms too long. But I'd support him for 40 terms over a divisive character like Sultana. 

Sultana currently faces assault charges over a domestic incident with her adult son over the summer. Her criminal case is currently scheduled for April 29, although Attorney Ettore "Ed" Angelo said at her preliminary hearing that he was applying for a special program for first offenders called ARD. 

In her time on Council, she has sparred with Council members Israel's invasion of Gaza, and has asserted several times that she is a victim of their racism and sexism.   

The 137th District includes Easton, West Easton, Glendon, Freemansburg, Hellertown and portions of Palmer, Williams and Lower Saucon Tps.  


  1. Congratulations, Taiba! The Shah family is rooting for you. You can be a great Representative.

    1. I totally agree and support her for representative in Pakistan

    2. I don't believe she'd be representing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Pakistan.

  2. Bernie sounds like he wasn't invited to her announcement party. You are upset because she introduced a ceasefire resolution Or because of her personal family affairs? You are a jackass.

  3. In looking at PA Docket Sheets this loon has no fewer than a dozen entries over last five years - including a summons out of Monroe within last few weeks. I realize a few may be minor but I think my name appears once in the last 10 years (I rolled a stop sign in the Nazareth circle and Pompey got me).

    I agree that a handoff from Freeman is overdue but as BOH says this is not the chick. Image the photo ops that would take place if she were to get elected. Has she ever had a real job other than the restaurant she and her husband walked away from in Pburg? She is obviously trying to use politics as a grift. It is bad enough that she was elected to council. Let’s not double down and make a bigger mistake.

  4. How did t5his woman get elected? I don't know anyone that will openly admit they voted for her. Now her own son has brought criminal/domestic charges against her. My vote and money will go to Freeman.

  5. I applaud her courage. Her passion to serve is commendable. It's not easy to face hate while being a minority in a city like Easton where 70% of the population is White.
    She doesn't deserve the hate that you have been throwing on her. I wish her a good luck.

  6. If she's successful, it will be Freeman's fault for staying around for 85 or whatever number of years. Politicians are one of our lowest life forms. Professional politicians who remain for decades in the citizens' legislature, and spend their adult lives on the dole, as wards of the state, are truly the lowest of the low. You also realize after to speaking with Bob for a few minutes, that he's pathetically out of touch and utterly unemployable in the real world. If he had any shame, he'd have retired long ago.

  7. I can tell you Cities in the coal belt Invite some of the legislation Freeman proposes to assist is survival and Revitalization. Freeman is a champion for Revitalization. There are reflections of opportunity in every store front in Easton and Bob's policies in some fashion were contributing factors. I have spoke to Bob years ago about some of his legislation. He is not in my districts but I see him as the "Bob, the comeback champion".

  8. What a shit blog. This is the reason I like to stick with the main Steam media, regardless of how biased they can be sometimes.
    Barnard's blog is more decisive than anything else.

  9. If tRUMP can run for president, she should be able to run for date office. After all she has less legal problems.

  10. Honestly, I have seen worse than that. These unproven allegations mean nothing while your current president is a child molester. We had a former president Trump with a rape record. He is now running again with 91 counts.
    I don't see Councilwoman a bad person.

  11. She is an opportunist in the worst definition of that word. She's got no expertise to offer so she'll buzz around wedge issues and others that she has no actual impact on in the office she holds.

  12. 1st 2 comments are sultanas and she's already working the voter fraud angle. Get a real job and go away...

  13. This woman is in a state of perpetual hysteria! She is exactly what we do not need in an already dysfunctional government. Her politics of grievance and victimhood are the last thing we need in Harrisburg. We need competent and steady leadership, not someone with obvious mental health problems.



    As for Sultana, she and her ilk (Kerry Myers, Tara Z, Brown, Boscola, Biden, Harris, various local Judges et al) really enforce how laughable our politicial system is.

  15. Good to see shes finally dropping the façade of caring about the community, and showing her true colors that she's only using it as a springboard for higher office.
    funny part is, she'll never get elected.

  16. " It's not easy to face hate while being a minority in a city like Easton where 70% of the population is White."

    Easton is 60% white compared to a county that is 85% white according to US census data. Much of her district is outside of Easton and far whiter I don't know whether you realize it, but you just insulted that community. Being white is not a sin. Being white does not mean you hate minorities. I'll readily agree that we are guilty at times of racism, myself included, but there are very few haters. Ironically, Sultana claims to be representative of the community. Does this mean she is representative of a community that hates minorities? Does this mean the most members of the community are cited by code for failing to cut their grass and leaving all kinds of garbage in their yard? Do most members of the community get their cars booted for failure to pay parking tickets? Do most members of the community get sued by landlords for nonpayment of rent? https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/eastoncitypennsylvania,northamptoncountypennsylvania/PST045222

  17. I love the comments about Easton being racist. Bernie didn’t she get elected in Easton? But now they’re racist?? Didn’t her husband win in Easton area against Zrinski, but they’re racist?? I don’t believe the city is racist, I just think they see through Taiba

  18. Bob has been in office for far too long. He was given 40 years to work on the issues that matter to us.
    It is time for fresh blood and a bold voice. I believe a woman like Taiba will get things done.

    1. 1205pm. What makes you think Taiba will get things done? What has she got done for the residents of Easton that elected her to a 4 yr seat that she is leaving after 2 yrs.

  19. Unfortunately, you can’t count her out because the average voter ignores credentials and character and either votes based on party or affiliations. The days of integrity counting in an election are gone. Ms. Sultana, though, may find that she has bitten off more than she can chew because she has a lot of dirty laundry (and yard), which will all be in play during the election.

    To the person who posted “this chick,” please use a more favorable descriptor so as not to feed into her sexism claims.

  20. Trump is our next President--his policies are superior to the democrats on every issue--the 91 indictments are all left-wing radical democrats' proposals--all of them are doomed just like all the other ways they tried to get him.

  21. The mask. Lol. It's the only thing that could make her appear dumber.

  22. Taiba Sultana You got my vote. Hope you win big and beat down on the white old men who are simply racist bigots and hate powerful women. I will be voting for you, as many times as possible.

  23. Freeman’s agenda didn't work in 40 years what could he have done in another two years? Harrisburg is broken. It's time to shake up the PA House. I will give Taiba a shot. Change is needed and it's coming.

  24. Bob Freemman is a hardworking state representative who gets results for his district.

    I'll be sending his campaign a check later this week.

  25. I look forward to her butting heads with Freeman in the primary.

    The docket in Monroe that RalphQ references is a ticket for an expired parking meter. That doesn't disqualify someone for office. In her case, there are a myriad other examples that can be cited; (pun intentional).

  26. Anonymous 1:45:

    Yes, that photo accompanying this post is terrible. The photo she released with the LVL article is much better and appears to be a professionally taken publicity photo. I would think fair use would allow Bernie to use the more flattering one...if he so chose to.

    Anonymous 2:18:

    Grow up. But, I'll give you this: she's got the "beat down" routine mastered. So, yes, she's now going to go to court about that but it does show she's got the skills.

  27. It's time for a change. Taiba is a real deal. At least she will make some noise to address the real issues instead of keeping her seat warm as Freeman did.

    1. Taiba is a subject looking for a picture frame.

  28. I like the gumption SUltana has: she takes personal affronts, which other experience as well, and fights for what pisses her off. But, I'll take a calmer rep when legislation for my district is up. She can grab it if she lessens the firebrand and works a bit more cohesively with council (unless a member is true Nazi MAGA). Grandpop Bob is mad old tho! LOL!

  29. I'm frankly tired of all politicians but definitely tired of those who claim they're discriminated against. Stop dividing the country by voting for extremists and those with victim narratives. Life is and should be tough. Get over it .

  30. Bernie O’Hare to 4:19, the photo posted is from her own LinkedIn page

  31. Taiba is intelligent and knows her stuff. She wouldn't take any crap from the establishment or the democratic party. She has been open about her ideology and that's one thing I like about her. People who are talking about her claim about sexism are wrong. Taiba is the first woman to run for that district since that district was created in the 60s. What other information does anyone need to know about how sexist and misogyny that district is.

  32. I am 70 years old white woman. I can say it's time for a woman to lead. We need more badass women like her, who are not afraid of challenging the status quo.
    Don't get me wrong, nothing against Bob but it's a time for a good representation. I wish her a good luck.

  33. Send this nut packing. She’s crazy!

  34. Speaking of photos, the photo of Freeman in the link looks like it was taken 20 years ago.

  35. Lying Dog-Faced Pony SoliderJanuary 25, 2024 at 12:38 AM

    I'd vote for Sandy Vulcano before I would vote for Sultana.

    1. Taiba is not running against Sandy Vulcano. Sandy was a rubber stamp to Mayor Panto for 20 years. She was defeated by Taiba two years ago. What do you think is why the council and the mayor doesn't like her? It's because she denied being part of the Panto Machine.

    2. How many times has she not voted at Council with Sal?

      Yeah, keep trying

    3. Taiba has no clue as to what’s going on at city council. She once voted NO to adjourn! She quickly changed it as she has no idea what’s she’s doing.

    4. She always votes with council and Sal. She never once voted against Sal. Peter did, not Taiba

  36. Taiba is known to over exaggerate, and stretch truth about her accomplishments in Easton.
    She has no true Easton background, she is a walking photo opportunist at events, and an under glorified zarinsky type looking to use politics to enable her financial needs. She cannot follow rules, nor does she care. She cannot even be at her own council meetings due to her self interests. A hollow shell is all she is.

  37. Lying Dog-Faced Pony SoliderJanuary 25, 2024 at 12:53 PM

    I'd vote for Sandy Vulcano's husband in his current state before I'd vote for this crackpot. May he rest in peace.

  38. When she gets smoked by Bob Freeman, what's next ? Is she going to run against Lamont?

    1. The best person to run against Lmont is, Lori Vergo Heffner. She is another strong, independent, fearless woman after Taiba.

  39. She is just like Trump. Lie, steal, abuse and when people turn on her, she blames everyone else. And calls everyone racists, sexists etc..

  40. Taiba is a pretty decent and kind human being. She has been a great rep for the city and will be a great rep for the state.

  41. I don’t understand why Representative Freeman’s seat is being challenged. Is the local party behind this move? The challenge seems very opportunistic & petty.

  42. Wow lots of complaints on Freeman being in office so long, and how could this woman possibly get elected. The answer is very simple, vote the D and nothing else. The party has complete control over who runs in this district, and the voters gladly oblige. Most voters don’t even know what the person they are voting for looks like, believes in, stands for, or tends to vote for. They just know they have the same letter next to their name as their voter registration card, and that’s enough.


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