Local Government TV

Thursday, January 25, 2024

NorCo Council Should Be Careful What it Wishes For

Perhaps the biggest complaint I hear from some members of Northampton County Council is that, all too often, they are the third wheel on the county government bicycle. I agree. One-man rule has been a trend on the state (emergency powers) and federal (executive orders) level as well. County Council is the first branch of government described in the Home Rule Charter. To me, that's a telling indication where most county power should be vested. But if County Council is unable to appoint a person to fill a vacancy, it will have demonstrated that it is, after all, the weakest branch. 

If County Council is unable to make an appointment at its February 1 meeting, any Council member or any five registered voters can petition the court to make an appointment. If such a petition is filed, the court must make an appointment within 15 days.  At that point, County Council loses control over its destiny.

Contrary to what some Council members seemed to have thought, the courts can appoint anyone who is qualified (US citizen who has resided continuously in the county for a full year prior to the commencement of the vacated term). The court can reach beyond those who filed applications with the county and select anyone. 

Because the court interacts with County Council on a regular basis, it might even ask an out-of-county judge to do the honors. I think any appointment made by Northampton County's bench would be immediately suspect. 

If County Council is serious about its desire to be relevant, individual  members need to put aside differences and appoint a person who will inform himself or herself on county issues and be their own person. Unfortunately, Councilmembers have been more interested in hearing the right answers to questions about the LERTA or the health center than they are in finding the best person. I frankly feel those questions are a disservice to the candidates and the residents if the county. 


  1. The three have, made it clear despite their double talk that they have all their orders. Kraft the hammer of McClure keeps his foot on their necks you can be sure they will not move. Unless they are instructed to vote for another Executive approved person. Any work for consensus must come from someone or some others. The JM politics graduate does not believe in cooperation. Hopefully they will figure it out and leadership will emerge. There must be an adult or two in the room?

  2. Council is apparently able to respond to requests from DA Baratta in order to significantly increase pay for his new hires. Council did its job in crushing DA Houck’s office. If you read Rudy’s article, this shows you in money what Baratta has already made clear in actions. The last of Houck’s team has being been forced out. And he doesn’t care how understaffed it makes him. Council does what it’s told.

    1. Clearly they were earning their pay creating a 3000 case backlog...what in the fuck was Houck and his staff doing over the past 4 years...

  3. This council has already exposed its weaknesses. I don’t see leadership. I see bullying and manipulation as their choice of tools.

  4. Disagree. You went native long ago. You want a kumbaya world where we agree on things and have a Coke. Many of us want vigorous discussion and disagreement. Our system is built to stall amid sharp disagreement. Some find it unseemly. Many understand that gridlock is built into our system and it is beautiful to see. It demonstrates that the system works as designed.

  5. Heckman, Heckman he’s our man if he can’t do it nobody can.

  6. Commissioner Heckman is smart and capable.

  7. Ron Heckman has been a Democrat longer than Lamont’s been alive. Ron represents true Democratic thinking.

  8. When using local labor was all the rage, it was ultra, mega-pro-union Councilman Ron Heckman who wrote that law !

  9. Social media can be a nightmare. We all need to do better and start saying nice things about people like Lori Vargo Heffner.

  10. I think when Ron wakes up and realizes Lori has been manipulating him to effectuate her Faustian bargain with Brown and the Republicans, he’s going to be filled with Righteous Anger.

  11. Ron Heckman rains down hell-fire on the Wicked, like Steve Barren, the way another Ron used to do to his victims.

  12. Can Council or the Courts "DRAFT" someone who didn't submit their name for Consideration. You say "YES". are you sure? I can think of several really great candidates that didn't want to go through the circus atmosphere of council interviews but would make great council members.

  13. I am absolutely certain. Candidates could appear at courtesy of the floor or submit their names to the court if it goes that far. There is nothing in the HRC that requires candidates to submit resumes or provide a letter of interest or go through an interview.

  14. Someone has a real hard-on for Ron Heckman.

  15. Yes, and I have started deleting some of the submitted comments bc they are getting ridiculous. These attacks on Heckman and Vargo-Heffner for refusing to bend the knee are becoming absurd.

    1. Too bad you didn’t shield Tara Zrinski and Lamont McClure in the same way. Tsk, tsk.

  16. Um, I pretty much allow criticism of elected officials and policy makers. But these are repetitive, add nothing to the story and frankly have become annoying.

  17. "Someone has a real hard-on for Ron Heckman."

    Right? the vitriol towards him is off the chain.

    Here's the deal: I've known Heckman since the last century. He is conscientious, diligent and smart. Unlike some her serves for the right reasons, and his heart is in the right place.

    and to quote warren zevon...his hair was perfect

  18. BO, keep up the good work. Your news of norco provides me with my first laugh of the day.

  19. 11:40 am, before you anoint Baratta a savior, please remember that part of the understaffing is due to his own ego because he fired some who may have seen him for what he is — an inept prosecutor with a superiority complex. As for your assertion that there was a 3000 case backlog, I would have to see proof of that. If you are basing that on something Baratta told you, double-check the facts because he isn’t known to be terribly well acquainted with the truth.

    1. Absolutely. Mind you, before council aligned behind Baratta, Houck was fully staffed. Stop raises and performance bonuses and the departures are exponential. Now that they got Baratta, the cash is flowing like water - new DA gets signoff to acólate his budget as he sees fit. Despite the promises, the new DA is bringing in middle age to retirement age white men to fill the seats. Including diminishing victims, he’s done everything he accused his predecessor of. Congrats on the Lehigh minor league team he’s creating. And as for the backlog, he was on the bench when it was created. He and his colleagues were major players in the mess he campaigned on. The top county prosecutor hasn’t tried a case in over 20 years, and wasn’t very good without Morganelli propping him up. Congrats NorCo. It’s the justice you asked for.

  20. "I frankly feel those questions are a disservice to the candidates and the residents if the county."

    Those questions would be thoroughly teased out before voters in an election. Sitting council members have had to answer all of them. They are fair game. Mr. Smith goes to Washington was a movie.

  21. Ron is nice enough, but he is definitely a single man filibuster.

  22. " I will delete criticisms of my comment policy,"

    I am the sole judge of what gets published and what does not.

  23. 5:27 pm: I don’t know who you are, but so glad you have a clue. You’re my favorite poster!


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.