Local Government TV

Monday, January 29, 2024

How Do We Respond to Drone Attack That Killed Three US Soldiers in Jordan and Injured 30+?

Three US soldiers stationed in Jordan near the Syrian border were killed on Saturday night by a kamikaze drone attack that also injured at least 34 more. According to President Joe Biden, "we know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.” 

How should we respond? 

President Biden: "[H]ave no doubt — we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing."

President Trump: "This terrible day is yet more proof that we need an immediate return to PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, so that there will be no more chaos, no more destruction, and no more loss of precious American lives. Our Country cannot survive with Joe Biden as Commander in Chief."

Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (on Thursday, before the attack): ""Until Iran feels that its own interests and its own IRGC officers across the region are threatened, attacks on U.S. forces will continue."

Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer: "We must work to hold those responsible accountable."

So far, as McConnell has observed, we've been playing whack-a-mole with Iran. 


  1. Obviously it’s time for the President to make a speech about the threat that MAGA republicans pose to our “democracy” while allowing another 5,000-10,000 military-age males to walk across our southern border each day.

    Only then will Iran know that we’re serious.

  2. Remember the Niger ambush? Trump blamed rogue troops. In fact he refused to talk about it while our America troops were left behind.

    Let's not forget Trump negotiated the release of 5,000 Taliban as he dwindle down troop levels to unsustaibility.

    Peace through strengthen only works when you have strong allies. Trumps isolationism doctrine only strengthen our foes. Even Putin needs allies. I like Presidents that don't concede to Putin and throw our own agencies under the table like did Trump did standing next to Putin in Helsinki in 2018.

  3. War war war war war. Democrats and war. We're not prepared to fight anyone. We're too gay and mentally ill and fat and stoned and stupid and woke and don't care about this country where the American dream is a joke. I hope our bombs are diverse enough.

    Every president since Kennedy has had an Iran problem. Obama tried some disastrous reverse psychology by promoting an Iran-centric Middle East Policy; even Dumbo dropping pallets of cash and gold to the mullahs. Obama warned it might backfire and the Shiites might buy guns and bombs for terrorists. Duh. How many wars did the Nobel Peace Prize guy start? Was it six?

    Biden picked up the ball, canceled Trump's Arab peace process that surrounded Iran with peace dealing countries. Then Biden sent billions more to the mullahs to give to terrorists. Duh. Now, Biden's war count is up to three.

    Here's an idea: stop funding belligerents on both sides of conflicts to prop up defense contractor donors. Democrats know that wars help economies and ours needs lots of help, at $34 trillion in debt and a debt:gdp ratio of 129%. Carter and Trump didn't get into wars and they were shown the door after one term. That's how we roll in our always-at-war country.

    1. That's a bunch of misinformation.

  4. The elitist globalists want WW3 more than anything. Ukraine didn't get it started. Israel didn't get it started. Will Iran? MAGA and get our troops home.

  5. After over 150 attacks 3 American sons die, dozens injured, Joe Biden, and the people who pull his strings have turned America into a country not respected on the world stage. Everything he does is a disaster. He stops oil production, so other countries who were broke are now flushed with oil money that support terrorist organizations.

    1. We produce more oil now than under trump...

  6. somebody on this blog please explain to me how we give Iran billions of dollars and this happens and you would vote this guy in again. In the past 2-3 weeks he has said Trump is the sitting President and he works in the Senate. Proof he made these statements are below. I am sure CNN/MSNBC has covered this. And don't get me started on checking his watch when brave American heroes caskets were coming home.



    1. Because they never got the money

    2. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-signals-iran-wont-access-its-6-bln-qatar-any-time-soon-2023-10-12/

  7. Frankly, I almost hope our current administration does almost nothing militarily. Our foes see American government now as weak and incompetent. Our Members in Congress are too beholden to foreign special interests and a military/industrial complex that funds their campaigns, and provides other ‘benefits.’

    Military incompetence and lack of preparedness has been demonstrated. We don’t need to see more. This is not time to send our troops into regular combat.

    I suppose, we could enact asset freezes, trade embargoes on several Mideast nations. We could disable some airfields and harbors, take out known middle launch sites, restrict travel to certain nations, and pull many American citizens out of that region. Regardless, there WILL be a loss of lives and injuries ahead over there. The scary part is, now having no real border security in our own country DOES mean a heightened chance of terrorists strikes right HERE. Every area of this nation is vulnerable now with millions of unverified people already given easy admission.

    We desperately need DIFFERENT people in charge in Washington.

  8. "President" tRump??? GTFOOH... Convicted sexual assaulter, grifter, fraud, liar and let's not forget the 91 felony charges upcoming for the TRAITOR!

    1. And Biden is any better of a man? Who else is there to take charge and make this country great again?

  9. The United States has never been more vulnerable than it is under Biden (or whoever is in charge). Can you imagine the field day the main stream media would have with a Republican who was literally incoherent (mumbling) at least twice in one recent week as was Joe(yes, they cheered for him)? So how scared should all of us be right now? Terrified is putting it mildly. You, Bernie, either still are in denial or are just pretending it’s not happening at the level that it is. Thought you were smarter than that.

  10. We have another "President Jello."

  11. How about the other 159 attacks since Oct.7th? They're laughing at us!

  12. I do hope that "holding those responsible accountable" will include accountability of all in the chain of command who left US troops exposed like sitting ducks apparently without effective drone defense weapons. There seems to have been inadequate consideration and planning against the increased threat posed by the enhanced cooperation and shared anti-US agenda between Iran and Russia. This threat will persist and is increasing.

  13. We talk to Trump he will straighten it out the right way--when will you idiots learn that.

  14. This administration is too preoccupied with declaring war on energy production, cramming EVs down our throats, and supporting the kangaroo courts that want to keep Trump off the ballot.

    Is this just another skirmish that we see from time or time or will it escalate? Considering that the U.S. is sending Coast Guard units and National Guard units to the region, I am not optimistic that this will end soon nor without more bloodshed.

    1. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-08-08/us-forecasts-record-oil-production-helping-counter-saudi-cuts

  15. Clueless Joe will blame MAGA Republicans, white supremists and Qnon for the attack and instruct the Justice Department to round them up and toss them in deternment camps. Problem solved!

  16. I asked how America should respond and am instead getting the same tired partisan refrains that only serve to undermine this country and fail to answer the question.

    1. A calculated, targeted and precise response is absolutely needed! Calculated and targeted because you can not affect those not involved with the pockets of rebels that are carrying out these attacks against the shipping corridors and our military personnel.
      I feel their (the US) targeted attacks that have been carried out in retaliation have been done appropriately (not killing innocent civilians, etc), but shall be stepped up a notch.
      Problem is we won’t eradicate all of the troublesome cells so this (as the war on terror) will just move around and never really end. You respond or eliminate one pocket and another two pop up.
      Tough call in that area, how can they do without stirring up Iran itself? As of now this is an “conflict” one of which I hope doesn’t turn into a war.
      Anything the US does do in retaliation will be “wrong” or “too weak” or “inappropriate” by many. Strikes can’t even be done without the political antics… that’s what is embarrassing today, we “as mighty Americans” can’t stand united NO MATTER whom the President is. We haven’t since the few weeks post 9-11.

    2. Ask a stupid question you get stupid answers ! A lot of stupid answers

  17. Yeah, it's time for me to take a break from this blog as I can't handle the poorly educated that post here.

  18. I think we should deport each and every MAGA member over there and let the chips fall where they may

  19. We need to hit them where it hurts or otherwise these random attacks are going to continue. I say we take out their nuclear facilities and capabilities because it has to be done sooner or later anyway.

  20. We should not respond. We should exit the Middle East and resume aggressive energy production here. We've made a national decision over several elections and administrations from both parties to no longer be the world's cop. China is becoming that. New rules. Get out of their business and the part of the world they control (which includes larger and larger sections of the Middle East). Produce our own energy and give peace a chance.

  21. I find it strange that our former president and his supporters embrace and isolationist, pacifist path, except when it comes to taking a tour of the Capitol and praying for a civil war.

  22. The Middle East has always been a mess and will always be a mess. Period. The so-called leadership knows nothing but war and bloodshed and that won’t change. Israel can saber rattle because we are there to support them — sort of like the mouthy little brother with a hulking big brother. The UN created this and the UN needs to step in, as the US steps aside.

  23. Bernie O’Hare said:

    “I asked how America should respond and am instead getting the same tired partisan refrains that only serve to undermine this country and fail to answer the question.”


    That’s exactly the same as what Biden has given us every time a problem pops up. And you jumped right on whatever partisan echo chamber he started.

    The truth is we’re all royally effed thanks to Biden and democrat policies. The fact that you even have to write a post about this topic tells you how far we’ve fallen.

  24. Wall Street Journal just claimed shooting down the drone was missed due to an error by us in identification. Also, being reported by WION, the Houthis are claiming our aircraft carrier Puller was just hit with a missile attack. This all has the potential to get out-of-control.

    1. 2:42: “... reported by WION, the Houthis are claiming our aircraft carrier Puller was just hit with a missile ...”. This may be accurate relaying of a media report. However, several problems are in this story. At 5:29 pm, the U.S. Naval Institute reported that the Pentagon’s spokesperson had no knowledge of such an attack, and a Dept. of Defense official denied the Puller was attacked. Also, tellingly, the description of Puller as an aircraft carrier is highly inaccurate. The USS Lewis B. Puller (ESB-3) is an expeditionary support base. It is more like a converted tanker which acts as a point of operations for small craft, helicopters, and special operations forces. Media prescreening prior to publication may have averted placing full trust and confidence in disseminating press releases which advance Houthi standing.

  25. Who care what the x president thinks! He is an inconsequential and has no input on current events.
    He is a traitor that needs to lose his empire due to fraud and corruption.

  26. “The fact that Mr. Trump sexually abused — indeed, raped — Ms. Carroll has been conclusively established.”
    -Judge Lewis Kaplan

  27. I see folks talking out of both sides of their mouths. What exactly is make America great again? Is that isolationism and turning inward? Is MAGA willing to concede superpower status and look to the east as the new global power center? Unchecked aggression will only embolden Iran and their proxies to strike at the extension of our power and influence. That means more troops will be targeted. As we pull back to our border, we will be unable to respond and reenforce our troops. Remember Bengasi and Afghanistan? We didn't have the resources to support overextended troops and were overrun.
    Would you rather we wake up to joint military exercises by Russia and Cuba off the Florida coast? China and Russia off the coast of LA? I think this scenario would be wholly unacceptable to an American patriot.
    If you want greatness, there is a price for admission. If we are not willing to accept that cost, get ready to slap your comrade on the back and talk about when America was great over a bottle of Guangdong golden lager.

  28. We respond with shock and surprise and outrage that we have 3,000 troops in a place called Jordan. What are they doing there? Nothing good, apparently, except waiting to die for reasons unknown by their countrymen. What a disaster. I thought adults were in charge. I don't think anyone is in charge. It's as if our SecDef went AWOL for a couple of weeks and didn't tell anyone.

  29. Respond by turning that sand into glass with a missile to turn the temperature 3,090 degrees

  30. Shouldn't we wrap up Ukraine, Gaza, and Yemen, first? Remember Ukraine and the little green screen comedian begging for dough ? Yesterday's news. That was two wars ago. We should not respond because we have enough on our plates. We didn't care about dead soldiers for 22 years in Afghanistan. Let's not be phony and pretend to care now. No response. None.

  31. Bernie now onyour blog people are war expert strategical planners as well as infectious desiese experts. With the bunch here one would think the lehighvally is a political sales machine, This is human life that is being destroyed as well as killed and the people in charge thinking this is some sort of video game or something? Shepple that follow the narrative and are to ignorant to think for themselves!

  32. @3:54 - This is actually the most reasoned and thought out post of the 37 listed so far.

    Logic and intelligence are in short supply these days, particularly in folks who only see these comment sections as a place to bitch and moan about who is/isnt in the White House as if their personal lives in Wind Gap, Hellertown, Nazareth, Easton, etc., would actually change.

  33. There were no wars when Biden took office. I’m not a Trump guy either, I think he’s an asshole, but I thought Pompeo was a good Secretary of State.

    Under Obama/Biden Putin took the Crimea. Under Biden Putin invaded Ukraine, Hamas invaded Israel, and China is sword rattling over Taiwan. Don’t forget the fat kid in North Korea, he'll be acting up soon to. I’m not a foreign policy expert but whatever the Biden administration is doing isn’t working. How do we respond? Tit for tat isn’t working. Cut Iran off completely from oil revenue. They were on the ropes and Biden let them up by releasing their frozen assets and letting them sell oil. We’re in a tough spot now.

  34. Hope you're ok. Didn't see a post for today!

  35. Oops, I accidentally set a story to post Wednesday instead of today.

  36. Send Trump to fight. I forgot he has bunions.

  37. Biden says Americans with AR-15’s and a 100 rounds in the chamber could never defeat his F16 fighter jets.

    Maybe he should just try to be as tough with terrorists as he is with plumbers with guns.

  38. I say we give Iran a ‘security update’ for Stuxnet

  39. 633, that security update was freely shared with beasties at the golf resort.


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