Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Congressional Candidate Kevin Dellicker Addresses Drone Attack That Killed and Injured US Soldiers

On Saturday night, three US soldiers stationed in Jordan were killed and at least 34 were injured as a result of a kamikaze drone launched by Iranian-backed militants. I questioned how we should respond, but received few cogent answers. How about our Lehigh Valley Rep in Washington? Susan Wild was too busy criticizing Republicans over a border security bill to have much to say. GOP Congressional candidates Ryan MacKenzie and Maria Montero were in turn complaining about Wild. But one GOP Congressional candidate, Kevin Dellicker, did have a thoughtful response, and actually sent it to me. 

He's the only one of this quartet who himself was a member of the military. And I appreciate his willingness to address this direct affront to our national security. His reply is below:

Here is my response to your question, “How Do We Respond to the Drone Attack that Killed Three U.S. Soldiers in Jordan and Injured 30+?”

Short Term:

1. We must take immediate steps to protect U.S. troops in the region who are deployed at remote outposts throughout the Middle East, Southwest Asia, and Africa. These brave men and women have been the target of more than 150 attacks from Iranian-backed militias since October and now three Army Reservists are dead. The Biden Administration must remove restrictive rules of engagement and weapons limitations, withdraw vulnerable troops to more fortified locations, and/or reinforce forward operating bases with additional firepower. That means ensuring that enough assets are immediately moved to the U.S. military hubs in the region to respond if remote troops are in trouble. Currently, we are at risk of another Mogadishu or Benghazi.

2. We must strike at the Iranian-backed terrorists who have waged these attacks. Most of these groups are operating in areas where the U.S. has air superiority. We must target fighters, weapons storehouses, command-and-control, logistics infrastructure, and warfighting capabilities in multiple places against multiple militias. This not to “send a message.” It is to degrade the militias' ability to attack American troops in the region and deter them from attacking again.

Near Term:

1. The Biden Administration owes the American public an explanation of why we have all those remote outposts in the first place, what our troops our doing there, and when their mission will be accomplished. Most Americans didn’t even know we had troops in Jordan.

2. The Iranian militias are likely to reconstitute and reattack even after a devastating strike. The only way to stop them long-term is to sever their supply networks and dissuade their benefactors in Iran. This requires a combination of military, diplomatic, economic, and information operations against Iran that will be expensive, difficult, and long-lasting.

3. Bombing Iranian sites that produce the drones, rockets, and missiles is an option, but the American people are not ready for a war with Iran, and neither is the U.S. military. We hardly have enough resources to meet our current challenges. I don’t support this course of action right now.

Long Term:

1. The Iranians are poised to have nuclear weapons aimed at Israel and American military bases in the region. A nuclear-armed Ayatollah will pose unprecedented risks to world peace and prosperity. We have three options to prevent it: destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities before they are fielded, change the regime, or engage the regime. President Biden has tried the latter, and it has failed miserably. The President must level with the American people about his failed appeasement policies and the severity of the threat we face from a nuclear Iran. There are no good options.

2. We must rebuild our military. We have lost our deterrence. Our military is stretched so thin that we are sending reservists from Georgia to remote outposts in Jordan. Did you know that hundreds of soldiers from the Pennsylvania Army National Guard are heading into the region right now? We can’t produce enough ships, submarines, missiles, or aircraft. We can’t even produce enough bullets. Our weapons are too expensive. Our supply chains are too dependent on other countries. Our military wastes millions of dollars on progressive priorities that have nothing to do with fighting and winning wars. We are not ready to counter China.

Our sovereignty is being challenged, our interests are being attacked, and our sons and daughters are dying. We are failing in our responsibility to defend our country and protect our troops.

We need strong leaders in Washington with national security experience to fix our military and keep us safe. That’s a main reason why I’m running for Congress.


  1. No of that is happening with this congress. They are there to make Biden look ineffective. They could declare war. They won't.

  2. So there it is! An excellent, comprehensive, well-written opinion from a knowledgeable person. There is no name calling, no tired and baseless accusations included in this contribution. Here is a candidate for office prepared and ready to serve us well.

    Best if all, his political party affiliation was of no matter to me, and shouldn’t be of concern to anyone else reading his thoughts. Such will be key to fixing the malaise we find in our failing government right now.

    Thank you, Mr. Dellicker!

  3. As of now, as a Republican, he will have my vote in the primary and if he makes it, he will certainly have my vote over Wild. Of course, any of the Rs will have my vote over Wild.

  4. My understanding is he is still a member of the military not was, as he attends regular training monthly. Further, his son was recently deployed to Africa. When it comes to service to this country, he and his family walk the walk.

  5. He'll get my vote.

  6. Finally an adult in the room.

  7. And this is why Lt. Colonel Kevin Dellicker not only will win the primary in April but must win. The other two candidates have no ideas or experience in these types of matters. Kevin does and thanks for getting this right today, Bernie.

  8. DaLicker was a cadet in the Chair Force and has no delts, traps, or quad development.

    We need a tier one operator not some pencil necked desk jockey, Uhuru!

  9. 1. I agree.

    2. I agree.

    Near term Number1. Not enough. Biden also needs to explain his new found fealty towards China, and address the theft of cyber hacking tools from the CIA back in 2017 that wound up being published on WikiLeaks complete with source code. During that time, America's enemies have played around with that source code and forked it into their own custom hacking tools giving Iran offensive cyber capabilities that rival China, Russia, and the US. The sanctions didn't work.

    Near term Number 2. I agree.

    Near term Number 3. The American people may not be ready for war but I think the American people can rise to the challenge. The trouble will come from Iranian propaganda in support of the Palestinian people. Shortly after Hamas attacked Israel, the mullahs of Iran launch a disinformation campaign in support of Hamas and the Palestinian cause that has infected the thoughts and hearts of sympathetic Democrats and other left Wingers. And then there's Russian and Chinese disinformation aimed at Republicans and other right Wingers. Because of these disinformation campaigns, it will be challenging to unify the country in a wartime setting. Look at number two on my website, http://www.shupeforcongress.com and you will see it is my strong desire to unify left and right outside of the schizophrenic parties to help perform legislative business.

    Long-term number one. I agree, there are no good options but the worst option is no action. Biden needs to honestly report to the people the damages Trump has done when he withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran.

    Long-term number two. I would hope that Kevin is wrong on this. Biden has had time to get production going on military hardware and other needs and since I haven't heard a lot of chatter on this I really hope Kevin is wrong and that Biden has in fact been building this and keeping everything under the radar. But Biden needs to be honest and level up with the American people if he wants to get unifying support. And that includes Biden leveling up on the damage that Trump has done and has not revealed. During the first several weeks of Biden's term, he issued a general Stand Down order for all levels of government to ascertain the damage that Trump has caused. The results of this stand down, to my current knowledge, have not been revealed.

    In closing, I don't have military experience. But over the years I have worked with a few. On the other hand I have extensive cybersecurity experience, and I am running as an independent in order to invoke real change on this land by unifying the registered voters and empowering them to help make legislative changes. Unlike Republicans and Democrats, I also desire to return Lincoln's better angels to Congress. And that is what I bring to the table, and much more.

  10. Kudos to @8:24, there is an adult in the room. As for @11:12 AM, clearly one less adult in the room. If successful in the primary/general elections, we would have a Congressman who could properly represent us. Unlike Susie who was dismayed to find Republicans in her district. It’s not “your” district, it’s ours!

  11. Short version: more defense spending. It's always more defense spending.

  12. BTW, @11:12AM - if you live in this district and you have the military experience of the type you think is the only possible qualification to run and represent us, step up. Otherwise, shut up.

  13. This is the most comprehensive and well thought out response I’ve heard regarding the Middle East situation. Do I agree with all of it. No, but he’s clearly done his homework, doesn’t politicize his response, and puts a comprehensive and realistic plan on the table. Well done Mr Dellicker!

  14. Just a lot of MAGA hot air.

    1. How sad for you. You're hatred has made you unable to see value in his thoughts

  15. "So there it is! An excellent, comprehensive, well-written opinion from a knowledgeable person."

    Exactly. He seems erudite, intelligent, and level-headed.

    Meaning he's gonna get his clock cleaned in a R primary

    (not that he'd do any better with the Ds)

  16. What a great comprehensive, well thought out response. I like that he avoids partisan sniping with the exception of the truth, and that is what the Biden administration is doing isn't working. I like that he doesn't go out of his way to attack the opposite political party, just point out the obvious, their foreign policy on multiple fronts isn't working.

  17. Tower 22 in Jordan was established in 2015. The US has had troops in the Middle East for decades. Dellicker loses credibility without doing basic research.

  18. His last sentence says it all. "THAT'S WHY I'M RUNNING FOR CONGRESS". Tell me where you stand on cutting social security, abortion, and voting rights. I agree with some of his response. It was quite good but Biden has to work with a hostile Republican party being lead by the nose with the likes of Donald Trump. That says it all.

  19. So accurate that Dellicker is the adult in the room. Our District needs his knowledge and experience to represent us in DC. I am praying that the voters realize this and make him our Congressional Candidate in the Primary. If you haven’t heard him or met him, I suggest you put that on your bucket list before April 23. Sad that there those critical of his Military service, they should be ashamed. He fought for our Country and that includes the naysayers.


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