Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Impact of the Dobbs Decision in Pa.

According to Broad & Liberty, in the 2021 race for s seat on the state supreme court, Republican Kevin Brobson defeated Maria McLaughlin by a margin of 50.5 to 49.5%.  This year, in the race for another seat on the state high court, Democrat Dan McCaffrey beat Republican Carolyn Carluccio 53.5 to 46.5%. What changed during that time? The Dobbs decision, which effectively overturned Roe v..Wade. 

You'll notice that Northampton and Lehigh County voted blue.  This trend was also evident in the countywide races.   

A race basedon election integrity might change how some voters think.


  1. I have lost all respect for the Supreme Court, not only in Pennsylvania but on the National Level. They are "Political whores" who vote along "Party Lines" with complete disregard for the welfare of the people. Federal Judges appointed by Democrats/Republicans also give "Court Rulings" based on "Party Guidelines" and not what is right for the people. You see that with all the nonsense that is going on now in the Federal Courts. These Judges owe their allegiance to the President who appointed them. They are a disgrace to the Human race. They should be neutered and made sterile so they can't pass their genes onto the next generation. Some day when I have some spare time I will tell you what I really think about them slimey scum sucking bastards.

  2. 800,000 abortions each year. Black babies are eight times more likely to be killed. Abortion is popular because a racist country hates blacks and has fought diligently to keep that population at 13%. Abortion works. Imagine this country with a higher population of blacks. That terrifies white people. That's why abortion is popular and well-funded by white America.

  3. Pa. should hold a referendum to see if we can give some south eastern counties to New Jersey.

  4. Or maybe one candidate sounded better than the other. By the way, abortion is not the government's business.

  5. 5:54 am: This is not a racist country.

    The group responsible is mostly white, liberal democrats (and those who follow them) who disguise their racism as “choice”.

    They can’t legally kill black people after they’re born, so they have to get them before.


  6. "Pa. should hold a referendum to see if we can give some south eastern counties to New Jersey."

    Hey, you could leave now and get us off to a good start.

  7. For those who chose to embellish and prevaricate


  8. Even a 15% black population would rock the country. Nobody wants that. Head them off before they get here. Racism? Damn right.

  9. I am pro-choice/I have met many pro-choice people over my life and I have never met one that was pro-choice for racist reasons. People support abortion for varied reasons but most simply do not see a clump of cells or a fetus as equal to a human life. It is a bit horrifying to see such an ignorant argument as "well they are just all racist" being pushed. It certainly isn't true for me or for anyone I have talked to about the subject.

    1. Abortion = murder.

    2. Aaron - Do you have a problem with that “clump of cells” being killed after it is large enough to be seen (and its gender determined) in an ultrasound machine? How about at 9-months, moments before birth?

      I realize you’ve been indoctrinated to believe what you do, but I suggest you do some research into the people who founded abortion mills like Planned Parenthood.

      You might be surprised at what you learn.


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