Local Government TV

Friday, November 24, 2023

NorCo Administrator Charles Dertinger Resigns Following 2023 Election Mess

From Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure: "It is with deep regret that I have accepted the resignation today of Charles M. Dertinger from the position of Director of Administration, County of Northampton.

"Mr. Dertinger has spent nearly six years honorably serving the people of Northampton County in my Administration. While the 2019 and 2023 Elections were failures under his leadership of the Elections Division, the ’20, ’21, and ’22 elections were nearly flawless, as any complicated human activity can expect to be.

"Mr. Dertinger has had many accomplishments, great and small, as Director of Administration. Specifically, he led the team that built the new Forensic Center during a global pandemic. Mr. Dertinger brought that project in on time and under budget. A feat that’s normally impossible to achieve, let alone during a time of stay-at-home orders and massive supply chain disruptions.

"Mr. Dertinger and I have been working together on a shared vision of county governance since at least 2005. Many of the things I care about, he cared about first. The preservation of open and green space comes to mind. Many of the successes of our Administration have come due to his efforts in helping implement our initiatives.

"Despite his Election failures of 2019 and 2023, the foregoing reasons stated is why his resignation is regrettable. I wish him well in his future endeavors."


  1. Good riddance to authoritarian Charlie. Lamont needs someone he can trust to help him with ideas and execution, but not weaken him with abuse of personnel and procedure through sheer arrogance.

  2. It's a shame anyone ends their career on such a sour note. Someone had to answer for this blunder and Charles stepped up to the plate and accepted responsibility. A very honorable thing to do. Now what about the Company who tested all these machines? What responsibility to they accept?

  3. Sounds like he threw his buddy under the bus.

  4. Charles no longer in Charge! Pompous ass. But he's a D, and will still find a political job somewhere in the Valley.

  5. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Good riddance.

  6. One of the best things to happen in NC! Now McClueless and rest!

  7. I wonder who Lamont’s next co-bully and fixer will be.

    This also probably makes Charles the fall guy for the hydroelectric screw that the County seems to have wasted significant resources on, and which has not yet gotten a proper accounting.

  8. Staff position next with Casey, Fetterman, or Wild?

  9. Anyone else find it Interesting that Dertinger is gone, and the ESS systems are still with the county. I know we have been told it’s not the machines, but If ESS fails again in 2024, both McClure and ESS may have similar fates.

  10. of course, McClure takes no responsibility. Norco provides Lehigh County comedy on a daily basis.

  11. Each “standalone” machine relies on a second machine (the tabulator) to produce an accurate reading of the voter’s intent. in the end, responsibility for maintaining the tabulating machine rests with ESS. Dertinger was guilty of being unprepared and maybe neglectful.

  12. Charles was what he was......but you have to admit he was a loyal lap dog and didn't deserve this kind of treatment by McClure. Where is ESS on all this? They should and must be held accountable.

  13. there is unfortunately always a fall guy. Good or bad. Not sure why but that's the way of this world. Some one has to pay and despite your opinions it's often a good guy. McClure shows his true colors here. It could be said it was his"failure" too. In my world the top guy always takes responsibility. That's true leadership. Why everyone needs to find someone to blame I don't get. The machine program and tester was ultimately responsible.mcclure let many good people go when he took office. People he didn't even know. His picks haven't proven to be better for him. And he sure has no loyalty to anyone. He will throw anyone under the bus I don't know Derringer but as a leader his resignation was the moral high road. Even if we don't blame him

  14. A good first step but we aren’t pacified or fooled here in Norco.

  15. In irder to restore what is left of the county credibility to run a clean election, ESS must voluntaryily cancel their contract. Nothing the county can do now will erase the stain of screwing uop the last two elections.

  16. Why it take him two weeks? I'm sure he sat down with Lamont and planned for his next gig. After New Years he'll quietly take a job with a political hookup job somewhere I'm sure.

  17. Speaking of incompetence, any thoughts on when Matt Tuerk will resign for his incompetence in Allentown's HR scandal and the ongoing budget disaster?

  18. Charles was outspoken at times but he was always straightforward which is something you have to respect. To be honest, he was always polite towards me and I never had a negative interaction with him. As long as you performed your job correctly, he wouldn’t get on your case.

    It seems like the ones who want to vilify him or post hateful remarks are one of the many idiots who probably are under qualified for their jobs and can’t perform simple tasks.

  19. This will come back and haunt McClure. What about ESS? They more than anyone else is to blame. If Council is smart, they will appoint Dertinger to the vacant position On Council. Tara Zrinski is leaving and Dertinger would be a great addition to Council. I hear some ridiculous names floating around and I hope they are just joking. What do you hear Bernie? The names I am hearing are
    (the fellow Tara defeated in the primary)
    Terry Houck

    1. He was on Council over 20 years ago and people couldn't wait to vote him out

  20. He delivered the worst election in the state. He should have resigned immediately. He should be thoroughly investigated. Voters were disenfranchised - potentially on purpose. Resignation is not good enough. What did he know and when did he know it? All of his finances need a deep dive. There's dirt here.

  21. There is no way the appointment will go to any of those names mentioned above. The Courts will be making this appointment. The Council will look like a bunch of idiots because they couldn't agree on who to appoint to serve out the term of Tara. The three R's left on Council will vote to appoint Cusick. They only need one D to come to their cause and the Council is deadlocked. It is that simple. THe Courts will not embarrass themselves. They will go with experience.

  22. Good googily woogily.......This is Charlie Dirtinger not Donald Trump or Lamount McClure. Yeah I can see McClueless being on the carpet but not his lapdog.

  23. Wait, no more weird bow tie guy?

  24. I think the wrong person resigned?


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