Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Easton City Council's Foreign Affairs Division Poised to Take Up Ceasefire Resolution Again on Wednesday

On Wednesday, Easton City Council will once again take up the Israeli-Gaza ceasefire resolution being promoted by Council member Taiba Sultana. So far, only the United Nations has weighed in on this topic. The world awaits Easton. 

Last time this came up, Sultana packed the room with emotional supporters while she used every chance she had to promote herself and condemn others on Council, even suggesting to Roger Ruggles that city service "may not be for you." 

This time around, the Jewish community has been alerted. It opposes Sultana's ceasefire resolution because it is inappropriate for the city council level of government. 

You can submit your own message to Easton City Council on this topic. Here's what I sent. 

I urge you to reject Sultana's resolution because her sole purpose in presenting it is to promote herself, not a peaceful resolution of a centuries-old conflict. While we all condemn the loss of innocent life, I am primarily concerned about the loss of innocent Jewish and Muslim lives here in the Lehigh Valley. Sultana's resolution drives a wedge between our religious communities at a time when they should be united. Her divisive actions also could inspire attacks at both synagogues and mosques from people who hate Jews or Muslims.


  1. "Easton City Council's Foreign Affairs Division," lol.

    Up here in the conservative northern reaches, word is Lehigh Township's Secretary of Defense is proposing sending arms to the IDF. The first shipment is due on a C-130 out of Slatington International Airport as early as tomorrow morning.

  2. I commend Councilwoman Sultana for reintroducing the resolution despite facing the hate. Calling for a ceasefire is not “Promoting herself”. However, those who do not support are demoting themselves.

    1. I don’t know if she is promoting herself or not. Nor have I read the reso. Does it condemn Hamas and condemn Hamas? If not, it’s really antithetical to the beliefs of the area and shouldn’t see the light of day. If it does condemn Hamas and call for releasing hostages I support it, even though I doubt the council ever will.

  3. Thank you for sharing the link. Here's what I sent.
    I urge you to support Sultana's resolution because her sole purpose in presenting it is to call on Congresswoman Susan Wild to support a ceasefire, not a decisive resolution of a centuries-old occupation.

  4. Bernie, you can hate Taiba but her response to Roger Ruggle’s ignorance was on the spot. He said he doesn't have time to educate himself on the issues.
    If he doesn't have the time to do that then he shouldn't be in public office. He needs to go.

  5. I aligned with many of your opinions, Bernie. But I disagree with this one.
    Sultana’s resolution is a call for a ceasefire and I believe every city should be doing this.
    What Councilmember Ruggles said is/was condemnable. Don't have time to address the issue, don't belong to an elected office. Simple as that.

  6. The mayor of Easton is an Israel-supporting racist who liked a Facebook comment calling Taiba a "t*wel head." Free Palestine.

  7. A cease fire so Hamas can regroup and rearm. No! I’m with Hillary on this no cease fire until the hostages are released! Period!

  8. Lying Dog-Faced Pony SoliderNovember 7, 2023 at 3:56 PM

    If there is a cease fire it is because the tunnels should be flooded with sea water. Or better yet, send police dogs in those tunnels.

    Also, isn't funny how all these sock puppets pop up on stories about Taiba? I realize the hypocrisy in my comment.

  9. It's wholly inappropriate for a city government to be engaging in what is essentially foreign policy. Foreign policy is an exclusive power of the national government, with extremely limited authority delegated to states to incentivize, carefully, trade with foreign countries. Such a resolution goes far beyond that narrow delegation. Bad for norms.

  10. Where does Tara stand?

  11. Roger Ruggles in clueless. Sultana probably woke him up from a nap. If Mayor Panto tells Ruggles to S''T then Ruggles asks "When-where and how much"

  12. If Professor Ruggles ever said. ” he didn’t have time to educate himself on the subject “or something else to that effect, he would mean- really get into the subject matter. But : it’s not relevant in the little council meetings of Easton ,Pa. . In relationships to world geo-political issues. Vs Easton City Council. No one , not Saltana herself knows the roots of Hamas with relationship to Oslo Peace Accords 30 years ago in that council chamber. She , is apparently ignorant of geopolitical issues herself. But , It’s not relevant to city business.

  13. Taiba Moved to easton from Phillipsburg NJ
    -Ran for city council—Lost
    -Went for school board Appt—Lost
    -Ran for Mayor -Lost
    -Ran for Council- won by a few points over a 70 yr old vulcano
    -Has done nothing for the city
    -had her car booted in Easton for unpaid parking tickets
    -has numerous code violations at her home
    -Currently out on bail

  14. @10:32 such a nice person. She can't run her own life but hey let's let her run ours LOL. The funny thing is she has quite a following of not to intelligent sheep. Much like Zrinski.

  15. She is trying to emulate other National responses by her actions. I don’t think she’s a bad person, but miss informed. I just think she has myopic thought processes. In case any body wonders how I I think - I m a former U.S.Marine


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