Local Government TV

Friday, November 10, 2023

Canvassing (Official Count) of NorCo Election Has Begun, 2,155 Emergency Ballots Added

The canvass or official count of Northampton County's Tuesday Municipal Election has begun. As of 5 pm yesterday, 2,155 emergency ballots have been counted and added to the totals. The canvass will continue on Monday, as today is Veterans' Day. Democrats lost ground in the judge and controller races, but added to their victory margin in county council races. 

Northampton County Judge - Brian Panella had a 6,030 vote margin over Nancy Aaroe on Tuesday night. That lead has dropped to 5,988 votes. He has 37,951 votes to 31,963 for Aaroe.  

Northampton County Controller. - Democrat Tara Zrinski had a 5,813 vote lead on Tuesday night, but it has dropped to 5,706 votes. She now has 37,642 votes to 31,936 for Cusick.  

NorCo Council District One (Bethlehem). - Democrat Ken Kraft was leading Republican Bill Rowe by 4,211 votes on Tuesday night. He now leads by 4,267 votes with 10,247 votes to 5,973 for Rowe. Kraft's lead has increased.

NorCo Council District Three (Nazareth) - Democrat Jeff Warren was ahead of Republican Casey Foreman by 2,469 votes on Tuesday night. He now leads by 2,452 votes, with 11,079 votes to 8,627 for Foreman.

Judge Jennifer Sletvold has a commanding lead of 10,784 votes in her retention race on Tuesday night. She noe leas by 11.039 votes.


  1. Panella wins, Zrinski wins, sletvold wins. Republicans Lose big.

    1. Yep. You can’t fight stupid.

    2. You do realize Sletvold is a Republican. It would be easy to think otherwise since the majority of the Republican Party leadership turned out to help oust her.

      Sletvold may have won, but she will still likely have to answer for her blatant election interference, as her campaign pulled out signs informing the voters of the many reasons to remove her. What’s more, her chief campaign rep admitted it in writing. This should get interesting.

  2. What about the State Supreme Court numbers? So, the county wide Judge and Controller races are nearly identical. Makes you wonder whether the campaigns and candidates mattered much or was this all about turnout and the millions Dems spent on the abortion narrative at the top of the ticket. Pinella even made it an issue in Norco.

    Given their success using abortion as a base motivator for 2 elections, look for 2024 to again be all about abortion.

  3. As long as women are programmed into thinking that it is just a bit of potential life and that it is their right to get rid of no matter what developmental stage of the baby, we will continue to have voters vote one way on this subject to the detriment of all other issues in our country. We need to provide more education on the life we carry and offer support services, so women rarely think this is a viable option. How the action to kill one of our own became a "right" is beyond me. I don't believe information shared at abortion centers allows for informed consent as supporters of abortion think it is too traumatic to allow women to view the baby in the womb. My nephew who has Down's Syndrome could have had his life cut off in the womb by his mother and many in our society would support this. Unbelievable and scary for us all. Let the mountains fall down on our heads and may we hide our faces in shame.


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