Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Former Chief of Staff Has This Assessment of Donald Trump

 John Kelly, former Chief of Staff to Donald Trump, has this assessment of his former boss: "A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

“A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women ... . A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law."


  1. We all know he is a vile human being. Many people like that. They probably live vicariously through him. That's something to be proud of in their circles. This is 3 years too late. At this point it's radio static.

  2. Described Trump perfectly as someone who was first hand witness to it all, and yet, people will still defend Trump and vote for him. 30% of this country's population are in a cult and apparently are unaware or proud of it.

  3. And Biden is brain dead. WE KNOW THE 2 OPTIONS SUCK.

    Instead of falling into the trap that has been set on all of us to be hopelessly divided and hate the opponent of our "PARTY" why dont you do some digging and figure out why this "Democracy" of our keeps giving us shit options for the most important job in the world.

    Thats why i get so annoyed when people say Jan 6th almost risked our democracy....what democracy? This game is rigged and the only people who win are the ones who pay their dues in DC.

    1. You're confused about the democracy we almost lost on the 6th. Just vote for trump then. I'll vote for the brain dead guy and democracy.

    2. And to which Democracy are you voting for when you vote for Biden? I'll wait.........................

  4. Shit. Trump's lost another voter. This guy will be voting for war hero Biden, whose kid died while saving hundreds aboard on PT 109 .... or from brain cancer while his brother was banging his wife. Whatever. God save the Queen, man.

  5. All these people that make a buck working for him, do nothing in real time, then try and make a buck after the fact for their inaction can suck my V.

  6. He's not wrong .

    Just another of a long list of former trump officials who worked with him up close and personally and came to the same conclusion.

  7. Here we go again! I’ll expect another ghost-written book coming out from yet another fired employee.

  8. It's time Republicans demand a better candidate. Trump's time of "he talks like us, he thinks like us" is over. Every single day is an embarrassment for Republicans since Trump entered the picture. Just yesterday a judge imposed a gag order on him. I bet Fox News didn't report that. And now we don't have a House Speaker. Let's see what the circus brings us today.

  9. Yet, Trump did more to avoid creating more Gold Star families than any POTUS in our lifetimes, with the exception of Jimmy Carter (who was also despised by many in his own party). Remember the POTUS who received a Nobel Peace Prize before starting three wars and droning the hell out of everyone he could shoot at? He proudly referred to himself as the Drone President. Nice. But Trump is bad. Got it. I'm an Independent who hates Trump. Hell, I hate everybody. But I also understand that Trump's gravest sin was upsetting the always-at-war crowd and their military industrial complex donors. This has been proven out by the reemergence of pro-war Democrats, a species as old as Woodrow Wilson - who kept us out of war. Lol.

  10. Well, he left out that trump is a liar and a fraud! He also forgot to mention that Don the Con is an egotistical, childish bully who is also a coward because he is afraid to debate his betters. He is a so-called leader who only believes in the constitution when it benefits him personally. He also suffers from Hoof and Mouth disease as the ugly comments his filthy mouth spews usually come back to bite him. All of his wounds are self-inflicted. He has the grace and style of a charging bull elephant.

    I could go on, but I have better things to do then to discuss this uncouth embarrassment to our country who is as crooked as the Snake River.

    Now when the delusional maga cult puppets come on to deflect my statements by stating all of biden's faults, I'll agree. He is no prize either.

  11. Kelly is just one example of the snakes in the Trump cabinet. Trump early on made the mistake that puting former military brass in his cabinet hoping that it would give him allies interested in the patriotic well-being of the country.

    Sadly, we now know that most of the high ranking brass are just Washington Bureaucrats who convinced Trump that his first priority was more Military spending, rather controlling the border.

    Then later when asking them to help defend the border, they told him they were more interested in the border of Iraq. It was indeed a eye-opener for Trump.

    While being a Vietnam veteran, I now understand why enlistment is declining, why the historical base of the U.S. military is being eroded. Why, if there is going to be a draft to send young men to fight oversees, it will be a dismal failure.

    Sadly, who will support this present government in its adventures with no positive outcome for this nation?

    Let the Lynsey Grahams and their bunch go, fight and die.

    As for your repeat of Kelly, John Mccain may have acted heroically in Vietnam, but he was just another Washington bureaucrat as a Senator.

    Do you think that veterans of these last few foreign wars do not ask themselves if their service was worth it? We have spent trillions of Treasure, thousands of lives and how has it preserved or protected this country?

    Ask them?

  12. Far too many of Trump's former employees share that view of him for it to be dismissed so lightly. On top of that, it demonstrates that Trump is a terrible boss who fails to inspire loyalty among the very people who work for him and know him best. He is simply a terrible person who approaches governance as though he is a tweener from professional wrestling.,

  13. Bernie, I wait for your post on Biden for calling the military "stupid bastards" and checking his watch as hero service people were being brought home in flag draped caskets. These are facts with receipts below. Kelly was fired and ripping his ex boss. Nobody likes their boss



  14. Trump is STILL the most qualified, best able, to effect a reversal of the many stupid decisions made by our Congress and Government Departments. There is NO present candidate in the race (Republican or Democrat) that can be expected to repair so much of the damage done to our nation and its families.

    If you want change to happen, you can’t keep the same people in office. Enough is enough! This group’s performance has been a failure. Get ‘em outta there!

    1. Are you a MAGA, Mega MAGA, Dark MAGA, or Double Dark MAGA with a twist?

    2. He’s just your typical, vanilla flavored MAGAt…

  15. For all you Republicans who think Biden is too old to get it done-
    The Biden record: A nationwide COVID-19 vaccination program and economic relief.
    A $1.2-trillion infrastructure package, the largest in many decades.
    A program to rebuild a domestic semiconductor chips industry.
    New aid to veterans exposed to toxins.
    The first gun-safety law in three decades.
    A U.S.-led coalition to help counter Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Authorization for lower prescription drug prices, including insulin, for older Americans.
    A bipartisan law to protect democracy, by preventing efforts in Congress to overturn presidential election results.
    Biden has gotten more BIPARTISAN legislation passed in the our history.

    1. Your an incompetent loser, read a paper !

    2. 10:40 AM....If 80-year-old Joe Biden could do cartwheels and handstands, he'd be entitled to do so. His administration undid much of the damage to the economy that your boy Trump was guilty of committing.

    3. You forgot to include his other accomplishments. Record inflation. Energy costs out of control. Runaway government spending. Mass migration of illegals across a porous southern border. Inept withdrawal from Afghanistan. Incoherent thought processes. Avoidance of the press. And worst of all, his selection of an incompetent hyena as his veep!

  16. You and Kelly are stupid assholes that are afraid to face the truth and the facts--Trump is by far the best man to turn this terrible situation around--no politician is capable --and anybody who voted for Biden has no credibility what so ever.

  17. Biden is a crook !

  18. This country is doomed to destruction and deserves it.

    1. Way to go, Bernie! Your blog is being read in Russia. 11:19 AM proves it.

  19. @8:56 - Don't disagree that change is needed, but lets be honest with ourselves - Trump had 4 years to show himself for what he is, and nobody can argue that he is a "disrupter" of norms and conventions, he is not someone we can count on to fix or repair anything. As much as you or anyone else loves him, he is killing the GOP which you may or may not be good with, but unless you want complete and total Democrat domination, Trump must be removed from the board as a candidate.

  20. @10:32 - What evidence do you have that Trump is remotely capable to turn things around? I get that you like the fact that he's an outsider, and you're not happy with the status quo, but from 2016-2020 there were no new ideas or processes offered beyond just tearing shit down without a plan on how to replace or revamp essential government programs.

    It's one thing to bitch and moan about how things are done, but without a concrete plan and vision of how things would and should work in the future all you're offering is chaos which is worse than the current inefficient and clunky machine we already have in place.

    If this country was a car, its a beat up, rusted 1990 Ford Focus with 250,000 miles on it, a shot suspension and nearly bald tires with a top speed of maybe 50MPH, its not comfortable, its not great, but it gets us down the road. Trump would rather us just walk.

  21. Trumpism is a a threat to our Democracy. Make no mistake about it. America was not built on "me first" doctrine.

  22. Average American household spending $700 more per month for basic necessities under Biden.

    Over 2,000,000 illegal immigrants admitted into and remain in US under Biden.

    Average price of gasoline on Biden’s first day if office….$2.39 per gallon.

    Biden family criminal enterprise in operation for decades as a sitting Senator and President unfolding as we speak.

    Biden’s crackhead son who laundered money for his father under federal gun law indictment.

  23. The harder Biden fails, the more scorn Trump incurs.

    Par for the course for American liberals who use deflection and projection to avoid introspection.

  24. While the bashing of Trump and Biden goes on has anyone checked on the recent COVID tests being sent in the mail? Mine has an expiration date of January 2023. Plus, you get a note telling you to check online that maybe they really are not expired. How much did our government pay for this shit. So, when do you believe an expiration date? Did they get a better deal on this from the manufactures? I can get a better deal on day old bread. Is it kind of like that? COVID is racing thru the L.V. again and some are getting it since they got their booster. We are never going to boost ourselves out of this. The FDA and CDC have lost creditability with the average person. So little testing is being done to get a drug nowadays to market and the FDA is a shadow of itself. This goes way beyond COVID.

  25. Trump promised to lower corporate and personal income taxes. He did. Trump promised to reduce regulation on business and industry. He cut the federal code in half. Trump promised to defeat ISIS. He blew them off the face of the Earth in eight months. Trump promised a conservative SCOTUS. He delivered three. He accomplished more of the conservative agenda in four years than Reagan did in eight. He governed as a very effective, down the middle conservative from Central Casting. He was incredibly effective and is the most consequential POTUS of our lifetimes. I didn't vote for him. Just couldn't pull the lever. But I can read a scoreboard. The only thing he didn't do was build a stupid wall, the least meaningful thing he promised. He was an extraordinarily effective and consequential leader - like him or not.

    1. Personal income tax incrementally returns to the 2017 rate by 2026. Nice try though.

  26. 11:25 AM- 8:56 here. There is no doubt in my mind a big change in how our government operates is not only needed, but it’s needed quickly. This will require a strong and proven leader who is not afraid to call out, directly and forcefully, what’s wrong and who (by name) needs to be held accountable. The destruction and overthrow of America is close at hand. We DO NOT have time for anyone to say “Well, we’ll get them in 2028,” or some other typical weak Republican response.

    Too many Republicans and Democrats in Congress are self-serving, self-dealing, and being controlled by corporate interests who fund their campaigns. Elected persons of both political parties are working together to preserve themselves. The present Republican Party is already mostly useless to voters. It needs to be gutted, if not replaced.

    Over my long life, I’ve been registered Democrat and, years later, Republican. Now, I’m recorded as No Party. This is not a time to be dedicated fully to either political party . . . they BOTH are failing this nation and it’s citizens. I will vote for no Incumbent. If that means many Republicans (or Democrats) lose, so be it!

    As stated earlier, I firmly believe Trump is what’s needed NOW. Yes, Trump. A disruptor who can’t be bought off like so many now claiming to serve us in Congress. I know of no one better suited. If you do, please give us their name.

  27. Numbers don't lie, Trump is the sole reason Republicans are slowly but surely losing power in this country and the longer he sticks around the worse it will get.

    GOP Governors in 2016 = 34
    Today = 26

    GOP Controlled State Legislatures in 2016 = 68
    Today = 57

    GOP House of Representatives in 2016 = 241
    Today = 222

    GOP Senators in 2016 = 52
    Today = 49

    The MAGA agenda and brand of extremism only appeals to nitwitted losers who literally know nothing about government and want to blame someone other than themselves for their lot in life.

  28. Bernie, have you nothing else to write about other than this nonsense? Are you better off now than you were under Trump? Do you like having a woke military with drag queens? Democrats, most especially you, are so susceptible to the propaganda that they and you can't see the proverbial "forest for the trees". Most of these comments would be laughable if it wasn't frightening enough to imagine that they all probably can vote and will vote, like minions, for Democrats who just want to control them. Anonymous 8:56AM and 10:32 AM appear to be the only sane and logical ones in the group. Good job!

  29. I would love to see a Democrat domination and then you would see America running on all fronts. They are the adults in our political system, like it or not President Biden is doing a great job getting thing done for our country.

  30. Trump never again! What a loser, con man, crook, anti-American, and all around scum bag. History will look at the period as a very disastrous time for America.

  31. Here is the Imbecile's response "John Kelly, by far the dumbest of my Military people, just picked up the theme of the Radical Left’s lying about Gold Star Families and Soldiers, in his hatred of me. He was incapable of doing a good job, it was too much for him, and I couldn’t stand the guy, so I fired him like a 'dog,'" Trump said on social media. "He had no heart or respect for people, so I hit him hard—Made no difference to me. He’s already on record defending me all over the place. Nobody loves the Military like I do! Now he finally speaks back by making up fake stories, or confirming the made up stories of the Dems and Radical Left…" In my opinion he's lucky Reagan closed the mental institutions

  32. The republicans are going to do well this election. People are angry.

  33. "The MAGA agenda and brand of extremism only appeals to nitwitted losers who literally know nothing about government and want to blame someone other than themselves for their lot in life."

    My dear tribe member, it's important to remember that those high numbers of R elected officials you cited, got there as a result of hyper-partisan Obamacare, which became law without a single R vote in either the House or Senate. After its passage, Ds were savaged in six straight election cycles. They lost 1,100 state and federal legislative seats. Our political pendulum swings. It will swing back. Because it always does. The best way to understand political fate is to look in the mirror as you're celebrating the other tribe's misfortune.

    1. Imagine touting a healthcare bill that has benefited millions of Americans as a miscarriage of politics.

      Radical stuff…

  34. @10:05 - you are absolutely correct about the pendulum, but the modern GOP and Trump are holding it up and pushing it even further away from the swing back. I say this to all of my Republican and MAGA influenced friends, I admire your confidence and expectation that this will be the election where things turn around, but the demographics are just not on your side. MAGA appeals to Baby Boomers and non-college white males, its not enough to win general elections in swing states.

    Young voters are heavily slanted against Republican candidates and in 2020 Trump was crushed in the 18-29 age group (Biden 61% > Trumps 36%). Even the 30-44 age group was an 11 point romp for Biden at 54%-43%. Above those age groups Trump won 51%-48% equally in the 45-64 age group and 65+ age group.

    Every day for the last 4 years have added more of those young voters while sadly taking a proportion of older Trump voters. Not everyone watches FOXNews or prefers right wing news sources, that make it seem like the entire country is up in arms over Biden and Dems, there is a very real fatigue and outright fear of another Trump presidency. They need to ditch him, go with Nikki Haley or Tim Scott and then the pendulum will swing again.

  35. 3:57 PM - You might not be aware the MAGA people you refer to lost interest in FOX News a 2-3 years ago. FOX News lost about one third of it audience, possibly more. The removal of Tucker Carlson was its biggest blunder during that period. Many Trump supporters will no longer view those programs, as the Murdoch family is decidedly anti-Trump. Most of the on-air faces now push more Liberal views than Conservative. At least, this is what I’ve read. I do not watch corporate news programming, or maybe, brainwashing is the better term.

  36. @8:13 - That could be and probably is true. The next question is how are we so sure that OAN or other popular right wing outlets and in general other non corporate MAGA centric news programming isn't its own form of brainwashing? Not saying there isn't a liberal bias out there either, but lets be real in acknowledging that confirmation bias is a real thing and people do tend to seek out the news the want to hear, not necessarily the news they need to hear.

  37. 11:39 - the final sentence of your post is precisely the problem. Most voters are unwilling to spend the time fact-checking ON THEIR OWN. We really can firm-up what is true/untrue in our mind by considering what can be found at alternative, web-based, news and opinion sources. Unfortunately, for many, a single and traditional news program is as far as it goes.

    Despite the damage the internet can bring into our lives, it CAN be the best place to learn what’s really going on in America, to what end, and who will benefit. The story might not be pretty, though. I have found several independent sites that actually provide comprehensive evidence for what is claimed. Full, unedited official documents, non-photoshopped images, full and complete live videos, etc.

    It is not appropriate to list such links here, and I won’t. However, if one simply recognizes the bigger, corporate channels to be no more than a jumping-off place for further research, one will find those sites eventually. For me, it begins on a few daily “news consolidator sites. Only headlines there, but featuring both Democrat and Republican happenings. Reader comments often lead to VERY worthy, factual information.

    We are being bombarded by LIES in America. Media hiding of facts (censorship) doesn’t help and is much too common. We CAN cut through all the crap out there, but how many will take the time? Our political operatives know that answer is a very small percentage.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.