Local Government TV

Monday, October 30, 2023

54 Thais Being Held Hostage By Hamas

When Hamas attacked Israel in a dawn raid on October 7, killing about 1,500, it also took about 200 hostages. Many are foreign nationals. It has explained these people were simply swept up as part of its military operation, but "abduction manuals" seized from dead terrorists make clear that a core goal of the raid was kidnapping. Moreover, according to DW News, 54 Thai nationals are among the prisoners, even though they have no physical resemblance to Semitic hostages. According to Israel, Thais are also the majority of those who were killed on October 7.  They were in Israel as farm workers. 

Just as many Americans resent foreign migrants who provide cheap labor, Palestinians appear to resent Thais for providing labor without posing a terror threat. 

Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana continues to blame Israel. On Facebook, she declares: "This was never about Hamas. This has always been about wiping Palestinians off the face of the earth." 

Ironically, she claims to be the "Founder, Director, CEO at Asian Americans of Lehigh Valley."

Last time I checked, Thais are Asian.  


  1. Taiba is a self-promoting ass, among other things, so whatever she says is irrelevant.

  2. What does that have to do with Israel killing 10,000 civilians? There's no justification for killing civilians. Not Hamas, not Israel. Shame on you for saying “Taiba accusing Israel”.
    United Nations has reported the numbers and called it an ethnic cleansing against Palestinians.

    1. "Palestinians" should get out of Israel or be wiped out, every last man, woman and child. There is no nation of "Palestine." The entire land from the Jordan to the Mediterranean belongs to Israel and there should never be a "two-state solution."

  3. If this is what Taiba said, I will have to agree with it. 75 years of occupation, taking away basic human rights, killing thousands of civilians every year since 1948, bombing nonstop, testing new American weapons on a whole nation to brand it back home as 'battlefield tested'— meanwhile turning off all forms of communication. how is that fair? It's not about Hamas.

  4. Israel has occupied the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip since the 1967 Six-Day War. The Israeli government has built settlements in these territories, which are considered illegal under international law and have been a major obstacle to peace negotiations. I am not denying the existence of Hamas but I agree that this is not about Hamas. Sounds like counselor Sultana is educated on the issue.

  5. Another attempt to degrade Councilwoman Sultana by fearmonger and xenophobic Bernie.

    “We don't stand here to justify any innocent lives lost on any side. We mourn the 1400 deaths in Israel as well. However, using those deaths to justify the loss of thousands of innocent lives is nothing short of barbarism. We are here to demand an end to these killings and a return to civilized values.
    The ongoing violence and loss of life on both sides is tragic and unacceptable.”

    Remarks by Councilwoman Sultana

  6. NGOs say that more children have been killed in Gaza in 3 weeks than were killed during ALL global conflicts in each of the past 3 years and Bernie sitting in his cozy bed making every effort to justify those killings. smfh

  7. Democrat Andre Carson, a rep from Indiana I believe, threatened Josh Gottheimer, a Jewish Dem from NJ. The democrat party is being radicalized from within. It used to be a small fringe but it’s a lot more than that now. Pro Hamas, pro socialism, anti military and police. It’s a cancer on the party. The other side won’t let go of Trump. This country is in trouble. Just look at the blatant antisemitism on our college campuses. It’s sick!

  8. So this is why Israel and the US don't give a $hit about hostages cause most of them are Asian? I was wondering why Israel keeps dropping bombs in Gaza if there are 200 hostages.
    This is why Sultana’s resolution should have passed. Every life is precious.
    Also thanks for letting us know that she is the founder of Asian American of Lehigh Valley. It means she is doing real grassroots work.

  9. I'm not going to pretend to know or even try to understand what has been going on in Gaza now or in its entire history. if you do not see the killing and maiming of innocent children as wrong, then there is something wrong with you.
    Israel is creating freedom fighters and maybe pushing once peaceful Palestinians to go to war against Israel. Now and definitely in the future. The kids who have lost so much will want justice. This is all sad and wrong. To me, this is all just adding to the great American war machine. It "gives" America the reason to send weapons and arms, further lining the pockets of warmongering politicians.
    Any country that sides with America and Isreal in the bombing of civilians, and the continued destruction and genocide of a people are complicit in all the killing of innocent children. Shame on the politicians and everyone else who continue to support this.

  10. I see several anonymous comments attempting to condemn Israel (and at times the USA) for killing innocents and children. Notably they do not condemn the actions by Hamas of October 7th that led to the current actions by the IDF. Nor do they condemn Hamas and those that support it who intentionally build facilities beneath hospitals and discourage people in Gaza from leaving areas the IDF tells them should be evacuated to avoid collateral damage. They also offer no solution, just objections. One goes so far as to say he or she does not know or even try to understand what has been going on. If that is the case, best to keep quiet.

    Hamas and those who wish to destroy Israel started this fight. It is on them, not the Israelis.

    1. Tell me you are ignorant without telling me you are ignorant. It was not started on the 7th. It's 75 years of occupation. Israel has been killing Palestinians routinely. They are refugees in their land. Israel controls Palestine’s electricity, water, fuel, etc.
      Basically, Israel created the Hamas to divide people.
      As Mrs Sultana said "This was never about Hamas. This has always been about wiping Palestinians off the face of the earth."

  11. Biden's world--Many wars, high inflation, no southern border, and everything else he attempts to do. No politician can correct this---we need Trump more than ever - Bernie will finally vote for Trump for the good of our democracy.

  12. The IDF will attempt to save hostages yet most likely they have written them off.
    The combat units will take the gloves off and flatten Gaza and anyone in their way.
    Combat troops do not have the time to observe the laws of war if that means their troops are put at risk. Will innocents die? yes
    The IDF will use the old plan of destroying everything in their path until the enemy begs for peace.
    The Romans acted that way in Germany.
    It is cruel and barbaric but the point will be made that harming Israeli's comes with a cost you do not want to pay.
    Any other action will make them look weak.
    When the blood and dust settle Gaza will lose the Northern half permanently.

  13. Your claim is false. United Nations has NOT called what is happening in Gaza an ethnic cleansing. Its general assembly adopted a resolution Friday calling for an immediate durable truce, but made no mention of ethnic cleansing. Your statement to the contrary is yet another lie typical of the misinformation that Sultana spews. She is ill informed and is far too willing to blame Israel for the violence that Hamas started. https://apnews.com/article/un-resolution-vote-israel-hamas-gaza-truce-7eec00b0e28ef2036636b166b48ca030

    Of course I detest the murder of innocent civilians, especially children. But I also support Israel's right to exist and tolerance of different religions.

    What excuse does Hamas have for kidnapping 54 Thais, who have nothing to do with this conflict? What excuse fopr killing them?

  14. It seems as though Taiba wants to be an activist, although I’m not sure they make much money so she will continue to run for office at some level. Has she even done anything for the people that she represents???

  15. They're saving Israel for last.

  16. Are you pretending that Taiba’s cease-fire resolution excludes Thai hostages? Come on Bernie, you are better than that.

  17. I can't believe this is happening right now in this generation with Technology and all the social media when everyone has access to see what's happening in the world. Just imagine how bad it was in those years when we didn't have the technology to see these things. I used to study this in history and thought
    Palestinians are the worst people but now I can see it with my own eyes these people have been oppressed for many many years because they have no power to fight back. They have no support from other countries. Looks like they are prisoners in their land. I visited Israel and spent a night in Palestine but I had no idea what they were going through. May God help them to get through this. I am so sad that the kids, women, and elders are dying for other people's faults.
    So much respect to Council Sultana for speaking the truth to the power.

  18. Sultana is being targeted just like many other leaders before us who spoke out about oppression. She shows us real courage.
    Biased media can't blind us anymore we know everything. We're witnessing a genocide and mass murder.
    Nothing can justify such heinous crimes. Have we not learned from the holocaust? Where is basic humanity?

  19. I'm going to the beach today. Then I'm going to my favorite restaurant and have calamari and a couple of beers. Then I'll come home and take a nap.

    Have a great day haters.

  20. Bernie, if you are against killing civilians, why don't you use your platform to call on Susan Wild to support a ceasefire or you don't count Palestinians as human? Instead, you focused on discrediting Council Sultana’s cease-fire resolution.
    My uncle lost his niece and nephew in Gaza. We will not forget how Easton council members showed their ignorance and how Taiba stood her ground.
    The government doesn't even care about the hostages, Hamas negotiated with them to return hostages and aid trucks to be allowed to Gaza, but the govt refused. Don't be scared to learn new things that might not be in your favor.

  21. Why did it take 6 hours for the IDF to arrive at the music festival?
    Why throw 10,000 bombs and destroy buildings when there were 200 hostages at risk?

    Also, Hamas combatants came in with paragliders, how did they return with hostages in tow? With bicycles? Or Hummus misfired itself into a kibbutz and then was able to fire itself back with hostages back into tunnels?

    How did they not notice Hamas training for the attacks in open fields for days leading up to October 7th? Aren't they selling top-of-the-line surveillance equipment to countries all over the West?

    How did the biggest military and intelligence not realize that people in the sky, in parachutes " (which by the way takes hours to land!) are landing on the borders?

    If they know where the rockets were shot from to bomb the Al Ahli hospital according to them, doesn't that mean that they know where Hamas is?

    How come all this happened conveniently after months of Israeli manifesting against Netanyahu? And now all the attention shifted...

    Because they say Hamas is using civilians as human shields then why wouldn't Hamas use the hostages as human shields?! These Israeli supporters are so dumb!

  22. This blog is equal to Bernie shitting in his pants. I wish I was not on this page.
    Over 8,000 lives have been lost in this U.S.-backed war.
    I am a jew and I believe, we should say no in our name and demand a ceasefire. All human beings are made by B’tzelem Elohim in the image of the Divine. All human life is sacred and precious. This is a genocide and it's aimed at killing as many as possible and pushing Palestinians into Egypt, to make the refugees. Taiba's resolution holds so much power if passed and that's what makes you and the rest of the council afraid of.

    1. If you're truly a Jew, then you're also a nut job. Wake up!

  23. Israel provided ample warnings for civilians to move to the southern Gaza safe zone. Some families chose not to do so, or were prevented to do so by Hamas combatants. If children perished as casualties of war, blame their families and Hamas terrorists.

  24. "There's no justification for killing civilians."

    RAF Bomber Command would like a word...

  25. "The Romans acted that way in Germany."

    ummm...so did the Allies

  26. I’m struggling with which side to take in this conflict. Hamas shouldnt have done what they did, that was an atrocity. But Israel’s response was equally barbaric. I feel for all the innocents caught in the middle if this mess.

  27. War is always a horrible thing, but I do feel there is an incredibly huge gap of equivalency between the collateral damage of innocents from bombing and the deliberate beheading of babies.


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