Local Government TV

Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Return of Child Labor - Part Two

Last week, I told you that proposals to water down child labor laws are being considered or already have been enacted in 10 states. You can add Florida to the list. 

A Florida House Republican has proposed a new law that will allow 16 and 17 year-olds to work the same number of hours as an adult. Currently, they are unable to work before 6:30 am or after 11 pm. 

It's unclear whether this bill has enough support to pass or whether Governor Ron DeSantis will sign it. 

According to a Jacksonville news source, these proposals are coming from The Foundation for Government Accountability, a conservative think tank that views child labor protections like work permits or local licensing as too burdensome. 


  1. Let's crack the whip and get these kids working. After all, somebody's got to start replenishing the SS and Medicare coffers.

  2. BO - Drama Queen of the Whining Wusses Local 107

  3. A kid stuck in the doom spiral of Allentown School District, could spend years 16-18 working, learning life or vocational skills, and making money, or, the kid can languish for two years in one of the worst school districts in the state and country; exiting into the adult doom spiral that is Allentown proper. Not everyone gets good parents and good schools and good start. Bernie's a white guy from decent schooling, though. He's sincerely here to help by eliminating choices and possible paths out of the prison that progressive have created in every blue city. While you remain in your rotten school, please know he only wants wealthy kids to have school choice. You stay right there. And you can't work, either.

    1. Or...we could improve our schools and social programs, and create better opportunities.

  4. Late stage capitalism at its finest. Anything and everybody will do, including children, to keep the wheels moving on the corporate greed machine.

    Millennials and Gen Z are not giving birth to enough future slaves, I mean “employees” and companies are getting worried because economic growth in this has also relied on population growth.

    And instead of support, these corporations are choosing reproductive coercion tactics like anti-abortion laws to boost population growth.

    So don’t ever think conservatives care about the unborn, because they provide NO support once the child is born. They care about exploiting future generations of machine-like laborers.

  5. "A kid stuck in the doom spiral of Allentown School District, could spend years 16-18 working, learning life or vocational skills, and making money, or, the kid can languish for two years in one of the worst school districts in the state and country;"

    I see. Education bad. Work for minimum wage good. Incredible.

    1. Vocational skills don't result in minimum wage. Educate yourself Bern.

  6. Democrats love child labor for their electric vehicles. Just ask NPR. Best paragraph is titled On the trafficking of children to work in the mines. Between this and the border they love child trafficking


    1. Typical conservative propaganda and diversion. Conservatives support big business and they’re in need of future labor slaves because millennials and Gen Z are not replacing the population fast enough so these capitalist are now targeting child labor laws to force children to work. It’s conservatives that want to exploit children NOT democrats.

  7. "Democrats love child labor for their electric vehicles. Just ask NPR. Best paragraph is titled On the trafficking of children to work in the mines. Between this and the border they love child trafficking"

    Let me get this straight. Because there is child labor in the Congo, we should have it here.

  8. Remember in 2019 when the Dems pushed the "For The People Act" that would have lowered the voting age to 16. Dems also support 16-17 year-olds (and younger) making life-altering medical decisions without parental involvement. So kids should be able vote and remove extremities, but shouldn't be able to work a 40 hour work week if they want to? I am confused. You think this allows employers to lock these kids in chains and not allow them to leave the coal mine until their 60 hour work week is over? Which types of employers do you think are going to exploit these kids? If you actually did any research, you'd realize that there are numerous apprentice-type programs for various trades that allow the kids to work, make money and earn credits. So a kid who works 6 hours a day under one of these programs, hits his 30 hours max, shouldn't be able to work extra hours on the weekend if he wants?

    I cannot believe you, as a local blogger, wrote a 2-part blog about proposed Florida State law. We all get it. You hate Florida and most other conservative states. There was a double homicide in Northampton County last week. Anything to report on that? JB Reilly and his band of merry men in Allentown are doing everything they can to prevent NIZ transparency in Allenton. Any update on that? Used to enjoy reading your local reporting back in the day, but I guess that won't drive the clicks your advertisers want to see.

    1. Yes Democrats think 16 year olds are mature enough to vote, but a 16 year olds brain isn’t fully developed so they shouldn’t get life in prison for brutally murdering someone.

  9. Pretty sure 6:26's comments violates your policy on "...sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics." It is also delusional the commenter should seek professional help.

  10. Interesting that children can be free to have abortions, take birth control pills, change their sex, all without their parents permission. God or the state forbid that they could choose to work in their spare time rather than be entertained on social media, engage in bad habits or early sex, be so bored that they spend time contemplating if they would be happier as another sex or be so bored that they contemplate drug use or suicide.

    Let the kids choose to work if they desire. All the above alternatives are worse than working, unless you are government employee or union ideologue.

    1. Making it up as you go. Fascinating.

    2. Hogwash. No child is just “free” to have an abortion or change their sex, you’re propagating lies and disinformation as always.

      God doesn't exist, but also, why indoctrinate them into a life of a mindless labor slave? To make greedy corporations millions while they exploit their labor? No thanks, I’d rather these children enjoy these years to learn about anti-fascism work and someday overthrow this corrupt government.


  11. Work is not a bad thing, it is good for the soul and finances. It is all a real learning experience. Everybody should do it.

    1. Work for YOURSELF and ON yourself is a good thing. Do good deeds for people in need, and help people less fortunate than you is A GOOD THING.

      Minors working to boost corporate profits because these greedy companies can’t pay an adult a livable wage is NOT a good thing.

      Stop being a capitalist bootlicker

    2. Stop being a freeloading commie.

    3. And there it is!

      Ad hominem attacks calling me a freeloader because I want the working class to get their fair share, but little does this person understand that the REAL freeloaders are the shareholders that receive dividends for absolutely doing nothing.

      The real freeloaders are the wealthy 2 percent that manipulate tax returns in order to pay zero taxes while the middle class gets hit with that burden.

      Congrats, you my friend, are a BOOTLICKER

  12. "I see. Education bad. Work for minimum wage good. Incredible."

    Wake up, whitey. Education in Allentown IS bad. In fact, it's about the worst in the state and the country. This is a progressive paradise featuring the attainment of almost every item on their agenda - and you want to close another option for mostly minority kids. How very white of you.

  13. "Pretty sure 6:26's comments violates your policy on "...sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics." It is also delusional the commenter should seek professional help."

    Posts a guy while violating the rules by discussing the rules.

    1. I think you proved his/her point.

  14. So, if a kid wants to work a real job and make a few bucks, get life/work experience, that's a big NO-NO... but the same kid can do most anything else without parental permission??? We have too many kids running around the streets aimlessly, let the poor slobs work and find out early what life is about!!! They'll also be too tired to be out making mischief!!!

  15. I had many kids in high school that wanted to work more and couldn't due to law. I get it. But now no one wants to work and businesses many small are hurting. So as some above have mentioned they learn responsibility at a young age unlike many kids today. Not a bad thing in the right setting

  16. I'm really sick of the BS line that "nobody wants to work now". No, that is patently not true. Unemployment is still in historically low territory. Many people retired during the pandemic, the population in general is aging out of work. Warehouse employment has become the new employment God offering good wages around the valley and they're hungry for more worker bees. Would you wait tables or work the drive-through for $14 or less when you could make $20 or more in a warehouse? One business sector sucks labor from another and there aren't enough working age bodies to go around. Plus let's not forget the migrant workers that take up some of the slack but are being stymied. Labor laws are on the books for a reason, because most employers will take as much as they can from labor and look the other way at potential abuse if allowed. This is no time to back pedal for workers and safety, no matter what age.

  17. @11:21

    Well then send your kids to charter school. That’s one step below an Allentown education. If the parent had more time to spend with their children than they would do better.


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