Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

September Is Opioid Awareness Month

I know several parents who have lost their children as a result of opioid overdoses. Their children died, but something inside these parents died as well. They go through the motions at work, and if you can get them to open up, they blame themselves as much as the drug that killed their sons and daughters. This is Opioid Awareness month, a time to raise awareness about the problem. 

In most cases, fentanyl is the real killer. It's really poison. I posted recently about Northampton County's effort to provide Narcan to the public, which can be used in emergencies to reduce narcotic overdoses. I received several negative comments, including this one: "It's only to protect the little rich white kids,let's put some efforts into gang violence in neighborhoods ... ." Sounds good, except it's wrong. According to the National Institute of Health, fentanyl deaths among black males and females surpass those among whites, and that gap is growing larger.

Using settlement proceeds from a lawsuit that DA Terry Houck brought against Big Pharma, the county has established a Fake is Real campaign to make the public aware that fake pills kill. 

To kick off the month, 52 NARCAN kits were delivered to members of the public. On  September 9, the Fake is Real campaign will be at the Northampton Street Fair to raise public awareness. NARCAN training classes will be provided on September 11 at the Human Services Building, 2801 Emrick Blvd, Bethlehem, Pa. You can register for training here. As already mentioned in a separate post, a "Live Well, Be Well" event is also scheduled at Easton Middle School on September 30. 

This should be something that unites both parties. According to an Axios-Ipsos poll, Republicans consider opioids the number one health threat facing this nation. Democrats place it at number two, along with obesity. 


  1. How about if your boy, Biden, actually does something, anything, to stop the flow into the country? Yeah. I didn't think so either.

    1. 5:54- Let me guess? Fox news, Newsmax, OAN viewer. You know that Fox news has been pushing this false narrative every day for 30 year, ad nauseam. Stay ignorant, support the Orange felon.

    2. Seriously. Where do you think it comes from?

  2. Narcan only allows a druggie to live for more drugs. If they die it is one lest stain on real citizens and people, who by the way is paying for the "miracle cure.

  3. That's actually something of a red herring. Without a doubt, fentanyl is coming in illegally. But it is not from illegal immigrants. It is from US citizens. It


    There was recently a massive enforcement surge across the border, resulting in the seizure of 4,721 pounds of fentanyl, 1,700 pounds of fentanyl precursors and more than 200 arrests of alleged smugglers, traffickers and dealers along our southwest border. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdca/pr/fentanyl-enforcement-surge-results-massive-increase-seizures-and-arrests

    These seizures are probably only a small fraction of the fentanyl coming in. So clearly, our expectations to stop this at the border can only be partially successful. We need to stop it at the source. While I oppose declaring war on Mexico or any Central American country, we need to help those countries develop the tools they need to investigate and prosecute cartels. Part of the problem is the rampant corruption in those countries, which leads to both fentanyl and illegal immigration. Mexico's former public security chief was recently convicted in a US court of taking millions in bribes from cartels. We need more of these efforts. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/21/mexicos-former-public-security-chief-convicted-in-us-drug-case

    1. Well, if NPR and the Brookings Institute says it, it must be true. NOT!

      You accurately cite a recent enforcement action at the border, and that it’s only a small fraction of the fentanyl coming in. You can’t leave the border open for people, and not expect it to open for illegal drugs.

      Until democrat elected officials and the voters that put them into office take border security seriously, please spare me any talk about the democrat party caring about this issue.

      Maybe you can explain the reasoning why democrats want open borders and how that’s more important than saving even one American life, let alone thousands.

      By the way, PA State Police are now searching for the convicted murderer from Brazil who murdered someone else after illegally entering this country.

      Thanks Democrats! You all have blood on your hands.

    2. Democrats don't want open borders. Period. Full stop. Change the channel.

  4. Narcan only allows a druggie to live for more drugs. If they die it is one lest stain on real citizens and people, who by the way is paying for the "miracle cure.

  5. Opioid awareness month? Do people really pay attention to stuff like that? Every day is national something day and every week and every month have their own moniker awareness something of this or that. People were wristbands with different colors, symbolizing some thing, but nobody really knows or cares or understands what they’re trying to promote. In fact, today happens to be national cheese pizza day. Did anybody know that until I just mentioned it?

    I don’t really feel sorry for any degenerate who starts taking drugs and gets addicted as they have no one to blame but themselves.

  6. As long as there is a market for a product it will be sold. Frankly, we have so much more than so many folks from past generations and in other parts of the world it boggles my mind that someone sees the need to do this. Just say no is too simplistic for most but isn't that what it comes down to for each person? I am not against the rescue doses of Narcan but there is not enough Narcan in the world to solve this. But one person saved is nothing to scoff at. Too many folks making too much money in every demographic to make it disappear.

  7. Your commenters are so ignorant...

  8. It needs to be eliminated at its source. It is mostly manufactured in China and now India, which then ship it to Mexico for bringing it across our southern border.

    The cartels are the middle man. The manufacturers need to be stopped, too.
    But in the short term, fixing our border crisis can slow the spread and save our children. Unfortunately, that seems to be ignored for the idea that we're saving the world by allowing so many border crossers.

  9. "I don’t really feel sorry for any degenerate who starts taking drugs and gets addicted as they have no one to blame but themselves."
    I can agree, but the reality is that a large number of good people were legally prescribed Opiods for pain relief. Those opiods were known to be addictive and were not properly administered. Those young adults became addicted and had nowhere to turn. The drug companies knowingly put this addictive drug out there "legally".
    Its easy to call them all junkies and "degenerates" but many of them were joe average, just trying to take care of a chronic pain. They listened to their doctors and took their medicines. Then found themselves addicted. Was it their fault? Was it the drug companies fault? Was it our fault for not giving them more support?

  10. 5:54/8:35 - Calm down, take a deep breath. Not worth stroking out so early in the day.
    I certainly hope the MAGA faction of my party doesn't solve the immigration issue like they did abortion. If that's the cure, it's best left a perennial campaign issue. This county needs immigration including illegal immigration with our current system. The problem is a little more complex than your news sources are willing to admit.

  11. When the ones allowing the drugs into America and than profits from the cure it's called cornering the market. This being not a figurative it has become a fact of life today and those two mentioned market values are not the only money makers for the soul takers.

  12. Drugs have been around for years. Many people especially young try them. They don't expect to die but some do and that is what we need to help with. Help kids understand that one bad pill and your gone. Education is key. For the addicts more mental health programs. And finally criminalize with severe sentences for selling any illegal drugs . And one last thing. Secure the border for all of us even one drug dealer with bad drugs will kill someone. One less drug dealer we have to deal with ..maybe one person saved

  13. Is that drug court working out.

  14. Maybe it’s also time for democrats to stop pushing for legalizing pot, setting up areas where addicts can use drugs without fear of prosecution and handing out crack pipes.

    Yes, we have a problem in this country with there being a large market for drugs. But democrat policies have grown the market.

    Once again, democrat policies are so bad and lacking in common sense that it’s almost like they’re purposely trying to destroy the country.

  15. For starters treat banks that launder money as you would treat a drug dealer --take all their assets.
    So far when a bank gets nailed laundering money for the cartels they pay a fine(and the banks usually earn more off the cartel money then the fine) and admit no wrongdoing.
    As to the idiotic wall idea --how much fentanyl is crossing the Canadian border?
    The Cartels can read a map --so you need two walls?

    1. Secure border means all borders

  16. Legalize everything you boomer drug warriors are an utter disgrace!


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